Now that its official that theres no more kagua from jag, anyone planning to pick it up?
Kagua dropped
Arigato Psylocke Scans.
Nobody will pick it up
It is over for good
How cucked are you guys that you are thanking someone for not doing something for you anymore
I don't get it. How does that stop me from reading it weekly?
unless you know japanese, nobody is translating it now
>hurr everyone knows japanease
yes, why are any mangaë ever scanlated when someone can just read it?
I'm pretty sure he was thanking them for all of their hard work till now, not for letting Viz take over.
Viz Media is picking it up, they might just start over at chapter one and release weekly translations.
I'm reading Golden Kamui and Dungeon Meshi, both have been licensed and are getting translated. Also I think the One Piece threads post the Viz translation of the chapter they read last week on Tuesday?
I've literally never read a manga that I couldn't find online due to getting licensed.
I'm thanking them for the work they've done all this time. You wouldn't have even knew of kaguya if psylocke didn't pick it up.
>Viz Media is picking it up
>implying they won't butcher it
>weekly translations
>more than a year and a half of waiting before we get to where we already are
Someone else will pick it up if the demand is high enough. Shame though, Psylocke was doing a pretty good job.
Im sure someone else will pick it up, I just hope we still have threads every week where someone dumps it and people wait to read it in the thread.
If translations become too influenced by Western Culture that it changes the original author's intent than it'll be butchered. Otherwise we just have to deal with waiting a long time to getting new translated chapters.
It's a really flawed business model Viz had going on. Instead of acknowledging the huge amount of already translated material they just start from the ground up. Obviously they won't just reupload the old translations but you figured they can just contact the previous translators and buy their translations for a cheap price. Then they can just go through and make whatever changes they feel fit. Anyone who starts with the first chapter on Viz will find the next chapters on different websites, which is something Viz shouldn't want. Until they catch up with the already released chapters, all they do is advertise for the pirates sites that host it.
Someone will pick it up, it's popular.
Most likely Viz just wants to make sure that their translations are "Viz Quality". It still takes a large amount of effort to verify and edit a fan translation to a particular set of professional standards.
I do agree with you on that regard but it's still ridiculous how long we would have to wait for the newest chapter to be translated by them. Honestly if they could just have separate teams working on translating the initial chapters and the newest ones that would be nice. It might not be realistic from a financial standpoint but most people have little motive to support the new translated release of chapters they already read.
>kaguya is dropped
Why keep on living?
>Trash romcom dropped
who the hell cares?
You can get into trouble for scanlating that, but the main reason is because ultimately there will be a translation and, as scanlating is hard work, if Viz is going to catch up soon then it might not be worth it.
Thanks Jag.
Bleh this was a good fan translation. Now we're stuck with Vizwang forever.
Would you read it if it was translated by niggerstream?
I need someone to pick this up. Reading it togeather with Sup Forums was really enjoyable. It's been one of the funniest manga I've read in a while.
Good on psylocke for having kept going untill this point.
MS is going to pick it up because it's popular and they need more clicks on their site after getting stiff competition on their WSJ manga
Viz despises piracy so they'd never do that unlike fakku that buys your favorite translators to their dark side.
The only good thing from this is that with Kaguya Thursdays gone, faggots like you and the Nisekoifag won't be there to shitpost anymore.
I would love to but I'm a coward who is scared of DMCA notices, and doing it anonymously would suck because muh epeen.
Fuck i was hoping seven seas would license it.
Viz ruined everything for everyone yet again.
thanks for the notice, I'll steer clear of this series then. don't want to end up stuck with an incomplete mess.
Worst part is not getting to read the comments and reactions here real-time.
Sucks for people who live outside US as well.
You are aware that the Japanese Publisher checks the translation?
Just read till they leave the student council and treat that as the end.
Also, didn't make it to the weekly thread but thanks Jag and Psylocke Scans.
I'm interested in picking the translation effort up. My only concern is availability of raws. Where did Psylocke get their raws?
I lurk in several group Discords and there's more than a few interested in picking it up. But they all share your concern about obtaining the raws.
Don't worry, it's pretty popular in Sup Forums, so somebody will bound to pick it up and official translations usually never stop scanlations. I hope someone can also dump it in the threads like always
I hope anyone who picks it up ain't no drama queen or involve in any scanlation drama (although I'm pessimistic of this)
Yeah it's obtaining the raws that's a problem. IIRC there's always a Chinese forum that leaks several pages of the newest chapter around today or tomorrow, do they supply the full raws?
>Otherwise we just have to deal with waiting a long time
Enjoy waiting a eternity to get up to date.
Has there been any other cases where a popular series gets licensed, dropped/DMCA'd, and pissed off a lot of people?
As long as Niggerstream doesn't get it I'd be fine. Those watermarks are awful.
>As long as Niggerstream doesn't get it I'd be fine
knock on wood.
Wow, everything I like is being torn and burn.
The weekly issue of the magazine is always uploaded on the day of the release.
1. dump Japanese raw on Sup Forums
2. Wait for drive-by translation
3. ???
4. Fun times for all.
Shame, clean scans that aren't in shitty korean are so nice. Wish I knew how to find good raws.
It seems like getting the raws is the real problem for some.
Sauce dude. If we have raws translation should come easy. for example. Just go on there and search 週刊ヤングジャンプ . They always have the raws on time on thursdays, although this week was a little late.
It's not as good quality as you'd get with proper scans, but it's free and they're on time.
Pissing off a bunch of EOP pirates isn't a big deal. Fuck you Sup Forums
They're shit and sometimes have pages cut off. If you want good raws of series from magazine that doesn't have digital release, you have to get your own raw provider.
They wouldn't be good enough for typesetting, that's obvious. It's enough to post and just translate with greentext.
are they really that bad? can't you correct noise with topaz plugins?
>Go to sleep late and wake up early to go for water
>Quick check Sup Forums for news and find this
>Cant sleep anymore
Man you guys sure love giving bad news, why not good news? Why is it never good news?
Thanks psylocke for all your work up to now.
Guess I'm off to gensokyo now, goodbye world.
Here's an example page. It's good enough to be read and translated separately, but bad enough that you wouldn't want to typeset it.
consider for a moment the fact you are speaking with an illiterate, what's wrong with this page?
bad cutting? too much noise? low quality?
>Worst part is not getting to read the comments and reactions here real-time.
Plain low quality that would look massively inconsistent when you'd draw to clean it and makes redrawing simply impractical.
Like I said, I'd be fine if someone would just post these and post the translation with greentext. It's fairly unlikely any proper group would pick this up and would both use proper raws and typesetting with the risk of being DMCA'd.
what if the translated content is hosted outside of US? It's not like everything english translated can be DMCAed
That its x1200
Proper scans should be x3200.
Atleast whoever is scanning it does an acceptable job, most scanners don't put a page behind the page.
>Viz Media
I can't remember, how badly do they usually butcher their translations with localisations and poor interpretations?
there were people on the Scanlation Thread discussing the proper way to tear apart tankobons and other magazines with an heat source in order to scan page by page
people should start selling tools for this job since hair dryers and hair straighteners are kind of messy to use
That sounds like a really niche market.
>No more Kaguya Thursdays
there were chinese resellers selling hack kits for consoles. kits with screwdrivers, replacement parts and additional chips to use. the market died quickly but they sold everything
it's not impossible but it's still a risk I guess. I'd gladly prefer a DIY tutorial on how to do the job properly tho
If people don't mind paint-tier typesetting I could do translations for Sup Forums only provided that I have steady source of raws
If somebody has a steady source of raws then they'd probably know how to at least TS it.
People can translate in green text and other anons with better editing skills might typeset tehm later, like it happens with Tsugumomo.
>missed dump yesterday
>read this
You are just fucking around with me, right?
This is no more than Jag fucking around, right?
are people forced to read scans here or they are eventually hosted somewhere?
Whatever is posted here someone uploads it to batoto for epeen then it spreads everywhere.
>I've literally never read a manga that I couldn't find online due to getting licensed
Oh, I have one for this. I've never found the Inukami! manga past the first few volumes after which it was licensed.
>buying volumes for $15+
The point is that you'll have to wait months if not years for them to catch up on the official translation
Like Golden Kamuy got licensed, but it's still 100 chapters behind the fan scanlations (which are 30 chapters behind the Japanese version)...if it had been dropped, as happened with Kaguya, fans would have never gotten translations of the past twenty or so chapters and still be waiting for official translations of stuff that is years old before they could get any "new" stuff
Because there are only available till Ch23.
Scan it yourself.
Ch23, vol5.
Vol 6(last one) is scanned but in horrible quality.
Obviously, everybody gets the public magazine raws the day it comes out, but if you are actually looking for the provider, you could just talk to whoever translates Kingdom or Urataro
The interesting thing about scanlations for stuff from Weekly Young Jump, is a lot of times they are actually about one week ahead of the actual magazine so they are probably sourcing from the same place that is getting the magazine over a week early
Since it looks like I'm gonna have to buy WYJ from now on, what's good in it? TG:re is going down the shitter fast and I'm hesitating to pick up Kingdom.
Uratarou is being done by jaimini and raw provider is Heisenberg. Dunno about Kingdom. Also checked NS' raw provider for WYJ, it's Friedrich. All of their scanned raws are shit, or the cleaners are shit.
>they are actually about one week ahead of the actual magazine
It's the same about other magazines, like WSM or WSJ, just not so early.
someone else will pick it up if only because american license means jackshit for everyone else
Guess ill just keep reading not-Kaguya then
TLs never ever
Does this even get updated anymore?
Cat-scans released a chapter once last month I think. Dammit they are slow. I remember when I kept waiting forever for Kyou no Cerberus chapters
If there aren't any good magazine raws one could go for the tankobon.
Releases would be a few months behind the magazine, but that's still better than nothing.
Fret not, as the upcoming anime adaptation will soon put an end to any desires for further thread discussions
Yeah, volume scans are of pretty good quality. You would't get back cover and inside cover though unless somebody scans them.
you will all now realize how important the scanlator is
kaguya will never be the same. officially dropped with tremendous sadness
We could ask the Koreans to provide their cleaned RAW's.
Still feeling numb about all of this, though I do feel a sense of dread when Thursday comes around and it'll finally sinks in.
But turning the bubbles uniform white shouldn't be a problem. One could even copy the gunk to make it look consistent.
this, though, i'll be happy enough if someone competent would pick it up at where we left off as soon as possible
What about everything else?
What about it?
>you will all now realize how important the scanlator is
when have we ever said the scanlator isnt important. and dont say that we are mean to scanlators in general, notice that we are mourning jag dropping this because he was actually competent at it, when we insult scanlators is always the ones who rewrite it and generally fuck it up. if that was the case here we would not be this sad now.