Are you an organ donor?
Are you an organ donor?
Other urls found in this thread:
>freely give up organs
>slight injury that incapacitates you
>doctors niece on the donor list has a new heart
No thanks OP , and go fuck your jew ass
And I've told all my family my decision shall never be overridden. If I'm lying on life support in hospital, when the doctors come with their forms to carve me up and sell my bits, under no circumstances shall they sign my body away
No, I'm a Jew.
No because if I'm in an accident I want the doctors to do everything they can to save me. If you're a donor they won't use procedures that could damage the organs so they will just allow you to die in stead.
no but they'll probably take them when you die anyway
>get in a wreck
>close to death but not so much
>(((doctor))) sees youre an organ donor, decides to make some bucks off the side selling your organs to Shlomo Shekelsniffer
no thanks, btw this is actually real
>Hospital errors lead to "dead" patient opening eyes during organ
>(((hospital errors))))
>ie. shlomo got caught
I had no idea. I'm going to cancel my organ donation, rip up the papers.
fuck no
i don't want some nigger getting my liver
bastard already got my wife
I used to think it was a good idea, then I grew cynical and thought it wasn't a good idea, then I read the linked story and realized what a bad idea it was.
>Prepare for the organ donor redpill
No, I'm going in on cryonics
ur govt will tell you what to do with ur organs leaf
>socialist health care
Damn, my entire family looked at me weird when they heard I wasn’t a donor. I’m glad I’m not the only one who made this decision.
No, because they harvest you while you're alive.
and this is why we have a organ shortage
take someone elses organs shlomo
Fuck normies, I'm not a donor
hell no
read one too many story of doctors cutting out organs from live patients
Nope. I'm taking all of my organs straight to hell with me when I die.
Yes, I would be dead anyway so what is the big deal?
no, I smoke and drink so they can't harvest my shit if I die prematurely as well
You’re full of shit
I just made an appointment. I'm not letting some Jew take my organs for sheckles.
Fuck no. I'm not retarded.
Or you could do the slightest bit of independent research to confirm this easily verifiable claim.
We don’t have an organ shortage.
We have useless people clinging to life.
just sell them before they take them
beat em at their own game
Many organs become worthless once the person dies, they have to harvest them while you are still living.
>check ID
>I'm still an organ donor
Shit, I forgot to change this after I went 1488. Please tell me it's easy to remove
>say proof is readily available
>posts none
Really makes you think.
Nice I love SCP
Just gas yourself user.
It's even more terrifying when you realize just how much evidence they have that the person is alive which they ignored.
Yeah, to your mom. She gets my organ every night.
But seriously, no I am not. I'm a misanthrope. I don't like other people. You all can suck my motherfucking dick.
Organ donor? As in donate for free? Hell no. My family is on strict orders to sell my organs on the black market to the highest bidder.
absolutely not.
(((they))) make a fortune off of dead bodies.
Shut up ya fuckin bloke
Fuck no and never, it's a culture of cadaver robbing and what in essence is cannibalism. Absorbing a dead person's flesh, gross.
I'm coming for that liver Artie and your wife says hi
It's already been posted in the thread.
You played yourself.
Fuck no. My body is mine, and mine alone.
Logga in och avanmäl donation av organ och vävnader för att vara säker:
I wonder whether people that are murdered for their bits come back to finish off the people with their bits by getting their organs to go kamikaze.
Where can I get stickers that say
>Not a donor
Don't care how would I know my eyes aren't going to a dude who molested his kids? Or a nigger in prison for murder gets my kidneys? Or a leftist she alcoholic gets my liver only to keep drinking and destroy my precious gift?
Nah, I'm being buried with all my bits.
Tattoo it on yourself.
No. If you have a traumatic injury and are out, they will kill you and harvest your organs.
Unfortunately it's permanent.
No. Only normies are fucking donors.
Get it tattooed on your chest, right under
"Do Not Resuscitate"
no because I don't feel comfortable being scrapped for parts.
Of course. It is yours if you want it, but I will not pay for delivery.
Yes but I wrote "whites only" in sharpie under the heart.
Thanks for reminding me
Fuck for-profit hospitals giving my organs to some 3rd world spic
Helig skit, är det inte freivilligt?
Me too. See you in the year 2950
Before I die I will make sure to get ebola in order to kill whatever bastard takes over my organs. Fuck organ thieves they deserve only contempt...and fucking EBOLA
>Du kan inte i förväg veta om du kan bli donator av ett organ, men du kan, medan du lever, meddela din inställning till att donera organ och vävnader.
>>Om omgivningen inte vet din inställning förutsätts det att du velat donera och om dina närstående inte motsätter sig det kan du bli aktuell som donator.
>Om närstående har olika uppfattningar om vilken inställning du hade får donation inte utföras. Organ eller vävnader får inte heller doneras om det inte går att nå anhöriga.
LOL you do realize that your cells all get destroyed upon crystalization, right? There is literally no way anyone comes back from that
just remember what comes around, goes around. Karma will sort itself out.
Ja okej, men om närstående bestämmer är det lugnt
>plenty of immigrant organs
No, because I plan on signing up for cryonics, and being an organ donor would cause my brain to undergo ischemic damage and significantly decrease the chance of revival.
fuck off kike
Are you Michelle Obama? Tell your husband that he is a faggot for marrying a transvestite
Top kek. 'he has pics with his clothes on, stupid bitch'. Reporter was actually trying to help him out lol
And yes, exactly this. He ain't getting my heart, liver or lungs.
no, look, hippos protect dead hippos' bodies
>immigrants in here under obamas
>u not knowing this ...
>ur cucked country makes sense now ..
>ur organs are fucked
Absolutely not. I got the form to fill out 20 years ago when i first got my driver's license. I burned the fucking thing. If someone needed organs bad enough that had access to the list of organ donors they could put a hit out on you, make you have an unfortunate accident. I know their tricks. If you sign an organ donor form you are putting your life in danger.
Mutt write what you mean clearly. I am not going to guess your negroe-slang
Do some research on the procedure before you speak. Also, even if it doesn't work, it's worth a shot, no?
I didn't even have to read the stories to know it was a bad idea to be an organ donor. The US average in 2011 was $1.2 million for a heart transplant, with an ongoing cost of $150,000 per year afterwards in anti rejection treatment. That little heart on your license is telling the doctor you're a multi-million dollar payday.
I have done. That's why I know that it breaks the cells. Essentially ice crystals forming is like stabbing your body with a billion tiny daggers. It is not good for you
Nej, men det antas att du vill och "om dina närstående inte motsätter sig" betyder inte att de kommer säga "Abdul på trean behöver en lever, kan vi ta den innan er make dör?", utan de har säkerligen blivit upplärda vad man skall säga för att få bästa möjliga svar. De kan köra dit något barn i rullstol för att knäcka en kvinna i familjen, de kanske bara når din närmsta "närstående" som är någon som inte bryr sig/visste. Vem vet. Bäst att anmäla specifikt att man inte vill, än att chansa.
Framför allt litar jag inte på att en läkare, utlänning eller svensk för den delen, skall bestämma när jag är tillräckligt på väg ut för att börja skära upp mig som någon jävla sill. Jag är död när jag är död, och inte en sekund innan.
Lol no. They try to jew you with "if you're a donor they try harder to keep you alive!". But fail to mention that a dead man's organs are decaying/ed and useless they need to be fresh, so they keep you alive while you're brain dead(sometimes not even brain dead just tranquilized from drugs) so they can then harvest your innards. Also do you want your heart to go to a criminal nigger or a liver to an alcoholic? I don't.
Ok det finns väl en möjlighet att de inte frågar. Ok tack anmäler det
You're dumb, kid. It's a scam.
Hell no, too redpilled for that shit. All of the normalfagsme around thought I was crazy and "mean". I would say they have to learn the hard way but they'll be dead.
*normalfags around me
Why you posting pictures from pakistan? Those are from when the danish posted mohammed pictures and muslims in some countries could not find any danish flags so they started burnign swedish ones instead.
Meanwhile you are a Mulatto and that is actually true. Unlike your fake picture. This is a picture of your picture. Try to not scream when you are le 1% face
At the very least give me/my family far market price for the organs. Why should I give a stranger anything in life or death?
>inb4 right thing to do
I think you mean right thing to jew.
Yes, but only my massive man-meat.
I want it in a jar in a museum next to Rasputin's.
American tourists?
i donated my organ to ur mum last night fagit
Enjoy the herpes
Ice crystals do not form when using vitrification. Like I said, do research before you speak.
One, I'm older than you are most likely, and two, what do I have to lose? Some money? Big deal, you can't take it with you anyway. Worth a shot
where do you think she got them from in the first place
the gift that keeps on giving
No. To hell with that kike noise.
>everyone is only given 1 set of organs
>only 2 can be removed/halfed
>shocked theres an organ shortage
Hmmmm really makes you think
I donate sperm into womens toilet seats