And how much can it even really hurt at that age?
How common is/was it for guys to still get spanked with a belt as a teen?
As a teen? What the fuck went on in your family senpai? I stopped getting my ass beat when I stopped being a whiney little faggot by age 6.
Also, why spare a belt when a plastic coathanger does the same job with less effort?
i was beat a lot as a child. coat hangers, fly swatters, wooden spoons, belts, hands, tv remotes, you name it. then one day when i was 14, i knocked my stepdad out. he stopped all that garbage and treated me like an equal until i moved out at 18.
In a crazy memory my mother laid rice on the floor and made me sit on my knees on the rice.
She only did that once and I was really young.
Crazy bitch
She stopped when I threw her to the ground for trying to hit me.
Now she "barely remembers any of it".
I never did that user. You must have dreamed it.
I had a friend that was spanked up until he was 16. Not sure if it affected his success in life, but he's now a heroin addict fucking old fat middle aged women for money and a dead beat dad. He's also somehow a total chad genetically.
They purposelly Block it out. Typical narcisist scum, Dont know why you havent killed her yet. Mine only live because of the Law
Are you asian? My mum did that to me and salt too. Stopped maybe at 13 after my parents and I had talked that I was already old enough that corporal punishment isn't needed anymore
I was spanked with a belt until like 10 or 11. The noise of a belt buckle rattling still reminds me of it.
Try a thorny rose bush branch ya faggot
>was told to pick the tool to my destruction
> thought I was clever, "Dad will never use this on me
> wrong, called my bluff
Got my ass beaten With whatever was in the vicinity until 15. Threatened to fight back. Got /fit/, spent as much time away from parents as possible. And now never talk to them except when i want to mooch With Money. Will most likely off them when shtf. Best way to raise a sociopath is to beat them until adulthood.
My parents never laid a finger on me and I regret it
lol, I see it did him a lot of good...unless it just wasn't hard enough of course.
didn't think Norwegians did that kind of thing...
I was spanked until I was 14 but I had to do some really dumb shit to get the belt. My uncle had a wooden paddle with holes drilled in it that he spanked us with when my cousins and I got up to some shit. My aunt used a hairbrush or a shoe. Not to say they were just beating the shit out of us but we'd clench our asses and it would hurt their hands (lol) which led to the alternatives. When I got older I got a man's growth and then my dad stepped in and he kicked my ass a few times. It straightened me out pretty good because it was shocking to see my dad so mad that he beat my ass. I think spanking is a fine form of discipline but I will use it in conjunction with grounding and alternative punishments.
My parents immigrated from Russia, and they took their shitty culture with them
I once got whipped with a hanger after my mom found out I ditched school and called a teacher a bitch.
>I was being bullied and the teacher looked the other way so I called him a bitch for it
>he's never had to drop trou and grab the chair
I made the mistake of trying to pad my ass with extra underwear once. BIG MISTAKE
Wut? At that age you're probably stronger than your mom, your dad might be a different story but you can hit back. How much of a pussy are you?
Never as a teen because I got too big at that point but Christian school as a little kid I got my shit whooped with a legit 2x4. Didn't hurt that bad though, we threw rocks and fought each other as kids so it was cool.
This. After my parents divorced, we fought a lot and I did some similar shit to her when I was 14 and got much bigger and stronger than her.
>Not getting repeatedly punched in the face, and ass kicked until you cry of pain
I got caught with newspaper folded up in my pants and then I had to not only drop trou but my underwear as well. Whew, bare ass with a belt, could not sit and I never tried that again. I don't hold any of it against my family because it instilled fear and respect. I respected the rules because I feared the punishment until that fear developed into respect for the rules.
Youre a bitch user. Would you respect me and follow my rules if i kicked Your ass?
>until that fear developed into a respect of the rules
I repeated myself by accident. I meant to say until that fear developed into a set of morals.
I was born in 1982 and I was beat with a paddle. We actually had 2 paddles. 1 was flat and the other had holes in it for more pain.
Same thing happened to me except our dog used to growl at me and even bit me in the face when I was like 7. Then at 12 or so I beat the dog up and it stopped. Boggles my mind that my family didn't get rid of the shit dog before that really.
From my beating I developed a slight fetish for pain and complete disregard for punishment. As young as 8 I would get in trouble just to get hit because it started to feel good to me.
I am no bitch and now that I'm an adult that same attempt to instill morals, values, and a respect of the rules will end up with you getting your ass beat.
Tween? Sure
I actually remember the last time my dad TRIED to use force was when I was... 16?
Ended with me pushing him against the wall. I recalled my mom telling me him and his dad had fought. After that there was an unspoken understanding that we needed to focus on rhetoric
There's an age where it teaches a lesson and once it passes, you've got to treat each other like adults. I am very happy I didn't hit my dad and learned more about restraint in that moment than the 16 years prior
or a paddle; and yeah, spanking after about 8 years just means you haven't done your job; a spanking doesn't teach anything, it only serves to make the child not want another spanking (read: LISTEN, when verbal discourse has no effect)
Beating is just the lazy way to teach your kids, unecessary unless you have 6 daughters and two jobs.
I got whipped about 3 or 4 times a week because my mom was a psycho and would get my dad to do it for lies she made up.
It turned the back of my legs black and blue. Stripped. Like a zebra. It really hurt to sit down at school.
Went on for years.
Yea it hurts. A lot. But eventually you don't even flinch. Because you're just used to it.
That strikes me as strange but that's your business. I don't like getting hurt and I avoid injury.
My step-dad used to rape me from age 12, which helpfully was the same age he stopped hitting me with a belt because I guess he got what he wanted and didn't want to give anyone a reason to look at my butt.
Stopped age 17.
I believe it made me gay.
Think about this: a grown man sat down and thought about how to make a weapon to beat children he had known since they were babies. He got out the drill and put holes in a paddle. He swung it a few times and nodded his head in approval.
I got my ass beat when I was little. I would never hit a child
does it even hurt at 14?
I finally understand why this board hates women.
Had the same thing happen at my friend's house, but his dad used a plastic whip he'd punish his dogs with
South African whites. Welted our asses. We thought we'd get away with it by stuffing our pants but that got us in more trouble
Yeah, it's pretty weird, I think getting beat a lot at school and all the fighting growing up just fucked up my brain. Maybe an adaptation during the wrong years but I still love pain, I do my trade because I love how much it fucking hurts to get burns, cuts, and bruises in 140 degree heat every day. Sounds edgy but that's what can happen.
My Mom used to spit on me, push my nose in with her finger until my eyes watered (slight nose disalignment from this), choke me, hit me with a hairbrush and a walking stick I made, all sorts of shit.
The spitting fucked me up worse than anything.
>The spitting fucked me up worse than anything.
Yeah, that one is kind of fucked actually, shit.
women are the root cause of beatings because they're so fucking weak in comparison to men, it instills a weird fetish when they get an opportunity to beat up on their sons/brothers
i just told my mom i couldn't trust her, grabbed my shit and left.
hit her square in the feels far more than physical altercation ever could.
i've forgiven her and we get along fine now. much more distant, but still. and i've got the moral upper hand forever. and we both know it.
do you guys think you're tough shit because you put hands on your mother?
Because they're psychotic?
Nah, it can't be.
Its perverse by nature. Great way to raise High agression males, and promiscous women. Thats why the stereotypical slut always tends to be from a hyper traditional family
My uncle didn't really think about it. His dad, my grandfather, had a paddle with holes drilled in it and my uncle knew not to fuck around because of it. The thing was, we all got spanked with it a couple of times and then it got hung up on the wall as a reminder to not break the rules. My cousins and I got up to some pretty dumb shit when we were left alone. We were making napalm and thought we were slick with that stupid anarchist cookbook we had. I suppose we got lucky we didn't get hurt trying some of that shit.
Yes and no. I mean yeah it hurt but by that time I'd just accept the pain and taunt them which just was not the desired response so they quit spanking me and started grounding me. School and home, day in and out. Take away the tv and take away the phone in my room. I'd be going absolutely crazy.
As a teen? No. My mom flew off the handle and brained me with a platform shoe one night. Still got the lumps
I agree. Every other punishment was a ineffective.
>Grounding a hermit to his room
Personally I think a lack of corporal punishment is what's wrong with a lot of people these days, and is even responsible for many of those insufferables that fall on the autism spectrum. If I ever have kids, which is unlikely, I'll spank responsibly.
was it over just underwear at 14 still, though? I swear my fucking dad would wait until I was going to bed to make it hurt more for that reason.
I would start getting grounded when I wasn't getting EVEN passing grades. With nothing else to do I would focus on my school work and in turn my grades would go up. My dad beat my ass when I got arrested and expelled my freshman year which definitely made me re-evaluate my choices. I took a step back and looked at what I was becoming and I chose to change.
Hope you never have kids joke, get some therapy
You and me both brah.
Spanking with an object is nigger tier.
>friend's father has a boat oar hanging on the wall
>it has holes drilled into it
>his dad would threaten his kids with it if they acted like shits
Never witnessed a spanking but damn, guy was savage
I don't think it would help, I am otherwise normal. I obviously don't speak to them, my mother is still with him.
I'm just a normal gay man now.
nah it's not that. it's just that they were abusive and thought it would be all better but now I still don't talk to her.
Pleb. I used to get put through doors, chokeslammed into walls, punched and kicked and, hell, straight up backhanded in the teeth. Over even the most minor things.
What liberal parents don't understand is that the weird "you're hurting daddy's soul son please behave bud you're gonna give me a heart attack, you're killing daddy" kind of "modern 'parenting'" bullshit does FAR more damage.
Yeah being beaten the fuck up hurt for a minute but my mother did the most damage. I actually have some serious missing chunks of time and vague recollections of some of the shit she said and did.
TL;DR: just spank your fucking kids, new age family bullshit is mocked because the old way WORKS and the "new way" is torture
Your parents are barbarians, me and my wife punish our son by making him eat mommies ass as my wife sits on our sons face
What you fail to understand is the use of restraint. You don't punch a six year old kid in the face and you don't wind up a smack to hit them as hard as you can on the ass. A few licks with a belt on the but is a very effective attitude adjuster.
>funny thing about attitude adjuster is that's what my uncle wrote on the paddle in big black letters
Just drop trou, not underwear. I had been a short fat kid until I was 12 and then I joined football and took it seriously (I played organized sports but only half assed it because I hadn't really wanted to do them but my parents wanted me to do them). After football I shot up to six foot and got pretty fit.
People who are shit parents beat their kids. If your children will not obey you without violence, you've failed as a parent.
high school is a fucking joke that only exists to cause suffering, luckily I graduate in June and I will NEVER have to deal with these people.
spanking in general is pedo tier, hitting children otherwise is just wrong senpai. People are complex beings with complex issues, there are better ways to approach said issues than with physical violence imo.
I'm not going to make any absolute judgement on you because I don't know your children, but I tend to disbelieve what you say. I can say that this is why America is fucked now. I have raised three children (two b and one g) and they all respond differently, but all have been spanked more than once and none past the age of seven. All children will reach a point where discussion fails. The reason is that they don't have the experience necessary to make sound judgments. Treating children as adults is the best way to ruin them. A child needs boundaries because they provide a sense of security. You increase the boundary as they mature until they are ready to be released. Nothing pisses me off more than retard parents being on first name basis with their children and letting them make their own decisions because 'they're smart'. Bullshit. Yes children are smart (and likely better at learning than an adult) but they are not mature. The parent/child relationship is unique and to be respected. It is the duty, yes...duty, of the parent to be hard on their child (in a loving fashion) to prepare them for the world and to make them want to leave and make the world a better place.
I will say that girls require far less corporal punishment than boys. Restriction of social contact works much better.
Tell that to a baby trying to run of a cliff
you had an adult dick shoved up your ass for x amount of years as a child, with all due respect, you're anything but normal
What??? A newspaper??? EXPLAIN!
Sure, physically it was traumatizing and did a lot of damage to my anus. But it has healed, and I don't feel like I'm anything but normal..
Why would you spank the baby in this scenario?
>Allowing you baby near a cliff
My point, exactly. Shit parenting
>Best way to raise a sociopath is to beat them until adulthood.
Wrong. You're the exception. Best way to raise a sociopath is to coddle and spoil them, make them think the world owes them shit and revolves around them.
I know this because if my siblings, the loser is my drug-addict sister with no custody of her kids who strings betas along and financially bleeds then dry and discards them to get her fix like a fucking monetary vampire. When she isn't straight up fucking for heroin or meth, that is. Guess which one of us kids was spoiled rotten and treated like royalty while the other 3 were beaten for breathing wrong?
as an uncle I get a lot of shit from my niblings parents for not understanding this, I guess it will come if I ever get the opportunity to be a parent myself
My father handled it well. A stern talking to followed by a sentence. "For this I'm giving you X amount of spanks." No emotion. Moms, on the other hand, perhaps should leave it to dad. My mom threw the custom-made spanking paddle through a glass door once. Completely unhinged and irresponsible. Downright abusive in retrospect. But even as a teen I took it, despite knowing I could beat her ass.
I was twelve years old and suffering from constant terrible bullying but I think it made me a more resilient person. I called the teacher a bitch for it, punched one of my bullies in the face and kicked him in the balls, then ran out of the school and threw a rock trying to break the teacher's window. It was a little bitch move but it was all I could think to do. I didn't have the whatwither to figure out how to take myself out of the situation. I also didn't want to be a little narc because that would have only added to the already bad situation. In high school, the one I was expelled from, I got bullied a little bit but I put the boots to a couple assholes and that was that. Though I did get expelled for what I did to one kid. When I went to my new high school I only ever got in one fight in the locker room and I kicked the guy's ass butt fucking naked before I jumped in the shower. We threw some blows and then I picked him up and slammed him on the ground a few times until he was weezing and crying. After that word got around and I didn't have a problem.
That shit is in large part genetic anyway. It doesn't matter too much how you raise your kid as long as you don't rape and abuse them.
Fold it over and over like a flag they give to a dead soldier's family and it makes a pretty firm surface. ASS ARMOR
>I would never hit a child
Then for fucks sake never breed. There are enough insufferable cunts in the world without your free-range trashbabies adding shit to the shit heap.
When I was a kid we didn't have internet or cell phones to take away.
Was never hit with a belt, mostly just with hands. I don't consider any of it "abuse" though. Closest incident would probably be when my mother dug her fingernail into my cheek for knocking on the door too loudly, (she was asleep and the door was locked when I came home from school) but it wasn't enough to break the skin or cause bleeding. There was also a time when she came at me with her hand open, grabbed me by the neck and pushed me to the ground. It was more shocking than painful. But of course, just like she doesn't remember any of it.
I never retaliated, aside from mentioning, when I was much older, that if she ever touched me again I would cut out her eye and squeeze the goo between my fingers. We still have a good relationship, but she knows better than to ever criticize me for anything.
t. non-parent
You are either trying to be intentionally ridiculous or you don't have children. The little shits will literally try to kill themselves in new and improved ways on a daily basis.
Bullshit. Negroids and Mestizos hit their kids, to no effect.
Sadly I can't afford to miss anymore school so I can't do anything or I'll be suspended for 5 days!
That is bullshit. Only niggers beat their kids.
Christ, I always just took it. My parents didn't spank me much, but when they did it hurt like a motherfucker!
I'm so sick of the constant patronization and emotional torment I go through on a daily basis. I fell for the /fit/ meme... it doesn't work
Can I agree with both of you without getting flack? Kids are retarded and go out of their way to put themselves in harms way, scaring them seems to help them understand consequences of their actions but I disagree with the idea that getting physical is necessary.
Implying you can empathise With someone youre trying to "hurth" into respecting you. But whatever, i will teach my children to watch out for spawn of Your ilk. Nothing good comes over abused children, also moderation is just a meme promoted by nigger tier trash like you. You only dominate the weak for Your own pleasure, no matter how you justify it.
Your reply only tells me you dont know Your sister. No Wonder, when her siblings were abused like you 4. I would also be a drug addict if i had to witness my siblings be molested like you were. In my situation, im the most screwed up one, and my youngest sister the most normal. Probably because i threatened my parents With violence if they hurt her.
>Calling children little shits
Youre part of the problem, you fucking nigger.
I only got the belt once. most of the time dad was out working, so mom was the punisher. that usually involved a switch (small limber limb from a small tree), usually on your bare legs, making you do a weird dance.
Hitting children is low iq nigger tier. You can restrict freedoms.
Punishing your kid is for their good. As their parent it is your job to have rules for them so they don't get themselves maimed or hurt others, break laws and etc.
If your kid is never taught not to play in the street or just won't listen (which means you're a failure as a parent) and gets hit by a car and dies: YOU can face charges for failing to protect a child who depends on you to protect them from a world they don't understand the dangers of yet.
The same does not apply between two adults you retard. Children are a reflection of their parenting until they become adults who should know their way, hence the legal system treating adults and children differently.
My stepfather beat me so badly, that I swore that I would never have a child. I won't give my mom the happiness of a grandchild. Guess you could say he beat the future out of me, lmao.
There are plenty of ways to give negative reinforcement without violence.
Wooden cooking spoons. Until I was 16, and one broke over my ass....Mom started laughing, dad started laughing, and I started laughing. Last time mom ever hit me. Dad on the other hand.....We would get into some fights. He was a hair-grabber, so to save some time, I shaved my head since the age of 14 (my first Adult purchase was clippers).
>five free days off
I had a rebellious streak and thought I'd be a badass. I was one of the pot dealers in school and I was a nice guy so people treated me with respect if not as a friend because I always gave good deals. Nobody wanted to get cut off from the good dealer. Other than that I somehow ended up pretty popular, even with the teachers. My only problem was that when I turned 16 my parents said I was an adult and let me do whatever I wanted so I pretty much treated school as a social event or I was sleeping in all of my classes when I wasn't ditching. Oh and I was self enrolled, paying for my own schooling. I'm not saying it was a bad thing they did but unless I was getting arrested my parents weren't too concerned with what I was doing.
I didn't either, 3 TV channels, I like it better. But my dad not letting me go play baseball with my friends (or maybe find something degenerate to do) was excellent punishment. I didn't get spanked after the age of seven or eight. My dad whipped me with a belt and it taught me not to cross that line. He and I have a great relationship now and I have to say that I deserved every whipping I got (and then some).
Not every woman physically, mentally, emotionally abuses their own children the way anons in this thread describe.
>I won't give my mom the happiness of a grandchild.
This is actually one of the best punishments. Changing your last name also hurts parents big time.
Blablaba i beat children for their own good. Hurdurr Extreme example of hypothetical non-situation that literally never happens. Fuck off nigger. Really sad we have Licenses for driving, but not creating life. 90% of problems in society would dissapear overnight if cunts like you were castrated
Got belted when I was a kid.
Grams had a paddle with holes too.
My dad at some point dropped the belt. If I fucked up he'd just take shit away from me followed by public humility. Nothing extreme. However it was creative. My dad wasn't a shit bag or anything, I would of it wasn't for him.
I did have a friend who's dad would beat his ass. Ex Navy like my dad but my friends dad thought his e3 in the Navy made him hot shit forever. We were over once and my friend was playing drums. His dad walked in drunk took the sticks told him he sucked and just started punching him.