Why is cocoa such a dumbass?

why is cocoa such a dumbass?

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Cocoa is the most intelligent usagi

She's hot, so she'll eventually marry a rich man and live her life with ease.
**Women always have that option**

what do you know, I happen to be a rich man. plus she takes good care of my daughter

She speaks english well

How developed are her frontal lobes?

Your wife is a friend of my wife Chino

For sure
1 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 39 41 43

She's loco.

You don't need to be smart to become someone's fuckpet.

Cocoa is a pedophile who molests the daughter of her host, molests the daughter's friends, and even gets off from smelling their farts.

But there's that A at the end of her name!

If she's smarter than you, what does that make you?

I LOVE my girlfriend Sharo-chan!

But if Syaro-chan IS your girlfriend, then who is Sharo-chan MY wife?

Sharo is my girlfriend, my wife, my daughter, my sister and my mother. What now, fuckers?



And I am her bull.

Syaro-chan looks exactly like my son

Calm down Andy Weir

By her rich customer (me)

Is cocoa a thot

Full HD

I don't think 39 is prime

What was the point of this character?

To be my wife

is COCOA the strongest character from "Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka"?
>proficient in soul magic, seen from how she turned chino's grandfather into Tippy
>faster than the speed of light, seen from when she was in front of chino's camera, she was able to shift her position right at the moment the camera clicked
>reality altering powers, seen from how she was able to pass by rize from all directions several times when finding her way to school, Cocoa was just testing her new found powers here, she does indeed know where her new school is but she is just pretending
>mind of the greater gods, seen from how she was able to solve puzzles in a blink of the eye while on the other hand chino struggles. Cocoa is also able to solve complex multiplication problems, as well as remember all of the prime numbers
>has the third eye, seen from how she was able to sense rize hiding in the closet
>conjuration magic, seen from how the snow rabbits that she built multiplied the next day
>clairvoyance, seen from how she was able to predict the future through the ancient magic of coffee cup reading
and most importantly
>mind control powers, she tricked me into thinking she was best girl because she is so cute

Maybe. But is her cunny as tight as my cute wife Chino?

After re-watching Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?, Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka??, the movie, and re-reading the manga for the nth time (n is some very large positive integer.), I received an email. By whom you might ask; well it was none other than Mensa! They asked me to join their prestigious organization. In astonishment and humbleness, I replied back asking why I didn't have to take an IQ test. In their response, they told me that they have agents across the world looking after individuals they are interested in. It turns out that I was marked as person of interest after informing anonymous individuals on several imageboards that I watched Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? and its related media a copious amount of times. Indeed, my timestamps and many pictures forced the folks at Mensa to task an agent on me. After finding me watching (and, embarrisingly, fapping to) the Rabbits everyday, every single hour they were sure of persistence and dedication to intellectual endeavors. Thus, they just had to have me enter their wonderful and glorious institution.
Oh, and as an interesting note, Mensa's drink and show of choice are unsurprisingly coffee and Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? respectively.

My wife Cocoa is so smart.

>Hasn't played the VN

The Japanese quota for "diversity" is having a traditional Japanese character.

I think this is the first time I've ever seen Cocoa referred to as hot instead of cute.

I only have a PSP, user. No bully.

You can't say cocoa without coke.

Gochiusa needed more zombie splatter.

For asian man such as myself

It's because the gochiusa fandom is cursed into becoming a circlejerk that makes constant general threads or turns other gochiusa threads into generals.

I want Cocoa to manhandle me.

Cocoa doesnt handle trash

Whatd did she mean?

why is she blushing?

My Wife Chino is so cute.

What makes Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka such an intelligent show?

Such a DEEP show. I hope all mysteries are solved by the final chapter.

Did you know Chiya's name in kanji means "thousand nights"? That is metaphorical for my infinite love for her.

watching this for the first time.

I can only handle an episode a day.

Wish me luck.

That was what I did as well, I did not want this to end quickly. I eventually finished it but post-series depression is real.
>tfw no more 1 hour of cute coffee girls doing cute coffee things after one tiring day of work, and then going to sleep feeling nothing but happiness

Cocoa isn't strong enough to carry the gag by her self since Chino, Rize, & Sharo are so boring without someone triggering them.

You will become ONE of US soon. See you tomorrow.

I'm in love with Chiya.
I'll definitely give her Tsukkomis every night to make her happy.

I want to fuck Rize

She's dead

She is MY asian wife, and she is only interested in traditional asian man such as myself.

She has returned from the grave actually.

That's merely her DOPPLEGANGER

Being in love with her for three years is not infinite, you slut.

Don't call my wife a dumbass.

She gave birth already?


You shut your fucking mouth. Cocoa is smarter than a basement dweller like you. She just acts stupid to attract imoutos, and on the other hand, you will die alone.

Chiya is literally my wife.



It makes her extra sexy and easy to take advantage of.

Because she is inferior to her big sister. All her imoutos will be taken from her, and with that Cocoa shall be nothing.

At least she'll still have her fat butt.

I think this is the first time I've ever seen Cocoa referred to as sexy instead of hot.

Wanting Moccha's cuddles.

I want to be that rabbit.

She is not inferior to her big sister. She is perfect and Mocha is just a stinky old hag

Today I shall remind them.

Sharo, stop POSTING and go back to being my wife.

Cocoa is going to be a big girl when she grows up. Just imagine her cuddling Chino with that body.

Does anyone know where I can find the latest raws? I've read up to chapter 74(February's issue) and I need more. I've read past Halloween and I know there's still Christmas stuff.
Anyone got any leads?

Why was this delete?


1 and 39 are not prime numbers

I want S3.

Rize is cute and also underrated

We must revive Rize first.

That's true.

>Tfw on holiday and can't post anything
Please post more cute Rizes

where's the ova/movie


Thanks my man






>Cocoa will never be your Onee-san

I wanna suck her tits and make them secrete green tea.



Rize is adorable, she deserves more love

it's just down syndrome

>Kissanime watermark