Going to an hero

I got it done with Ancestry also and they said "

Other urls found in this thread:


>Do (((they))) have a reason to lie to me?
yes, actually they admitted they were adding small percentages of black DNA to white samples

This project is owned by the CEO of Youtube's sister (who is jewish). And is intended, in her own words, to promote racial inclusion.

I can trace both my family lines perfectly back to the early 1700s. All white. And 23%me gave me 0.1% nigger and 0.1% jew.


Don't care, DNA tests like that aren't at all reliable. There's a huge margin for error and workers for the company have admitted to messing with the results.

I read about a guy who sent in DNA samples to multiple companies and he got different results from each.

Its ok.
Nothing you can do about it anyway.
Now since you're pretty much Euro, Just marry a nice white 100% Eruo girl so you're kids can carry on your heritage. Its ok not to be 100.0000000000000% white

Thank you for paying us to get a copy of your DNA, Goy.

>yes, actually they admitted they were adding small percentages of black DNA to white samples

They admitted to putting this into every Europeans results to “screw with white supremacists.” Ignore it.

Probably this. They have no idea who's a racist from DNA alone so they put that in all of the white samples.

Some fagfrom Ancestry said they purposefully put

>.5% african
You fucking nigger, get off Sup Forums.

this was a big news story from a while ago, but I can't find it

i'm serious
I see some article on national vanguard but it looks insane: they're acting like the customer had a conversation with the dna tester which is not the case with 23andme

DNA Testing Companies Like 23andme Admit Adding Fake African Ancestry To White Profiles

>"...what we did was add ‘< 1 percent’ to each African category of ethnicity. That way we weren’t lying, and they would both be wondering how much under a percentage point was. We always try to round to the nearest number because we sometimes hear about percentage points, but for them, we leave it open to whether it’s a one or a zero.”



>giving the jews your vital essence
This is why they call you goyim.

It's ok, they're lying, they admitted to adding in 1% nigger or jew dna purely to jew people into believing they are mutts.
I don't remember in what but they admitted to doing it "to fuck with racists!"
So no you don't have nigger dna


Who gives a fuck if you pass as white and aren’t a dick even Richard Spencer’s dick riders will not give a shit

>my vital essence
I spit in a vial you vapid cunt
the military actually drew my blood so this is nothing in comparison

is that the only source? cracked?? can they be trusted?
i didn't have any conversations with 23andme, i didn't talk to anyone at all, they should have no idea whether or not to fuck with me.

>less than 1%
literal lies

is that really all they give you? Why would you need a DNA test to tell you that you're European if you're white?

That company wasn't 23 and me hence they used the term "like". Fake news

be happy you're 99 and not 56

I can no longer sit back and allow jewish infiltration, jewish indoctrination, jewish subversion, and the international jewish conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids in the hopes of creating a race based bio weapon.

>they should have no idea whether or not to fuck with me
customer is 99%+ white

your "results" fit the pattern of what was outlined user

Here is the easiest way to tell. How big is your dick

Paying kikes and sending them your DNA just for them to tell you there is a speck of nigger blood running in your veins. Congrats you fat fuck, you failed the easiest IQ test on the planet: to not fall for stupid shit.


Oh, you poor thing. You think you have it bad? I have to gas myself.

And to harvest DNA. And you pay them to do it. Also, law enforcment can freely use their database.


these things work through allele frequency,

relax. they put in a little bit of color to fuck with racists who would be retarded enough to send in their genetic profile to jewgle or wherever (thats you)

im not making that up either. its a thing they do

> believing Jewish Ancestry-Companies
I would not believe the results anyway. One Company (23 and me) admitted to sabotaging the results for white customers:
> Morgan and his colleagues were caught between a rock and a really-want-to-mess-with-racists place. It would’ve been fun to throw a “10 percent West African” in there, but then they might have a pissed-off, dangerous person at their office, waving a gun. “Since we couldn’t do anything to the results (and we wanted to), what we did was add ‘< 1 percent’ to each African category of ethnicity. That way we weren’t lying, and they would both be wondering how much under a percentage point was. We always try to round to the nearest number because we sometimes hear about percentage points, but for them, we leave it open to whether it’s a one or a zero.”
Now if they do THIS, there is no telling what other shit they are willing to pull off.

>that company wasn't 23andme
(1) you don't know that, company was unspecified
(2) interview names "sites like Ancestry.com and 23andme" --- "one of the major ancestry testing companies"

>fake news
fake news indeed user

user's testing "results" fit pattern of practices outlined in interview

it's interesting how many of you think it's so bad for some company to have my dna ?
what are they going to do with it that can hurt me?
besides telling me i'm a nigger, that is.

why is there no class action lawsuit?

Don't kill yourself just yet.
anything less than 1% is bullshit. people got mad because they claimed to be like 1/32 cherokee and of course it didn't come up so they complained. 23andme decided to throw in less than 1% of brown shit into people's tests because if its less than 1%, if can technically be 0%. if its over 1% though they can be sued for fraud.

>mfw 0.1% Oceanian
>I'm a fucking abbo

>"You most likely had a fourth great-grandparent, fifth great-grandparent, sixth great-grandparent, or seventh great (or greater) grandparent who was 100% Oceanian. This person was likely born between 1720 and 1810."
>I will never rape natives with my colonising ancestors

>muh euromuttness

Because it's not a lie to say

Why do people willingly give their DNA and personal identity to the government. Can't you just ask your grandparents about your heritage?

((they))) put in mixed data into every white persons submission to make them think more multicultural

i dont know why you wasted money on (((their))) lies

you payed a jewish owned company for something and got political propaganda.

Wow, big surprise, how many tickets did you buy too fembusters?

sounds like a good reason for a class action lawsuit

They fell for the mass media meme.

cam to mi brazar yoo r kanz naw

What's the big deal? I'm 3% native american and don't really care. >90% white is white. It's like the autistic arguments about defining whiteness, "you know it when you see it". If you look white and act white a few drops of mud aren't a big deal

I thought 23 and me was jewish I didn't know Ancestry was also?

>a few drops of mud aren't a big deal