Just a food for thought

>Average IQ of Equatorial Guinea is 59
>In Europe, individuals with IQ lower than 70 are considered mentally retarded
>By human standards, an average chimpanzee can score circa 30-60 IQ points
>It is estimated that Koko the Gorilla had around 70-85 IQ points
>Niggers are literally dumber than monkeys

Other urls found in this thread:


yes but niggers are an essentail part of the ameromutt experiment

Yeah but they havnt been exposed to mental enrichment asmuch as modern man

>When you take your clothes out of the dryer

>Average IQ of Equatorial Guinea is 59

That man is an actual brainlet

>Richard Lynn

Actually, prepare for a redpill bomb.

Blacks IQ is so high it goes off the charts and show off as low IQ.

Yeah, I get it, it's all fun and game and all. Those monkey IQs are just meme bullshit though and not real in anyway.

>1st day on Sup Forums

>Average IQ of Equatorial Guinea is 59

you're as dumb as you think they are if you actually believe this. Equatorial Guinea is one of the richer countries in Africa, and I would guess the average IQ is 88.

and then you post some american nig as the image? fuck off, retard.

the cut off for retardation used to be 85IQ, it was changed to 70 because half of all nigs are retarded, and would qualify for retard gibs


if I patted him on the head would he die?

It would be extremely painful



Lol how painfully new are you? It's pol, fuckhead.

Fun fact: Most retarded people have serious deficiencies in reading and other such skills. Equatorial Guinea has a 93% literacy rate.

Lynn is a hwite nationalist.


Le 56% sponge head

One of the sources of their data is a white nationalist.

This is so true.

I'm sure they have exacting standards kek

>Equatorial Guinea has a 93% literacy rate.
By whose standards?

IQ tests are racist

Any newer / better sources though?

Truth hurts Mbubu?


93% literacy rate.



South Korea also eats dogs

I hate niggers too, but get your terminology right


can we have a fact check please

He's a nig guy

No wonder you're all virgins, no woman in her right mind would want to sleep and/or date any of you racist assholes.


This is one fo the things that truly stops me from believing in race and IQ.

I've actually visited Bata (Largest city in Equatorial Guinea). It was still third world, but it looked better than 90% of third world cities.

Equatorial Guinea is also one of the richest countries in Africa (by GDP per capita).

If Guineans truly are dumber than monkeys then how is it possible for them to build cities and societies and have a formal language, clothing and culture?

You dont see monkeys build buildings do you?

>t. roastie

I'm skeptical that a country that has under 60% primary school enrollment rate has a 94 percent literacy rate.
There is some fuzzy fucking math going on somewhere...

>be me
>be tech support for very popular company
>speak to people all over the country

At least once a day I speak to a nigger who LITERALLY cannot read ANYTHING AT ALL

Oh shit enrollment is spelled wrong lol. I just noticed...


>Trusting the UN

Both spellings are right


Niggers are by nature very violent.

They mass together in hordes like in cites (Chicago) and form gangs to just kill other gangs... No "reason" at all other than to just control their population.

There really is a very real reason God colered them black...

shit bate. Try harder faggot.
>also fuck niggers

I'm engaged, kek.

Try Google idiot


>You dont see monkeys build buildings do you
Well we haven't taught THEM yet.

t. roastie

The obvious: the test is not accurately measuring IQ. Language enables the relatively dumb to function (language and tools for humans). Was Raven's Progressive Matrices used? There are likely older and dumber species in the universe who have advanced civilizations due to the right temperaments, lifespans, and memories.

This is the real kind of brilliant nigger man nigger hoes love!

>>In Europe, individuals with IQ lower than 70 are considered mentally retarded
This is a Jewish trick. 85 IQ is retarded. It was changed to 70 after niggers complained that an 85 ceiling for retardation meant that over half of niggers were retarded. Over half of niggers ARE retarded. That's why they can't feed themselves.

85 IQ and lower is retarded.
70 IQ is extremely retarded.

Yes we've known this for a while

Blacks on average are very dumb, but it's important to understand that there this is just an average, there are some smart blacks that we don't want to stereotype with the rest of them

Niggers adapted to their environments, high IQ was not necessary to survive clearly

> the important takeaway is that if you are writing to a primarily British audience, enrolment is the standard spelling.

Which a UN report couldn't possibly be aimed at a primarily British audience, it's only one country of many...

Yeah this is the theory, that people who lived in cold climates (whites) had to adapt to very harsh environments by developing high IQs

While blacks lived in sunny environments rich in easily obtainable resources so they didn't have to evolve high IQ to survive

that pic is 100% true

I guess it's never really safe to be around them

We are a strange species

This is true.

Furthermore, we brought civilization to them despite them not being ready. So ultimately, expecting blacks to properly maintain complex civilizations is like expecting gorillas to maintaining complex civilizations. Even in American society, you'll notice that the blacks who are the highest status are often mulattos, those with a very significant amount of white genes.

Chimps and gorillas can beat the average nig on an IQ test?

Then why can't you teach wild chimps and gorillas to use fire and sharp objects at least as well as niggers do, and to pass on the knowledge? What kind of test are we talking here than literal animals can do better on than proto-humans?

It's genetics

>The tests given to Koko the gorilla were Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Ravens Progressive Matrices and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence.

Okay, the gorilla took CHILDREN'S IQ tests. So the gorilla is smarter than the average nigger baby, not the average nigger.

>Chimps and gorillas can beat the average nig on an IQ test?
No the smartest primate I saw was a gorilla in Central Washington University where my girlfriend went, it could sign about 400 words in ASL.

We can only prey that more black Queens will chose to do the right thing!

>In Europe, individuals with IQ lower than 70 are considered mentally retarded

before 1973, the criterion for "retarded" in the Western world was an IQ score of "under 85". It was changed in the wake of the so-called Civil Rights era in the United States, because approximately 55% of African Americans are classified as "borderline retarded" or worse under the old (white) definition. Europe followed our lead. True story.


source pls so i can laugh

You shouldn't use the Koko part of this. Koko is a fraud. A crazy hippy that owns Koko interprets everything Koko "says".

Koko knows a few signs for food and other things but Koko has no deep thoughts. It's all a lie. There's no way Koko's IQ is 70-85


>30 under average IQ is considered retarded
>Sup Forums average IQ is 110
>have IQ over 140
>average Sup Forums user is a retard compared to you
just food for thought eh?

I've lost the source, but it does exist. Sorry; too lazy right now to look for it again.

I am surprised that no brilliant black people are here defending how brilliant their black pals are....


I made that image over a year ago and it has a part two, which no one seems to post so here is the full page. I had to edit out the pictures so it would fit. Please pass this one around instead.

Sure buddy. You are a billionaire with a supermodel girlfriend who fights professionally for a living too? Right?

Good picture.

you're FAT
el GORDO frito

Of course,
this famous video just sums up what went wrong with America's black kids.......


Lol what are ants son....

The best rap video ever made...



Here's to the brave men who fought and bled for Rhodesia.

Hat's off, fellas!

How does that nigger shave his head????

Klingon Nigger.

Absolute BS!!!! Take your hate elsewhere.

archive it you fucking faggot

archive it you fucking faggot

I want to tell my wife this shit but she works for a mulatto who barely pays her and she wouldn't understand.

>How does that nigger shave his head????

The same way he shaves his balls.


>but she works for a mulatto who barely pays her

You allow the mother of your white children to work for a nigger?

why the fuck do you guess if you can just google? is it you who has an iq of 88 here? retard

archive it you fucking faggot

I don't speak Spanish Pablo try again.

hooktube it you fucking faggot
