>le self-insert slim japanese male with brown/black hair
Why is this allowed?
>le self-insert slim japanese male with brown/black hair
Why is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Post your protagonist design
Let me guess, most of these guys are they are either submissive and weak faggots or are "based".
>no 8man
>japanese male with brown/black hair
That's literally every Japanese male.
that is just the protagonists from this season
Why would you answer yourself in the question?
Because that's what 80%+ Japanese teenage males look like?
Problem is, they look like women.
If they'd actually follow a realistic approach, their faces would look like old Asian men ones
They're writing what they know.
same reason why most hollywood protags are white
>old Asian men
but they're in high school
>they look like women
Are you retarded?
This isn't really a problem when all the people around them have, relatively, realistic coluored hair. What I don't understand is why they would make them look this generic and then surround put them in a world full of colourful hair and ostentatious outfits. In that case I suppose it really is just for self-insertion purposes.
Do you want to trade them for Sup Forumsidya bald shooter marines?
>only 3 are space marines
> In that case I suppose it really is just for self-insertion purposes
Yes obviously it's literally this. Everyone knows this so why does this thread even exist
Riddick is hardly a fair choice when it's just Vin Diesel. It's not like they really had a choice in how he looks.
I think it'd be fun to see the guy from SpecOps the Line get switched with a generic harem protagonist after he completely lost his shit at the end of the game.
I thought about finding an image with of all the "white dudes with short brown hair" protagonists instead, but then the only thing you'd be trading is jap dudes for white dudes.
Stella C3?
Jokes aside, that would be a fun one. I guess it would be like an extra serious version of Full Metal Panic, where you trade in the giant robots for an extra helping of PTSD.
Only one of them is a good MC. Can you spot which one?
Forgive my retarded fellow. I think he meant to say they look feminine.
Black and brown hair are good and better than non realistic hair colors
>he cares about realism
Why don't you watch one of the many anime airing right now with protagonists that aren't that like pic related?
Could it be you're a shitposter from Sup Forums or Sup Forums who doesn't even watch anime?
>no shinji
>this season
Top and bottom far right are good designs. 3rd and 1st bottom row is ok, and 2nd bottom row is borderline.
As long as you can tell them apart there is nothing wrong with a boring design.
This better?
I mean, looking at them, I still can make them out what kind of character they are, or how they act.
Character isn't just skin and hair color user. It's facial expression and posture as well.
For example, I'm not watching their respective series, but I can tell number 4 and 5 are very, very different characters.
How can I self insert when I'm not slim and my hair isn't cute?
Are you from or...?
What is his power level?
Because that's what all young Japanese men look like.
1 looks like a nothing, neutral highschool MC.
2 looks like some normal, kinda nervous dude, but is actually dead inside.
3 looks like a nothing, neutral highscool MC
4 looks like some super awkward, kinda girly MC. The type of nigga who'd use "boku"
5 looks like some sort of no-bullshit coolguy, probably gets high marks or something.
6 looks like a nothing, neutral fantasy/isekai MC.
7 doesn't look like an MC, just from the fact that he's wearing a hoodie under his blazer. That's too much character. Looks like an outgoing, popular type though.
8 looks like some excited, nervous, puppy type.
Human Male 25 years old Hero
Strength 800 Health Point 850 Agility 350 Magic Power 950
Weapon C Magic A
Protection of the goddess Heart of steel Summoned Hero Path of Otaku Yes Loli
Pretty accurate.
>tall jap MC
>5 looks like some sort of no-bullshit coolguy, probably gets high marks or something
Is that an educated guess or did you watch the show?
the one with green jacked is virgin pervert who has Gal as girlfriends and wants to fuck her
He probably watched it, though it wouldn't be difficult to guess.
I keep mixing up 8man and Impreza.
The only one that's not a guess is actually Tatara, since I'm only watching Ballroom and Made in Abyss this season.
Glad I got it right though.
>Japanese people have black hair
>a lot dye their hair brown
>they're not fat like westerners because they don't eat like pigs
>tfw no Toshiro Mifune anime protag in highschool romcom
Where's the gay priests, Aoyama-kun, the hikki musician or diver?
I guess the quiz guy stands out for having glasses.
But they do
>claims that japanese people arr rook same
>whines when shitty jap anime characters all look the same
>tfw you've been padding out in the last year so you no longer look like generic mc
At least, that's gonna be my excuse for why I haven't been thrust into some isekai situation recently.
What seems to be the problem?
Characters meant for easy wish-fulfillment self-insertion turn out to be bland and featureless?
Some of them actually have different traits actually
>Hi i'm an incompetent joke of a man
>eh? nandatte?
I wish manimefags would fuck off.
what i was trying to say was there all meek
Those are 27 characters, Mario can be excluded because wtf.
How many games were released during the last 10 years? A few ten thousand?
I also like how Heavy from TF2 is included, a game with a cast that does not fit that stereotype.
But maybe that's exactly what this image is trying to convey, here's a list of cherrypicked and shoehorned characters that fit my narrative, from a genre that is fucking vast.
Junichi has red hair in manga, I don't know why did they change it.
Funny that three of them aren't even MCs of their series
This thread smells of Sup Forums infestation.
what does that mean
It's your upper lip
Because he's the hero anime deserves
>All this defense
Oh its almost like Sup Forums is full of self-inserting loser faggots
Usually a normal japanese male looks like that you know.
ITT: Amerifats complain about how they don't look like an average japanese guy
>using a picture of Maou as an example
Full retard
I used to look like
you missed my point you stupid cunt
Reason why bald is so popular is because realistic hair is hard to do in vidya.
Fuck you OP. I like my MCs cute. 99% of Sup Forums's enjoyment of an anime raises 10 folds if the MC is cute boy
So it's just like your native board, Sup Forumstard
When did this become accepted on Sup Forums?
It's not, except the mods are newfags.
>draws a girl
>calls it a boy
why is this allowed?
He's a boy. Look at that bulge
i don't say this much but please kill yourself
Too bad he's still a fucking beta that would probably refuse sex after blushing saying "W-wha it's not time yet"
>Okay girls let's fuck
>"what is this powerfantasy bullshit? Dropped"
>having a harem made up of 14 supermodels who he met yesterday is the same as
>having a singe girl who he holds and has sex with often or at lest sometimes instead of being an asexual saint
do you think before you post things
>"this guy is having sex with a cute girl"
>"why does she like him anyway such a powerfantasy bullcrap REEEEE"
when has anyone done that for one girl
Everytime when a girl shows attraction to a male MC
i'm not talking about a highschool student
also are you trying to tell me wifes and girlfriends are not common
Self inserts are cancer. I don't want to "relate" I just want a MC with his own stand out personality.
>Tfw blond and can't self insert with most anime mc
At least there's Onizuka
does anyone remember that shit from Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari
>i cant have sex with the girl i just married because "i don't want our to be like this" even tho they where alone in a bedroom and they just got done telling one another how much they love them
Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari is ranked 38th on mangatown for some reason people like this shit
You have plenty of Hollywood movies to self-insert into. And almost every other fighting game deuteragonist. Granted, these days, blondies are almost all villains.
Never forget.
If a male protag doesn't have some outrageous personality or appearance he is accused of being a "self-insert" by people who have no idea what self-insertion means and have no idea that self-insertion is massively more common in the West than it is in Japan, where men are happy to watch shows about teenage girls.
hahaha bet you talking about subaru
No, they'd just be covered in acne and have bad teeth. Real Japanese people have really crooked teeth.
That's what he did in the manga IIRC.
Japanese people do not have brown hair. They have black hair and black eyes, 99% and them which is why every single character with brown hair basically is a western insert by default.
Why are they allowed to keep their tests?
In my school we had to return them after a couple of days.
East Asians don't always have "black hair" per se. It's just higher density per square inch than western hair, but it's a coppery color if you look at it in bright lighting.
>tfw tall, good looking and athletic
>cant self insert at all
And i bet every single one of them is from a garbage show not worth watching. It amazes me Sup Forums can waste their anime time on garbage shit like this just to stat pad their MAL like a retard "hur dur i bet you don't watch 20 anime a season" like fuck off.
>le self-insert slim japanese male with brown/black hair
It's not only trend for male MC.
Or this.
No, he's just convinced she's manipulating him. Lo and behold, when he actually grabs a tit she get incredibly, ridiculously pissy.