
Educates normies on (((debt))). He seems like a good first step for the redpill - a microdose if you will. What other people, organizations, movies, shows etc can be used to slowly acclimate people to the truth?

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Anyone who talks about the way our monetary system actually works is a good guy imo.

Fuck this boomer with his shitty rehash of common sense.

It's sad that common sense is so marketable. The guy spoon feeds all the boomers' children what their parents should have taught them (mine did they were red pilled as hell for boomers) He is doing God's work though - slowly chipping away at (((their))) debt slavery.

Why do you guys fall for these idiots? They're just spouting common sense crap like "clean your room" and "pay your bills".

Did you guys not have Dads growing up?

Financial Advice for incompetent morons who have well fucked past anything that appears to be critical thinking. His investing advice is so safe that you'll never make any money. Completely missed bitcoin.

That poor fucker ages five times as fast for every phone call he gets from financial illiterates.

Anyone who hates (((them))) and their (((tricks))) read: debt as much as this guy is an honorary /ourguy/

Unironically debt is probably the easiest lite red pill you can give someone. It hits them where it hurts, the wallet. It doesn't take much convincing to tell someone is screwing them over on their bills and loans. Most think that already anyway. You just need a tweetable, pin-able infograph. It's also void of other tension issues.

>not having dads
>marriage is as successful as a coin toss
It's more likely than you think user.

>not using a credit card to get 3% cash back on all purchases
>not buying a car at 1.90% interest rate and using the otherwise sunk costs to make more investing
Is it normies that are retarded or you OP?

He is really good. I listen to his show fairly regularly.

My dad grew up without a father (died in a farming accident) and dirt poor. He was a good man but horrible with finances.

hes basically a useful idiot for financially illerate morons. Debt can be a great way to build wealth if you arent a complete moron, companies use Debt all the time to increase their businesses.

Most normies go insolvent with a single credit card. They don't make those calculations. All interest rates mean to them is that they get fucked a little less harder by the lender.

exactly only idiots use his advice, the wealthy know how to use debt to their advantage.

Yeah but that's capital expenditures which will generate enough value to create a profitable return on the initial debt for the investment. Most people get stupid high interest credit cards/pay day loans to buy things they don't need.
>Business: thinks about the cashflows over time
>Normie: derp i want dat shiny new TV now!

Good for you. Not everybody had those influences. I mostly listen for the motivation. I agree a lot of it is common sense but there is more too it than that

>not buying a car at 1.90% interest rate and using the otherwise sunk costs to make more investing
Amortized across the lifespan of the vehicle, a new car is rarely an economic advantage.
>Usual caveats apply, e.g. high mileage business use, etc.
As one who's owned several new and used vehicles, the used vehicles have hands down been less expensive to own, operate, and maintain.
And Dave Ramsay, he's good for basic economic understanding, and for plebs what can't help themselves from maxxing out credit cards, getting upside down in a mortgage, and getting payday advances. He good for people with no self control.

he's purple pill
if you want to actually get rich you've got to move passed le boomer talk show told me

Hey everyone has to start somewhere. Some are born into or take an early interest and learn about....interest sooner. Everyone's gotta learn the ropes. It's never a bad thing to be humble, learn the basics, and one day reach 1337 status.

I agree, but we're talking baby steps for normieland here. Of course there is a much better financial playbook for the rest of us. Teaching people the basics to erode the system, after that it's survival of the fittest.

Everyone is new at some point and start at different starting lines user, it's whether they want to git gud that's the real determinant of personal worth.

With that said, people who complain and refuse to pull themselves up, even with outside help are contemptible.

>reach 1337 status
>don't we all
Oddly enough, I got a lot of very helpful financial advice from Sup Forums of all places. It feels so backwards for the internet bar fight to give helpful tips, but the state of the modern world is JUST-

My credit score is in the mid 700's.
Make $85k / year. Worked my way theough uni. Paid off most of our Can't except MOSTLY things that appreciate in value. Can't be doing to bad for myself right now. His show helped me a lot with our financial situation.

You're doing rather well for yourself user. What would you suggest for fledgling faggots on housing, transport, and debt?

I know it's crazy. I find comment sections more insightful than the video/articles themselves! I think it's because no one has any skin in the game i.e. their job, getting commission on you, etc. They cut through the fat and get the main point across.

Nice get.
You're definitely doing well. I think even just having shows like his on in the background subconsciously shift your thinking into being more financially saavy. Your brain is still processing it.

Get on my level
>House paid off, two kids college fully financed, doubling& tripling one miniscule car payment, no unsecured debt.
I don't know and don't care what's my credit score.

Never buy a new car. Ideally buy something a few years old with low miles that gets good mileage and is reliable. 5 year old Honda, Toyota, hell Hyudai and Kia are getting a lot better. They're both cheaper too. We have a Kia minivan (3 kids).

Do this and you can afford to live where housing is cheaper. Lower car payment + good mileage + cheaper rent or mortgage. We bought a fixer upper and did as much work as we could on our own. Bought it at $152K 4 years ago. We have put about $30K + a lot of sweat equity into it. The house just appraised at $205K.

Don't buy shit you don't actually need. Think like a Jew when it comes to money. You don't NEED as much shit as you have been conditioned to believe.

I know of a guy with a dedicated room for his Jordan collection. I hope he spends his retirement living under an overpass.

this guy only lets christ-chans work for him, and hunts down and tries to ruin anyone who says anything bad about him

I listen to his show a lot. Hes not a bad guy i guess but he regularly gives bad advice. He tells people not to invest until 401k until all debts except the house are paid off including if your company matches. Thats just foolishness. His explanation is that the people that are in debt shoukdnt be worried about math. They should just follow his advice.

He also advises people to rent until theyre out of debt instead of buying a house even tho renting is lighting money on fire while buying a house increases your personal value.

Another thing that annoys me is that if he thinks your car is too expensive according to his arbitrary rule, he will tell you to sell the car even if it means taking out a personal loan to pay the balance because the car is upside down. He will then tell you to buy a cheap ass vehicle. I dont own a new car and would never buy one but this doesnt make sense

This is a red flag for me. The hunting down part. The christ part not so much, but contemporary Americun Christianity has been a turn off for me.

tfw you become the jew.

Not sure how old you are but I'm 38. Wife about to get a promotion to 6 figures also. I'm not trying to make this a dick measuring contest. Just saying this dudes basic concepts have helped a lot of people who didn't have any sort of positive financial influence in their life. We are living proof.

yea there are a lot of red flags about him. he also interviews spouses of people trying to work there, and makes them give detailed accounts of what they do on weekends. many cult-like properties of lampo.

>He tells people not to invest until 401k until all debts except the house are paid off including if your company matches. Thats just foolishness.

I agree with you on this.

Holy shit my high school teacher worshipped this guy. Never thought I'd even hear his name again.

Yeah there are a few things I disagree with him on. Once again if you have common sense you can pick and choose what's worthwhile. He's entry level tier but anyone with a brain can build off the foundation.

I've listened to his show once or twice. His advice is extremely basic and is for people who are completely clueless. Anyone who knows what they are doing wouldn't benefit from him at all.

Suzie Orman is largely the same in that regard.

On the plus side he tells people how it is even if it offends them. He also admits that his advice wont make sense to financial professionals but that the people that need his help are past trying to make it sensible.

Id say over all i like the show. Annoying as shit when he starts patting himself on the back or brings his daughter or one of his super over-rated proteges on to guest host. The main reason to listen is to hear the 20% of callers that have $400k in student loans and make $35k a year. SPOILER ALERT...90% of that 20% is black

aside from this any other entry level redpill recommendations?

Noted. It's commonly repeated too, and it's guaranteed to provide good results provided due diligence is paid.

I am not particularly experienced with home DIY though. Cashed in all my points on tech and auto. I should learn and practice more on that end. Hourly rate on a tradie is straight-up robbery nowadays.

Damn I want one. I keep running out of cargo room and car tetris is not that fun after a while. Thankfully they depreciate pretty hard, even the Toyotas.

>don't spend money unnecessarily
After I save up for a used mountain bike, I'll want for nothing else for a long time. I'll also buy a nice lock and bring it indoors. Nigger stole the last one. Good god good bicycles are expensive.

Key word.... Wealthy. The saying... It takes money to make money is 100% accurate.... Unless you are red pilled early. The average American does not have the money or the know how to drastically increase their holdings.

>austrian economics debunked (redpill overdose)

>gold standard is unstable and not a viable currency, susceptible to fraud and dependent upon mining
>they are openly anti-scientific, rely on "praxeology", they are philosopher at best
>dumb ideology funded by koch brothers think tanks (CATO) to convince ignorant armchair economists
>every prediction they had is proven wrong
>they business cycle theory is wrong
>they don't use scientific method, no maths, no statistics, nothing, just speculation
>only used as political rhetoric by ron paul to rile up his gadsen-flag hillbilly voterbase
>all of peter schiff's predictions are wrong, he has been preaching doomsday for decades
>mainstream economics agrees with less than half of their policy
>literally no respects austrian economists today, abandoned as early as 1950's
>only good thing to come out of it was Hayek, who wasn't even Austrian since he rejects praxeology. He contributed to price theory, and added to the socialist calculation problem. Also his philosophy is superior and way more nuanced compared to mises/rothbard.

top global econ journals, ZERO positive austrian results, all negative! outdated! wrong! pseudoscience!

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you are getting (((nosed))) lolberts

want to learn REAL economics? no problem, open source PDF book

Blogs (neurtal-center right)

DR talks about personal finances, like budgeting and saving, not monetary or even financial system crap. Entirely practical.

>implying you'll ever get a 1.90% interest rate
This isn't the 90s you faggot.
I'm 28 and have a 790 credit score, it's literally the best score you can before you're thirty due to age of credit history restrictions since you can't have credit until you're 18 without a co-sign. It's the top 99.99 percent.
Right now you'd be far pressed to get any interest rate below 4%, let alone with cash back options unless you were at my credit score or higher.
You really think Jews would give you the option to make money off their scams?
You're a fucking retard flat out.
Right now, this second without a perfect credit score you can't even get a non-variable personal loan.
It isn't fucking possible outside 800+ credit score.

>doesn't talk about monetary or financial system
He rants on occasion though, but limits himself since his audience wouldn't be particularly receptive to it. It usually ends up boiling down to, "It's your responsibility not to get tricked into this bullshit."

>$400k in student loans
>maxed credit cards
>two cars
>probably took out a mortgage
Slavery isn't quite as overt as it used to be.

Trade your skillet and labor with somebody who knows DIY and home improvement. Work together on projects it if you have time. You'll both learn to handle more stuff on your own.

>He rants... It usually ends up boiling down to, "It's your responsibility not to get tricked into this bullshit."

Which is a very good thing in my opinion. A lot of people are too trusting / naive and need it explained in the way he does.

incredible pic

> Not buying a car from the 1960's when car companies actually gave a shit about quality.

Going into debt for a new car is for soybois and faggots.

Looks like I'll be learning from my stepdad then. Can't think of a single person in my peer group that's handy. They're all electrical engineering or premed students.
Certainly. His mass appeal helps, but I can't help think it's still a very small minority of people that pursue some form of fiscal responsibility. I think most people are ignoring it until circumstances force them to care, and then it'll be too late.


Being responsible and thinking ahead is obviously more rare than you'd make it out to be.

it's from a 90's commercial where a guy explains that he has it all only because he is in debt up to his ears.

>auspicious digits in ID and post
>The Big Dog
This is a few years too early.