support right wing businesses
plus the game looks genuinely fun as fuck
support right wing businesses
plus the game looks genuinely fun as fuck
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I don’t play the video game Jew.
No, i'm gonna work with my business instead.
>le making meme power and coins
Vavra is a self admitted jew
No, the game’s combat looks worse than Skyrim.
YOur business is shit
probably gonna be fucking $79.99. i'll support it when it's down to $20
Won a 100$ in lotto, should I pre order right now? I loved that other Euro jank game Elex, played the fuck out of it because it appeased my autism.
>another medieval game
No thanks, I'm going to remain faithful.
Just wait a day or two after it comes out to see how well it is received (gameplay wise) before shilling out your money for it. Looks neat but might as well be smart about your money tbqh
if it's good then good for you user but the real game is played in real life and much more award-winning imho.
we larping brotherino?
Already pre-ordered.
This is true, and the pre order armor doesn't look that great either
gameplay live stream:
Already preordered. Hyped as fuck. Been waiting since 2014.
lol did they make this in 2002?
It's $60 / 50€.
jesus, that combat is slow-mo chivalry: medieval warfare
No, 2002 looked like this:
Why are you modern gamers such spoiled faggots?
Fuck outta here, tryhard.
I'm not trying to be sour here but the AI is shitty, graphics i've seen so far is mediocre at best. Oh motion blur and sunbeams wow.
I did that with battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2, on the ps4 store they're 25 quid for both with most of the ultimate edition extras.
>I'm honestly glad I waited i wouldn't have paid full price for either of them.
A shill is a shill is a shill.
bit cheaper than i thought but still, such is life in leafland
>Oy vey. Buy our games goy. Dont have a real life goy. Be a neet goy
pretty shitty business selling palm trees
Tbh Vavrsa spent last 7 years shitting on every game possible and praising his project, so apparently he is about to show rest of the world what games should look like. KCD looks pretty meh so far so maybe he will finally shut up once it tanks
The game has fight mechanics like no other. It's truly groundbreaking. And the graphics looks awesome.
What is your business user?
Friend got it for my birthday. Excited for the combat. While it isn't necessarily like Mountain Blade hopefully it'll help lessen the wait for Bannerlord.
Thats right goym, buy my game
>that fight about 50 minutes ago
Wow that looks bad, how does it take so long to kill unarmed peasants as a fully armored knight with a sword
Fuck off Sup Forumsirgin, keep your homo video games on your own fucking board
giving it a few days to see how the reviews are, it's always looked great and I love the dev for his no bullshit attitude to niggers but all the beta footage (I know it's a beta) was choppy as hell.
What's wrong with trying hard? Isn't the entire point of being a strong man that you try very hard and improve yourself? What are you, some sort of weak pussy liberal cunt who can't take good, hard work? Imagine believing that putting a great deal of effort into your posts, thoughts, jokes, etc. were some sort of a bad thing. This is the epitome of self-destructive behavior. What is wrong with you? Do you really sit around playing these video games and watching anime all day? You're supposed to be studying and working to create a future for the white race. This serves literally no purpose but to burn your energy in a self-pleasuring, masochistic manner.
if you need video games for fulfillment/happiness you're a homo
>empty towns
Oh look, it's a Bethesda game.
This image entirely misses the point. Yes, "Having fun", also known as "hedonism" for the uninitiated cultural Marxists among you spectators, is thoroughly degenerate and you should do something more constructive than playing video games or consuming other inherently masochistic, self-destructive, and self-hating media. Unfortunately for yourself, repeating back this argument with a poorly drawn crude representation of what I suppose is meant to be the one making the argument does not make it any less valid.
>muh outdated videos
Sick of your shit, faggot.
If you don't want faggot nigger shit in your games then you need to support this.
The ride never ends
Grow up faggot.
This aint Sup Forums
if you dont play them often its fine, i play like 1 game a year
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped.
No never it is so much better to play the game of life for real than in a video game because then you get to live in one forever in eternity in heaven all jews will burn in hell YAHWEH has spoken...!!
Gas them All....!
>the only right wing video game in recent memory is made by a jew
Really makes you think
What makes this game right-wing exactly?
>Titanfall 2
Probably one of the most entertaining FPS games I've played in a long time.
This looks awful. I can't wait for the next CDProjek Red game.
I might not be buying it tomorrow but I will be buying it. Can't wait to play an accurate, non-pozzed version of medieval Europe.
>I can't wait for the next CDProjek Red game
Not sure, I guess the game not being politically correct automatically made it pro-GamerGate, racist and right-winger.
i'd buy it if it didnt look like shit.
games are for little children, my child.
Tick tock
and trump says he loves israel
you blame the dude for trying to make as much money as he can?
I remember him from gamergate, he didnt put up with liberal BS.
if he succeeds maybe more game devs will start to pander to our beliefs instead of liberals, and that is what matters
>buying video games at full price
I'm pirating this shit.
It's a historically-accurate depiction of medieval Bohemia
>the game looks good but because one of the developers has some Jewish ancestry he's not giving it a try
The gameplay looks like shit. And...
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a story-driven open-world RPG
Yeah, nah. If the selling point of your game is the fucking story then I may as well just read a novel that isn't complete shit.
looks like shit desu
Fucking amazing isn't it? Although I think OP is stupid for calling it right-wing since that guy is just using common sense for his video game and not anything political.
It's sad that we've reached a point where simply being historically accurate is considered being right or left wing. Our society is falling apart and everything is hyper-politicized.
Story-driven doesn't mean it's the selling point you idiot, most singleplayer games are story-driven
Is this a fucking kickstarter game?
It's a brilliant ploy. I always say I'm jewish when I say anti kike things
Well it's a good sign that someone is at least trying to make honest depictions of the past unlike other games like Assassin's Creed
I love everything Medieval so I'm going to try it for that reason alone
>Although I think OP is stupid for calling it right-wing since that guy is just using common sense for his video game and not anything political.
wew where have you been the past 10 years
Top tier autism.
it's #1 on Steam atm
kind of impressive considering that it's going for $60
those Turks dicking around with Bannerlord for so long have left an opening
Why, is Bannerlord releasing soon?
Yeah just after hell freezes over
>cow towing to some femmekikes that will never play the game.
>even different ethnicities goy
Just remember to look out for the token moor.
Different ethnicities like Poles, Germans, Hungarians, etc. on top of the Czechs who are native to the game's setting. And yes, there will probably be Jews because there were Jews in Medieval Bohemia
>Not pirating it
Why is it always a leaf?
Can someone buy it for me? I'm a 22 year old woman.
it actually started as a kickstarter back in 2014
This looks hellish and depressing, some pirate probably hung himself there hundreds of years ago because it was so shitty and depressing.
If it’s as low key as that I’d be happy to be proven wrong.
That's exactly what he meant by "different nationalities and ethnicities." He's just trying to bait people into saying WE WANT NIGGERS
how is this not multiplayer, like who the fuck wants to dick around as a knight single player
Multiplayer games are not fun for people who don't want to dedicate 100s of hours to playing a game. Single-player games are much better for people with careers, other hobbies, etc... because they let you go at your own pace.
Come to holland and let me worship your feet for 2 days. I'll buy 10 copies for you, one for each beautiful toe.
It looks comfy desu senpai
>giving turks money
im dissapointed Gunnar
Uhm.... ok ^_^....
Partial Jewish ancestry But that doesn't make someone a Jew
They do good work though
I forgot I had the game preordered. In fact, I forgot it existed.
Claimed it on Steam now. Dis gon b gud
Well its ok i guess, Mucha was a jew and he made slav epic painting series. Penkala was a jew, yet was a slavophile enough to become croat. Vavra also likes darkthrone and other black metal shit so i doubt he is a zionist.
Already pre-ordered.
Even if the game sucked I would still donate to the studio for having the brass to tell SJW """diversity""" pushers to fuck off.
Another drop in the bucket in a bigger way is that the studio is based out of the Czech Republic which has also been one of the few European countries to refuse migrants and tell the EU to fuck off. Any small thing to bolster these countries I will gladly do.
looks like Oblivion Elder Scrolls I've played in 2006
i want it bad, but ive got valentines day and a ticket i have to pay off.
fucking casuals even in the video game world you are cowards