God damn. Miura's digital art is fucking pathetic. The drawings are so uncanny it's almost fucking creepy.
It really does look like those fan art colours they put on mangastream before the actual chapters begin
I thought it was fucked up cosplay from the thumbnail.
But then again, nothing new Miura is a shit artist.
I don't know how he's able to look at the image on the left and think to him "damn, that looks great, let's get it published!"
this is an /ic/ post so I will treat it as such
post your work
>if you're not a talented and highly regarded artist you have no right to criticize
Yeah how dare he be good at so many things but try to learn something new. What an asshole.
he doesn't know how to use the tools properly most likely has no idea how to modify the brushes to beyond basics I mean hes old and its new to him but its surprising that no one is helping him
You certainly do have the right to complain all you want, however without actual knowledge on the subject it just amounts to bitching.
Consider some civilian complaining about a recently built bridge to one of the architects behind it. He complains it's ugly and the style doesn't suit the landscape, do you think the architect actually gives a damn? If it were an engineer discussng the structural strengths and material costs then his opinion holds infinitely more value than the random civvie ever could.
In short, you don't even know what you're complaining about, but you complain anyways, which is exactly why no one gives a shit
Problem is, he is going lineless in digital, and lines are 80% of his art's usual appeal. The bland muted darkish colors are just a matter of his taste/style.
>learn something new
>been 2 years already
>still can't draw worth a damn
It's funny how his manga is full of digital bullshit but he's off drawing nice traditional images for something that's not even his own work.
>no one gives a shit
Apparently you haven't been to Berserk threads.
Yeah, and I'm supposed to like ME:A because "it just works".
What the fuck are you even on about.
His art for Flame Dragon is drawn in traditional and it looks similar to the artwork he did about 10 years ago for the peak of Falconia's arc.
Most digital artists work only with a handful of brushes. His style just doesn't translate well to digital.
You're an idiot, stay away from /ic/ and stick to /i/.
He should just stop drawing all together huh? Because he cant draw as well anymore he should just disappear.
What the fuck is ME:A?
this is a lie
No, I don't mind his story. But manga is a visual medium, and I would like it to look good. I don't expect him to be where he was 10 years ago, but I don't expect thick lines and characters with vaseline on their faces. If it takes him longer to publish well drawn manga, I don't mind waiting.
So? Shit man I don't know if you do draw but manga and comics take a lot more time to do then illustrations, not to mention that I'm sure pretty much all his work uses digital elements +assistants. You think anyone wants to deal with real tones anymore now that they have digital options?
The guy is trying to use a new painting style digitally and we clearly know his strong-point is pen and ink hatching. Personally I don't think the images posted here look that bad, but they are stylized and what others have mentioned, don't use black lines that we are used to. I think you are just a negative nancy who likes to whine.
Mass Effect: Andromeda. Complete trainwreck of a game in a generally well-regarded and highly profitable series. It was so bad that the company that made it is basically going to be stuck working on other companies' games as support for at least the next decade before having any hope of getting another chance.
what is wrong with the left? the coloring is good but something is off? what is it missing?
>literal deviantart tier
What the FUCK happened?
>manga and comics take a lot more time to do then illustrations
I guess that explains he publishes 4 times a year. 3 months to work on 18 pages of digital manga.
is this miura's?
Jesus Christ
It's like someone would take his black and white art, colorized it in shitty way and put some terrible filters over it
I would prefer if he stopped doing anything at this point
It's volume 39's bonus artwork.
I mean, it's not like they are bad. He's no Velazquez but he's still a good artist.
The anatomy, proportions, perspective, light, etc. is all in order.
I guess the problem is that it looks like a fresh painting. Colors in digital obviously don't oxidize, get dust, or fade with light, so it doesn't look like a worn out painting you'd see in a museum.
OPs pic would be alright if the magical creatures weren't so happy and he hadn't applied DoF blur hard to the background and none to the characters. Otherwise it's absolutely fine, just different from what we're used to see from him. Also the choice of some creatures makes it feel cheap, like the fucking unicorn.
This one is also completely fine, maybe the curtain cloth/canvas on top of her head is left a bit too soft but it would be on par with a traditional academic painting. Usually it depends on the era you're learning from. Some renaissance stuff looks exactly like this, some people prefer super hard contrast like the Greco, etc.
Obviously his black and white work is stunning, the contrast like and style of relief print art is always nice to see.
There is nothing wrong with Miura's new style.
Stop whining, manbabies.
I have no doubt that this image, even using digital tones, took weeks if not months to draw.
And that I won't even have a decent scan/real look until the tankoban comes out, as scanlators usually do a lot of shitty edits to make the magazine printings look good.
She turned into an actual blowup doll.
I think he died or ended in psychiatric hospital and someone doing it in his place
nice bait
Honestly the more hours you put into a piece of art the more diminishing returns you get, to the point that it becomes pointless to "work longer" on it. I know a girl (over the internet) who got arthritis in both her arms and wrists and had to give up drawing all together after 12 years, and the "word on the street" is that Miura is having pretty bad pains so he may not even be physically able to draw as well anymore.
>>Sup Forums
Why you thought anyone would automatically know what the fuck you were talking about is beyond me.
She's puffing her lips up to attract Guts.
You are obviously an expert digital artist. Why don't you open PS and fix one of the images to show us all what he did wrong?
Does volume 38 have digital chapters? It might just be a volume 39 thing.
Volume's 38's just been released in the US, so it'll take a week or so before the scans are uploaded.
I'm a different user. I was just explaining, since I have no idea why they assumed everyone outside Sup Forums would know what it was, either.
I only do traditional but i know people use many many brushes they develop over years of trail and error. People even buy brush presets from the better artists. The argument that "Most digital artists work only with a handful of brushes" is bullshit.
Going digital was his best decision ever
The art is shit as part of the story. Casca will die soon and we will shift into darkness with Guts.
As artists age their work becomes more abstract.
He's getting old and doing the same caliber of technical pieces from his early work is just not feasible.
The thick simplified lines we see in his recent chapters are just the beginning.
I expect Berserk art to be full on Picasso if he takes another 10+ years to finish.
Anyhow Sup Forums tangent but that is nothing compared to Megalex.
Compare the 3rd part to a image from the 1st or 2nd where the artist was trying digital painting/modeling. Its the saddest thing I've ever read after seeing their flat work.
Am i being too optimistic to think that during this 6 month hiatus miura might be able to improve his digital art or is he working with the shitty anime staff for a new season
Both those images have digital elements. You aren't proving jackshit. (1st is definitely better though)
Well in my opinion his digital art now looks much better then when he 1st started so maybe? Swapping from traditional to digital is not so easy.
So you only do traditional, but you can tell how many brushes you need in digital? What if I told you the brushes you can "buy from better artists" on Patreon are scam to pull some money from dumbass beginners who think "artist XY's brushes will make me draw like artist XY".
Some of the artists never even draw with those, it's just a product to sell to make some more coin for the "starving artist". Meawhile they draw with the 3 brushes they know work the best for them, just changing the settings slightly.
I'm talking brushes for actual drawing, not patterns, clouds and that shit.
meant to go to
>Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel the older volumes… and my fascination with this dark fantasy world… even my boner for Slan in her intestines form. The masterpiece manga I’ve lost… the talented author I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?
I haven't had a chance to take a look at the released 38 yet but the idea that he's gone to draw digital at all seems like just a shitty fan-theory complaining about the style. The manga has been using digital elements for a long time. But since most people just see the manga on shitty korean scans up-scaled and touched-up by Evil Genius (god bless) they can't really say they have a clue what the manga is drawn in now.
But hey I could be completely wrong if anyone has an actual source.
This one hurts me the most
Yeah you're probably right, im giving the average digital artist to much credit.
The scans were shit constantly over the years. The art was not.
berserk apologists will defend anything attached to it and swear its not because theyre a douchebag guts roleplayer
Civil engineer here
Shut up idiot, there's a difference between objectively cost-effective and safe engineering design and objectively ugly art
style =/= traditional/digital split.
berserk haters will attack anything attached to it and swear its not because theyre a douchebag K-on roleplayer
SOMEONES mad the internet doesn't agree with them.
Somebody post that Ctrl+C Ctrl+V image. Unless he presses that on his ink pen, he has gone digital.
While it is inferior to his traditional color pieces (wich were shit btw, Miura has never been good with colors) I'm optimistic this one is leaps better than this the one he did before.
Also on his digital stuff he's neglecting himself or still haven't learned to advantages of digital where you can "post process" a shitty drawing and make it better with some small tweaks
Man, that bald girl had some fucking amazing titties.
Her knockers were the only thing I remember from that comic.
This. You can work magic with color adjustment. If not him, at least somebody at the publisher's should be aware of this.
I'm not entirely convinced all these are total copy pastes. Probably de-draws, or traced
You can really see the differences in the bottom right comparison, particularly the head geometry and the drawing of the pauldrons
>tracing your own art
Look at his ear and tell me again it's not copied and slightly adjusted.
nah man thats 100% C&P
For anyone in the know of digital art, are there any advancements coming that can help traditional artists in adapting and better retaining how they draw? Is the technology simply what it is for the time being?
Yeah if you want to pay like 1000$ you can get a REALLY good tablet that you draw directly on, a computer that can handle it not included. But you are still going to have to learn to use a brush like you would from a pencil to a paint brush or charcoal.
Like the guy said, you know you can literally TRACE over it right? I'm not saying its not lazy and I'm not saying its amazing but If he had a shot he wanted to replicate quickly he probably did JUST that. Physically.
>tracing your own digital art, that you have saved as a layer anyway, in an attempt to achieve 99% accuracy instead of just pasting it.
To... what end?
jesus christ, it's night and day.
I do think it's great he's trying things out, I'm confidant he'll find a technique/style that will work and look best. But yeah, the right one looks so much better with just tweaks.
>those hands
It's a different medium and you have to come to terms with that. You cannot expect a pencil behaving like pen and you cannot expect to achieve the same effect as with traditional with digital. Of course, digital also depends on the tablet and software you use. And never expect to be a great digital artist right after you switch, just because you have attained all the traditional skill. Improving at digital takes its own time.
I will always draw a bit differently in traditional than in digital and my style is a bit inconsistent anyway. Therefore I can relate to Miura to some extent, but the 16:9 faces and thick lines hurt me too.
Experimenting with strokes and brush.
Any pen stroke can be emulated with digital.
Berserk is dead
I think that cluster of flowers looks much better on the left but thats about it.
oh no fucking way, that artist does digital? i thought for sure it was traditional.
love his work
Shhh, let that delusional faggot who never heard of Photoshop sleep. He copies it "physically". Painstakingly line after line, hair after hair, so it looks exactly the same as the picture drew the page before. We finally know why it takes so long to get a chapter out.
I'm still not buying that the page is 100% digital. My guess if he did trace it he found the physical page he did before and then lighboxed it or even just printed out a scan and draw over it.
BUT. I already had photoshop open to do some edits to other shit and I did a quick copy-paste transparency.
Its pretty DAMN the same, but there are variations in line width in some places that make me think it was traced. But because of the two different scan qualities I wouldn't bet on either or unless I had higher-quality proof.
I don't know if you have ever met a Japanese person but I wouldn't put it past an old mangaka to do that.
Why'd he even go digital if he's not releasing any faster?
Scratch that, the ear and hair look like total copy pastes
The jaw, nose. shading and armor look like a re-draw or a slightly-altered trace though
His second son was just born, give the guy a break.
I don't think Miura needs any more breaks user
>Make it worse with blowing up the contrast like generic chinese artists and amateur photographers
lol c'mon
>tfw just read the idea of evil chapter after being on par with the releases
HOLY Shit, this chapter literally has too much of the story, it explains everything about nu-griffith.
But, the Idea of evil is "God" or "a god"?
And the benefit is what? That everybody thinks he is copying? If wanted to spare time, he would maybe use the pose or outline, draw him a new face and shade it anew. Trust me, for an artist like Miura it's uncomparably easier to shade his face and draw his hair full of lines anew than copying each of the previous lines.
I can't believe I even have to make this point. It's digital and certainly copied. If you ever drew in your life you would see why and how it's done and why it's not "lightbox" traced. Jesus.
Probably both, depending on how much power people give it. The Idea of Evil was created by man as an excuse for the evil in their hearts. The question that interests me more is, is there a heaven in that world, or does man need to create the Idea of Good to form it?
Hey dipface, the reason I had photoshop open was because I AM an artist. A shitty casual one, but still draw, touch up and lightbox regularly. I'm editing sketches to be ready for digital right now.
The reason I doubt its digital is because I lived in Japan and have doubts about an old foggy mangaka changing their ways. Not everyone goes the lazy route of COPY+PASTE. Not saying that I'm disagreeing he could have, but its not conclusive to ME.
I personally lightbox shit I could copy and paste all the time, because I like the physical act of drawing. Sometimes you struggle on for a fucking reason.
Here a pic of my shitty workspace.
>manga is renowned almost only for its art
>take the art away
What is there left, Berserkfags? :)
I don't want to be an asshole but i urge you to delete your post, don't want you to get discouraged from something you truly seem to be pationate about.
Your shitposting. Fuck off.
>manga is renowned almost only for its art
>he really thinks that
>old foggy mangaka changing their ways
Like starting to trace your own panels all of a sudden after 30 years?
Face it, Miura may not be entirely in charge anymore. I think it's quite plausible the assistants digital traced his traditional drawings for the main panels. The backgrounds they were responsible for anyway, so they just copied some of the traced digital drawings and changed expressions and details to make their lives easier.
Believe what you want, but I do not believe Miura would lightbox his own art just to make an ass of himself in front of everyone.
psh watever. I'm not here to defend Miura I'm just playing devils advocate. It could easily be copy-pasted and its sad to even see traced/copied pieces at all
Totally agree that assistants could be involved in the process, and yeah, they could very well trace or just copy his original shit. It would make a lot of sense.
Never thought Danann would be pink.