Explain this shit.
Fucking degenerates.
Explain this shit.
Fucking degenerates.
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You forgot to turn your proxy on Pablo
looks nice tbqh
Explain what? You went to school, right?
nuggets look off but would still eat
That looks pretty tasty. I wish I had that to eat instead of the pizza I ordered for dinner.
Looks fine to me.
> Japanese person knows tbqh
Yes. Im watching supersize me on youtube. Wtf were we thinking lad? (I went to high school when this movie came out.)
>nuggets look off
Yeah, they need another 90 seconds in the 375F oil dunk.
Peas, cookie, potatoes all look good.
Fruit cups are nasty but alright.
Nuggets are gross but eating everything else doesn't seem too bad. My school had much worse.
Is that the worst school lunch picture you could come up with? You arent trying very hard user. That doesnt look too bad.
that's disgusting. i pack my son's lunch every day.
>chicken breast
>broccoli - cheese and spices on it
>cottage cheese
>protein shake
>chicken dinner
>black rice
>lasagna - carb day for hard workout
>home made beef jerky
>canned fruit w/o syurp
>biscuit and gravy breakfast
>organic steak dinner
>lots of veggies
it's not hard to be healthy.
>my son gloat
>mother fucker is unstoppable w/ wrestling - hits the books hard
I'm drunk because he's with his mother. She's got good intentions, but i'm fuckin' MGTOW, skated away w/o alimony - life is good bros - have kids.
>School lunch
>TFW you were homeschooled and ate better than all your friends
looks better than the actual food they serve
supersize me has been debunked a million times.. Fake news.
sorry about the autism user
You got a problem with nuggies, motherfucker?
Where are the shitty buns!?
You’re supposed to get two buns (and cow’s milk, water cost extra)
Then you cut them in have and make mini chicken sandwiches with mashed potato as the condiments
Fuckin newfags
Looks better than most of the shit they served at school.
Pack your kids lunch and save them the trouble
That's actually a lot better than what public schools actually serve.
Don’t be a pleb and pack your own healthy lunch if you’ve got an issues
In half* desu
Looks okay I guess.
Those nuggies are a bit soggy but they probably taste fine.
The cookie is large, and the other veggies look adequate.
It's a school lunch, not a restaurant.
They're only mandated to hand out a milk and a pb&j.
> Knowing youd still eat it
that looks scrumptious i love cafeteria food
Can you pack me lunch
I’ve been eating shit lately
> MGTOW with a child
Kill yourself.
Fucking weirdo.
That looks totally fine. I think I would only complain that the sandwich looks too small.
now it isn't fixed the best. but thats pretty good, maybe.
>overbearing government regulations and contracts won't fuck us over in the 21st century
>we're a first world country with the technology to make it work efficiently
>we need this to keep standards
>meanwhile in reality they can't even get half decent lunches to the children
Swedes are skinny because our food in school is disgusting, learn from our example.
theres bad bbq, then theres really bad bbq.
>sugar carbs
>sugar carbs
>protein sludge ("chicken nuggets") coated in carbs dipped in sugar carbs
Can't explain
Looks fine until you realize that they probably added a cup of sugar each to the BBQ sauce and the beans.
Is this the peak of American culture?
No you are a retarded divorcee you are not MGTOW. It doesn't work retroactively like that.
It's corruption and incompetence.
You could buy the kids an adult McDonald's combo for the same price as whatever that costed.
Is it really though? How do swedes look at the average American diet and not vomit?
Our shit diets are a national shame. White ethnostate my ass.
My breakfast as a kid
ok that sucks.
look yummy
This Canadian is spot on. Everything but the nuggets looks pretty tasty to me; if perhaps a bit boring. It’s a more food than I could eat in a single meal in high school but I was a small boy.
That looks bland af
Some people were jealous of your food, chips, pizza etc. Now in hindsight I realize it's a good thing we didn't get that instead of our food.
Damn I could really go for some Cheerio Dogs right about now. Usually I put spray cheese all over the top but some cheese on the side is fine too.
I guarantee you what is actually served in most US schools is a lot worse than that
ow my neck.
Looks pretty good to me
You can eat nothing but McDonald's and still lose weight if you keep your activity level up.
This is the epitome of shitty lunches and is further re enforced by the near mirror image sitting across the table.
that looks fine to me desu
that's prison food: South Carolina Department of Corrections
Would you eat this?
wrestling is fucking gay, just like you.
What else are we supposed to feed blacks at taxpayers' expense?
>supersize me
complete propaganda film
comes with it's own puke compartments for an economy savoury dip
No, probably not. But some of it looks tasty: the chicken and the mac n cheese.
i don't like when the don't cut the chicken into one of the acceptable pieces.
What the hell is that? Is that cat food with bananas and ketchup?
You know what is the worst? When you feeding children with shit. They're undeveloped and food is very important in prepubescent age.
Reminder that Mexico is actually even fatter than the USA now. Lolol
We lost our number one slot hahaha
It will actually make them shorter and less intelligent.
If you want kids to actually eat the peas you gotta mix em with the mashed potatoes...
Those nugget are cheap garbage.
dog food, bananas&getsup, nice what a classic.
Part of the problem is western women are “independent” now and can’t cook anymore.
I cook better than any girl I’ve ever dated. And I’m thin.
Isn't the U.K. catching up as well.
Bottom left - carbs
Top left - high-glycemic carbs
Middle - more carbs
Top right - more high-glycemic carbs
Bottom right - small amount of protein, wrapped in carbs
Bottom right cup - carb dip
This is literally why everyone in America is fat as fuck. I struggled with my weight most of my adolescent life until I discovered Keto at age 22. Immediately I was unable to gain a pound and was in the best shape of my life, despite eating more calories than ever. The sugar industry literally funded the scientists who created the food pyramid. Everything we think we know about nutrition is fucked.
Great minds think alike
peas in some creme cheese maybe like chicken alfredo.
Where is the milk supposed to go?
I don't see the problem?
I loved my school lunches, especially sloppy joes and mac and cheese. Long live America!
I can appreciate what you're trying to say, but don't do stupid shit like condemning peas.
Even 3rd world $0.99 breakfast is way healthier than that
What do you mean "what is that"? Have you never had american food before? It's a traditional plate of tropical steak with tomato sauce and milk you absolute plebeian. Here in America this shit costs $50 a plate at a nice restaurant.
Here's some yuropoor cuisine since you idiot nords seem to not understand fine dining. I bet you can't even afford this, poorfag.
those eggs man - overcooked
>Peach cobbler, baked beans, chips, bbq sandwich
Not bad for cafeteria food tbqh
fuck, that looks good not gonna lie, am hungry af now !
>turn 1,440 degrees and walk away
holy shit lol that looks delish m9
that's fake they don't give shit that good here
Why wouldn't he know tbqh if he browses this basket weaving forum?
preach, bro
Dr Lustig, Dr Fung, Gary Taubes, preach the straight dope on youtube
hnnnnnngggg that looks good
>This thread
Easy. The top green balls are called peas, they’re typically just served boiled or steamed but they’re great in stews or other savory roast type sauces. On the top right we have a fruit cup which appears to contain pears and maybe mangos, it’s a very popular item with kids and it doubles as a mini little refreshing beverage. Bottom left is mashed potatoes, it typically requires a lot of work to make because it involves fully baking a potato and then mashing it into a cream like paste, very versatile though, goes great with gravy, butter, or even just plain old salt. The bottom right appears to be chicken nuggets, chicken meat cut into bite sized chunks breaded and fried, great for dipping in sauces like ketchup, BBQ, or ranch dressing. Top left is a chocolate chip cookie meant to be a desert and not necessarily a part of every meal, the dough is made from sugar and flour mixed with either butter or a shortener, there are sprinkles of chocolate chips mixed in as well which makes this item sweet but packed with calories and sugar.
Did I explain enough?
Looks better than most school lunches.
mac n cheez is for slaves, everything else looks gud.
"hold the pickle"
Fuck they can't repeal Michael Obama's Commie lunch box soon enough.
No wonder gen Z is going to be redpill overkill.
Kill yourself.
Looks like a healthy meal to me.
Is that processed meat? My favourite!