>I only hate nazis because they killed anglos
I only hate nazis because they killed anglos
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That's unironically how I feel and also he's German
Oops I misread that as Hitler
That's what happens when you appoint a French papist prime minister it should be illegal for non Anglos to be in the government
Your country voted for that faggot moron. Deal with it.
Yes but he gets appointed to his position you don't HAVE to appoint the person voted for.
Learn some history dumb cunt
We could of had peace
Irishman here.
Anglos are the scum of the earth. They deserve death.
t. grandfather was murdered by a br*tshit soldier in the troubles
Dont bomb civvies then. I hope he was one of the two retards in boiler suits shot by SAS since they walked into a gun fight.
Why do you live in the United Kingdom then? There's no famine anymore McReary
Tbqh it is quite hard (morally) to try and side with the people that your grandfather fought against
Takes a great deal
Fuck off kike, the Teutons will smile at you, shake your hand but the second you turn around they stab you in the back. Continental Europeans will NEVER be an ally of the Anglo
Go back to Europe germanigger
Illegal occupation. I don't recognise the UK and nor do many people here in the North.
Get fucked, bet you're part french.
Thanks for the DUP anyway mick
based leaf
I hate the nazis because they failed.
>Fuck off kike
just an eternal anglo
Papists are foreign invaders, Protestants were the first Christians in the British islands when Jesus Christ went there to preach the gospel, you papists murder innocent god fearing Anglo children and women and murder our soldiers. Irish papists are the worlds number one terrorists and have committed atrocities worse than a thousand 9/11's
Are you loyal to HM the queen chosen by the grace of God? or to a degenerate atheist republic?
England was catholic for over 1000 years you nutjob.
I think it's a troll
The d&c tard leaf it never gets old.
No it wasn't, the very first Christians in the world were in England when Jesus went there, the Catholic Church wasn't established until Hundreds of years after Jesus' crucifixion
Oswald Mosley was a good boy, he was the opposite of the eternal anglo meme. If only the UK (and more broadly western europe) had listen to him.
I wish we could conquer Europe, and anglicize it
True, both Mosely and Powell could of saved us all
Iirc he's referring to Celtic Christianity which was spread throughout the British Isles before Roman Catholicism arrived.
Not this Shit again
No, I'm referring to the fact that papism didn't exist until hundreds of years after the death of Christ and was spread by the romans who wanted to control the masses, Protestantism which started in England with Jesus promotes freedom Papism is a slaves religion
>no aryan males
I wish, it should be illegal to hire a non Anglo over an Anglo, if there's no more Anglos to work for us then we have to encourage Anglo birth rates to be higher, by 2100 there should be 500 million Anglos
>Protestantism which started in England
The state of the nutjob Anglo
Soon, fellow Anglo.
The Church of England is the oldest Christian church in the world it was started by Jesus himself
By gum, it was a privilege.
This picture makes me feel bad, this is a dark spot on our history, those numbers are too low
An Anglo who kills an aryan should only be charged with destruction of property, that aryan could have been an Anglos slave
Fear not, Anglo's never die, we have till end of time to bolster them numbers
Yes meanwhile london and how many other cities?, are completly lost to non european invaders. go get a brain fast
We will have their blood.
We cannot be sated.
The thirst cannot be quenched.
Give me more.
The Church of England was founded by a former traitrous catholic king who wanted a divorce.
Henry VIII slayed bitches, literally.
A right jolly good time it was lads.
Hmm it's common knowledge that the Roman Catholic church wasn't founded and spread until well after Christ. As far as i know the only Christianity in the British Isles prior to Roman Catholicism was Celtic Christianity.
Protestantism couldn't have existed prior to Roman Catholicism for the simple reason that Protestantism mean to be in Protest of the Roman Catholic church.
I mean dude i'm Protestant (Presbyterian) but you're coming across like those Blacks that think Wakanda was a real historical nation...
Anglos are so good we only lost Wars to other Anglos
>American revolution
>War of 1812
>American civil war
We are so superior we created a country and within a hundred years that country became richer than all of Europe
No it was founded by Jesus
Learn your history, Jesus started a Christian church in England before he died, what would you call this then? It's not papism
I mean can you blame him? The absolute eternal state of British women.
Thank fuck for the slavs
Race mixing should be illegal
Okay i looked it up and yeah there seems to be some theories that He visited England. Seems a bit iffy though.
Unless you're an Anglo with slavs, nords and at a push germanic.
>could of
Me too
Fuck g*rmans
fucking Yorkshire twang working its way in.
>You're coming across like those Blacks that think Wakanda was a real historical nation
Thats the true nature of protestantism. The Anglos have just seized on it the most.
But i'm Protestant (Presbyterian) and was agreeing with you earlier lol.
Anyway i googled his claims and found this news.bbc.co.uk
We all know how trustworthy the BBC is though...
It's not a theory, it's a historical fact
No Anglos with Anglos only we need to populate the world with more humans
>visit another country
>make THEM speak OUR language
>if they don't, they don't get our pennies to eat
God it feels good to be in the family.
Just look at all the nations learning English and the majority who are not are already native speakers. One tiny islands language is the global language.
Hahaha Well i'm Scottish so probably Gael, Pict, Norwegian mix.
How can Euro's even compete?
Cant wait till George restarts the empire making sure the sun will never set again.
>Ten years ago
>High school history class
>Teacher assigns a family history project
>Excited to showcase my glorious anglo bloodline
>Probably 100% pure anglo phenotype
>Anglos marrying Anglos, what a beautiful family tree
>Start to struggle finding names 6 generations back
>Ask my parents where their ancestors came from
>"All of your great-great-great-great grandparents came over from England"
>"...except two of them who came from Ireland"
>My world is shattered
>I am a filthy rotten celtic mutt
>Cumulative IQ suddenly drops an average of 10 points
>Sudden need for whiskey (which I now spell incorrectly) and writing about hills and barley
>Urge to worship satanic pope in funny hat and pray to 26583 fabricated saints
>Ready to kill myself
>Parents see me starting to tear up
>"What's wrong son?"
>I don't want to be a filthy irishman
>I don't want be a filthy satanic catholic
>I don't want a diet of whiskey, potatoes, and famine
>My parents burst out laughing
>They forgot to mention something
>Those ancestors were Ulster Protestant Anglos all along
>We all had a laugh, sat down and ate some bangers and mash, and praised Her Majesty
>Cracked open a cold bottle of non-anglo blood to celebrate
>Got an A for Anglo on my project
>The End
Stop larping as Anglo
>relevant opinion
choose one seamus