If nobody can logically explain to me why Christ was Lord by the time this thread hits 100 I will renounce him

If nobody can logically explain to me why Christ was Lord by the time this thread hits 100 I will renounce him.

Other urls found in this thread:


what the fuck is "lord" anyway? sage.

saging is for fags with no argument

Sounds like you don't like the idea of not being your own God, and you've already chosen to reject the historical truth of the Bible.

There are seven different women in the New Testament named Mary. No person in his right mind would write a work of "fiction" using the same name seven times for completely different women. Therefore it is definitely all true. Checkmate.

>I will renounce him.
No one cares if you renounce Christ. More of you faggot in Hell the better. In fact, KYS right now.

No, I genuinely want to be converted.

Bc he was Jewish you baguette nigger. Now repent!

That's not very Christian.

Jesus Christ was never meant to be worshipped like a God. The Jews distorted christianity in order to make you look outside of yourself for salvation when the truth is that the only road to heaven is inside of you.

Go to Hell faggot. No one cares if you go to Hell.

Wtf, I love Christ now.
>tfw you aren’t catholic anymore thanks to this thread.

Nobody can convince you of anything. You will gain more by reading texts from various religions and drawing your own conclusions.

>I'm such a low effort faggot that if within the time spent reading less than a hundred faggy comments by literal natsoc faggots an incredibly complex and rich spiritual tradition doesn't "click", I'm giving up.
>Oh and before you guys tell me to reading literally anything by Tolstoy, it is out of the question because such a pathetic brainlet.

The most profound demonstration of God’s love for mankind is revealed in the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was His sacrifice that made atonement for sin and provided redemption not only for man, but for the universe itself. Yes, even the universe is dying. Physicists call it the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics. Theologians know what it’s called and what causes it; it’s called sin. The Bible says that God is going to let sin run its course. After that, He will create new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells-forever!

The cross of Christ represents the defining moment in the history of mankind. Jesus had such a profound impact on the world by what He said and by what He did that the world marks time before His birth and after His death. We live in the 21st century “A.D”. That is Latin for Anno Domini which means “In the year of the Lord”. The reason the world marks time by the birth and death of Jesus is because three days after He was crucified, He raised Himself from the dead! No one ever did that before or since.

I’m not so amazed that Jesus raised Himself from the dead. I’m more amazed that He could have died in the first place! Death is the result of sin. That is why all men die, no matter how they die. But Jesus was sinless. How could He have died? The answer is found in 2 Corinthians 5:21,

“He made Him who knew no sin {to be} sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Christ died all right—He took on the sins of the whole world, past, present and future! That is how God can legally forgive us without compromising His justice. Someone else paid the price for you!

According to the New Testament, repentance and believing in the deity of Jesus is what constitutes salvation. In John 8:26 Jesus said,

“… you shall die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am (He) you shall die in your sins.”


John 1:1 and Colossians 1:17 state that Jesus was God manifested in human flesh, eternal and not created. Anyone can say that he or she is a prophet, anyone can say, “I am God” but proving it is much more difficult. There are seven “I am” sayings of Jesus in the New Testament. Each is a clear reference to Exodus 3:14 when God revealed His name to Moses: “I am, that I am, tell them I am.” So, when Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I Am,” the Pharisees knew exactly what He meant, and they wanted to stone Him for claiming to be God (John 8:58, 59; 10:30,3 1)!

Anyone can “say” they are God. Jesus did things only God could do!

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world”. But, He did not just say, “I am the light of the world,” He said, “I am the light of the world” and He gave sight to a man born blind!

He said, “I am the bread of life.” But He did not just say, “I Am the bread of life,” He said, “I Am the bread of life”, and He fed 5,000 people with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish!

He did not just say, “I am the resurrection and the life.” He said, “I am the resurrection and the life” and He raised Lazarus (and many others) from the dead!

Each of the “I Am” sayings was accompanied by a miracle, which in turn revealed His deity. The one miracle He performed more than any other was that of giving sight to the blind. In Exodus 4:11, God is speaking to Moses, “And the LORD said to him, ‘Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes {him} dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?’”

The “I Am” sayings show that Jesus not only claimed to be God, but offered empirical proof of being the Creator, the Sustainer, and the Redeemer of mankind. He proved His verbal claims with literal miracles.


Jesus said, “Peace be still and the winds and the sea obeyed Him!” He said, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it.” He was speaking of the temple of His body!

Jesus claimed to be God. He not only said He was God (anyone can say that), He offered proof of His claim by doing things only God could do. If God came to earth as a man, you would expect Him to say and do things that would clearly distinguish Him from all other men. Jesus did!

If you did you wouldn't be making this thread.

>Jesus did things
invented things, but hey a book says it's true

That sounds like Buddhism

Expanding a bit...just stay away from the edgy and watered-down new age stuff. The edgelord path will just turn you into a loser. The ancients knew a lot more than we give them credit for.

That's because THEYRE ALL RELATED!!!!!!

7th heaven

you reach heaven while you're alive.


"Say, whence the costly jewel, on the which
Is founded every virtue, came to thee."
"The flood," I answer'd, "from the Spirit of God
Rain'd down upon the ancient bond and new,—
Here is the reas'ning, that convinceth me
So feelingly, each argument beside
Seems blunt and forceless in comparison."
Then heard I: "Wherefore holdest thou that each,
The elder proposition and the new,
Which so persuade thee, are the voice of heav'n?"

"The works, that follow'd, evidence their truth;"
I answer'd: "Nature did not make for these
The iron hot, or on her anvil mould them."
"Who voucheth to thee of the works themselves,"
Was the reply, "that they in very deed
Are that they purport? None hath sworn so to thee."

"That all the world," said I, "should have been turn'd
To Christian, and no miracle been wrought,
Would in itself be such a miracle,
The rest were not an hundredth part so great.


Ancient jewish women being named Mary is like Muslim men being named Mohammed today. It's rarer to find someone *not* named that.

>t. shill
Sage makes them recoil in terror

Let me tell you my perspective

I was raised Christian, but as an adult I became atheist for many years before returning to Christianity. Truthfully, I cannot force myself to believe in God's existence, but I play the game regardless.

When Buddha was asked if there was a God and an afterlife, he responded that this question is irrelevant in this life if you are not suffering. His logic was correct. Of studies conducted where people live over 100, an overwhelming majority of them are religious.

I'm not sure the reason. Maybe we're designed to believe in God. Maybe it allows us to communicate our wishes to our subconscious. Maybe it's merely stress relief. Who knows, but it seems to me like it is entirely logical to play the game.

"Christ" is an egregore consciousness. It is the idea that we are to love others as we love ourselves. When we do this, we become stronger as a group, and the willpower around us, strengthens us. This is moving closer to heaven.

When we act selfishly, and oppose the egregore, then THE EGREGORE opposes us, and we move closer to hell.

>by the time this thread hits 100 I will renounce him.
Just bump this thread to 100 so this faggot can secure his place in Hell.

if you're dumb enough to ask this then who cares about you anyways..

> historical truth

Lol this post is hella gay bro

This would require for you to define what you think of as logical. Logic is deeply subjectie

spirituality is fine, but religions are a curse
there is no argument

If they won’t hear Moses and the Prophets, they won’t be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.

Btw -if nobody can logically explain to me why atheism is true before the clock strikes midnight, I will declare atheism false.

Jesus was /fit/ af and it was all natty, he only lifted crosses and did water-walking-based cardio.

Does this convince you or would you like to know more? How many more tries do I have?

There is no significant historical evidence that Jesus existed at all. The historians of his time never wrote about hin even though he wassl supposedly taking the middle east by storm.

I doubt that you are going to find the hidden knowledge you seek here.
He was foretold by the pagan tribes of the north. The information has been obscured and destroyed over time and very little proof remains, though it does still exist. You may or may not find it depending on whose path you may cross and if they see something in you that makes you worth sharing with you. Can't be too careful. Powerful people want the truth dead and buried.

He did have that lean look on the cross.

15“If you love me, keep my commands. 16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—
17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will bec in you.
18I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
19Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.
20On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.
21Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”

Christ represents the Aryan virtue of Altruism. The entire point of Christianity is to suffer on behalf of others too weak to carry the burden. Granted, today's Christianity is absolutely kiked, the fundamental spirit of Christianity is Aryan, not Jewish.

What does Christ command of us?

Wrong, Erhman's text is elucidating on the subject and he is maximum auteest on the subject:


Most critical historical scholars would disagree with you. A critical reading of the gospels (using the tools of textual criticism) lends convincing evidence he did exist (via criterion of embarrassment, etc). I'd recommend "The Historical Jesus: Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant" by John Crossan, or something by Borg.

Love "God". This command is equal to "love others as if they are you".

You and your neighbors are one with God.

Basically, you are commanded to strengthen everyone who is part of the Egregore.

Matthew 22:37Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’c 38This is the first and greatest commandment.
39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’d
40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

>historical truth
> bible

but to be clear, it's not like jesus studied buddhism as some believe, it's the "perennial philsophy."
the kingdom of god (the sapiential understanding anyway) is like nirvana in some ways. and jesus's philosophy is very similar to the buddha's or lao tzu's. but even the inner, contemplative aspect of these religions is not completely similar, see: "Zen and the Birds of Appetite" by Thomas Merton for a comparison of Christianity and Zen.
Jesus did say "The Kingdom of God is within you"

>scare arrows

Christ IS LORD.

what a faggot
>renounce him
It's all lies and mistakes

Since there are already a ton of Christians in this thread, I have a question for you.

I often hear it argued that God must exist because our brains have a capacity for religion.

However, Zen Buddhism gets people to have religious experiences much easier. It even tends to make a higher volume of people more devouted. This is even without the use of a God.

If Zen Buddhism is both faster and deeper in its religious experience, isn't our brain's capacity for religious experience an argument for Buddhism?

Also you guys could really learn a thing or two from them, Christianity would be a lot easier to take seriously if you prayed like they meditated, considered the scriptures like they consider their koans, and had so much structure.

Buddhism gets retarded and magical when you look at the laity to, it's really only fair to compare monastics and theologians against each other. Even then I tend to agree with you though.

There was a Christian (ex)nun named Bernadette Roberts who, upon having an experience of "no self" and investigating her experience in christian literature and finding nothing quite so deep, even in the writings of contemplatives like St. John, finally found a parallel in a Buddhist text.

And you're also right about treating scripture like koans. Namely, Jesus's parables a direct parallels to Zen koans.

Jesus is alive in us. If we study Buddhism, then so does he.

Our God is a living God, not a dead one.

you're being pretty loose with your definition of buddhism now, but ok. would recommend this book
which touches on the distinction between a religion like buddhism and the more universal inner dimension (in this context "zen")

>Buddhism gets retarded and magical when you look at the laity to, it's really only fair to compare monastics and theologians against each other.
I guess that's fair. My experience is only with the mislead layperson in the West though. Not really sure how they are in countries with a better Buddhist foundation.

Wait, hang on... Are there still people under the age of 40 who believe in God?!

Holocaust denial is one thing, but how gullible can you be?

christ is the logos. the logos is freedom. freedom is meaning.

its a metaphor not literal you fucking brainlet

Then you've already renounced him.

>satan promo.
>"i will renounce your god, christians"

>somehow being proud of your cultural illiteracy

I guess that depends on what you mean when you say "God," you fucking shitposter

14 And Enoch also, the seventh
from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with
ten thousands of his saints,
15 To execute judgment upon all,
and to convince all that are ungodly
among them of all their ungodly
deeds which they have ungodly
committed, and of all their hard
speeches which ungodly sinners have
spoken against him.

>If Christ was the son of God, then Christ was Lord.
>Christ was the son of God.
>Therefore, Christ was Lord.

Modus ponens just saved your soul.

>God blesses Jews with intelligence (for whatever reason)
>Jews start manipulating others and are far worse than savages, do shit like pit one group of savages against another for shekels
>become degenerate, manipulative and greedy
>God decides to set the record straight, fix his mistake, becomes human (aka Jesus)
>tells Jews to stop being such Jews (or else he will curse them)
>A couple of Jews listen but most hate him, kill him
>Followers of Jesus teach throughout the land but over time Europe becomes a stronghold
>The teachings of Christianity eventually form a culture and lifestyle that accelerate technological advancement, retain ancient texts and teachings
>meanwhile Jews get BTFO by muzzies and have to move elsewhere
>Jews piggyback off of Euro advancement

tl'dr Jesus was God's way of fixing his mistake of blessing Jews, the most intimate way he could. Instead they killed him.

Christ was god because the book said so. ok

Faith is not a matter of Logic.
You don't want to believe, so don't.
Your OP is not an honest question, you are just posturing.

Belief isn't even really a mechanism you can fully control, and the act of deconstructing belief and examining it has a Heisenbergian destructive quality to it, hence the Scientific Method.

Would you like to know more?

I'll bite but you're likely not going to like it because its a red-ill. Christ/Jesus is a metaphor. As indicated multiple times in the bible. Synonymous reference is made with "the living word of god". Ultimately, it reflects the natural laws that govern the universe. Thus, translated : The natural laws that govern the universe reign supreme over it and are (Lord) [the ruling dictate of the universe]. This truth is crucified day in and day out and has been for all of history by man only to watch the laws/natures rise higher [reign even further] due to the subsequent re balancing that occurs. If you take the bible as metaphorical/allegorical and not literal and remember that idiots mutilated the meaning so as to be digestable by normies, you'll take away something grand. And no, the bible isn't the first text that centered on these concepts nor was it so convoluted before the bible. Brainlets embody grand ideas in people and idols so as for it to be more digestable. Doesn't mean you have to. Feel free to AMA user. We can get into this as deeply as you want.

1 Nevertheless the dimness shall
not be such as was in her vexation,
when at the first he lightly afflicted
the land of Zebulun and the land of
Naphtali, and afterward did more
grievously afflict her by the way of
the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of
the nations.
2 The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they
that dwell in the land of the shadow
of death, upon them hath the light
3 Thou hast multiplied the nation,
and not increased the joy: they joy
before thee according to the joy in
harvest, and as men rejoice when
they divide the spoil.
4 For thou hast broken the yoke of
his burden, and the staff of his
shoulder, the rod of his oppressor,
as in the day of Midian.
5 For every battle of the warrior is
with confused noise, and garments
rolled in blood; but this shall be
with burning and fuel of fire.
6 For unto us a child is born, unto
us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder:
and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty
God, The everlasting Father, The
Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no
end, upon the throne of David, and
upon his kingdom, to order it, and
to establish it with judgment and
with justice from henceforth even
for ever. The zeal of the LORD of
hosts will perform this.
8 ¶ The Lord sent a word into
Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel.

A Jungian reconstruction is the most appealing Christianity to me, hence why I love Philip K. Dick's later, schizophrenic work. Check it out senpai.

13 I saw in the night visions, and,
behold, one like the Son of man
came with the clouds of heaven, and
came to the Ancient of days, and
they brought him near before him.
14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that
all people, nations, and languages,
should serve him: his dominion is an
everlasting dominion, which shall
not pass away, and his kingdom that
which shall not be destroyed.

>thinking logic can save you from this world
Just keep swimming

Christ was God in the flesh and God is your Lord whether you like it or not. That includes Satan, his fate is already preordained by God. He's to be bitchsmacked into Hell by Absalom.

Only degenerates and profligates renounce Christ. You are either of the two.

To think that the LORD must explain himself is nonsensical in itself

These garbage threads are made to slide the board.

I'm deep in my journey user but definitely echo your sentiments about Jung/Philip K. Dick's work and others. I dug deeper into religious history and ideology and centered on a more well rounded view point minus all religion. I'm centered moreso on theology and spirituality now and not so much manipulative spins on it or someone else's personal reflection .. though I do find much overlap with prominent thinkers as you have found yourself. Thanks for the suggestion.

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to God the Father but through Jesus.

Every knee will bow OP. Whether by choice or forced.

what does this all have to do with foreskins though?

>His was the lore.
Thus Lord.

20 more bumps and OP will renounce Christ. Hell awaits OP.

>dont eat from only this tree you will die
>woman immediately eats from it (has sex with your photo)
>dies on a tree
>kills adam
>your pic enables what was warned about dying; whereas your pic said that would be a lie
>theyre dead; you failed; youre a liar
>God said they would have been like the gods, being immortal and knowing all things
>you shat the bed
>Christ was there before all this and was there with them too
>these actions usher Him, the final Adam, and the curse of the law; the first murderer; the first sacrifices
>Christ sheds His blood because of this
>on a tree
>had nothing to do with pussies
>saves souls
is there a problem goat face?

His teachings are folklore of the land...
>Land lord.

He was the incarnation of Michael, prince of Heaven and slayer of the Dragon. Jesus is Michael.

the holy spirit is an angel? an angel announced to mary that another angel would be born of her and He has a hidden name and is reincarnated like some hindu stuff? mmkay

The Holy Spirit is God, the spirit of the son of God is different from the holy spirit, the spirit of the son of God is the archangel Michael. I said Jesus was the incarnation of the spirit of the son of God, i.e. Michael. I never said anything about reincarnation dumb ass. Jesus is Michael. Michael is the god-king who emulates Yahweh, he was chosen to defeat Satan because he is Jesus.

Zarathustra predicted the coming of the Christ, the King of Kings, Ahura Mazdao, 6,000 years before Christ
In a sequential return to earth in 6th Century BC, as recorded in the Book of the Bee, Zarathustra/Nazaratos again predicted Christ and told the Eastern School of Magi of His coming and to meet Him with gifts and praise, and gave them the astrological signs that would herald His birth. He predicted 600 years before Christ that the King of Kings would be born as a tree laden with fruit and beautiful foliage grown in a parched land whose inhabitants would try to uproot but would be unable, and they would crucify Him to a tree and the Heavens and earth would mourn His death until He rose again and was exalted from the depths to the heights
The Golden Star, Zoroaster, is the star by which the Magi found the Christ child

Gospel of St. John, Chapter 1

I'm an atheist, but it's my understanding that the jews believed a "messiah" would reveal themselves and bring great change. Jesus came and the jews were like "naw he aint it". 2000 years later and noone else has met that condition. I think he was it lul

You're 100% correct, and His birth, life, death, and resurrection fulfilled literally hundreds of prophecies as laid out in the Bible over thousands of years
But, as Jesus told the Pharisees and Sadducees who didn't believe in Him, those jews who did not recognize His face could not recognize His face because they were the sons of the devil and not the Father
Unless you are of the bloodline of Satan I know you recognize His words and you can be saved
He loves you, user, He wants you to be free of the chains the devil, the demiurge, has fastened upon us in this material realm
You don't have to be trapped here, you can be saved and break free

I win, OP cannot denounce Christ
Seriously though please accept Christ OP and any anons reading this
He loves you
He wants to save you
All you need to do is accept Him and then walk forward in your life with Him
Please anons, find Christ
Be saved
Don't listen to a church or a man, the Word of Christ is all you need to know the Truth

The story of Jesus was just a copy of the story of Horus as told by the jew priests during the Hyksos dynasty in Egypt. The priests and their army were ejected from Egypt for demon worship and they became the "Pharisees", their army were the "Canaanites", and Moses was a fictitious character made up to cover the poor plight of the slave jew.
It's revelations like these that make me understand why hardcore jews hate religious folks, it's because they know religion is an opiate that their tribal ancestors mastered thousands of years ago.
Can a Book of Morals exist without attaching a religion or deity to it?

Everything except for the Horus and Moses parts is true

Agreed, the details are not exact between the two, but the foundation myth their stories provide is what is the telltale sign of the jew
As far as the Moses and Exodus story I came across this essay: