And Indian blood as well.
Why do we care about them? And want them as refugees in our countries?
Do you really want them in your country possibly marrying your wife and daughters? And pouring nigger DNA into your family?
And Indian blood as well.
Why do we care about them? And want them as refugees in our countries?
Do you really want them in your country possibly marrying your wife and daughters? And pouring nigger DNA into your family?
Other urls found in this thread:
>White South Africans average more tha 2% sub-Saharan African blood
i mean thats pretty good considering they are completely surrounded by them. there are probably just a lot of half casts and then the rest are pure rather than every single one of them having 2%
All of them have nigger blood. Ranging from 1-5%. The mean is about 2.5-3%
The half castes are the coloureds. Who do not self identify as white.
Although it's rare some of the shittiest South African kits have as much as 6% sub-Saharan ancestry.
What's the mean? Why do I have the feeling it'll show a small amount of people with 50% nog DNA and everyone else with 0%?
no purity spiraling. Their our our brothers. For the Boars! RACE WAR NOW!
>p-please stop trying to save the afrikaaners
Cause white niggers are better then black ones user. At least we could pick our poison rather then have shitskins crawling out of everywhere.
>see UK
>see France
>see pretty much all of Europe.
Here is a list of 15-20 "white" South African kits. Not coloured kits. White kits.
Every single one of them has sub-Saharan ancestry. Almost all of them have at least 1% sub-Saharan.
Forget about their existence, fellow alt-righters! They live in Africa, they're black!
No one should. They're a lost cause and totally useless.
Fuck off.
I'd rather have white South Africans who may or may not have ~2% nigger-blood in them than a subverting Jew that sits on Sup Forums all day making divide & conquer threads.
the same holds true for americans, im weary around american women (i would never have children with one) for fear due to invisible blackness, anyone in the new world who is second generation immigrant or more is dubious in my book
>They are two percent African, why should we save them from genocide?
Actually fucking kill yourself
Americans don't have nigger blood. Except in the imagination of SJWs. And in the imagination of pol.
You made this thread yesterday too
This has now been made into a Canadian pride thread.
>Implying that Canada is not literally the best nation on earth.
Canada will rise and become great again while mutts and kikes drool over our glory.
>Trying to say Canada isnt the best nation on earth
most people are 1 - 2 percent subsaharan african. (((who))) could be making threads teling us not to help people about to be genocided?
Very few Americans have sub-Saharan African. If you've read the American DNA kits on here the SSA is almost always 0.0%.
And the black blood in South African whites is more like 2-4%. Not 1-2%.