Konosuba vol 12

Volume 12 of Konosuba

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Shitty translation-

Are we more than friends but less than lovers? Or are we not?

Ahggg I am perverted! I am done being hesitant! I won't let you sleep tonight!









>Seems like having a daughter wouldn't be so bad.
>Of course, sexual things aren't out of the question.
>Hey, Megumin, isn't this akin to a date?
>I-I'm sorry, Kazuma!
>Hey, stop doing that!(probably talking)
>Assistant-kun! Darkness! They're stripping... they're stripping me!

Also, it looks like Darkness' "daughter" is called Dustiness Ford Sylphina, so she's of the same house.

Thanks user.

Wonder what's happening, those don't look like female orcs to me.

>darkness going straight for the dick
i don't believe it

>megumin wanting to get lewder
i believe it

why do people blame Kazuma for ruining things with Megumin when she's just as guilty

why isn't the 11th translated yet what do I pay you neckbeards for

What a beautiful dorkness.

Who can translate colored illustrations?

She is a miracle of the universe

is "This child's name is Dustiness Ford Sylphina.", "I'm Sylphina, please take care of me."
is: "What should be protected isn't the pride of the nobles, but those who are powerless"

It's always the guy's fault.

>volume 11 isn't even fully translated
>volume 12 comes out
Fuck this LN,translators probably dropped this shit

it was fully translated only edition left

Come on man translating an LN is harder than translating an anime or manga

There are like 50k words in a Konosuba volume translation. It takes most authors 20-30 days to even physically write that much, let alone edit it. Let alone translate 50k words, write down the translation, and edit it.

I'm glad we're never getting more seasons.
The LN looks really trashy.


Do I need this?


Perfect body.

Any signs of Demon King?

Kazuma is so pretty in this picture.


Lalatina proving herself as BEST Konosuba.

Next season was going to be the two best novels.
It goes way down hill from there, though.
I just wanted Assistant-kun storming the royal castle to be animated.

her daughter? user please elaborate

Question: is Konosuba worth it? Watched the first episode, laughed once and found it boring as fuck. No build up or anything, just felt... not generic, just not worth watching.

Convince me otherwise.

fuck off

>Convince me otherwise.
No, convince yourself. Stop being an entitled faggot and do something yourself.

Read it or don't.

So Darkness is now resolved to ride Kazuma's D. I'll be surprised if it actually happens. Nice boobs tho.

>I'll be surprised if it actually happens.
If she can derive any kind of humiliation from it, she'll jump him at the earliest opportunity.
Carrying the bastard child of a commoner would probably ruin her whole family's reputation.

Sylphina can't possibly be Lalatina's daughter unless time traveler

no it isnt like most of the garbage LN.

when will be first spoilers?

Dat delicious holy bod, dang it Kurone-sensei, your Darkness illustrations are still missing her 6 packer abs.

>6 pack
She probably has an 8 pack given how she's portrayed

Almost thought it was going to be the last volume due to that cover, then I remember its a Lalatina story, never going to end with that one.

Wow. Rude.

From the looks of it, the novel is currently adapting two things that happened in the WN version. One of them is this scene which is a continuation of Megumin's confession that goes into more detail about their current relationship status. The next one is this scene where Darkness confesses her love to Kazuma. Alongside all of this is new content as shown by the unknown kid and the scene with Chris.
This is what I get for posting so late at night.


I really like how Megumin looks in this pic. She's too cute.

I wonder what happened with Aqua why she is taken away?

>generic harem parody becomes a generic harem



>>Of course, sexual things aren't out of the question.
What? It's exactly the opposite. She said that they should keeps their relationship secret for now, which means no ecchi things for the time being.

Raws when.


>tfw we will never see assistant-kun and big boss in action

Yep. Which is bullshit by the way.

That Create Water+Freeze combo alone that decimated a knight squad and a hero with cheat gear was brutal yet glorious.

It's alright, Kazuma can pork Lalatina all night while Megumin whines in a corner about cockblocking herself.

What is better is that Kurone-sensei has a comiket booth this year

You really think Darkness has any chance of swaying Kazuma? Doubtful

Author doesn't have the stones to introduce sex anyway. He basically used Megumin as a scapegoat.

Translation only started recently and is going reasonably fast

>tfw this will be the last time we get to hang out with Kazuma and the gang

Anything on the Dust spinoff?

Not yet

Dont remind me user.

It doesn't matter whether a harem member is successful at winning MC if they are all obsessed with his dick anyway.