Why aren't you taking up the flag of the proletariat, comrade? It's time to remove fetters and fight for real freedom, where one isn't dominated by capital.
Why aren't you taking up the flag of the proletariat, comrade? It's time to remove fetters and fight for real freedom...
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Because 90% of commies are SJW's
Is that you, Peep? Posting from beyond the grave?
>Press S.
I don't want to be ruled by black trannies
what's wrong with fighting for rights of oppressed?
there is no "ruling" in a communist society. Every man is his own master.
>fight for real freedom, where one isn't dominated by capital
In what version of not real communism, was there real freedom and the state wasn't dominated by the problem of not having capital?
But hey next time it will work, laws of probability right?!, its not like there is a glaring fucking hole in the progression where all not real communism fails.
>Every man is his own master.
Are you retarded? It's literally the opposite, no one is a master of anything, every man is a slave to society.
That's a disingenuous way of framing what's going on.
Freedom in the Marxist term is not the ability to do anything you want, but to live in the most ideal state you can achieve.
>pic related
Tell me again how many people died trying to implement communism.
>Are you retarded? It's literally the opposite, no one is a master of anything, every man is a slave to society.
Says the man who is working a job that he hates and would probably be obsolete in a communist society. Conditions in the 3rd world were not ideal for the revolution, comrade, but as conditions worsen in the west, the people will realize who and what is actually at fault.
I doubt he knew what communism is. He was far too braindead to understand politics. He just posted that he look cool.
those are only preventable because of capitalism, so it's a catch-22. Capitalism eradicated smallpox, but its incalculable how many people don't get a disease.
it's not. Granted, im no the biggest fan of racial and sexual politics, but there is a case to be made that certain people have been oppressed.
Because as soon as you come to power Im dead. Idk why you people are so murderous
>Cast off the crutch that kills the pain
>the Red Flag Waving never meant the same
>the kids of tomorrow don't need today when they live in the sins of yesterday
Pic related is literally the lack of capitalism going on, well done in not know what capitalism actually is, and I dont mean the "have to change the meaning of all words communist definition"
See "Freedom"
Secondly, how many not real Communist countries are fixing these problem??
At least the "evil capitalist" have an excuse, what's theirs?
Thirdly, your pic still doesn't answer the problem of communism always failing at the same point, and communist being to retarded to firstly identify the problem, and secondly plan to avoid making the same mistakes, but hey next time, Feeeeel LUCKY!
>Capitalism eradicated smallpox, but its incalculable how many people don't get a disease.
that's the problem with capitalism, fellow worker. It's contradictory. We have the capability to feed to entire world, to house every homeless person, and to much shorter work days due to the advancements of technology since the epoch of the industrial revolution, yet we don't. People still starve, people are still homeless, and people are still ignorant. And why? Because it's not profitable to feed the hungry or to house the homeless. We are slaves to capital, comrade.
>Says the man who is working a job that he hates and would probably be obsolete in a communist society.
That's a lot of assumptions, lol. Too bad they're all wrong.
>Conditions in the 3rd world were not ideal for the revolution, comrade
What's the point of having a red revolution if your third world country is most likely already communist? Which is why it's third world in the first place?
>but as conditions worsen in the west, the people will realize who and what is actually at fault.
You don't need a communist revolution to get rid of the Jews, the Germans were doing a fine job until the kike-controlled USSR ruined it.
Marxism doesn't make a moral argument
So basically, you commies had to change the real definition of freedom to mask the fact that your society wouldn't have any. Okay, got it.
There's also a case that people of European descent have the right to not be subjected to ethnocide, and to not be systematically belittled and disenfranchised. There's also a case that women are biologically different from men, and that they will never achieve equality with men as a result.
Really, because your picture just tried to make a moral argument, so you're full of shit.
And you still haven't addressed Communism glaring fault, nor any address in how to solve it.
At this point you either dont know at what point communism fails, Don't have any idea how to fix it or most likely both.
I'm going to pay you 100 dollars to fuck off
I doubt he knew what communism is. He was far too braindead to understand politics. He just posted that to look cool.
Commies post here like ocean waves
Ignore them, they post here and they are stuck here to join our masses.
>implying this is a capitalist issue
>implying this would change for the better under communism
>implying it would get 1000x worse under communism
So tired of commies
Nobody believes in communism anymore. No countries. No universities. No one.
Stop larping, you little pathetic virgin loser. Get a life.
>Really, because your picture just tried to make a moral argument, so you're full of shit.
It's an empirical argument. You claimed that communism kills, when in realize it's capitalism that kills, and the numbers prove it.
>There's also a case that people of European descent have the right to not be subjected to ethnocide, and to not be systematically belittled and disenfranchised
Im not necessarily against putting up immigration restrictions, what troubles me is the "gas chamber" talk. Sovereignty for all people to associate freely is a core tenant of what I believe.
>There's also a case that women are biologically different from men, and that they will never achieve equality with men as a result.
Of course not, that's not what I believe either. The wage gap is the cause of women choosing different careers, which is 100% fine with me. The problem I have is that women are disincentivized from pursing certain career paths like STEM.
prove it
>be obsessed with identity politics and subdivide the 'proletariat' into dozens of subgroups all competing with each other for oppression points
>wonder why the 1% continues to exploit and dominate your asses
Until everyone on both sides learns that race/gender politics is the tool that keeps the poor distracted and divided and helpless against their rich jew overlords, you'll continue to lose.
Most successful revolutions happen when the lower class does manage to get their shit together long enough to cut off some heads. Identity politics (and before that, though less effectively, party politics) is how they keep the working class fighting amongst themselves instead of focused on the real source of their problems
Communism is the realm of freedom.
>gas chamber talk
Inevitable when you put competing ethnic groups in the same space. Ethnostates are the solution.
No retard I didn't make ANY comment on the death toll before you brought it up, Communist death toll is pretty much undeniable at this point!
And again these numbers are literally the LACK of capitalism, but you wouldn't know that because you don't know what capitalism is outside the parrot response you retards all give.
Sure, and I'm the Queen of England.
“The realm of freedom actually begins only where labour which is determined by necessity and mundane considerations ceases; thus in the very nature of things it lies beyond the sphere of actual material production. Just as the savage must wrestle with Nature to satisfy his wants, to maintain and reproduce life, so must civilised man, and he must do so in all social formations and under all possible modes of production. With his development this realm of physical necessity expands as a result of his wants; but, at the same time, the forces of production which satisfy these wants also increase. Freedom in this field can only consist in socialised man, the associated producers, rationally regulating their interchange with Nature, bringing it under their common control, instead of being ruled by it as by the blind forces of Nature; and achieving this with the least expenditure of energy and under conditions most favourable to, and worthy of, their human nature. But it nonetheless still remains a realm of necessity. Beyond it begins that development of human energy which is an end in itself, the true realm of freedom, which, however, can blossom forth only with this realm of necessity as its basis. The shortening of the working-day is its basic prerequisite.”
― Karl Marx
which is why I support freedom of association
What's funny is this was written when "evil capitalist" where hiring people who used to work in fields ALL day, hand to mouth living, to come work in their "evil factories" made more money and worked less hour's
While Marx, 4 of his 7 kids died of neglect you know, kind of the death rates you would get before the industrial revolution.
Why don't the people who work and use the means of production not own them?
Until I don't respect xer pronouns and am put in a fucking gulag
Then perhaps we're in agreement. I'm not particularly fond of capitalism.
>Implying they don't, can't or otherwise unreachable.
Everyone has a choice to make, no one forces you into your 'chosen' career, no one forces you to be a great capitalist, a small capitalist or a whining commie faggot.
Because communists are less than animals.
I can only imagine crushing your windpipe under my boot, laughing and experiencing a full body orgasm from seeing red scum die.
>no one forces you into your 'chosen' career,
Circumstances that are completely avoidable do though. Plus most people, especially low income earners hate their job.
Because the proletariat is too dumb, easily distracted, and just as morally bankrupt as the bourgeoisie. The Vanguard will never hand over the power to the masses and the working class is good for seldom else than working. Any and every peoples revolution ends with 4 things, a ruling class, a working class, a state, and a famine.
Become the bourgeoisie, or perish.
What happens when someone gets out of line? Such as trying to steal from another or murder someone? Are there any trials at all? Who enforces justice?
>Such as trying to steal from another or murder someone?
well there'd be no point in stealing since the level of automation we'd be at for communism to work would make all goods so affordable that stealing would be unnecessary
Murder rates would also go down dramatically, since there would be no gang violence.
>Are there any trials at all? Who enforces justice?
The community would judge you. Similar to the way primitive hunter gatherer societies would.