Antifa gets their asses kicked

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I doubt that it happned. These people just want to be victims so that they can get oppression points and virtue signal.

>celebrating because a bunch of fat men ganged up on some girls

you're a little faggot coward, aren't ya, skipper?

commies aren't people

I call bullshit on the whole thing

literally a video link of it

>judging by their build they were cops

what a retarded statements, just because they were not soyboys I assume

Cops would not risk their pensions on....much of anything, really. Much less these retards.

They pretty much have to be overtly robbed and then it would be only lethal force.

Are the image and video supposed to be related? Because there's no way the guys in the video are cops.

Same people

bunch of bitches cannot keep their hands to themselves and cry when they get served their own medicine?

What a bunch of fucking drama queens. Not that it's surprising.

20 bugmen and not a single video

>antifa starts fight
>patriots fights back
>antifa cries and acts like the victim

>taking what these attention seeking degenerate animals have to say at more then face value

of course they weren't cops. which is exactly why the tried to phrase it as if they were, for SYMPATHY.

>wear masks in public and assault people
>get smacked around a little bit but don't actually get hurt in any measurable way
wow such horror, we truly live in Nazi Germany

>about 20 of us
>4 or 5 Trump Supporters


More antifa beatings please!

>black cop
>3 black perps

This will never make the news in any in depth discussion. Maybe a quick mention, but that is it.

A crowd of people with hoods and covered faces screaming shit, circling someone while putting theirs hands on them.

Literally yells out "WHAT THE FUCK?!" when they pushed back..

Good if true.

the video and that post photo are two different things

you guys should watch some videos of niggers mobbing people, because the people in this video are all clearly giant pussies

this is old as hell

[citation needed]

ok here ya g from yesterday:

prove it

Nice to see the favor returned to stool-pushing ANTIFA fembots.

are daft, the post photo says they were walking home from a party
the video is of a protest outside of planned parenthood that antifa showed up to stop the christcuks then got their asses handed to them

>proud goys

Nazi cops getting their ass kicked by Antifa:

wow that's a big nothing burger with degenerate music played over it

>there's a video link
>doesnt post link


lol @ :44 the old white guy takes her down with her scarf and cane.

chad running around in shorts and loafers too

Probably happened to walk by a protest on the way home. I know for a fact this is the same incident.

>tfw you'll never slap a redneck Trump supporter on the ass yelling "HARD ASS"

It's a compliment really.

>What the fuck? What the fuck?
How spoiled are these antifa fags?
They rant about how their opponents are all jackbooted thugs and go antagonize them, but when they get a reaction they act totally shocked.
Like they were simply minding their own business and randomly punched in the face.

we make fun of the facebook post months ago

Here's a video of Antifa destroying a Trump supporters car:
Soon we'll fuck you up too

Save you a click

>proud cucks
both sides are fucking scum, seeking for fight.

watch it that was some martial arts shit right there

>being sodomites
Hell is for ever!

are you retarded or just pretending to be? it's at the top dipshit

Video is from Olympia, Washington.

Poast-related incident happened in NYC.

>Christian Valencia

Lel that's one of the viral marketing faggots that was spamming Sup Forums with Lockerz bullshit for weeks back in the day.

10 second Google search


you're fucking scum for defending commies

>fractured nose

20 people chanting get btfo by 5? Yeah right.

I've shit on the Proud Boys quite a bit, but I must admit that the NW Proud Boys are killing it. Uhuru! Go Tiny!

Doubt it. You pussies couldn't even show up to your own revolution in November lmao

>yelling "Get out of my countryt" and calling us faggots and commies

well at least they doxxed themselves

>about 20 of us got beat up by 4-5 people
lmaoing at ur life

[citation needed]

>ITT butt hurt /leftypol/ lurkers


go be a nigger elsewhere

i'd be pissed if i had parked there
like sperg out somewhere away from my property

>not posting the link



Here you lazy faggot.

Americans get to have all the fun. I'm honestly jealous that this doesn't happen in Leaf Land.

>20 soyboys and fat chicks get taken out by 5 average dudes
Fucking kek

> my sides have left the galaxy

I mean, I'm a fat pussy compared to my friends but that looks like the aftermath of a proper party.
Also, four against twenty? Civil war when?

same chad wearing shorts and loafers as in the first vid knocking fools out too

Not even in numbers are they safe, yet they want a civil war so badly

too bad they weren't killed. all commies deserve death.

unless they find out the Black cop was 1/4 white, then they'll say white cop murders unarmed black at gas station and photoshop him to look more white like they did Zimmerman

LMAO I wish this were true and we were actually this based

Probably completely staged though

>not posting the link
fucking newfags

That was gay, user.

>lazy faggot
You couldn't even post the link. Who's lazy here? Also either way they got their asses beat

>queer anti-trump activists

Is there any other kind?

wow that video is really sad like truly pathetic sad

everyone of them are literally skeletons LARPing that they're warriors defending the helpless from le evil nazis

Antifa deserve to have every one of their bones smashed to pieces

At 0:45 or so that knockdown punch

No..... No there isn't.

jesus christ you are a true faggot's faggot

link was posted to the article and the video link your dumb ass posted says where it was and what happened
two different incidents

Women in the video, men in the photographs.

>not archiving the link and then calling others lazy faggot

but i'm not defending commies, neither am i defending brainlets. Get your shit together and stop fighting, OR if you fight do it RIGHT. I mean proper civil war, so we others can enjoy the show on Jewtube. Right now, I am seeing faggots fighting faggots.

Why don't they ever rip of their masks?

what the fuck is wrong with american politics

I was legit about to ask why they were beating up women in berquas... then it clicked... wow

No, boys cannot be girls, even if they are frail.

Completely ridiculous.

Never happened and these kind of lies have been going on from the beginning. Nobody is doing what they want them to do or acting the way they want them to act.

Last night i saw a post where a trans person wanted to shoot nazis like an assassin.

What nazis? WTF!!


>judging by their build and the way they took us down, we assume at least one if not all were off-duty cops looking to beat on Anti-Trump activists.
What can he say, they were big guys...

just so everyone here understands:
This is what hetero-leftist males are starting to refer to themselves as
so now, whenever they get their asses beat they can accuse the based men who beat their lilly asses of a "hate-crime"

you can't be serious

Antifa are like those tiny dogs that bark really loud and act really angry, pretending to be tough

Then when they get hit they run away whimpering

I came here to post this. I'm sad Sup Forums. Sjw are fucking idiots and dividing one of the greatest countries and bringing it down from the inside. I was dumb enough to believe that it would change with SJW cringe videos and Trump getting in office but it's getting worse. Both sides are treating each other like shit. It's not going to be resolved peacefully and I hope that the Trump voters/Proud boys/Whatever wins. But it's sad that these people have been infected with such bad ideas

The usual.

Hi Mr Obvious

Hows the youtube ch. going?