For your viewing pleasure
Justin Trudeau gets destroyed at Town Hall
Thanks leaf bro
have a bump leaf
>Ontario power companies producing record power surplus
>paralytic lady: I work 90 hours a week and I'm starving to death because of thousand dollar power bills
>Trudeau: We're going to have to change our behaviors
fuuuuuuuuck this guy holy shit
This embarrasses the Leaf
he's just polishing his sales technique for when he travels abroad
Leafbros. You must not allow this guy to be re-elected.
>$1085 for hydro
probre fidelito
i'm honestly shocked they let him go on these town halls, they make him look like a total out of touch idiot, a dangerous idiot
Used to be the only way you could get a hydro bill that high was by growing weed
I'm surprised as well, he does so poorly that even CBC chews the guy apart.
I wonder what happened?
post the fucking time stamp cunt im not watching 14 mins of your fucking shit
Well it's a good thing the British are still in charge of their colonies.
Imagine that guy would be actually in charge. Horrifying!
>investing in Canadians
He literally sent hundreds of millions to Africa for sex Ed and to China for infrastructure...
Not to mention that money spent on "newcomers"
>having a papist p.m.
>post the fucking time stamp cunt
the entire thing is Trudeau getting torn apart
Mines less than 150 a month hollllyyy shit
to be honest, rural Ontarians are enemy number one, what a phony Trudeau is
It's at the very beggining
Maybe he's seen as a lost cause at this point. The sooner he manages to commit political suicide the sooner he can be replaced.
Reminder that only rural and suburban retards vote conservative, all city people voted Trudeau
Nah, domestically it's about selling the country to the chinese.
>rural Ontarians are enemy number one
Get fucked by a nigger you faggot
>wanting to live with niggers and mudslime
Vote of Non Confidence in Justin Trudeau's Liberal Government
reminder that all city retards smell of fish and piss because they just got off the boat to escape their communist dictatoriship only to vote for the same principles in the country they fled
a vote for liberal is a vote for the destruction of democracy
Someone post the pepe version of this I need it for my collection
first minute and half basically gets the point across. spoiler, justin does not recover
Y'all call your water bills hydro bills?
Anyway, I'm on a well. I couldn't care less what water rates are. And, I drove my irrigation well myself, and the vultures at my state's capital don't even realize that the well exists.
We have no choice in the matter. Its all up to your deepstate as to who gets to rape us next.
We're hoping that Trump is successful at getting all rapey with our deep state.
Hydro bill is electricity bill in ontario
Hydro is electricity
God he sounds like such an insufferable faggot.
We're hoping Trudeau elbows another chick in the tit on tv.
most people in ontario are supplied some % of their power from hydroelectric (from niagra among other HE dams in the area)
so a bit of slang developed from it
someone should have shot him being that close.
Its all a scam here. I remember a story where someones house burnt down and hydro one kept billing them for the next few months.
Do you think they care if he looks like an idiot? He has the right psychological profile to be controlled and to do what they want, that's it.
Your day will come soon enough, jew.
Isn't the cost of "hydro" (retarded name btw; I hope you don't ask for "cow" when you want milk) a provincial matter? Why is JUSTin getting rekt for Queer Queen Wynne's fuckup?
I actually want to punch Justin in the fucking head now.
Enjoy your faggot filled city trash
Because its more than a single fuckup from the Dyke Duke Wynne
i meant that as, that's what the government's position is, not mine senpai
Deep state abandoned him months ago. They don't care if he looks retarded now, they got Sheer to keep inviting in shitskins
So, when did he answer for that students question other than pandering to his audience? Why did he attack the person who asked the question by calling him out for voting against Canadian shit libs? Why was he proud of supporting boomers and non workers? He speaks of investing in the middle class, but where is the return?
That woman was truly pitiful. Making her point while groveling to his ideals. Holy fuck. How is this fucking prick PM remotely liked? A time of transition? Transition to what? It is apparent that he wants people who are already stretched thin to be broken. Who does he mean when he talks about people who are vulnerable? I can guess.
I can't think of much else to say other than the young people who voted for some pretty face need to learn a lesson. Once they are wiser and older, they might realize that some pretty boi with a lot of smooth talk doesn't have their best interest in mind and really wants to use them.
I mean, holy fuck, this guy is a liar who cant stand being put on the spot and must appeal to his adorers for support when he gets pinned.
doesn't feel down that the middle class can be blah blah blah blah
we are better than that! more gay pride parades!
invest invest invest, don't fear me, this isn't fear politics, this is spending your money WEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAA
so fucking fun isn't it
We Know
the government needs you to be a WE!!
He's an excellent showman, I'll give him that. Listen to him rattle off that response to that guy's first question.
He speaks like he wrote that answer beforehand.
Honestly, what are his chances of being reelected?
Anyone else here literally not give a fuck what happens to Canada? I'm much more emotionally invested in Europe and Australia.
all your money is going to be going to niggers and arabs, and chinks soon
public speaking is supposed to be the one thing he's good at, and since social pressure is the only thing progressives respond to, it actually is a problem for (((them))) that he humiliates himself and his supporters virtually every time he speaks
But he wears a pink shirt, and dances with indians, and wears a superman shirt!
gosh he's cute!
>next venezuela incoming
>meant that as, that's what the government's position is
sorry eh, took that the wrong way, I have a few pints in me
Already is, and chugs too.
colleges, should be closed down imo or not funded by federal money.
Canadians are fucking retarded slacker scum.
I'd believe a fair amount of the population doesn't even vote because "politics r gay".
I feel bad for the gimped out lady with piss in her pants who's about to lose her home, but it's collateral damage compared to legions of scum in that country that deserve to freeze to death.
iirc it's based on projected usage so that you have a more consistent bill all year. Could be wrong though
>What is a well
Paying for water in rural Canada. The absolute state of this shithole.
grow your own food, and don't rely on government, don't pay taxes
Dodges the question spectacularly holy shit
Stop making us look bad
He did write the answer beforehand. Hes been asked this same question at every opportunity.
Chinese are literally colonizing North America. I'm down here in Florida and of course I saw them up North and out West. But I see them down here in Florida now too, they literally built an apartment complex down the street from me with big Chinese lettering on the side.
Slim. Average people realize his government is failing. Public opinion is waning and the usual corruption is coming out as always. Problem is the conservatives are as unattractive as usual. East and western canada seperate when?
What a shithole country to elect that complete stooge. People sit around and listen to him speak and pretend like his IQ is over 85?
What the fuck is with Soros' giant ear?
This is an old, but excellent clip.
What bothers me is that since Justin has made bedfellows with the CBC, by increasing their budget, the CBC rarely if ever publishes anything overly critical of the Liberal Party of Canada.
We have a prime minister who gets facebook likes and retweets. Not one who knows how to run a country.
certain parts of the body never stop growing
Have you seen the video of the Canadian parliament arguing about the use of the word "fart"? It's fucking hilarious, their country is a total joke.
The only thing Trudeau is good at is squirming his way out of any question.
The one thing I can say positive about Justin is he does repeatedly tell the audience to shut up when they're making noise because they're hearing something they don't like.
Other libtard leaders would've let him get heckled to sitting and then would've made fun of him. I still fucking hate him though.
All the money spends goes to gibs anyways. There's no reinvestment in middle class, there's just gibs to immigrants and indigniggers. He is actively trying to destroy canada.
The only way he's getting back in is if he managed to shift demographics enough. Even libs hate him now, but stupid niggers will vote for him forever.
You have to vote this commie scum down next have to change your behavior....or assassinate him
Why disnt he ask him what investments and those projections of growth? How have they preformed over the last 10 years?
>hey trudeu what's 2+2
>now user I believe math is important.
>math is a thing that has allowed us to flourish and prosper
>math has given us great things; like understanding modern science (audience cheers)
>like allowing us to understand when there is systemic under representation for people of 'color' (audience cheers)
>and math has allowed peoplekind to put a man- sorry I mean person on the moon.
>yeah but tredeu you ignored the question
>no I answered how math is important
Fucking leafman
Dude that poor lady, now i feel like crap ;/
That seems like a disarming technique because he passively aggressively attacks the questioner. He comes off as magnanimous and then turns into an asshole.
>oh you probably voted for the other party, but let me treat you like a person with right
>I know you are struggling with bills, but your criticism with my upcoming carbon tax is misplaced and you are pretty much stupid
all after complimenting them for being brave, hard working, or deep thinkers. He is such a prick in this clip!
Is he like that all of the time? I don't know much about him, serious question.
He has to be a closet fag.
Jews are notorious for giant ears and noses
I swear the young women in the audience always look so braindead.
Hydroelectricity you dumb yank.
I don't understand. Is the electricity that pricey or did that lady live in a clapboard shack with the heat on max all winter?
All old people have big ears and big noses you idiot
God, Canadians talk like a total faggots. Their voices, what the fucc.
Lol when saying “oh please no no!” To the crowd he knows that only riles the crowd more
Two parts which never stop growing.
Sure they do
So do brits
how the hell did he became prime minister in the first place?