Please don't b apes and start calling each other gypsies and mongols

So, my idea, you may call me stupid, retarded, idiot, etc....
But! My idea is a union between these 2 countries, it will ease the tension.
So here it is, establish a authoritarian, if not totalitarian state, start building it's economy, trough force if needed, get rid of all the gypsies, the state will be federalized, so that the tension over Transylvania will be decreased to a minimum.
Looking for opinions, smart if possible and not ones like "hur dur, it won't work because muh national pride, me no unite with subhumans, won't work we hate, me no want work so no work"

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LOL you must be trolling.

hungary will never look like that, lol, they have a population of 10 million

ITT: Gypsies and Mongols.


If NATO ever falls, it can absolutely happen brother.
It took 1000 years for Hungary to lose its land, it might take 10 000 years to get it back, but it will happen. It has become a fanatical hungarian religion. You would understand if you were a Hun.
Btw I like Romanians.

It's true, just look at my ID. JFZ = Jewish Fighting Zombie.

Both are rightful Albanian clay

By not making a union or at least better relations you will lose an ally, and even more, by trying to take back that land, you will not only lose an ally, but also gain an enemy, is it worth it, how much do you think you will resist fighting on so many fronts when the apes that are replacing germans, white americans, britons and french people will get their hands on all those weapowns and nukes and you have to fight on so many fronts?

i mean, we should never forget our past, but we shouldn't live in it, we should look to the future and work together as european brothers

Doesn't this look better, since there are many romanian and serbian minorities living in that part of hungary, many serbian and hungarian mionrities living in that part of romania, and many hungarian and romanian minorities living in that part of serbia
we should stay as united as we can as europeans, and protect our people form aliens, and shouldn't discriminate and oppress other european citizens that are living in our countries

I want us to cooperate my friend. i feel sad we were made into enemies by (((them))).
Unfortunately Erdely is Hungarian land.

oops, sorry, forgot to add the image

i understand very well what you are trying to tell, but, that was, as it is said on that map, 800 years ago, by that logic, also the entire balkans, spain and other parts of Euorpe are Italy, we should try to make an agreement by today's situation.
all those people that are living in those parts that hungary wants back, how do you think they will feel, today in those parts there are more romanians, respectively serbians living than hungarians.
for example, i live in one of that parts, i wouldnt like to be a part of hungary, and just hungary, needing to speak hungarian and be a hungarian, when in fact i am not, and i do not want to move either, like other people that live here.

Romanians are/were always better off under Hungary. Any Transylvanian Romanian will tell you that. Erdely was flourishing under A-H. When it was given to Romania it went to shit.

Its unrealistic to expect Romania and Hungary to merge into a single country. However a treaty of friendship that includes amendments to the Romanian constitution to allow for increased autonomy for the Székely inhabited part of Transylvania.

that is not entirely false, i must admit, but i still want to have my own identity and not just be a minority, that is why i proposed a union, i think that hungarian way of administration is superior to ours and that we have to learn a lot, that is why, instead of "heating each other in the head" , as we say here, we should learn from one another and try to help each other as much as possible, imagine if we would work together and everyone of us do what can it do better, instead of competing.

However a treaty of friendship that includes amendments to the Romanian constitution to allow for increased autonomy for the Székely inhabited part of Transylvania is more realistic*

Meh, I'm spacing out. Sorry.

I think an independent Transylvania that operates like Switzerland in relation to its ethnic diversity is much more practical and realistic idea than an outright merger of the two nations.

well, that could work too, but approachment between this 2 countries ( like many others) is still necessary if we want to have a prosperous future, separatism just isn't the way, we won't be able to compete with other powers, the ones around us, let alone superpowers like china, usa, india, russia etc.
even pakistan is out of league, not because they have some magic administration (theirs is actually chaotic) but they just have a huge poupulation, hence a huge workforce.

Its surprising how few people in eastern Europe realize this and realize that working together is the only way to get out from under the Jew-orchestrated American world order.

i don't think it is that surprising, i just look at the people around me, they are so missinformed of what is happening in the world, it is sad, so see so much blind hate between the nations, in schools it is teached only what bads our neigbhours did to us, instead of teaching also how much we helped each other, we had a weird pas indeed, but they don't teach the goods, what do you think, did they teached in my class that we romanians, fought along hungarians in the biggest battle in the human history, in stalingrad, no...

They didn't teach me anything about Romania or Hungary in school except that you existed somewhere in the vast nether region of eastern Europe. You know,good ole Murrican education.

Still I get what your saying, but people need to learn to be pragmatic. The rapefugee flood in the west if not stopped will be the second coming of the Ottoman Empire, except with nuclear weapons and Jewish bankers backing up the Mudslime invasion. If theres anything both Hungarians and Romanians should remember its that Mudslime neighbors are horrible and being ruled by Mudslimes is a living hell.

Brasov should be a city state

Show us your flag, buzi faszkalap hülyegyerek

huh, wat? waciusei nigga?

Ten dollars says you’re a Hungarian larping as a Romanian. Show flag

What self respecting hungarian would want anythinf to do with Romania's horrid government?
T. Romanian

hahaha, i am romanian, just visiting my other half of the family in Serbia if you are that curious :)

happy now?

I don’t know, Transylvania perhaps?

be careful what you say leaf

there is always a fucking leaf ruining a peaceful thread, just let it die in peace, it was nice and peaceful until you came

Du-te dracu, leaf e ma-ta ba. Guvernu' este oribil, Orbann e un zeu comparat cu Iohannis sau (((Dragnea))). Nu am de gand sa trag alte tari prin cacatu in care ne aflam noi. Inainte de unionism si separatism si alte idei dinastea, trebuie sa-i punem pe toti astia la perete si sa scoatem mentalitatea de sclav din capu romanului. Unguru nu are probleme dinastea, sa-mi bag pula daca as vrea sa inghit un popor atata de handicapat ca al nostru daca nu as fii fortat.

Amu' fugi ca o pizda, hai ba, iti e frica de bantz?

Probably a Hungarian Serb, I've seen this guy post before, he's not answering my Romanian post so as not to expose himself

Ok, calmeaza-te, am zis eu ceva de tras prin cacat pe cineva?
Daca ai citit postarea probabil ai vazut ca am propus un stat autoritar, e de la sine inteles ca vreau sa scapam de toate jegurile care ne conduc si sa punem la conducere oameni competenti care sa ne determine sa facem tara asta mai buna,
Asa ca te calmeaza prietene, daca te intereseaza asa de mult, de ce nu te intorci acasam sa ne ajuti sa facem o tara mai buna, nu sa stai acolo unde e bine su cald si sa iti dai cu parerea cand chiar nu e cazul, pe scurt m parerea ta nu conteaza atata timp cat nu contribui cu nimic tarii asteia.
Si daca vrei sa afli de ce a durat atata sa raspund, am incercat sa intru de pe telefon dar nu ma lasa sa dau reply in mortii masii

Ma intorc, nu sunt aici de buna voie, in multe feluri e mai cacat aici decat acasa. Problema este ca un stat autoritar ar fute psihologia si mai mult, deja suntem obisnuiti la sclavagie, singura chestie care ar ajuta tara cu adevarat ar fii un capitalism impus, ilegalizare completa de partide comuniste, vreo 20 de ani, asa ne deschidem capul la entrepreneuriat si la ce inseamna productie de bani. Regulatiile sunt mult prea numeroase deja, un stat autoritar ar fute totul si mai mult.

Ba, ia-ti alt telefon, nu mai fa reply cu Nokia


Literally my favourite thing to do in HoI4 is making Hungary great again, restoring Austria-Hungary and annexing everything around while maintaining "neutrality."

thanks for the constructive comment, your advice made me change my opinion and stance on this problem, only if there would me more people like you.

Asta tot ar insemna legi restrictionand exprimarea libera? Romanii sunt deja mult prea tacuti. Oricum, probabil ca suntem de acord in ce vine vorba de sistem politic. Noroc.
Si vezi, cei mai jegosi romani sunt cei din diaspora, nici sa nu te gandesti sa pleci vreodata, este absolut oribil, o conglomeratie de cei mai cacati oameni de peste tot, lucrand impreuna pentru a distruge o tara. Este incredibil ce jegi de romani am vazut aici, oameni care nici nu stiam ca exista. Pic related e un moldovean care cica avea bucataria in balcon in Romania si cica el si cu familia lui mureau dracu de foame in 2006 in Romania. Acum se face ca nu mai vorbeste romana. Nimic nu m-a facut sa imi detest poporu mai mult decat experiente dinastea

Just doing my part m8

I think the reason you want to unite is because you are one of the few intelligent Romanian (Probably mixed with Hungarian and Saxon) who actually realizes that Hungarians are intrinsically more successful than Romanians. That doesn't make Romanians bad people, but it is what it is. Hungary will inevitably out compete Romanians, and if the current state of hatred of our people continue, then that is bad news for Romanians.
What I am saying is, you need us more than we need you. Hungarians will regain all its territories in time (it might take centuries) so tell me, why should we cooperate with you? What can you offer us?

But consider the following
We're not africans, would u rather ally with a 56% face west?

I would rather ally with Romania. I consider Romanian people to be very close to us historically. Hungary had an astronomical impact on the identity of the Romanian people. They used to belong to our shared cultural sphere. However, the humiliation of Hungary regarding trianon cannot stand.

it is not only what we want to offer you, but what we can offer to other european nations as well, but also what we can get in return.
1st of all, if we don't do anything, europe will be long gone before hungary can take back their land, everyone will be mixed with afircans and arabs, and if not, they will be with gypsies.
romania is a rich country, it has oil, gas, forests, gold, and sea acces. we are fighters (remember stalingrad, back in the day we had also 500 soldiers that fought 10000 urss soldiers and won, also the fights against turks)
romanians are also smart, they are brainwashed today as you can see and we lack capable leaders, we are castrated and amputated and we need some kicks and slaps to wake up to reality, but we have inventors and scientists like Nicolas C. Paulescu who discovered insulin, Aurel Vlaicu along many more. general Antonescu was the only foreign person from who Hitler took military advices
so i can say that we are more than a worthy ally to have both during peace and war time

Kiss them in the ass, gain their sympathy.. throw a suggestion right after such as.
>the humiliation Hungary suffered because of Trianon...
Pretty much trying a some sort of divide and conquer, pretty disgusting once observed.

No you aren't, moving forward now, go back to your steppe and take your retarded ass propaganda along with you.

I too support an union between Hungary and Romania, such movements would be assisted by both V4 and the Eu. At this point I honestly believe it's more feasible for Romania to unite with Hungary rather than uniting with R. Moldavia, that country is way too cucked by vodkanigger puppeteers for us to come closer on a political level.
Also, what are the chances of (((Trianon))) to be a scheme to stir up conflicts between Christian Europeans in the region ?

but remember, we will never play second, we are fighting together as equals not as subordinate and leader. as for military i don't think hungary will outcompete romania, why? romania has a significantly bigger population, almost 2 times as hungary not taking into account moldova.
so i say it is profitable for both nations to work together, again, as equals.

My friend. Why would we want/need a union with Romania? Hungary already is the leader of the greatest union in the western world, the Visegrad IV.
> i don't think hungary will outcompete romania
I already think it is, don't you? Diplomatically Hungary is far superior to Romania. The V4, Russia, China, etc are all examples.
The Hungarian economy is also doing better, with better long-term prospects.
> romania has a significantly bigger population
Yes, but for how long? Your incompetent leaders are doing nothing about your abysmal fertility rate and astronomical emigration. Let's see what happens in 40 years.

Sorry dude, but we don't need Romania like you need us. I know it sounds foolish, but we Hungarians are essentially diseased. We are the new jews of Europe. You are better off just exterminating us, because we will not rest until the humiliation of Hungary is corrected, and justice returned...

You are realy shit allies mate

your choice, but this kind of thinking will lead you nowhere, the world is changing at a faster rate than you can imagine while our countries still think that they are relevant, and when the time will come you will get a big slap in the face and realize that you knew nothing, this is not some game that we are playing to think that we can do amazing things and that is our destiny to do this and that, this is the real world, and if you do not make some compromises and do what is right, you are very unlikely to survive, every empire comes and goes, no empire is immortal, the history teached us that, it is up to us what we do next, this era that is before us is not about showing the flag, our national pride and petty conflicts over lands that our neighbor has, it is about survival of our own race, our own civilization, our own people.
but remember this, today it is us, tomorrow it will be you.

Listen i'm just shitposting. Maybe Orban will make friends with Romania, who the fuck knows? He made friends with those slimey Slovaks, so I guess anything is possible.
If you want to make friends with Hungary, jsut treat the Magyars in Erdely with respect and dignity and I'm sure things will work out.
You need to fix your shitty government too. You Romanians have a lot of problems.

>You need to fix your shitty government too. You Romanians have a lot of problems.
no shit
>Maybe Orban will make friends with Romania, who the fuck knows?
it is not about "making friends" it is about working and if needed fighting together, making friends means nothing, orban is not radical enough, and romania's shit government is a puppet, it is about getting the people to work together
>If you want to make friends with Hungary, jsut treat the Magyars in Erdely with respect and dignity and I'm sure things will work out.
the magyars in romania have the most privileges among the mionrities, the proble are the separatists that make attacks and completly refuse to speak even the basic in romanian, no one really has ony other problem on any of the both sides, the people have good relationships between them.