Would a Snowy Mountain Syndrome OVA be the best KyoAni work in recent memory? Also, Haruhi thread

Would a Snowy Mountain Syndrome OVA be the best KyoAni work in recent memory? Also, Haruhi thread.

I don't think anything post-Disappearance would be quite up to par

Nah. The final arc would be better. Multiple timelines, characters and mindfuck(to animeonlys).

DESU that is one of the low points of the series along with the damn pets getting sick story.

The ultimate Haruhi course of action would be the Mikuru time travel arc (which frankly is at least as good as Disappearance). It would need to be a good 2 hours of footage (in whatever format) to do it justice. Ideally a movie because otherwise it's either going to leave out things like all the Tsuruya stuff or else break up an already brainsnapping story into so many fragments it would be impossible to follow.

Then 2 seasons of the other short stories mixed into the vol. 10/11 final arc and maybe some anime originals.

Wrapping up the franchise would be a theatrical feature that comes out close together with the final Haruhi novel, written by the author- having been baited by Aya into finishing a damn book in exchange for banging her (she may or may not deliver).

Snowy Mt. would be a 2-parter like Island was, the missing pets short would be one episode inserted anywhere, and there would be a running B story throughout one of the episodes that tells the Rainy Day flashback. Ideally some things like Taniguchi's date with the alien girl, Rainy Day, and a few things like that which become important later on will be done early as as semi-self-contained side plots that only make real sense later on when the full force of the Evil S.O.S. arrive in full force. I'd want to see them forming a little here and there mysteriously and with no seeming connection until the last minute. Seeds planted early.

Who even cares at this point.


This would make it truly Haruhi and not just a play-by-play retelling of the LN (which is not what the anime was before, it was all about the mindfucks). Things I want to see replicated not *literally* but as examples of the kind of shit that needs pulled:

-Non-chronological airing

- A 6-episode, definitive arc that defines the mythos of the series but is split up all over the place and has to be pieced together

-an episode where it turns out Haruhi and Nagato can rock the fuck out completely out of the blue

-a shitty completely inexplicable student film as the *first episode* that doesn't even show the titular character besides a glimpse of her back

-never knowing the actual truth about anything

-the same story completely remade 8 separate times that sets up a FEATURE FILM nobody saw coming

-need I say it but Hare Hare Yukai

In short, I want a series that is not just about a quirky girl involved in weird things, I want a show that IS ITSELF A WEIRD THING that you GET INVOLVED IN. Which is what made it the legend it is. The audience should have to wonder if they are watching the right episode or if they missed something, why there is a movie, *who is really the main character*, who knows what.

As I said, not these exact things repeated, just this kind of insanity. Side note: I am amazed at how many people don't realize KyoAni never made a second season. They made one season and when they re-aired it, it had new episodes snuck in there. Which was not the plan they stated...they just did it. I want more of that and I also want it to mindfuck LN readers. Reading the LNs sure didn't prepare anyone for a lot of the anime the last time. Having read them just made you an accomplice as you tried to explain what the show was to people who were already watching it.

Evidently, pic related.

Pretty good except for the part where you call two of the stories with the most development and/or cool stuff low points.

Snowy Mountain deserves an OVA. A spooky one.

Only thing you missed in this is Random Numbers, which I think is a pretty important short story despite it being in any of the novels (like rainy day).

Doubt it could be the best, Disappearance was the best of the light novels in my opinion, but a Snow Montain sindrome OVA or an Editor in chief OVA would make me ridiculously happy.

Snowy is filler other than the information about Nagato being vulnerable and targeted by the Sky Canopy. None of which is even explained in that story and is repeated and fleshed out later. Other than that it's a beach episode with a very half-baked repeat of the Koizumi party game distraction that even he says is half-baked. although he lies a lot and is self-deprecatory One one hand, we'd get the shipper heaven dream sequence thing, otoh we'd have to sit through where did the cat go. Like I said, it should be done but it's low priority imo.

Isn't the missing pets/UMAs story even worse? It's just there to add a little depth to the universe, like Mysterique Sign. I dunno, when I re-read the series, Snowy Mt. is the one thing I always skim over. They'd be ok onscreen but I would sure hate it if there was an OVA or whatever dropped tomorrow and that's what it was.

Editor in Chief would be great especially as something to ease people back into the setting or if it was just going to be a one-off revisit of Haruhi. It's very classic SOS bullshit and Haruhi is in top genki girl form. It could be a good plotline in a season though as well. In the universe where I am Ultra-Director, that's what happens. For extra brainrape anime-only detail that Haruhi's manga for the publication is a story about Yuki as a shy girl with a crush.

It's a perfect follow-up for Kyon's promise to Nagato in Disappearance, Haruhi also notices something is up and shows character growth. Koizumi has good scenes too with his own promise and as you said it's foreshadowing for Sasaki. And the mood is neat, especially the mansion parts. I only dislike the ending.

By the missing animals I assume you talked about the last story in Indignation, which is arguably the turning point for Haruhi and Kyon.

Sup faggots, I've decided to rewatch the whole series after having several dreams about Haruhi. What is the correct order to watch the episodes in?

>Missing pets

What in the world is this referring to? Is it the arc where there's a virus or something?

>Whole series
Chronological. Broadcast is best only if watching the first season and nothing more.

I actually think it goes Surprise/Dissociation>Intrigues>Disappearance though Disappearance is the most "complete of them.
I would kill for a snowy mountain, love at first sight, or editor in chief ova.

Honestly I'm just hoping that this rebroadcast on NHK means something and that we get something out of it. It ends October 13th or so so we still have a bit to go.

Well, yeah I admit I want to see the series finally finished, but I can do without. I have been waiting for too long and the endless eight animu fiasco kinda took out any steam I had.

As a massive Haruhifag, I've been expecting literally nothing for 3 years and still counting. Feels better than repeated disappointments

1.The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (all parts)
2.The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya
3.Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody
4.Mystérique Sign
5.Remote Island Syndrome (all parts)
6.Endless Eight (all parts)
7.The Sigh Of Haruhi Suzumiya (all parts)
8.The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina
9.Live Alive
10.The Day of Sagittarius
11.Someday in the Rain

The only new Haruhi related stuff I look forward to are new haruhisky artbooks

I just want it to end and read the summary online, too fed up to do anything else.

>6.Endless Eight (all parts)
>(all parts)
Jesus christ, why. Maybe the first and the last one. EE being strechted into eight fucking episodes may be one of the worst decisions in all of anime.

>EE being strechted into eight fucking episodes may be one of the worst decisions in all of anime.
I would even go as far to say it's the worst media related decision of all time, when you think about how the franchise was regarded before it aired, and how it was regarded after.

>enjoy a show
>not watching EVERYTHING


How do you enjoy endless eight?
Fuck am I still MAD.

Honestly Sup Forums what if we write a petition in Japanese and English of people who want season three then spam it in every online anime circle

If you love a show you gotta endure it all

Haruhisky produces the best Haruhi content.

I don't love anything that would force me to watch the same thing 8 times to "love" it.

then you're a casual

And you are an autist.


>love at first sight
Oh God, I forgot about that one. . It would make for an amazing OVA too.

In all seriousness tehre are certain limits of love that you should give, especially when the series clearly doesn't care bout you and insted tries to write history with its experimental fuckery.

I still think kadokawa did it intentionally because they wanted to get rid of the franchise. Wasn't around that time Tanigawa started playing around with the release dates too?

Yeah, I think.
Why would you want to get rid of the franchise though?

Just my theories, and probably very flawed, but Tanigawa wasn't delivering as he used too. No novels, no sales. They could have wanted to move on to invest money on a proyect that would deliver at least a couple of books in time. Same reason Kyoani started making their own LN contests to get new stuff to make into anime.

Couldn't they have fillered it up like Toei does?

Yeah animals are being possessed by data entities and Nagato seals them all into Shamisen because they don't affect cats. It would be an ok epidode.

I do the same and also draw fanart and play a card game that I have a Haruhi deck for and reread/rewatch and slowly observe my life passing me by until I can die and go to wherever you go when Haruhi is your religion

Disappearance and the Mikuru time travel LNs are the worst of the entire series, with the time travel one only slightly less terrible than Disappearance.

Snowy Mountain Syndrome and Yuki's secret admirer are the best.

Tanigawa delivered his biggest novel after E8 and Disappearance. Surprise sold like crazy, Disappearance was a huge hit and even E8 made it in the top 5 best sold Kyoani series
It's just that he stopped writing after that

What the fuck is wrong with your taste?

>that entire post

Disappearance and Intrigues were both massive clumps of just running around everywhere for so much of the time. Plus very, very little plot progression or development of key elements. Not to mention Intrigues being a massive cluster fuck in the storytelling.

Meanwhile Snowy Mountain and Love at First Sight were enjoyable and contained great character development.

They still had a lot of things to animate so it wasn't a lack of content what stopped them. That and what said led me to believe they just followed the current trend of making anime to just advertise the novels for a while, but never had plans keep adapting everything into anime.

user, you can agree or disagree that EE worked or didn't work but it did what it wanted to do. It was not filler, it was not "the same eight episodes", it sure as shit wasn't lazy, it was not unimaginative or uninspired (it was the opposite), and it was not pointless. When someone makes a work off fiction/art, you are either on board or not on board. Clearly, you were not on board and that's fine. But stop spreading this disingenuous nonsense.

I fucking loathe beer so I don't drink that shit but see, *you* loathe beer and so you go around talking about how whoever created beer should have stuck with cider, and yeast can't make good drinks and that's lazy, and nobody could possibly genuinely enjoy beer and they are just memeing, autistic or stupid. And how beer ruined alcoholic beverages.

You get your own bunny Haruhi when you die

I'm not a fan of bunny girls, can I get a freg suit Haruhi instead?

Both Disappearance and Intrigue contain the most plot / character development in the series. It's literally everywhere.

is it a haruhi game or haruhi themed cards

Kyon is god

Brb buying some rope.

I hate to break it to you but plot is not really the point of Haruhi so it's not a big selling point that those two stories have the most of it. Which incidentally they don't. Disappearance is so self-contained that it made a move people can watch with no prior knowledge and reasonably enjoy. Intrigues does contain a lot of plot and is also vital in that it sets up the rest of the whole mythos and is the foundation of the rest of the series. Haruhi is about philosophy and general mindfucking, though, not so much about the plots themselves. They are all basically puzzles.

It's an anime card game (with a few video games and Vocaloids thrown in) and there are sets for different series. I have like 175 Haruhi cards. It's called Weiss Schwarz.

>self-contained plot means no plot when it's actually not self-contained and makes a lot of callbacks to suble hints throughout the entire series
Also character development. And if we're talking about puzzles, Disappearance has a good one with guessing the culprit and trying to understand what's happening and the timefuckery.

Cancerous idea

Sure, Kyoani hasn't done anything decent in recent years.

I just want the Melancholy of Mikuru Asahina animated as an OVA at this point since it really should have been animated originally.
I don't even really care about everything else anymore, it's been too long. Haruhi Hunting was what, 3 years ago now?

>missing the point
If it was just about saving money or being lazy they wouldn't have reanimated every scene from different perspectives.
You were supposed to empathize with Yuki's exhaustion and slowly realize there was nothing really even worth repeating.

Being boring, tedious and shit on purpose is still being boring, tedious and shit.

No everyone is a sperg with ADHD.
When media asks you to think it's more entertaining to indulge it than it is to sit back and whine about boredom.

This is how michael bay has a career.

>Haruhi Hunting was what, 3 years ago now?
God dammit

Enlighten me on how not wanting to sit through 8 episodes of the same thing with minute changes has anything to do with ADHD.
When you can skip 6 out of 8 episodes and miss nothing worth of note something went very wrong, and it probably has something to do with someone being stuck up their own ass.

>same thing with minute changes
I guess that means it's not the same thing, doesn't it?

With the changes being so tiny, it might as well be.

>Reanimedia won't dub it

I am in the middle of re-watching the show, 3 episodes left to get past endless eight. Went from watching 2-3 episodes per day to just 1 once I was done with the 1st episode of endless.

While I wasn't happy about this part when it was broadcast, I am not skipping them, this time I am paying attention to the differences between each variation of it.

Dissociation film trilogy would probably best for my money.

Nah, with the alpha and beta lines it has to be a series.