Why are white people obsessed with getting dark skin? Do they secretly want to be black?
Why are white people obsessed with getting dark skin? Do they secretly want to be black?
Laying in the sun is more enjoyable than bleaching your skin
Subconsciously white people know they all came from the African KANG lineage.
brainwashed by media. Take black and brown people off of American TV/movies/music and then see what happens
Humans developed light skin because of the lack of sunlight in the northern hemissphere, which causes a insufficent production of Vitamine D. So when the skin of a white human is a bit "brownish" from sunlight, it`s a sign of health and sufficient amount of vitamine D. On the other hand, people with darker skin seek having lighter skin, to increase the intake of Vitamine D, I suppose.
>why dont white people just eat chicken and shoot each other like the rest of us
since when is a tan "black"
/twg/ Traditional Women General
This thread is for appreciation of traditional women:
You don't turn black by getting a tan.
We don’t get much sun in our countries also I look healthier with a tan bruh
Is excess vitamins D correlated with a higher crime rate?
>walking in the sun is for rich people
t. the mutt
You are mistaking that with melanine, dude.
I don't see what drywall has to do with this
Why do black people obsess over blacks that are "light skinned" and make fun of blacks that are "dark skinned"? Why do Asians and Indians use skin whitener?
I don`t get that joke, I speak bad english.
It is a sign of wealth.
/twg/ Traditional Women General
This thread is for appreciation of traditional women:
OP let me know when white people turn into niggers when they get a tan
This. Means that you have/had a leisure time, in the warm season, at the beach/lakeside/outdoor in general opposed to the indoor workplaces and offices.
Basically tells you had a great vacation with good weather.
Pic related my slut sun-tanning
Bronze =/= fecal brown, Quantavious.
And you know it.