Post some historic items that will trigger niggers
holy fucking kek
Pick one.
I'm so glad all those greatest generation and baby boomer racist, sexist pieces of shit are all dying off.
Why are they offended by it?
I don't think caucasian european people would ever feel offended if they found a product labeled "WHITE" in a supermarket.
I actually drink my coffee from this exact mug kek
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i'm participating in this thread!
Do you have link to original?
You know, to be fair to the general, if he could see what a shithole the place has become he'd want his statue taken down also
Rock apes arent the same as porch monkeys
yeah, at least they're not Vanilla Gorillas, aka aussie cunts
That white nigger looks ultra smug.
Top kek
I'll take vanilla gorilla over being a frozen soy prince
They all look so happy and playful.
IQ averages under 100 play an important role in why blacks cannot achieve dispassionate levels of thought
chocolate milk brand i grew up on, they had to change the logo in the early 90's.
They changed the name you see in pic related, that meant something like "little nigger", funny considering there are little to no niggers in Mexico
If you were black, would you want to be reminded of that fact everywhere you go ?
The future looked so bright back then, before the dark times
I don't get upset when I see crackers or white in a different language...
bought some of these today
If they would of put that shirt on a white boy, no one would of said shit
The niggers would of actually bought the sweaters as a novelty item
Negro means black in spanish, the color not the animal.
Can we just get a hate board added to the catalog? All hate welcome
Because being white is empowering, being black is degrading
Like all mentally disable people, they just want to be normal
The future looks VERY bright now. We got Trump in power and the stock market dropped and now has more opportunity to grow. Peterson is spreading freedom and individalism across North America and Canada is turning right-wing. Pretty soon all of North America will be right wing on the right track.
Trump will negioate with China for them to liberalize (not the SJW kind) and give their people more freedom, they will buy American goods along with India making us even richer. Then Trump will get Putin to work together with the West making America and Russia richer
Then the EU will inevidably collapse and European countries will form wealthier than ever before.
Africa will even be richer as investment pours into it since theirs so much opportunity for investment
Technology will increase as scientists share technology around the world in the information age
Grow up you phony oversensitive pussy. Nobody's buying your retarded act of being offended.
> Peterson
stopped reading right there
Go clean your room, before you unleash the beast and draw your sword
But user my room is cleaned already. My whole house is cleaned.
In fact my mom said 2018 was off to an amazing start because I cleaned the house when my parents were away. They said "18 years and i could never get you to clean the house" and i said "thank peterson" and she's like "Who?" i said "Peterson look him up". She did and now she's a Peterson fan
It also means "a black person", but "negrito" is like a diminutive so it could be less offensive, still, they changed it because "muh racism"
>whole life parents asked for you to clean
>read a book
>peterson get the credit for something your parents were asking you to do the whole time
If you were my kid, I'd of disowned you
So is mine, but I didn't need to hear it from a self-help scammer
I actually listened to my parents
The white dude is acting like a nigger
Niggers mouth was writing checks his ass couldn't cash
My parents asked me to clean my room and I just said fuck off basically. I never read his book but I watched his lectures and then went and cleaned my room.
LOL goodie-goodie. But seriously Peterson isn't a scammer
Have a fun filled life of middle management, bucko
Don't forget to consume after a hard day od wage salving
>neger kys
I posted this on >Rsddit and Sup Forums and got no help...but surely Sup Forums members.
There was some sort of prank show - might have been a YouTube channel - in the last few years. Prank went like this:
>White guy scams his way to DJ position at 100% black club
>Starts normally with black friendly rap and hip hop
>Puts on a Trap beat and starts MCing over it
>"All y'all niggas up in here getting frisky"
>Camera shows blacks dancing like animals to this beat and his lyrics' grinding, tweaking etc
>"All y'all niggas up in here getting rowdy"
>Then he started hitting the hard R
>"All y'all niggers up in here acting frisky"
>"All y'all niggers up in here getting chimpy"
>Still the blacks danced like animals
>"Niggers be animals...niggers be animals...niggers be animals"
He was white but spoke in a very black accent, like pronouncing it 'ani-mooos"
I'm probably going to end up on some government assistance. I'd love to be middle managment. In fact ever since I watched the Office my dream job was to me the manager even the lowest level manager
link to his video
gibs me da link white soy boi
me wana be based
gibs me da link white boi
i wana laugh
Holy shit, the poster from last night these are slide threads.
Actually this one
I'm disappointed. Typically expect a gun at the last second.
Damn, this professional shilling campaign, for and against Peterson is old already