Poland Jew Advertisements

I hate poles. More and and more I hate Poles. Now they pull shit like this. Not to cry for the Jew or anything of that nature. This is just lies. The poles have a nice long history of Jew killing. And now this bloated Euronigs have given me another reason to hate them.

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Pretty sure this it true kike and if you're looking for anyone to shed a tear for jews best move on somewhere else.

Don't hit yourself with the ovendoor on the way out.

>upset about jew killing
>im not a jew goyim

Fuck off shlomo

JUST KYS. Pilecki had more balls than your whole nation.

what is this sorcery? Poles helped the nazis kill over 90% of the jews in poland. The nazis didn't need to force them to do it, this is well known. Poles should admit it and move on.

Poles are a nation of Bronies and cosplayers desu, they don't live up to the hype irl.

Holocaust didn't happen. There was no systemic murder. Stop crying for schekels. All the goyim will soon know. More goys than ever before now know. Go fuck yourself.

Even Germany was not guilty stop trying to lay blame on other euros.

Fuck yourself shlomo.

End yourself kike.

STFU, thanks to Poland there was no Holocaust, that's the current version :P .

Policki himself even claimed that the soviets were worse than the Nazis and that the wrong foe had been defeated. It was the Commies that put him to death, not the Nazis.

Policki was an honorable man


Some poles kill jews. Other poles help jews.

>It was the Commies that put him to death

I wonder why..maybe becaue he knew first hand the death camp myth was soviet jew psychobabble.

For clarity I’m not crying about Jew killing. That wasn’t the point of the statement. It’s the point that I hate Poles and every day I find a new thing that makes me hate them. Poland was at its best when it wasn’t in the hands of poles.

Kek i love this
This is fucking Perfect

One hand we are guilt tripping Germany - and this helps the left wing agenda in Germany
And on the other hand we expose Jewish lies

This is how the 6th dimension chess looks like

What I think the most ridiculous thing about the holocaust thing is that if Germany really wanted to kill all the Jews they just would have done it. Shit would have been easy too. Jews are tiny little cowards. It would have taken Germany like 5 days to shoot every Jew in the head. But instead they did some convoluted shit where they sorted them all and gassed them in fake shower rooms and then dragged their bodies upstairs where they incinerated the corpses? It just doesn't make any sense.


You're a fucking faggot. Its one of the last white countries that are based and hate marxism and openly talk about the jq. Go fuck yourself shlomo. Poland has become a beacon of hope

You dont kill people by sending them to a day camp with pools and rollercoaster rides.

i wonder who is behind this post.

>beacon of hope

Not canadian just in canada

Indeed he was.



You're retarded.

I'm not shedding any tears for jews

What about ethnic Poles?

>Getting caught was part of his plan

W imieniu Polski podziemnej skazuje cie na śmierć za zdradę ojczyzny

Pokaż flagę

Hate them too. You don't deserve a country.
the last polish "achievement" is 500 years old

This. All of you need to shut the fuck up, Poland didn't do anything. The Jews are trying to claim Poland did a bunch of shit to them, just so the Jews can demand reparations. The polish government is calling them out on their lies.

Sooo you actually believe the official roller coaster 6 million gas shower narrative?

did you know their is a shekel in the oven?

Jews have no concience or soul, the whole world hates them, and they deserve the hate they get.

>The polish government is calling them out on their lies
Unfortunately there are polish gov (((officials))) that are trying to fight this bill. One again dual citizens strike.


The point isn't a pole in a death camp. It's polish shilling. Acting as the savior of the Jew. Poles cant even be their own savior. Poles killed jews in Europe just like every other European nation. They did a lot of jew killing in ww1 as the Germans invaded Poland, also indecently the first time the 6 million figure was attempted



Did Burger mean "incidentally"?

>Hate them too. You don't deserve a country.
>6 million
Not necessary, I don't care about the specific Jew numbers, very highly that they were overestimated, but I don't care. What I care about is the 3 million ethnic Polish Christians who died.

P.S. Fuck both Berlin and Moscow.
P.P.S. And fuck Jews too.

yes polak, I corrected myself as well.

If u amerimutts paid any attention to global news and stopped eating your own shit, you would realise what this really is.
Poland is played 4d chess with israel rn.
>biggest nationalist march
>removed (((paid))) politicians
>banned the term "polish death camps"
>refuses immigrants set by (((EU)))
and in retaliation Israel sends 1trillion złoty reparation to Poland for having nazi death camps on polish soil = polish death camps
What Poland is doing now is creating a sob and emotionalist campaign, something that is very successful in this day and age. They parade about saving Jews during ww2 and such, just so they seem like friends. They want reactions from the world. Poland was too hospital to Jews (and muslims) in the past and now have learnt their lesson.

About the polish soldier, its a true story but not death camps
Death camps didnt exist
Just labour camps
Brave man, nevertheless

You can weep for poles all you want. No one else will.

>coming from cheddar man

>No one else will.
You're not "EVERYONE" else burger.

Pols are dumb or they would be killing jews now to get rid of them trying to spread their inbred DNA and destroy their country like the jews are in Israel

I didn't claim to be everyone.
But it is a fact that a relatively small amount of people outside of Poland care about dead poles. I don't get how burger is a real insult, its like saying cracker. Nigger carries weight, as does polak, but not burger.

at least we improved on cheddarman whereas you seem to be regressing toward.

Top kek
We are the evolved

Literally how we call ourselves in Polish. You retards cannot even make a proper insult.

>Sup Forums
>unironically discussing the holocaust as real
The absolute state of Sup Forums

What im confused about is why polacy are offended by this

Its an insult in English you piss stain. Whatever you call yourselves is irrelevant to what your called in another language. Nice attempt at a retort, but you're a pole so I cannot expect much. Whether or not polak is polish for a pole doesn't change the insult in English. Its similar to blacks calling themselves and each other nigga, the context of the word and how you use it has no bearing on how another group uses it. The poles who flooded america in the 1900s did not speak English and called them selves polaks, so we obliged and referred to you as such. But seeing as one filthy polak is the same as another it became an insult, and until recent times was synonymous with exceedingly stupid in America. There are a plethora of stupid pole and polak jokes. But poles are short sighted, venal, abase, and indigent so I would expect nothing less.

when the normans finally get past the indoctrination they've endured since birth, YOU ARE FUCKED!

Why wasn't Christ born in Poland?
Because they couldn't find three wisemen and a virgin.

Polish firing squad, stands in a circle.

Why did the Polak cross the road?
He couldn't get his dick out of the chicken.

a few as an example

Sorry, Poles helped build the USA, stay mad bro

>hate all kinds of socialism
>your country is still in the gutter

yea as what boils down to slaves.

>who is Tadeusz Kościuszko

>acting like half of those are good things
>protecting jews
>muh ottomans
>standing up to nazis
>"standing up" to communism
> saving europe from communism hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>>protecting jews
Only mistake
Democracy led to Polands fall

>>standing up to Nazis
Beck was a british spy that fucked Poland

>kek at the buttblasted amerimutt defending his masters
kys my man

>>decorated by George Washington himself

hurr durr slave derp durr

are you saying the only one to volunteer for the American revolution is a pole. No von steuben, who's practices are still in the marine handbook today, no lafayette?

and yes they were slaves, during the industrial revolution Poles, the Irish, and to some degree the Italians were slave labor in all but name.

your creatura education is purely goblino

>pole talking about education
shut the fuck up.

>father of american cavalery
>is polish
lel american cucks

so you're saying its good that pole man goes to death camp to save jew man but jew man also bad

It's really time to kys.

Polish jokes are boring.

This can be applied to every country and its funny
Even the Vatican

Enjoying your bombings? ;)

>>"standing up" to communism> saving europe from communism hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
The ahistorical knowledge is strong in this burger.