If you aren't willing to murder the children of your enemy, you don't truly hate them.
Would you murder jewish children?
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I wouldn't. Not productive.
Same reason for killing the kids as for killing any other Jews; only if they ever left Israel for anything.
Nah, there's better ways to defeat the Jew. Like giving their land back to Palestine and making them live under Arab rule.
>t. FBI
Everyone gets the rope.
Well apparently you learned nothing from 'The Last Jedi'
I don't want to murder anyone Jewish. I just want Khazarian Jewish international crime mob destroyed. That's all. Get rid of (((them))) and the human race can prosper.
Sterilize them let them live on an reservation away from society
no, i'm not a psycho
No killing kids is wrong. Kids are like a template. They have the capabilities to believe anything it's the parents that ruin them.
Just fill them with enough self loathing so one day they just off themselves
>implying we hate some random kiddos
People don't like the international cabal that runs the Earth, lurkmoar shill.
TPTB don't consider Jewish children a priority
>Meat rendering plants process (((animal))) by-product materials for the production of tallow, grease, and high-protein meat and bone meal. Plants that operate in conjunction with (((animal))) slaughterhouses or poultry processing plants are called integrated rendering plants.
Those are Russian peasants pretending to be Jewish in order to live in a Mediterranean environment
I wouldn't kill any kids and anybody here saying they would is probably some form of shill. If not, then an edgelord.
>Firebombs Dresden, mass death of children
You (((Brits))) are evil.
Nobody on here wants an alphabet agency having them on record saying they would murder kids. I will say that I would do what ever it takes, when the time comes.
I think I'm a pretty fair guy. I'd give them a week to get the fuck out of the newly formed white ethnostate, then shoot them all if they refuse. They would have had their chance and blew it by staying. If a bear is charging at you and you sit there and do nothing, it's your fault for getting mauled. If a jew decides to linger around in NatSoc occupied lands, it's their fault when they're given a free shower.
>Implying I have to be genocidal
If Jewish [parents and their] children go back to Jewish lands I have no qualms with them. Every people have a right to their homelands.
Jews forfeited their right to a homeland when they invaded and destroyed ours.
Last. That just how nice I am.
Nah. Would kill muslim kids tho. Jews are physically harmless and weak and their numbers are not a threat. Without their muslim army used to fight whites, they are powerless.
So did we with others' homelands. I don't think that's a valid argument if you want to be logically consistent. Besides, we're the ones who invaded the Jews' homelands and incorporated them (see: Romans); they never conquered anything beyond their shithole deserts.
>Nah. Would kill muslim kids tho.
Sounds like you have an exciting career killing Muslim women and children for Jews in the U.S. military while your wife is back home fucking lots and lots of random men!!11
Now that is patriotic!!!
Jew detected.
lel no
>Nah. Would kill muslim kids tho.
Can anybody find this image for this cuck?
Yes if you aren't willing to murder kids you don't belong in this movement.
To expand: it's not that they're not parasitical and undermine every other people's structures: they do that. But we're to blame in giving them the means that allow their subversiveness.
That's dumb. I'm all for hanging kikes in the medias, politics, economy, etc but to kill the children is far too inhumane.
Hell, even Nazis tried to educate and "germanize" Jewish and Polish kids into the Nazi ways instead of killing them.
Kids have the same genetics as their parents and if left too long will be the same Jews that rule over us currently.
t. CIA nigger
Gleefully, knowing my ancestors smile upon me.
Deep in my heart I know this is true but it's just wrong to kill kids. What other option is there?
If they are allowed to live then they'll murder our children. Hell, they already are.
You also forget all the times Europe was invaded by non-whites, or the Genocide of the Solutreans in America. This is a war you rotten Jew. Whites are going to win, our pathological altruism is at an end.
I would exile them.
you leave any Jew here and there will be a chance we'd end up right back where we are now
Forcefully sterilise every single one of them it's still cruel but if you don't want to kill them make sure their genetics can never be passed on.
Nope. Jewish evil is genetic.
Jews do Jewish things for ideological/identitarian reasons. If they never find out about their Jewish ancestry chances are they won't act Jewish, beyond maybe the neuroticism and paranoia. Genetically speaking the Ashkenazim are just Europeans mixed with Semites.
Also legitimately enacting genocide on an entire race of people is fundamentally impossible and it would have some serious consequences.
what makes you think another Jew wouldn't take their place?
have you people forgotten that Jews have been kicked out of countries over 300 times?
there's a fucking reason for that people. wake the fuck up
Little kids can wield firearms just like you and me.. They can kill you just as easily as anyone else can. Plus they have no fear. Those little bastards don't get a pass.
i see some jews as enemies. not all
kids are kids, stop being edgy
>were not you kike.
Mfw I bet you would rape them too given the chance.
>Also legitimately enacting genocide on an entire race of people is fundamentally impossible and it would have some serious consequences.
That's right. Jews are legit trying to murder the white race, there are consequences for that. Yes, it's easily possible, and has been done many times in the past.
Murder? No. Castrate? Sure. And not in a violent way either. Only with proper surgical procedure and anesthesia.
Jews aren't murdering whites, they're just slowly breeding them out of existence. And chances are this Kalergi experiment, no matter how disastrous it might be, still won't cause the total extinction of white people.
That's murder.
^^^ this.
It's no more cruel then spreading feminism and indoctorinating enabling behavior to males.
Just more precise.
If it was necessary of course. People have become too soft.
nice FBI thread
please go tell your boss what spurdo means
OK, sure, why not, what could possibly go wrong.
I still can't believe we're letting them get away with what they're doing to us now.
>taking our women via Marxism
>putting shit in our food making us mentally ill
>education system
Sage. We really going to have a political debate on whether to kill kids, and then go to another thread about how we should catch child abusers?
Most child abusers are Jews. Blood libel=human trafficking.
Give em the old Tasmania treatment.
Woah woah woah hold on there Chink user. Doctor Rabbi Rosenberg will fight you over his right to cut baby penises
Considering how many gentile children they have ritually murdered over the years?
of course not you psychotic faggot
The only solution to this dilemma would be to put them into concentration camps until age 18, then gas'em.
Those aren't really Jews... lol
is enouth to sepate jewish woman and men in two countries and in 3 generation the cncept of jewinesh would die like is already happening in russia
The Elders of Zion say it's okay. Who am I to argue?
>Rabbinic opinions
death camp for cuties