>first week of the Olympics America is in top 5 of medal tracker but not #1
>2nd week they have the most amount of medals and it stays that way the rest of the event
>by week 3 America has the most total medals and most bronze, silver and gold medals
Why do the olympics always play out like this?
or maybe its because there is no limit to team size and the us has a large population to choose athletes from, same reason why china dominates aswell
If this was true why aren't the US and China dominant soccer powers?
This is true but not because of a meme award
but i just looked at the medal tally, the us has one gold and one silver, by comparison germany has 3 gold and 1 bronze, and they have 100 less athletes
>first week of the Olympics America is in top 5 of medal tracker but not #1
^^^^^^we are here^^^^^^
>2nd week they have the most amount of medals and it stays that way the rest of the event
>by week 3 America has the most total medals and most bronze, silver and gold medals
It's because we have such a specialized sports culture that all of our sports are more or less always "very good". Most countries only care about a couple of sports that they can be the "best" at. We're just simply too good at everything because we have such specialization and interest even among less popular sports like curling or bobsleigh.
canada, norway and the netherlands are all infront of you, dont know what your trying to say OP
>winter olympics
this is the second whitest thing after horse races
Nice trips but read
Needs more camels Mo?
Germany Still Holds The Most Winter Olympics Medals
sorry i don't speak ebonics
You should only be sending 1 EU team.
>giving a shit about the Olympics
>sending two teams to the Olympics and counting it as 1
>americans kick ass
>whole world butthurt
every olympics
The only medals that matter are mens hockey. Starts on the 14th. See you faggots there.
Just the law of averages coupled with Olympic scheduling.
explain? is there also an EU team or something
West and East Germany
Because only girls age 4-14 play football in America
This guys gets it. Hockey and curling are the only sports that matter
didnt know it was the 1988 winter olympics, i gotta get with the times
In the Olympics, 4th place is first loser. Who care about anything but total medal count?
Not on Winter Olympics. See, there is no snow in Africa (except some dirty ice in the Kilimanjaro), thats why the US cannot use their second class citizens to win medals.
i'm saying those medals shouldn't count as part of the total.
Russian lady figure skaters are roflstomping USA though
Except the NHL didn't let their players go this year so the best will not be competing.
pretty much this
>Except the NHL didn't let their players go this year so the best will not be competing.
Ha is that true? It's going to be an interesting year then Canada will not win for sure and you might see crazy shit like Nordic countries taking the gold
Same reason they don't factor in Yugoslavian medals into Croatia and Serbia
Because we don't have enough metrosexual men to for a good team.
You know why.
Because the US competes in all categories tard. Obviously it's going to have the most medals.
Open competition for soyboys then. You will be the unmatched football power then.
because you can only send a few teams per event right? so if you have a time when your country is split into two, effectively you were allowed to double the amount of teams your country could send.
>Obviously the US is going to get more medals than a country with 4 times its population!!
Epic butthurt.
Germany has even won the winter olmypic medal count in good old USA.
Because soccer is dumb
Its called jealousy, my fellow shitposter. They hate us cuz they ain't us.
Take this salty aussie faggot right here. India and China both have a billion+ people to select from. You telling me they somehow can't scare up a larger number of top tier athletes than the US's paltry 340ish million population produces? Oh wait, that would require them having steady and balanced nutrition and not living, eating, bathing and fucking in literal human waste all day every day so they don't turn out a bunch of brown/yellow stunted 5'3" subhuman shitgoblins.
The only country that can produce athletes capable of consistently competing with the United States is Russia.
Oh, and take a good look what the majority population of both nations is?
Ahmed, Ping, Sridhar, Pierre, Lionel, Hans.... sit down. Be humble.
Isn't it good to be an American?
>greater military power
>greatest athletes
>Trump politics
>best food
>most diverse geography
>inventor of everything humans use
If you are speaking of China, it was a shithole not long ago. Chinese are too busy working in slavery wage works to do sports.
>cheating is bullshit
Don't worry Hans when the US balkanizes finally we will have 4 times the amount you will in total
>The only country that can produce athletes capable of consistently competing with the United States is Russia.
Is that why Gemany and Norway regularly beat the US in the winter olympic medal count?
>best food
Burgers are not the best food
>most diverse geography
Muh diversity. You have a diversity of shitholes.
This is a joke?
>>inventor of everything humans use
American education
nothing about this image upsets me other than the General Lee statue being removed
Its not popular wirh non-hue monkeys
No it's simpler than that there is just no money for it. I read Grant Wahl's book on the MLS it was wye opening. When David Beckham was on the LA Galaxy he was making like 6 million a season while everyone else around him made $30k a year and it was a source of great divide between the team.
>Euro-Snowniggers falling down a hill
Just like GrassDive, the winter olympics does not contain 'sports'. They're fucking recreational activities that allow the awarding of participation prizes.
Call me when you're top 5 in the ACTUAL Olympics for nearly a century straight.
But that's the other way around. If they would have gone from being several nations into forming one big nation their medals would count.
>Call me when you're top 5 in the ACTUAL Olympics for nearly a century straight.
well, germany is.
But apart from that we have winter olympics now, so the US will be left behind by Germany as usual.
EvEn in your own country (Salt Lake City) we beat you in the medal table.
This. Calling the Winter Olympics "sports" is like calling vydia e-"sports."
But why does it count one way and not the other? That doesn't make sense? It's a different country. Russia has like 3 categorizations for Olympic Gold Metal totals. Why is Germany above the rules?
Wasn't that when Eurofaggots kept trying to insist that the medal count should've been figured by adding the medals of every country in the EU together just so Europe could even be part of the conversation?
We kicked your ass in the 1980 medal count.
Double the amount of teams dosen't equate to double the amount of medals. There is only three medals per event so you can send fifty teams per event but can only win maximum three medals. East and west Germany are the same country, only divided for a short time so they would have the same pool of athletes to choose from if division didn't happen and the same pool after division. They would still have to beat each other to win, division or not and everyone else for that matter. Three medals means the cream will always rise to the top and sending 100 or 200 teams dosen't matter a fuck because if you're not good enough then you're not going to get a medal.
Russia was the same way. It became smaller. It's the same with debts. If a country becomes two smaller countries they devide the debt in whatever way they negotiate. If two countries become one bigger country they just add their debt together. The previous countries are now one country so everything they did prior is part of their history. It's like how you would consider anything that happened befor America was a thing to be American if a white dude did it on what is now American soil but an Italian can't really claim everything that happened in Rome to be thanks to Italy.
>We kicked your ass one time 40 years ago
>remember that time 40 years ago when we were relevant once and then disappeared like a one-hit wonder band?
>Yeah I don't either
given the state of the world, does anyone care about the olympics this year? Ive noticed a lot less hype around it and a lot less promotion going towards it, and wondered if i were the only one.
Russia changed as country. Yugoslavia changed as a country. Croatia didn't earn the medals Yugoslavia did and Germany didn't earn the medals its parts did especially since both were literally governed by different countries and the programs that led to those medals came from different countries. I dated a East German rape baby. As a kid she was brainwashed to be a gymnast and she said it was nothing but slave like conditions being trained constantly by Soviet instructors. But the point is when countries changed is when the Olympics decided the medal count should change. Germany was above the rules and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see why, it was just more politics to fuck with the Russians.
>Germany Still Holds The Most Winter Olympics Medals
Wow, great accomplishment. Try not to have a "crime of opinion" over in that great country. Don't want to get fined a couple thousand Euros for thinking mean things.
same reason the shithole euro countries always post the offensive la creatura pictures and try to act like we're fat and shart in the store; because they are beneath us and jealous.
I'm hyped about the olympics. So hyped that I'm training my 4 year old niece for the Irish bobsled team. I've been putting her in a laundry basket and pushing her down the stairs. She's had a few crashes but she is a future champion in the making. I really need to get her a helmet to reduce the concussion.
You forgot the last step
Every time.
Shit you're right
You realize the bulk of white Americans are of German descent, and thus anything a German is physically capable of doing athletically, a white American is also similarly capable of doing, right? Same with intelligence. Now politics... We're in the superior position to talk shit, because you're country is a dump. Even worse than ours, in spite of your demographics being mildly better (although changing more rapidly). We have better birthrates, we're attacking the immigration issue now, our right-wing is growing now etc.
Just gonna say that America has lost to other countries tons since 1900 in total medals and total golds. For example Germany during the whole Jesse Owens bullshit. Jesse won fastest nigger medals and That’s all the media focused on “fastest big prices hitlers race ideals wrong! Hitler btfo!!”. Not the fact that the Germans won the olympics overall
There was an all-german citizenship, which east germans could easily aquire.
It's quite sad how burgers have no concept of what tribe and nation means. It transcends borders.
I did not realize this was about your "german genes". Could have fooled me this was about the currentwinter olympics.
Once again Hans it has nothing to do with honor or shit but how the Olympic Committee reset every country that went through some serious regime change except yours. The rules didn't apply to you.
>burgers have no concept of what tribe and nation means. It transcends borders.
The irony being the largest ethnic group amongst whites in the US is Germanic, and you disassociate yourself from them/us. That's hypocrisy. You're too stupid to see it though. Kind of amusing. You're not holier than thou, stop acting like you are.
>maybe its because there is no limit to team size
That's untrue. Athletes have to qualify.
The winter Olympic superpower is Norway. They have merely 5.3 million citizens yet a global all-time lead with 329 winter medals, making them a medals-per-capita Godzilla.
For the summer medal tally per capita Australia is amongst the top.
40 odd years of imposed seperation is only a blip in the timeline of history. When the average life expectancy is about 75 years it is not even a generation really. I've always thought of East and West Germany as one country, one people. Seperated by others but the same people.
dont slip america :^)
>per capita
When you try to justify your shit-tier athletes by adding per capita to inflate their accomplishments.
No you just sit on the couch and watch nigger ball like the cuckolds you are.
Who cares if you are germanic?
Has that ever been of any importance?
Also what has that to do with the fact we still beat you at the winter olympics?
>When your olympic team consists of niggers in the summer and chinks in the winter
Based Irish knows.
Our best athletes go to other sports
In the summer Olympics the excuse is always "MUH SWIMMING"
I petition to introduce a Human Percentage factor into the medal tally
Formula: Original medal tally * Human Factor = final tally
Example for USA: 50 * 0.56 = 28
Australia: 30 * 1.0 = 30
Therefore Aussie master race wins
The absolute state of euroMoors, can't even correctly rebutt out of their inferiority
Same as everywhere else in the world, though.
You retards are missing the point which isn't shocking. I actually agree 100% with you that thanks to the short time it helps but don't let the German retard try to convince that East/West hostilities and bias aren't a thing, shit happens all the time and fights break out because west Germany still sees certain positive bias today that piss people off and if the German denies this he is a lying West German. That said the point is other countries had to start over when their borders changed Germany did not and that's not consistent with the rules.
You are forgetting the fact that the Aussies probably steal 28% of those medals. I.e. the population percentage directly descended from thieves oh an murderer too. That's why they can't be trusted with guns obv.
Fuck off Donk
The height of Australian actors - DONK
Big words coming from a Canadian who can go to prison for saying those very words. Hilarious. By the way, may want to into genetics before demeaning the ability of white Americans. You're from the same gene pools as us. Haha. No win position here for you, little leaf. Demeaning our ability demeans your own.
The point is GERMANS won the medals and being east or west is irrelevant. They are the same people and just because the winners of a war say it is now two countries they are still the same people. At least to anyone with a brain.
So now the RUSSIANS that won medals during the USSR don't count for RUSSIA? Why?
the absolute lack of wit in this post just makes me sad
>Big words coming from a Canadian who can go to prison for saying those very words. Hilarious.
Cringy internet tough guy.
>By the way, may want to into genetics before demeaning the ability of white Americans. You're from the same gene pools as us. Haha. No win position here for you, little leaf. Demeaning our ability demeans your own.
Nobody's demeaning white americans. We're laughing at the fact that you send hordes of niggers and chinks to represent you at the olympics and chalk it up as an American victory.
You're the one trying to have it both ways.
Because the USSR was a union of several countries which included Russia and Germany was one country that was seperated for a short time. Soviets were never a people to begin with, Germans were before, during and after seperation.
Glad I could make you sad, well a least even sadder than you sound.
How are you not understanding that the way the rules work with the committee is if you have a major restructuring in your country they classify your medal count differently and this rule did not apply to Germany? The way it should work consistent of other countries is you include all German medals up to the split then continue from after the split.