Fisrst, the video. In short: a russian oligarch was flashed by a prostitute by instagram and her book, flashed speaking with a deputy prime minister on his yacht.
Not only that, she exposed Prikhodko's ties with american govt and possible interference into USA elections through Deripaska.
A day later, Navalny's website gets blocked by our sweet orwellian RosComNadzor, the video dissapears from a "Trending" tab(hitting millions in a day), news about Deripaske get deleted from major news outlets.
Then, 3 days later a plain crashes, taking all the news, not a single news company mentions anything related to Deripaska.
So the moral of the story: if you are a leftist, pushing for more govenment to protect you from evil corporations and hate speech, think again, sunshine.
Other urls found in this thread:
Q predicted this!
there is not a single fucking leftist in every individual you have mentionned.
watch the vid, russian corrupt people on suicide watch
manafort too
English speak can you get understand?
the video is translated into english click button to see
around 6 min to 7:30 important part
Your english is shit.
Spamming same shit.
A Russian airliner was just downed killing 71
The target was the CEO of the company hrc sold our uranium too
putin covering his track
Clinton killing machine still working, this time to tie up the loose ends of their fake dossier
come here pidorashkas this is important
clinton is evil
Who cares? Going to prostitutes is redpilled.
>clinton is evil
Then why do you promote Navalny, who is a Clinton shill?
fake news, hes exposing victoria nu-land
thats not the scandal, shill
>fake news, hes exposing victoria nu-land
She was already exposed. Navalny works for Khodorkovsky, who is a big time Clinton ally. They want to return Russia to the Yeltsin years through privatization because Clinton and his buddies made a killing on it. Anyone promoting lolbertarianism and privatization is a shill.
[citation needed]
i don't understand what you're trying to say or why i should watch the video.
does "flashed" mean "photographed"?
can someone connect the dots I have low IQ
Basically all the video does is to confirm suspicions that Manafort was working for a Russian oligarch in the interests of Putin.
Trump fired Manafort when these allegations surfaced, but this will probably add fuel to the fire.
Also, one oligarch blamed Sergey Eduardovich and US State Department diplomat Victoria Nuland for bad Russia US relations at the time.
Nuland has been out for a while so this is sort of irrelevant.
Eduardovich, is his patronymic name, his surname is Prikhodko. He's not an oligarch, but a high-ranked government official, currently working as a deputy prime minister. His sphere of responsibility is foreign relations and it is said that he, being a close associate and a speechwriter of Putin, is more powerful in this area than the foreign minister Lavrov, himself. Apparently, Manafort was supplying inside info on Trump's campaign to Deripaska (the aluminum tycoon who owns the yacht in the video), and then the info was forwarded from Deripaska to Prikhodko and then to Putin.
I think he means tits
a russian oligarch paid for a trip to norway on a yatch and with bielarusian hookers for russias deputy prime-minister (two bribes) and there they talked about victoria nuland and shit involving manafort and shit
said hooker posted a video with part of the conversation online and published a book with fake names about precisely these events where she details more corruption and stuff
or wathc the video, its great russian scandal with hooker, booze and bribe
hooker also posted pics of them on bed on her instagram
then putin block access to navalny video for a while because "fake news"
>If you're a leftist, you die
Fuck I love 2018
alright, i watched the video.
>prostitute posts pics and vids on instagram showing her with russian oligarch (Deripaska) AND russian deepstate deputy prime minister (Prikhodko)
>vid audio catches Prikhodko and Deripaska talking about US-Russian relations
>Deripaska has ties to Manafort
>'reporter' concludes that Manafort was working with russian deepstate (Prikhodko) via oligarch Deripaska
>russian deepstate hacking US election: confirmed
>victoria nuland raped by dozens of drunken russian fisherman: confirmed
>Sup Forums btfo forever: confirmed
good summary but what does it mean?
t. brainlet
Nothing really except details about Manafort.
We have known about Manafort for a while now. This does not add anything new to the allegations of Russia interfering with the US elections. We already knew that Manafort was indirectly a Putin agent. That is why Trump fired him.
The revelations in the video might help as evidence in any prosecution of Manafort, however.
With that said, this video will add fuel to the fire.
>With that said, this video will add fuel to the fire.
You can see how (((they))) are already trying to spin this:
>manafort too
That's what we care about. This proves that his conenction is directly tied to the Kremlin.
This implicated the whole Trump campaign.
putins inner team is corrupt and in cahoots with oligarchs and hooker mafia
>Trump fired Manafort when these allegations surfaced
>We already knew that Manafort was indirectly a Putin agent. That is why Trump fired him.
You're lying out of your ass.
Manafort was openly a Kremlin puppet when Trump hired him. Just like the rest of Trump's hires.
> This is true
> Because
> I have a slate Source
This is pretty accurate.
The Manafort-Deripaska connection was already known but nobody knew if that was directly tied to Kremlin. Now we know beyond doubt that it was.
What is true, little troll? Manafort's career path is not known to you?
Or you think slate is salon, you're that dumb?
Drown in your bathtub please.
remember the ledger found in ukraine during the clankening that had payments to manafort in it? that was a while ago...
It is perfectly fine to have people who are well connected with a foreign government working for you. It can actually help to smooth relations.
It is not fine, however, when your employee's loyalties lie with that foreign nation instead of his own. That is when you fire them.
Manafort was basically spying on Trump for Putin.
Erm. You know the russian interference thing isn't actually true right? Please tell me you knpw this and you're just baiting
>Manafort was basically spying on Trump for Putin.
but trump had to have known that manafort was a ruskie agent before trump hired manafort. what was he thinking?
interference: they surely tried of course
espionage: looks like manafort is quilty
collusion: nah
Just because you do work for a foreign government does not mean that you have to be disloyal to your own. One would hope that if there were ever a conflict of interests in your work between your country and the nation employing you, you would recuse yourself. Manafort, apparently had a price tag.
>little troll
Try harder glowwie
>It is not fine, however, when your employee's loyalties lie with that foreign nation instead of his own.
But that was well known about Manafort when Trump hired him.
Nothing new came out that caused Manafort to get fired except that he was paid in cash. That's all. But everybody already knew that he was working for Russia.
Read that article, at least the Russia and Deripaska parts if you're curious.
>Muhhhh Slate
yes, of course he did. it was found documented in one of the looted buildings in ukraine before donald hired him.
oh, nvm. that ledger was found after donald hired him.
Yes, Trump says a lot of crazy shit.
These articles are not for little troll boys who can't read.
>dat video
How deep does the rabbit hole go really?
You didn't even need documentation that Manafort worked for Russia because it was all out in the open.
The ledger revealed the shady payment method but his employment was well known.
>Meme flag
> Not good at this
Do you think you are doing a good job?
Or no?
I can't tell if you just really suck at doing this, or if you're fucking retarded.
I think you are unable to read a page full of text. That's what I think, little troll.
Your level is so fuck off there.
Who knows, the FBI is very good at keeping secrets.
For example this was a big one.
holy shit pathetic
>little troll
>little troll boys
Jesus christ, boomer cat lady detected. Back to you go, Gladys.
OK, little troll you showed your lack of intellect. Now go back to .
Is this your first day here?
Do I look like I would post communist propaganda because I'm butthurt, little troll?
>little troll
You sound like a 60 year old on faceberg, grandma.
> "nazi bro"
Top kek.
Is it just me or does anyone else have trouble following something when it's filled with stupid fucking Slavic names that are impossible to pronounce to real people?
The broken English in this OP and thread are annoying as fuck to read, fuck this thread. Bunch of fucking niggers can't into English.
>Navalny works for Khodorkovsky,
Both are critics of Putin, otherwise they have nothing in common. Lumping all your enemies together is an essential propaganda move.
>who is a big time Clinton ally.
He should be, the US State Dept criticized his show trial as corrupt political expediency
>They want to return Russia to the Yeltsin years
When Putin was Yeltsin's Chief of Staff? That sounds more like something Putin would want to do.
>through privatization because Clinton and his buddies made a killing on it.
Putin is worth over $40 billion USD, a bit much for a lifelong government employee. If anything, the strong financial evidence points to
Putin's corruption, rather than anybody else he'd really like to shift the blame to.
You see what happened, don't you...
Some fucking dipshit invoked the name of Q... And incoming 3-2-1 ....
His acolytes have an uncanny spoofy mystic ability to find a Q reference anywhere on the fucking internet...
And while cianiggers glow, Q acolytes smell... Depends.
Can someone archive.
I ain't clicking that shit.
they're real easy tho
this, these putinshills are sad!
You could google it. The connections between Khodorkovsky and Navalny are well known, as are the connections between Khodorkovsky and the Clintons.
Or you could just look and see that Navalny promotes the rape and plunder of Russia by foreign capital.
>Both are critics of Putin, otherwise they have nothing in common
Except that Khodorkovsky writes that they are allies right on his own website.
They have the exact same goal. Opening Russia to be looted by foreign capital.
>That sounds more like something Putin would want to do.
He has done the exact opposite, so you have no argument.
>Putin is worth over $40 billion USD, a bit much for a lifelong government employee. If anything, the strong financial evidence points to Putin's corruption, rather than anybody else he'd really like to shift the blame to.
I don't believe that leaders being rich or owning businesses is corruption. I'm an absolutist, not a liberal. Capitalism I the corruption and I believe the leader should have de facto ownership over all business in the country.
A Fish Called Nastya
Sex-hunter discovers the bribe taker
Sex-hunter Fish drowns "Papa"
Yacht, airplane, girl for the deputy chairman of the government Sergei Prikhodko from "agent" Oleg Deripaska
nastya rybka
Video: Russia’s opposition leader claims to have figured out the Trump campaign’s Kremlin connection
Max de Haldevang
February 08, 2018
god I hope you are a shill and not some MAGA american that thinks that because the KGB and CIA are on opposing sides, that means that the folks that run Russia are somehow better than the deep state.
They are the same shit
No, I am not MAGA, because America was never great so it cannot be "great again." America is a shit hole, was founded as a shit hole, and of course I support Russia first.
who's the third
so... proxy flag?
Source: ASS
>tfw retarded
I live in America and was born here. That is how I know that it is shit.
>foreign men doing foreign things with foreign whores
yup, nobody cares.
no get douche of bag
>who's the third
>they're real easy tho
their names are easy, but theres only two men in the video, unless nastya is a tranny
I assume you have never been to Russia
Holy shit your retarded meme.
this is pretty serious stuff, thanks for posting op
its good just keep it bump
I have. It is better than america for sure. Most countries are better than America. The near East is probably the best. Lebanon for example. Because these other places are real nations, unlike America which is just a vulgar mass market bazaar with no culture.
>better than america
Better work on changing that flag then, bro
>I have. It is better than america for sure. Most countries are better than America. The near East is probably the best. Lebanon for example. Because these other places are real nations, unlike America which is just a vulgar mass market bazaar with no culture.
How are things with Israelis?
>Better work on changing that flag then, bro
Lebanon Girls > American Girls
damn, that's one ugly mutt
notice how this thread is silent. If the allegations were against Trump this would already be a general thread.
most of Sup Forums has lost its mind.
I think you give the trump campaign way too much credit. Particularly at that point. Manafort sort of elbowed his way in, and you had dolts like the trump kids and some leeches running things. It was not well put together and the only thing I've found about trump "knowing" about manafort being dirty is that it was known in republican circles that he was involved in shady shit in Russia. So it probably was "known" but when you're running a campaign out of a hotel room, and some well connected political operative shows up, you probably just take what you can get.
she's bielorusian
Show your flag
yes because putin has so much to lose if its found out he bought uranium from obama. im sure the american people will think like that anyway.
>she's bielorusian
whatever you say, she looks like she crawled out of the black lagoon
I've been trying to find evidence of this claim... This is what I got
>Officially, Putin only owns two apartments, two cars, and one garage. When relating Vladimir Putin’s net worth, Nemtsov said according to the Telegraph that Putin “can be compared with that of the monarchs of the Persian Gulf or the most outrageous oligarchs.”
>In the end, a true estimate of Vladimir Putin’s net worth is almost impossible