Why are weebs so afraid of having Manly Alpha males as protagonists?
Why are weebs so afraid of having Manly Alpha males as protagonists?
Target demographic has changed.
>99% of weebs are losers who had shit school lives and were social outcasts
>therefore they prefer seeing some beta/average joe get all of the girls instead of some 6ft+ stud
Do you know what a weeb is? These shows are not made for weebs.
The word weeb has lost whatever meaning it used to have.
>no Amuro in list of "old" anime protagonists
No, it hasn't, retard.
>5 posts
>3 ips
>1 is me
Nice samefagging, OP.
>"Modern"has characters from 98
>Old has characters from 98
This is the worst then vs now image ever you're supposed to put a badass new character in the old part and a pussy old character in the new part
I count at least 4 manly alphas in the bottom
>children, teenagers and women
Jotaro is a teenager.
Yes, it has you fucking idiot.
the fuck? Simon becomes the most alpha man in the universe in the second half of TTGL and I wouldn't call Saitama "beta" either
It's a low effort bait thread
Ignore it
>children, teenagers and women
>Saitama is 25 and not a NEET
>old anime protagonists
>no ranma
>gon is both old and new
>posting hellsing instead of hellsing ova
has to be bait
It's obviously talking about design you loser
Shit list OP
>don't want beta males as MC
>don't want alpha gary stus as MC
Well what do you want?
>this is the cherry picked image on the opposite side of the argument (pro Modern day Anime bias)
>still shows nothing but faggy looking Emo teenagers as "Manly modern day Protagonists"
You're just proving OPs point
>all of those edgy skinny fuck boys
Are you trying to help OP or something user?
How the fuck do you consider Stella, Soul, and Nashetania the protagonists of their respective series? This is some grand tier bait, but I'm too drunk to care. Just go do something else user. Anime is clearly not worth your time.
>tfw this image convinced me more of the "beta male Modern Anime protagonist" than OPs bait image
Really made me think, user
Samefag harder and go back to Sup Forums with your 3d capeshit garbage
>Edgy school boys and skinny losers
Choose one, weeb
>he thinks any of those beta goths on the right side are as Manly as Guts or Kenshiro
Assuming that your "modern" list is an accurate portrayal of the type of protags used in recent times, the only reason I can think of is because of the self-insert aspect to anime.
I doubt many people who watch anime are ripped, manly looking guys. As such, most people who watch anime can't really identify with those characters.
Just a guess, though.
>IP count not going up
>everyone in the thread shitting on OP
>space between quoted post number, green text and the reply
Surely this isn't OP samefagging at all
So basically, weebs are feminist tier losers like said?
>tries to damage control modern day's "nu-male" protagonists
>gets BTFO
lmao'ing at your life
Your post timer is over yet buddy?
Well for one most of the shows on bottom are targeted towards pre-teens
Also it's not the 80's anymore. You can be skinny as a stick still be considered manly, depending on how you act.
>Also it's not the 80's anymore. You can be skinny as a stick still be considered manly, depending on how you act.
>this is what skeles tell themselves
Yea and height also doesn't matter!
What's wrong with Nashetania?
Shoot forgot my manly 80's pic
No, not the point that I was making at all. I'm just stating that people who watch anime can self-insert easier into someone who is more of their body-type than someone who isn't. They want to believe that people who are like them can also get cute girls to like them not just big muscly guys.
Its more like they're trying to delude themselves by watching anime than it is like they're trying to accomplish some outlandish social justice agenda.
>"Dude, I really find it problematic when people have these females with big tits and 10/10 faces because it's just unrealistic and makes it hard for me being a 200 lbs lard ass to self insert
>Dude, I really find it problematic when people have these 6ft+ males with their huge muscles and 10/10 aesthetics because it makes it harder for me being a 5ft5 skelly/fatty to self insert
Sounds the same to me
it's true though. I mean I know you're just an insecure shit poster but most guys aren't muscle demons.
>it's true though
Ok user. Remember to study for monday classes and don't sleep too late.
>height doesn't matter
>anything else but god tier
Do you have mental problems?
They don't necessarily BELIEVE that fatty/skelly people can perform as well as huge muscle men. They just temporarily get to put themselves in that situation easier than they would if the protag were a muscle man. Whereas, feminists actually BELIEVE that they are as good as 10/10 big titty women.
I suppose the difference here is the necessity to believe in one case but not in the other case.
>tfw 5ft11
I was so fucking close bros.....
Thread should have ended here.
Tis a new generation of Nu-males. The old 80s sttyle "Action Hero" is long gone
I think you shouldn't count old manga which recently got an anime adaptation in the "now" list
>Sup Forums shit
>Sup Forums shit
>/r9k/ shit
>Sup Forums shit
Great thread
>beta becomes an alpha through hard work and perseverance
Gee I wonder why shows like this are popular
No one says that, you're just beating the manlet meme into the ground like a redditor. Furthermore, any lard ass can lose weight while a person can't just magically grow in height.
Is your definition of alpha someone with borderline personality disorder and/or psychopathy ?
I can almost smell your adolescence through the internet.
>Beta becomes Alpha through Hard Work
>Manlets unironically believe this
I love cherry picking!
I'm glad the medium shifted this way. Sharing the fandom with GARfags was making my acid reflux flare up every day.
Why is Simon in there?
Unironically because characters used to be "people I want to be" and now they are "person I currently am"
Same thing is happening in movies, comics, books, etc.
alucard and goku (adult) are both overrated. cowboy in general is too overrated, so fuck spike. uniteresting hack.
jojo is for fags and guts ass was raped by a nigger, so fuck him
in the other hand: Simon, Eren and Saitama are top tier.
He is worse than Saitama
Cuz I am not gay.
Looking at you JoJofags
>puts Oscar on the left side
(S)hes manlier than everyone on the entire list.
>Why are weebs so afraid of having Manly Alpha males as protagonists?
Since when did you come to misunderstand that anime is made for shitty weeb gaijins who can only steal a glance at?
>implying Saitama isn't alpha as fuck even though he's established as unstoppable and unable to give a single fuck
because these low-test beta nu-males are too insecure
Why do people respond to these low-effort bait threads?
Just hide and move on.
>Harlock isnt on the old list
thats a shit list
>implying simon is shit
This is a double shit list
Onepunchman is epic! He can kill Goku in OOOONE PUUUUUUUUUUUNCH.
He is way cooler than any of those fags from the 80s or whatever because he's invincible and faster than them without eventrying.
Joke's on you OP. I'm a 30 something ugly 350 pounds fatfuck who could only self insert in cute feminine boys
>cherry picking the post
Saitama is alpha
The amount of 3D in this thread is disgusting. Get out, and don't ever come back.
Gokufag spotted
Saitama and Simon have abs like you'll never have in your lifetime you chubby, insecure fuck.
Saitama and Simon really don't belong on that list
Gon and Soul are young so their appearance makes sense.
Other than that I agree, protagonists are getting super beta
Gone are the "Patlabor" character days, when the characters were more suitable for normalfags.
Blame Eva.
Bolocks, there are just no stories with settings that require an alpha male.
No Black Lagoons or Darker than Blacks around nowadays. I want anime where the MC is a badass, but it doesn't sell to otaku who want moeshit. Like a plot about competing drug dealers or gun smugglers. Or thieves.
I mean Simon grew a gigantic pair around the end of the first arc
This. Being alpha doesn't sell when the buyers are betas and omegas.
Putting Shinichi Jojo Gon and Sasuke on anime protagnists now. Fuck you
Unless you're a legitimately short male who is like 5 foot 5 height doesn't fucking matter
>b-but these bitches said that under six foot and they don't care
Why do you care about the opinions of bitches?
Based Marco.
'Relating' to a character doesn't really matter. Otaku see artificial spaces as exactly that - completely dissociated from reality. Real world simulacrum (physical ones at least) have very little bearing on what kind of fantasyscapes they consume. This is evidenced in the fact that many Otaku actually identify as the girls in many of the shows they consume. The reason for the feminization OP talks about is because Otaku themselves are are looking for an escape from the hegemonic masculinity that's so pervasive in Japan. They're rejecting the monoliths they see in society by 'becoming' these feminized characters. It's not 'self insert', per se, because that implies the real world 'self' having any sort of involvement in the fantasyscape. No, EVERYTHING about it is fantasy. They completely embrace the Otherness of the characters to the point where their 'self' doesn't even exist to be inserted anymore. It's something else entirely.