Does the alt right advocate for genocide of non whites?
Who will be killed?
Does the alt right advocate for genocide of non whites?
Who will be killed?
They don't. People who resist the founding of an ethnostate.
I have no problem with any other races besides kikes and niggers. Both will will be hung on The Day of the Rope.
Who's this alt right you speak of?
Who is this European goddess?
No reason to genocide anybody who is wiling to leave Europe or other Western nations willingly (the Jews are another question).
'Alt-right' is also a loose term so there isn't a single set of viewpoints. Some people aren't even talking about removing all non-whites from the entire USA, but just from establishing an all-white nation somewhere in the world (potentially within part of the US). Again, there's no need to genocide any non-white people who don't live in that area or who do but are willing to leave voluntarily.
That cunt is so fucking ugly. Her face looks smashed together
She's black.
i'm very right leaning, i don't advocate for that at all. theirs a difference between blacks and niggers. I highly respect Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, same with Malcom X (on some things). I genuinely feel bad for them. I think we need to out-breed the nigger out of their culture, its ridiculous and it's interfering with ours and fucking it up.
>The day of rope
Don’t bother using rope, noosed wire won’t break down as fast
"Alt-right" is a meaningless meme term, so there's no consistent ideology.
Most right wingers like/are fine with Asians and Indians, so no.
Genocide isn't the preferred method
and oh, only zionists I don't approve of.
Yea blacks usually have blonde hair and blue eyes. Name?
"Alt-Right" means an identitarian alternative to the mainstream right.
I don't care what non-whites do as long as they stay the fuck out of my country.
She’s a mudblood
You'd fuck that. If you wouldn't you're a FAG
>brazilians wont stop mowing down the rain forest
you are forcing our hand
the fate of mankind is not something to be experimented with
fake msm meme
the people who you think you're talking about would likely only find violence necessary against clingers that refuse to detach themselves
Rather, countries should remain ethnically similar
Can't speak for 'the alt right', don't even know what that means really, but no, of course not, everyone should be left alone to live their lives in peace............. in their native land.
>would Sup Forums actually bang Elsa Jean?
As an anti-White, do you agree White countries should be permitted to say no to mass immigration and "assimilation" without being call NAZIWHOWANTSTOKILLSIXMILLIONJEWS like all the non-White countries are permitted?
All non natives will be deported back to their homelands. If they want to fight then so be it.
No dual citizenships, no non-natives owning land, tourism is fine but if you overstay a tourist visa you'll see prison time
She's a 56er with bleached hair
This shit right here
I'll take a respectable (as in provides for himself and doesn't hurt anyone) black guy, muslim, latino, asian, faggot or tranny over a frogposting unemployed neckbeard retard any day.
No, we just want our areas back. All of Europe, and some space in America.
You are not European so why do you care about Europe , Amerimutt?
Also what makes America yours?
>alt right
stale forced meme, LARPers need to go back to rebbit
You are not a country. You are a Spaniard.
some do some don't, Most who say they do are just being edgy. Realistically about 0.0001% actually want to hurt innocent people
I am moving to the United States in May.
I'm half white half mexican desu. How white would someone have to be in order to be allowed to stay after the ethno-nationalist revolution?
You can find her on
1 drop rule amigo
My ancestors. Please belive me instead of making fun of me.
No only ethnic cleansing
I'll be nice and say 95%
a good goy shekel has been deposited into your account
look at the nose...she's literally a nigger.
Elsa Jean
No blue eyes = Death.
Don't look like me = Death.
Inadequate IQ = Death.
Resist = Death.
American = Death.
...and we're off to a good start!
she looks good with BBC in her ass
You're on the list now, leaf!
Why? Are you looking to change career?
Does school-shooter, televangelist or illiterate-redneck appeal to you?
As the defacto leader of the alt right I 100% advocate for the genocide of all non-whites and all women.
Every self proclaimed alt-right member is either controlled opposition or a kekistanigger retard, newfag
no? we just want people to go back. For America I think a realistic plan would be:
>cut off part of the South, make it into a Black country, wall it off and let them make it into Wakanda or whatever
>offer to pay immigrants to leave, mostly from South America
>Immigration restrictions from non-European countries
>jews back to Israel
this would solve 90% of the problems we have
Enthostate. Individuals of African dissent can live in Africa. Not in my country, however. That belongs to the redskins, unless we take it from them. It is dishonorable to let a race that is not concerned about its own preservation, survive.
Go to the dentist bong
>Does the alt right advocate X
We have a variety of opinions, some probably would yes
Personally I advocate non-violent separation.
Each group can then start solving their own problems.
The exception of course are traitors.
High treason is punishable by death.
>who will be killed?
All Americans, for obvious reasons. Italians. Irish. Slavs. Hispanics (including you, Catalonia)
I’m a White South American migrant. Can i stay?
I want everyone dead except perfect clones of myself that inhabit the world at its full capacity. This is genetically optimal, but unstable and likely to end in a plague that wipes us all out, so I want everyone alive to at the very least contain enough DNA to describe my genome and ensure it's permanent survival.
The best way to do this is to make sure me and all my brothers and all our sons all stick together and conspire to cleanse the earth of all others. Just people primarily descended from myself and my immediate family. This would be second best scenario after clones and is sufficiently stable to possibly happen, but the long term possibility of that is very low, as it would take 100s of generation to expand that much assuming no resistance. If our plan is revealed we would be stopped before we could become powerful enough to ensure our survival.
So the next best option is to take a look at all people and say, "The extent to which I cooperate with them will be the extent to which I am likely related to them". For myself, this means people from my particular region of my state with Norther European descent, then people from my region of the US with Northern European descent, then people of General Northern Euro descent, then people of General Euro descent, then people of General caucasian descent, then people of Eurasian descent, then niggers and Abbos. Where I draw the line of cooperation is the point where we collectively have enough power to make sure we cannot be stopped. So that would be people of General Northern Euro descent (roughly 500 million people, but some of the highest quality people on the planet, with the greatest wealth and industrial power.
I say kill the jews and every other race gets their own ethnostates
But "the all right" is a shitty term that's way to broad so i don't speak for everyone
why aren't white people going back to the countries they came from?
what happens to all the mixed race people?
All races can live and thrive wherever whites allow them to.
Voluntary expatriation preferred, forced deportations or genocides if needed.
Blacks and Muslims back to Africa.
Spics back to Spiclandia
Gas the Jews
Of course not you idiot. Nice one though
I would prefer to go with segregation and isolationism, but if they insist on violence then by all means we should resort to that if they instigate trouble with us.
Nah, I could overlook the Blacked thing or her retarded tattoos ruined the innocent schoolgirl look, but not both.
Personally I believe in diversity on a certain level in principle. Like Cramer says to diversify your portfolio. However the Obama->Hillary era enabled the wrong sort.