The fuck is wrong with you white Hippocrates retards?
What the FUCK is wrong with sleazy lying jewish holohoaxers???
Also it went in all fields
Those drawings are so bad they've circled back around to kinda interesting. You got anymore, negro friend?
I never pretended to not be racist
I would tell you but ur too much of a coward to listen.
Thanks to your strawman I’m now a hildawg
If you keep calling someone a nazi long enough (despite their having a qt ebony gf) at some point they'll just say nuts to this and LARP as the role you cast them to
try me faggot
Long-term op by the far right's thought leaders to rehabilitate nazism's image. Genius, really.
Ok. First of all can you tell me what exactly is the issue with being racist?
thats not the issue, the issue is that you white soy boi beata males dont stick to one think.
That’s like asking every dumb nigger I t his country why they can stick to one collective message.
>other than “guns me dat”, of course.
Groups' political alignments are subject to change and are products of their time. People coming to the conclusion that individualism and egalitarianism being detrimental to our historically homogeneous countries is a direct byproduct of its failure in the West. People are just becoming warier of these demagogue politicians and their globalist wet-dreams. If we were in a Jewless, perfect world, we'd all probably be more leftist.
wtf? Our one thing has always been the founding of a strictly white ethnostate.
you a faggot for not asnwering my question
you alright whtie boi
you dumber than a hood nigger, blacks will out populate the gooks in a few decades.
I hated niggers before it was cool
you didnt even ask a question you imbecile. Jesus are you literally black? Your child-level of diction implies such
>Trump supporters are soy boys
Sure thing nigger.
Turns out if you call some one a nazi long enough, they become a nazi. Meme magic is real and the jews memed nazis back to life, cool.
The "far right" never did DR3 bullshit. That was ALWAYS part of the cuckservative agenda.
Wow its almost like those are completely different ideologies and that you and the guy who made this meme are retards.
>this poster MUST be a jew
>so I'll try to trigger him by posting anti- holocaust denying jew shit
>man I just triggered that jew
you stormniggers are so damn stupid
Fucking kike
Thread should have ended here.
I guess it was her turn.
>anti-jew holocaust denying*
>weimar republic was jewish
>source: the people who tried t overthrow it were jews
lel never change
suck my dick faggot I'm white
all intelligent ppl are laughing at you retards
Let me guess, you were brought up in a "multi-cultural" (which is actually an anti-culture) area? That's what happened to me.
The people who pushed for Germany to become a democracy were jewish, and those same jews tried to convert it from democracy to communism. Step-by-step.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
You talk like a nigger, brainlet.
>everyone who thinks stormniggers are stupid are jews!
>all huwhite people love us!!!
I'm as white as can be
not that I care about being white I just mention it to maybe help you realize how stupid you dumb faggots are
>What the FUCK is wrong
They're jewish.
A "perfect world" is one without your kind in the West, Demarcus. Sorry.
But Sup Forums was natsoc from the start.
>"suck my dick" is talking like a nigger
you have any idea where you are moron?
>Sup Forums was natsoc from the start
newfag stormnigger detected
Nah, just the low class style of writing is pretty negro.
The reason they have a point is because democracy only helps fucking retards, look around you everything is from democracy and it will never change until you change that.
Way to out yourself as a newfag to everyone. Sup Forums was created from as a containment board for natsoc posters. Go back tor reddit please.
Looks like a shit hanging off your body. What's your point?
Sup Forums was natsoc from the start
You would of hated us either way.
oh I'm sorry I should have said drink bleach
kys doofus
>I'm as white as can Reeeeee!!
The battle cry of the (((white))) man
Yup. Before society was structured around the aristocracy making the decisions, because they were the only ones who were bred to be able to handle that. Now we have kikes controlling the media, and retards who's ancestors were farmers or peasants for 1000s years thinking their opinion have any value.
way to out yourself to everyone
Sup Forums was satire from inception
than stormfags came along and thought they were in good company
and then after they took over they started telling everyone it was never satire
but ofc you idiots would think that
the fact is im a spaniard
I'm white
I also have triple digit IQ so I realize that stormtards are the stupidest of the stupid
>far right
Pick one, and then kill yourself for being a low I.Q. nigger.
Where’s the lie?
You clearly weren't here. "pol is satire" was always a meme.
got pushed to a point where there is no need for heros but for monsters.
Haha right? Only rural and suburban dotards voted for trump I can't wait to see him crash and burn! But in all seriousness we can't let that man get the nucelear codes
cry more faget, you wanted to make this a game of might, and thats exactly what you're gonna get
it hasnt even begun
i actually wasn't. my two closest friends were black. but everytime i partied with them, i'd get called a racist by stranger niggers and faggy whites. so i stopped smoking weed.
muh point is that you white soy bois cant stick to one thing. shiiiiiiiiittttttttt.
you faggots would be soy bois if it meant to save the white race. mu ppl will be top dog. asshole. so chock on mu BBC
do you realize how fucking retarded you sound right now?
> i'm Spanish
kek must be one of those catakek faggot leftist Spaniards who got BTFO when Spanish Fascists marched into Catalonia by the millions and smashed you red scum in the streets.
Your commie country only existed for 8 SECONDS kekkkkkkkkkkkkk
what do you mean we cant stick to one thing?
>t. stormtard who thought ppl being facetious were serious
you clearly weren't there
Sup Forums was is and always will be satire
white christian + black Muslim = caramel degenerate
We told you to not step on us.
You did.
Niggers can't feed themselves so their population will eventually stagnate they are no long term threat.
wrong idiot my ancestors are from the basque region
and I'm a conservative who is proud of being white
but I'm not an idiot so I don't believe in emotionally masturbatory conspiracy theories involving semites
you however are an idiot
moor blood is only from the south
and there is no black blood in Spanish ppl anyways you're thinking of portugal
yhea no. if i do that then you wount think for yourself
Me in 2012: HEIL HITLER!
Me in 2016: HEIL HITLER!
>I'm mentally retarded!
We're ancient Greek doctors now?
> i'm Spanish
> i'm basque
make up your mind kike kek
> proud of being white
> defend the kikes who are promoting and pushing for massive SHITSKIN immigration into Europe to replace and eliminate the White Race
Like I said, you're fucking retarded and a fucking pussy.
Your Basque ancestors would've slaughtered any shitskin that was invading their lands.
Fuck outta here pussy cuck
because you don't have anything to say
just throw insults at us
> because wanting millions of shitskins to replace you is smart!
wow the power of (((intellectuals)))
Lol yeah remember when the teaparty and stormfront were welcomed with open arms on Sup Forums? I sure as hell fucking don't.
This. Another nog fail. Funny it called Whites hypocrites, when I can name six nigger hypocrisies off the top of my head:
1) Will lament "police violence" but barely utter anything about their crime problem.
2) Will claim "oppression" but have no problem drawing government aid.
3) Say that Whites are out to get them yet we fund these government programs with our hard earned tax dollars.
4) Will claim employment discrimination but gladly take an affirmative action job.
5) Will complain they're "forced" to live in ghettos yet complain about gentrification.
6) Will complain they couldn't build generational wealth because of "racism" but will also claim that the $NFL$ is modern day slavery.
Those two groups of people still exist
is that a cork hat with tea bags? lol.
no your just being a lazy nigger insted of a hard working balck man like me. you are stuied. just think you dumb shit
Why do tar boys insist on posting on a White Nationalist board? Can't you take a hint that your kind is not welcome here?
It's clear you need approval from Whitey so desperately that you follow us everywhere we go, even on the internet. You can't even help appropriating a White man's meme culture since your species couldn't create that yourselves either.
yhea, but you still get cuked.
> hard working
holy fucking shit user, that was funny af
oh yeah we get cucked so hard when crypto-jewish girls get fucked by chimps on video
>Purplepilled vs redpilled the image
>yeah muh dik
We know, you're a vile sub-prosimian with a prurient mind. Add hypocrisy number seven to the list: Will claim stereotypes are unfair yet reinforce them virtually every time.
>make up your mind
you realize basque is in Spain right...?
also im not personally from there and I haven't been there yet so it's not like I'm on expert on my ancestors culture
>>defend the kikes who are promoting and pushing for massive SHITSKIN immigration into Europe to replace and eliminate the White Race
I realize this is too difficult for you to comprehend but I'm gonna say it anyways
white ppl are doing that
stupid white liberals who are in love with their idiotic ideals
your insipid zionist conspiracies have nothing to do with it
and they weren't
>brainwashed by da joos!
they taught themselves liberal bs because...
they're STUPID
in the words of that disney coconute nigger.
fact: the rock is also a coconut nigger
>jewish girls
id rahter fuck a hood rat that a kik
The left still can't meme.
Basques like to distance themselves from the Spanish term.
Like Sicilians don't like it when you call them Italians.
> I'm not an expert on my ancestors culture
explains why you have no love for your culture and don't give a fuck If it disappears
So white genocide doesn't exist huh
So the people behind cultural Marxism and communism are not jews right?
Because a plan for white genocide was not made long ago right?
thank you for giving whitey all of this advanced technology tyrone
y-you are a kang!
p-please forgive me
> would rather fuck a nigger chimp than a big tiddied khazar qts
kay then