Religion BTFO


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>three faiths share the same origins, people and locations spanning thousands of years (including the entirety of known civilization), but I'll pay no attention to them because this aborigine drongo claims he has 15 gods and should be taken just as seriously as the rest
Very weak argument you got there, Gervais.

>what is deism
dumb cunt.

well put

I'm a theist that means I believe in a higher power but not a religion.

why has this been posted every day for the past 10 days? WHO'S PAYING YOU LEAF

>i only believe in things i can see

>i believe in electrons because a man in a white robe told me they existed

>three (((faiths))) share the (((same origins))), people and locations spanning thousands of years (one after another) (including the entirety of (((known civilization)))), but I'll pay no attention to them because this Aryan pagan claims he has 15 gods, each with a rich history, personality, and role in divinity and should be taken just as seriously as the rest
Very weak argument you got there, Shlomo.

Made me kek user, great post.


He's got that sad nihilistic atheist look to him. I wonder when he'll just end it like a true nihilist should?

The term "god" is an umbrella term for lots of different types of supernatural entities usually of worldviews distinct from from each other's. This is obviously a bait thread but I did want to make this point clear: dismissing many gods while upholding one or others is not an issue as they aren't all the same thing nor have the same worldview.

Ricky's comment is much like saying:

>There are one million worldviews out there. Your worldview is true. The rest is nonsense. Isn't that strange?

You can do that to anything as it criticizes it without evidence against it.

But mainstream atheists are 95% rhetoric anyway so this is nothing special

He should be embarassed if this isn't a fake quote

Edgy infantile unfunny comedian, doesn't this guy also believe in animal rights and equally silly nonsense like equality?
He's a mentally handicapped member of the pseudoscientific cult of postmodernism.


Daily reminder that most "atheists" are hypocrites ; Scientism is just as, if not more, faith-based & dogmatic as most other religions.

>three faiths share the same origins, people and locations spanning thousands of years
Their systems for controlling the people still work exceedingly well, the most recent of which still beheads and slaughters anyone who disagrees.

>dismissing many gods while upholding one or others is not an issue as they aren't all the same thing nor have the same worldview.
The are polar opposites. Worldview is different for every individual who has one. Gods are suppose to be the same for everyone who believes them.
Belief is inherently irrational. Supernatural beings are irrational by their very definition. All gods have always been products of the mind before, there no reason to believe the current crop of gods would be any different.

Doin't believe in any gods
>Scientism... completely unrelated to atheism except in the feeble minds of blithering idiots.

It's shame that theists are not intelligent enough to be embarrassed of how uneducated and credulous they are.

Moral nihilism posits that we create our morals "ex nihilio) from nothing and it's true. Men make morals, and therefore all morals are subjective and relative to the cultures that create them. Theists pretend their subjective, relative morals are inspired by gods, an obvious lie. The rational know "objective" or "absolute" morals are just figments of the imagination. Theists can't even prove their gods exist, much less make the logical claim that any such morals came from their fictional characters.

Sup Forums was right again.

i bet he still believes in human universalism

Get right

>therefore all morals are subjective
that's your opinion

Funny, because SJW are atheists and they hate reality (like gender, race, etc.) as no one else.

It is funny to see atheists attack each other each day more, and this is just the beginning: when people question God, they question everything else, even "equality" or "human rights". It's unavoidable, and its funny atheists blindly accept those humanists dogmas that are so easy to refute (equality is obviously a lie, life is by definition unequal. Only dead matter is somehow equally dead.).

They claim morals are subjective, but don't dare to question the moral validity of the "scientific truth" or materialism, or humans rights, or equality, or any other humanist bullshit.

In a study of 204 centarians, 197 of them were religious
Don't worry, you don't have to be religious if you don't want to. It doesn't help humans or anything. It's completely pointless and all about what's true or false. No practicality whatsoever.

Unrelated? Tell all the bulk of atheists that can't wait to tell you they love SCIENCE!

he is a leaf, it is part of his nature to shitpost

All "God's" are different types of things ontologically. Zeus is, in concept, not the same this as the Abrahamic God and so on. Speaking of them collectively like this is pure ignorance. Further, supernatural isn't irrational as rationality isn't tied to naturalism and never has. Same with belief.

Worldviews can be consistent between people. For example, naturalism is a worldview that is consistent between people. And one worldview between thousands.

>that's your opinion
It's actually a archaeological fact based on the thousands of cultures we know about. If you make the claim that your gods somehow created these magical morals, then your burden of proof is to
(1) Prove your gods exist
(2) Prove that men were not the source of your morals
(3) Prove your morals actually came directly from those gods, and not from any of the other thousands of gods

Don't worry, you always fail at this.

I made no claim about a deity, nice strawman though. I claimed that you statement of morals being subjective is, in fact, your subjective opinion.

>moral validity of the "scientific truth"
You're lumping your enemies together again. What does science have to do with morality?

This asshole didn't know about the moons Geosynchronous orbit and thought that the English didn't use crossbow because they were too honorable.

I remember when Ricky Gervais was a pretty funny actor/writer and didn't spend every moment of his existence telling everybody that he is an athiest.