what are Sup Forumss thoughts on the proud boys?
What are Sup Forumss thoughts on the proud boys?
they call themselves 'boys' instead of 'men'
Any group following a man who eats cereal mixed with his own piss can't be all bad.
Fully support them...need this shit back in america
never heard of them
if pic is a representation of them than they are inked up queers
LARPing neonazis (which LARP as aryans)
Is that a support group for homosexuals? That guy in your picture is super cute. I would let him jack me off.
There are no more men in the world. These boys are about as good as we're going to get though, they have plenty of reason to be proud
Their leader (((mcinnes))) is a jewish homosexual with shit-tier genetics and massive insecurities.
haha this fag is so weak I want to smash him
Those are some sick 10" biceps.
Degenerates who cuck on the JQ
Allows and promotes homosexuality and drug use.
Also, Gavin.
where did his bicep go?
They are good at beating up antifa
Needed. Good on them for getting some shit started. Needs to be much, much bigger though.
>and these are the tattoos my mom let me get in middle school!
look like faggots
i prefer /ourguys/
Fake and gay
They’d be cooler if they were nazis
I like how violent they are though, good optics
They'll bring more people and end up being no different than ANTIFA or SHARPs. Pretending to stand for something but instead use it as an excuse to be violent and beat people up.
Bunch of faggots.
useful degenerates
Yes there is, no they aren't and no they don't you fucking faggot
Kill yourself
lol hiiii rabbi
do they specialize in curbstomping Antifa or do they use pepper spray and all this other ridiculous shit like OP's gayboys?
>that pic
>those digits
Yes, they're well known for beating the fuck out of Antifa.
they should keep training and then mob blm as well as soyboy antifa
Anything lead by this clown should be gassed.
>huh duh the enemy of my enemy is my friend
If you look at some of the past freespeech rallies, and you see guys in skull facemasks beating up Antifa, that's them.
They're still a small group though, and based in Cali... So it would probably not work too well for them to just appear at Antifa/blm rallies.
RAM is fucking great and they operate near my area
this is all i can find on them, seems like some sort of ploy from antifa
My libshits sister has noticed that my wife and I are having a ton of white babies. She asked me if it was some sort of racial thing, (which I deflected on since I can't exactly curbstomp my own blood.)
I expected her to call me a nazi or WS, but no, she asks if I'm a proud boy. Do I practice no wanks.? She wouldn't get off the no wanks shit like it was the most insane thing about them... Mfw
Actually, "who" is correct.
I'm a grammar Nazi.
Gavins personal collection of butt boys
Why haven't you joined yet?
They probably should have stuck with Lads
Literally the gayest men's club on Earth.
soy boys of the right
Not the same group. Uses the same acronym. Antifa 2.0 can't even come up with an original name. So they took the name of the guys that were BTFOing them I guess.
tools for a civil war run by the elite
our last defense against antifa destroying local businesses when the police are told to stand down
McInnes is white
Whoa, strange seeing this picture here.
Fun fact—I was in prison with some of these guys at one point. Heard lots of stories about one of them being a "girlfriend" they passed around in exchange for drugs. I think it was true because he talked like he was trying to suppress a lisp that came out every once in a while. Pretty sure he got his ass beat by his mates for his shenanigans. Good guys otherwise.
didn't take long
proud cucks
That would explain why half of them aren't even wearing shirts..fags
I went to a rally with a few of them. They're basically gymbros that like to talk politics. 7/10
>one of them is fully erect
Confirmed for faggots.
Wait so am I supposed to hate or like Gavin now?
what i think:
Proud boys more like fuck boys. Never heard of these faggots or care.
tattoos are gay, so are mustaches and polo shirts
don't know why I quoted you but I didn't mean to
Why did they co-op the Fred Perry style of football casuals in England?
I keep trying to join Proud Boys Dallas.
I dont have a facebook and thats their hub
>These boys are about as good as we're going to get
lmao, kys soyboy
>That non existent musculature
>That pencil neck
>That smug look
Disgusting. Only a an insecure sheep joins a group like this.
oh yeah i'd let him fuck my tight boipussi
NPR ran a report about the Proud Boys that disclosed their no wanks policy. I think it really captured the imagination of alot of female normies.
I think they're pretty goofy but they somehow put the fear in Antifa which makes them worth having around. Leftists think they are like Nazi brownshirts and to be fair they're kind of the closest thing we have to that. Too bad they're civic nationalists.
Nothing wrong with them. A far right group of like minded Men who believe in nationalism and pride. Its now a Jewish trick, those who say it is are Jews.
I wouldn't be proud of that bicep.
That's bullshit, but I agree
Proud boy
Boy = Goy
Certified badasses
The only rally i saw them at was at Berkeley. The time Moldylocks and Antifa got BTFO.
This is the shit show Antifa put on in downtown Houston.
I don't know about the Proud Boys, but Gavin is a degenerate faggot.
They look like someone applied liquid shader to make their muscles seem more defined
Why does his asshole look like Stretch Armstrong’s armpit?
All of the antifa types that stand in public can be easily done away with through public debate, and the fact that everyone knows their opinions aren't influenced by actual facts just helps it along. Convince bystanders that they are idiots to make a driving force against them
we tolerate them mostly, even though they routinely sell us out to 'prove' they're not 'racist'
They are pretty based as they are the only dudes consistently out there on the streets beating the shit out of Antifa. I always have respect for men of action over user's Anonymous posts.
I saw that picture before, what the fuck is that creature?
A deep cringe trend even gayer than kekistan & shadilay.
True masculists don't have to virtue signal with a tattoo etc.
Certified comment
still very blue pilled on the JQ etc
Pewdiepie is fucking faggot. Unless you're 6
This picture is fake
Like if you're Jewish.
Faggots for (((Ezra Lavant))). Absolute cancer.
the guy in the pic is definitely not a chad
not much judging by the reading on my soydar
They are useful idiots. That is, they are cringey as fuck, but they still get to be in the Fascist Ethnostate.
High energy lads who adhere to the doctrine of physical removal
People who hate on them here are shills, cowards and alt right faggots who wish they had their prowess ability to remove commies
What are you a teenaged girl?
>dey hate us cuz dey ain't us huuuuur
no no yes