If Q/Potus releases proof that Medical/Pharma has cures for major diseases, or possibly even caused the diseases, and that they are not releasing the cures so that they can profit from expensive maintenance drugs, what happens? Worldwide chaos. ALL doctors will be declared black hats, including many local doctors who are actually good people. 99% of people will run to the hospital to demand that the cure be given to themselves/family.
So, how does the cure get released without causing chaos? Q tells the ANONS that the cure exists. Anons demand #ReleaseTheCure. Anons warn that soon the black hats will be jailed.
Medical/Pharma responds by "finding" a cure immediately. It's a miracle! Great news! We found the cure! The cure has already started to go around the world (another Q posting) in the form of a flu pill cure. Potus has by-passed the FDA drug laws by announcing a new policy that terminal patients may have new cures without waiting for testing.
Later, it will slowly leak out that the cures existed for years. After more Fake News wars, a few will be fired or jailed, but there will be no worldwide chaos, and confidence in local white hat doctors will be retained. WE will get our cures quickly, but vengeance will be slow. A compromise with which we can LIVE.
New medical cures no coincidence
Other urls found in this thread:
>the elite have access to suppressed medicine and cancer cure
G Bush, Carter, Kishinger, Rockefuror, Marshall are all in they 90s
all political elites have access to supressed cures
eugenicists dont want cures
they want more cancer
no matter how hard you fight, you all lose at the end
the elite consider you to be cancer and cancer is the tool to eradicate you
if you arent Reagan or Carter or Bush or Clinton or Soros consider yourself a target for extermination
the oligarchs get the cures and live to a ripe old age. the plebs get the epidemic and get to panic about russia and the climate instead of getting cured
>Rockefeller 102 yrs old
>Jimmy Carter 93 yrs old, cured of metatstatic cancer in 2015
>Gerald Ford 93 yrs old
>Reagan 93 yrs old, cured of metatstatic cancers (colon, prostate, skin) in 1985
>George Bush 93 yrs old
>Henry Kissinger 93 yrs old
>Charles W. Robinson 95 yrs old
>Robert S. Ingersoll 96 yrs old
>Andrew Marshall 95 yrs old
>Prince Philip 95 yrs old
>Zbigniew Brzezinski 90 yrs old
president Reagan's medical history, though guarded by privacy, reveals that he had skin cancer [ 1987 ], colon cancer [ 1985 ] and prostate cancer [ 1987 ] during his presidency.
"He died at age 93, and not from cancer. " [ Although President Reagan refused America's outdated cancer treatments, he did not share his cancer story with his fellow Americans. ]
this must mean they thought Steve Jobs was an obstacle and not a friend. starting to believe the he was actually given AIDS conspiracy a little more
The medical establishment is a joke
It's a miracle they even treat and research cures for AIDS patients. If AIDS wasn't such an acute, noticeably degenerative disease, it would get ignored like lyme disease.
Mate if the FDA in its current form existed in 1953 we wouldn't have a polio vaccine
It costs billions of dollars just to get a fucking drug approved by the FDA
you could be sitting on the literal cure to cancer but you would never get it to the public because you'd go broke trying to jump through layer after layer after layer of red tape
Cancer is a very lucrative industry for the medical community. Not just chemotherapy but it's great for getting big donations for cancer institutes .. yeah .. hey .. we're busy curing cancer ... haha .. sure we are .. gib moar money plox
why would a company cure a disease when they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars "treating" it?
this is the problem with capitalism in the health care industry.
There's no money in cures. only in treatments.
Did you know the 5 year survival rate of pancreatic cancer less than 8%?
80% die the first year.
Guess who's had it for a decade? Funny cohencidence.
About McStain... there are two possibilities there:
1- McTraitor does NOT have brain cancer, and he's just lying to get out of trouble (medical defense)
2- McTraitor DOES have brain cancer and was afforded the actual CURE
The type of malignant glioblastoma he (supposedly) has is fatal. At least one MD here and elsewhere have commented that it's not normal to undergo surgery for that type of cancer because that's not helpful AND that it's not humanly or medically possible for him to have undergone the requisite surgery and be back at work in two weeks. Just impossible.
Either way reflects very, very poorly on McTraitor AND the medical establishment.
(he had his treatment at Mayo Clinic - what's the healing time for others who undergo that surgery at that clinic? Is it 2 weeks??)
a Hindu-Jew doc mentioned that goys with mccains stage of disease have less than a few weeks to live with the available treatments today, that was back in May of last year!
while the elites get secret life-extension, you goys will die by the billions- all while being J00d by Hindu-Jew docs
indeed, these cancers have cures (suppresed), as has been detailed ITT, and people become victims of the genocidal system
there is no doubt the US presidents (elites) have achieved a longevity baseline of 93 years of age
>Jimmy Carter 93 yrs old, cured of metatstatic cancer in 2015
>Gerald Ford 93 yrs old
>Reagan 93 yrs old, cured of metatstatic cancers (colon, prostate, skin) in 1985
>George Bush 93 yrs old
>Henry Kissinger 93 yrs old
>Andrew Marshall 95 yrs old
what explains the historical discrepancy between the population being killed off by cancer and other diseases while the elites get cures?
Cancer has a cure and the pharmaceutical industries won't even allow it because there is no profit in saving worthless goy life.
cures are only for the elite!!!
Snowden's revelations didn't harm the intelligence community as much as cancer cure would harm the financial-medicinal complex.
The DOTR can't happen soon enough.
why do you think pots illegal? anyone can grow it. but not everyone can synthesize drugs.
>Be alive long enough to hear about conspiracies
>Believe a lot of the conspiracies and get called crazy by super-normies
>Live long enough to see that 85% conspiracies were actually true
What a time to be alive
Protip: cancer cure will never be released to the goyim, only treatments getting slightly gayer. Why. Cos its so fucking lucrative. Chemo drugs makers fucking love it when people relapse.
Also the HUEG cancer charity cottage industry built up around the disease. So theres a cure, you think all those people are just gonna go home now?
ITT depressing truth.
Have you noticed?
…… that people who are awake, think about consciousness, truth seekers…. tend to have struggled with an addiction or alcoholism at some point in their lives. Arguably to be human is to get addicted to SOMETHING but I’m talking about people who are looking to fill a hole, who are usually kind and sensitive but then can become gruff and cruel sometimes - but if they are, the world sort of turned them that way since their underbelly is so soft and gentle. Tender folks.
They tend to be highly productive when sober, deep thinkers, relatively intelligent, and when they aren’t lashing back out at a world that hurt them, when they forgive, they are among the most giving and nurturing people.
These bright and talented individuals were frequently selected for gifted programs in elementary school and could do many things well. However they probably quit things often… or do what is expected of them begrudgingly. They don’t understand the sort of robotic actions in society and (think of Tim Leary’s The Others) they hate the “hows the weather?” elevator banter and long for a table to sit with close friends who want to ponder the deep truths of this reality and not talk about money. Oh yes, money. They’re usually not great with it or they don’t care much about it. Nice to have, but they will easily give away theirs as long as they have the basics.
Often the family’s black sheep, these individuals are willing to see many sides to a story and are not staunch in any one political pigeon hole. They are often the type of child who the parents will say “Bobby, he’s just different.”
Although, they are VERY idealistic and value justice deeply. Frequently firstborn children or the baby of many children, these people dance in the fray not linger at center. They have always felt “weird” and even when they are in the center with a ton of friends feel like outsiders. Never quite at home on earth, they have a pervasive sense of homesickness that confuses them. Their family, whom they love deeply, can feel like a foster family that is with them just for the time being. They struggle with impulse control and wanting life to be “fun”- the fact that we are slaves, drones, dawns on them at a young age and will often think things like “Think of all the hours I waste here” while in elementary school when all the other children never dare- doesn’t occur to them- to dream of the outside while they are seated at their tiny desks.
Perfectionists with black and white thinking, if they mess up a task they will often say “fuck it”, because they know they could have done it so well, once a little corner is garbled, Why bother?, right?
These people- addicts and Alcoholics (or an eating disorder, something self harming not harmful to others) are the type of people who want the world to just be nice and safe. They often work at jobs that are less challenging intellectually than what they are capable of. They have existential crisis-like thoughts about their life and have a deep and persistent feeling that they have a purpose, that they are “supposed” to do something great in this life, not in a narcissistic way, but in the way that they get nervous they have a calling that the daily grind is keeping them from.
These people…. do you know them?
I think you do. I think we are them.
Yeah that's me. Except they called it the "challenge program" in my state.
Sell em goyim a treatment. Never a cure.
cures are only for the mccains, carters, and elites.
elites live. we all die.
Cancer treatments make poo and joo infested hospitals and the pharmaceutical industries billions of dollars, why would they have any incentive to ever cure or find better treatments for cancer?
/fit/ I have a Sup Forums question
have any genuinely powerful people ever died of cancer out of nowhere? I'm talking someone in a position where if there was a cure for cancer, you can guarantee they would have access to it
There are a bunch of natural things that are across the board helpful. Baking Soda is one, Sodium Bicarbonate. Magnesium Bicarbonate is simple to make, even better because Magnesium Bicarbonate has Magnesium, and people are deficient in that, often. Carbonated water + milk of magnesia. Take the top off the seltzer water, pour in cap of milk of magnesia, put top back on the seltzer water, quick.
Foods - garlic, ginger, onion, turmeric, hot pepper, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, kefir.
This is good advice. Also eliminate toxins from tapwater and food sources.
Roundup / Glyphosate rips your guts up. Puts tiny holes in your intestines. Kills the good bacteria you need. Basic solution - stop eating bread, stop eating pizza, eat more fermented foods, like kefir, natural sauerkraut.
Fermented things don't travel well, but fermentation is an excellent way to preserve food. Supermarkets have a wide variety of chemical foods, and don't have much in the way of healthy foods. The entire food/medical system that we in the US tries so hard to push on other countries is intrinsically bad.
The people who would supposedly by shocked by this would not be. Everyone on facebook has at least one friend who knows all about this stuff. Knows about vaccines, nagalase, GCMaf and doctors dying because of this, and they have been posting about this for years.
All these "go to the hospital for shock" people are just going to go, pretty much across the board, "oh, that conspiracy theory person was right", and not have to go to the hospital.
these eugenicist elites show up with late stage metatstaic cancers and get them cured, not even picked up early
meanwhile doctors shove you plebs in the chamber of death and say it is your time to die, we have no curative treatments for you
Stop drinking beer.
>If Q/Potus releases proof that Medical/Pharma has cures for major diseases, or possibly even caused the diseases, and that they are not releasing the cures so that they can profit from expensive maintenance drugs, what happens?
The statue of liberty gets blown up and then a guy with augmented vision and nerves of steel nukes Area 51 and saves the day by doing one of three things: sends the world into a new dark age, lets the illuminati take over, or merges with an AI and becomes a benevolent dictator
What about hard apple cider?
There are people discovered ways to cure diseases, including cancer, but they were never allowed to publish their findings because cancer is a huge source of money for medicine.
Steve Jobs died of cancer. If there was a cure he would have gotten it.
Bullshit OP, this is faggotry.
Their little science experiment is moving to phase I trails after showing promise in rats.
Also consider this, AIDs is fake. Some high IQ Jew is the one oddly calling this bullshit out. One Peter Duesberg, and as much as the MSM try to assassinate his character or his scientific refutations, they just cannot kill this motherfucker.
In his 1996 book Inventing the AIDS Virus and in numerous journal articles and letters to the editor, Duesberg asserts that HIV is harmless and that recreational and pharmaceutical drug use, especially of zidovudine (AZT, a drug used in the treatment of AIDS) are the causes of AIDS outside Africa (the so-called Duesberg hypothesis). He considers AIDS diseases as markers for drug use, e.g. use of poppers (alkyl nitrites) among some homosexuals, asserting a correlation between AIDS and recreational drug use.[29] This correlation hypothesis has been disproven by evidence showing that only HIV infection, not homosexuality nor recreational/pharmaceutical drug use, predicts who will develop AIDS.[5][7][30][31][32]
Duesberg asserts that AIDS in Africa is misdiagnosed and the epidemic a "myth", claiming incorrectly[33] that the diagnostic criteria for AIDS are different in Africa than elsewhere[34][35] and that the breakdown of the immune system in African AIDS patients can be explained exclusively by factors such as malnutrition, tainted drinking water, and various infections that he presumes are common to AIDS patients in Africa.[35] Duesberg also argues that retroviruses like HIV must be harmless to survive, and that the normal mode of retroviral propagation is mother-to-child transmission by infection in utero.[36]
Pharma is basically murdering gay faggots and other plebs with AZT, also marking up the price by the grace of the FDA.
It shouldn't be surprising. There are billions of dollars in profits to be made from cancer treatment. Why cure it when you can sustain the business model with a limitless supply of desperate patients?
We sense our own user. While we have convinced ourselves of this/that there have always been those who feel the same things and they feel it because loss or overcoming challenge has forged them into the person they now are who can embrace both sides of the same coin which few can do. It is why "autists" can so easily see through people and can so easily see things other cannot. Because we embrace both sides and do not adhere to one while blinding ourselves.
People who have suffered and people who have failed only to rise beyond it and people who have experienced both glory and failure are the adapted and more understanding of the world around them because they have experienced it and know what to look for, know who to look at.
Is he Flu cure faggotry too?
Please respond.
he was also retarded and thought that he could eat tea leaves and meditate his cancer away. Its not that a cure for cancer isn't out there, its that he refused any sort of treatment.
Not only aren't they curing cancer but are actually causing cancer.
"Together we'll find a cure" is like saying, "Together, we'll find a metaphorical hockey mask to wear while we repeatedly punch ourselves in the face".
What if she’s part of the 4.6%?
Oi vey only a million sheckels for this life saving treatment.
Is that God you're talking about? Or some New Age crap?
4.6% is for 5 years. 80% are dead in 1 year, 95.4% in 5, she's bad it for 9.
That should be safe. I stopped drinking entirely for reasons, but the hard cider didn't mess with my system like the beer did. They use glycophosphate to kill the wheat all at once for harvest, also use GMO yeast to ferment it. The Alcohol industry is so Jewish that I'm done with it. I'll spend my money on healthy diet and being a better Nazi.
Think about all the potential cures for lupus that have all sorts of FDA and market based obstacles. Try hookworm, gets rid of most autoimmunity. There are medical leeches, why not medical hookworm? It is the missing piece of "probiotics", helminths (worms) co-evolved with humans and when they are gone people get allergies, MS, eczema, etc. This can be seen in Africa. Autoimmunity shows up fairly soon after people are given de-worming meds. When eosinophil white blood cells have nothing to attack (they fight multicellular parasites, not bacteria or viruses) they cause allergies. Pretty much all autoimmunity is mediated by an immune process that goes away once the person is exposed to certain commensal/mutalisitic/symbiotic bacteria (and in this case mostly helminths). I know multiple people who no longer have allergies or asthma. Like Phage Therapy, FDA makes this basically impossible, as the pharma industry lawyers (who also work for FDA) care more about Jew malpractice lawsuits than they do about your life expectancy
Dude was rich AF and a full fledged elite. If there was a cure he would have known and used it. He was also a raging asshole and quite selfish. He would have used it.
There is no "cure" for cancer because "cancer" isn't a single disease. It's a host of related problems and cellular malfunctions.
Flu vaccine?
Libtard MSM in Canada even shits on it
Also a number of open groups on faggot book and otherwise of healthcare professionals shitting on the flu vaccine. Not a hard topic to look into, unless you really such government cock
Did you know that before 1973 it was illegal in the US to profit off of health care. The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 passed by Nixon changed everything
>the law Nixon mandated also included clauses that encouraged medical providers to not CURE afflictions, but to PROLONG them by only treating the symptoms. There’s no money to be made in CURING sickness.
Is the health insurance business a racket? Yes, literally. And this is why the shameless pandering to robber baron corporations posing as “health providers” is such an egregious … and obvious … tactic to do nothing more than plump up insurance company profits.
the downfall of the American health insurance system falls squarely on the shoulders of former President Richard M. Nixon.
In 1973, Nixon did a personal favor for his friend and campaign financier, Edgar Kaiser, then president and chairman of Kaiser-Permanente. Nixon signed into law, the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, in which medical insurance agencies, hospitals, clinics and even doctors, could begin functioning as for-profit business entities instead of the service organizations they were intended to be
Fake not saying that 911 was as its told to us just that very video is a fake
ive read in another thread that most new beers and "craft beers" are pretty much the alcoholic version of soyboy drinks
Link response is this one here
You put that into words quite nicely.
reporting in
A rare instance of family guy dropping red pills.
It's the hops. They're related to marijuana, both are potent sources of estrogen.
did you know that 80 percent of all cancers may be addressed via different repurposed drug cocktail combinations. that is a fact.
whats stopping people from being cured from repurposed drug cocktails that already passed FDA? the FDA and establishment block these effective treatments
Corporations nor governments like cures, they like prolonged "treatments" because curing isn't profitable whereas treatment is.
We've already seen massive coverups in the past: massive corporations bribing scientists to claim "fats" were harmful to health and not sugars, in fact there was a time (in the 50s or 60s I believe) where corporations and governments were trying to say that every healthy child should eat one chocolate bar per day. What a meme.
Then a more topical issue, global warming: oil companies basically hired/bribed scientists to skew results and coverup global warming/climate change. This coverup made it all the way to the highest levels of government. Why? because people are greedy. Cash is king.
Do I think there's a cure for cancer (or at least some forms of it) that's being hidden, kept secret? Yes with one hundred percent certainty. Not only would it hurt the cash flow but governments want their people to die off - human culling is seen as a benefit in modern times for obvious reasons.
damn...this is exactly me...where did you get this
lindsey williams has said for years that the elites definitely do have cures and they are illegal to administer in america, but some hospitals (IBC tijuana) in mexico do things like stem cell therapy that can cure cancer and other things
This. Beer also would make me overly emotional. Had to stop. It's been months now, huge improvement in health and cognitive functions.
If I told you we are talking about it on the 8ch Q board how would you feel, kek.
Why were we in these programs and studied like lab rats? The teacher in my program was a Jewish cunt and an anti-apartheid activist during that time frame. Even brought in some nigger big to teach is African culture and all that.
A relative tried this in Cuba. Paid 20k for some "experimental" treatment like this. I wonder if they just have him saline, not that he'd know the difference.
Still died of lymphoma.
Why is Sup Forums often so accurate?
All of the healthcare based institutions of the US cause mass price increases for health services.
>basic family doctor care
>inpatient hospital
All of it. Prior to Rockefeller's fuck over of the healthcare market people used to go into something called a "fraternity". Basically a community based insurance group that would offer contracts to doctors. Because these were the most stable lines of work doctors had to compete in price, quality and the shitty ones got fired.
This meant the common man could attain reasonable healthcare access, within a reasonable price. Now its totally fucked over. The government is often the one enabling cartels and fucking over the price. Especially for dental, a hygienist can essentially provide basic services in unison with private market business provider for a stream lined, low cost route of dental service. But no goyim, you must be thousands for service that is often substandard unless you're really filtering out the chaff of shitty dentists.
Because no one knows you like family, user.
Watch that faggot with brain cancer be cured because he's going with the globalist agenda.
Full retarded
There are literally billions of different cancers.
That's why it's so hard to manage
A little over 100.
Dr Ron Paul talks about his work at free hospitals and how everything worked great.
r. Paul replied:
"I practiced medicine before we had monopolies at hospital. And the churches took care of them. We never turned anybody away from the hospital. The reason the cost is so high is It becomes a special interest, it cow-tows to the insurance companies and then the drug companies."
About 90-95% of this applied to me. The fuck? Obviously I'm aware of the whole "psychological trick" of pandering to a person's sensibilities in general language to make it feel as if you're speaking about them specifically, but no, this is honest to god fucking accurate for me.
Dude, the fuck man.
Exactly, it’s usually very fatal.
That small number is made up of individual cases, which she apparently is one of.
You don't know shit nigger.
It's always to be accounted with genetic variation.
Unless you do surgery the number of different cancers is enormous
Good post.
Nixon did a lot of bad things, this might be as bad as the gold fuckery
Those look like zoanthids.
It describes many of us, user. Sensitive people in an uncaring world. You aren't as alone as you think.
>over 80 years of age
>has fatal form of cancer
>should be dead in a matter of weeks (as f may 2017)
any other goy would be put in hospice or outright murdered by the poojew docs, but this rusty old nigger is being cured for the sake of his globalist totalitarian privilege
some people have
but it depends on the person and condition
there's better natural cures though
however refusing big pharma treatments is the smart thing to do, chemo kills more than the cancer does
Why not spike good apple cider with vodka? Or literally any other spirit if you are a Russian conspiracist.
Hell, they could even give people cancer and then offer a cure if they vote on this or that.
It's over 100 types of malignant neoplams. Not "literally billions" Jacques.
weird...go on.. sounds eerily similar to my education upbringing...
and if qanon is talking about cures for diseases, then its safe to say that qanon is either trump himself or alex jones. alex jones mentioned it on the jre podcast
It's mostly Pale Ales/IPA's and lagers with High IBU's (hop content) that replicates the estrogenic effects causing things like "bitch tits". Just always be aware of what you're buying and drinking and stick with low IBU beers and you'll be mostly fine. I'm more of a brown/amber/red ale kind of guy.
This rule applies to all foods you buy as well. READ THE FUCKING LABELS.
hard to say
what was the reputation of the cuban place?
nixon is part of the rockefeller cabal, along with bush, dulles and a bunch kike satanists. the
oligarchs will all live to a rusty old age and get cures. the goyim will die.
US covers up short life expectancy by importing millions of elderly immigrants from China, Mexico, India, Asia etc...
if the US were not practicing this, it would reveal a massive die-off of the native population
here is a useful insight on this matter
>retirement age
Because life expectancy is actually a backward looking stat. Real life expectancy for millennials will be in the 50s.
This guy is a LARP with no substantive proof to this day. He claimed we were at Defcon 1 because "he felt so"
AIDS isn't real. It was made up for multiple reasons, including selling failed cancer drugs
Great idea, thanks.
not only that, but jews are inbred and usually very physically weak and unhealthy
>So accurate
It's almost painful.
In school I was recommended for drugs because I would be bored by lessons that were behind me.
I was one of the first kids in the 90's prescribed adderal.
Parents thought they were doing me a favor by allowing me to go clean on the weekends but couldn't figure out why I was spazzing so I was sent off to a boys home.
Joined the military before 9/11.
Saw through the bullshit and didn't quite fit in.
>why must it all be so difficult?
I just want to play my vidya or write a book but it feels like I am compelled to seek out a truth or truths that make me look crazy while everything falls apart around me.
> If AIDS wasn't such an acute, noticeably degenerative disease, it would get ignored like lyme disease.
Humans got AIDS from fucking Nigger hookers while on Safari. Niggers got AIDS from eating monkey meat.
The problem is that in the early 1980s when AIDS came out, not much was known about it. There was a lot of fear about catching AIDS.
Now we know that only faggots, niggers and intravenous drug users (who share needles with niggers and faggots) get AIDS.
It was fashionable to donate money to AIDS research back then, and that meme lives on today.
I have no idea. I only have third hand info.
>Did you know that before 1973 it was illegal in the US to profit off of health care.
how could a doctor eat food then if he wasn't allowed to make money?
Literally just spent the past hour walking around my neighborhood having a conversation with my self, and anyone who may have been listening, about 'What is it that I am supposed to be doing... What angle is it that I can not see?'
It's such a strong feeling that I have never been able to ignore... "Don't you have a job to do?" But, for the past couple of months it has been gnawing at me in a way that I can't put into words. It's been gnawing at me so much that it's starting to feel like I am inside an 'escape the room' type game and I just cant see what I am supposed to do next.
what system of globalist totalitarianism will provide cures to the goys from CIA engineered transmittable cancer?
sounds like bullshit to me, charge more for the cure, not everyone buys the best option. This is why different grades of gas are available at the pump.
>pictures from air force one over NK
>pictures of a whitehouse pen with a signed executive order
>hinting at scandals weeks before they hit the news
>pictures of chinese raid
>no substantive proof
ok fag
In 1971, when President Richard M. Nixon initiated the War on Cancer, the average person had a 1 in 10 risk of developing cancer in his or her lifetime. Today, that's changed – for the worse. The risk as of 2005 is 1 in 2.
this is the major cause of rapid decline in western populations
cancer is now as common as the flu, that is intentional. the existing cures for cancer are intentionally suppressed.
the great culling/poisoning orchestrated by CIA, CFR, etc has led to dramatic population declines. the genocide machine is being refueled by new immigrants to pack into the poison chambers
'1 in 2 people will develop cancer in their lifetime'
our latest estimate, which uses the most accurate calculation method to date, now puts our chances of developing the disease at 1 in 2.
cancer cases expected to soar to 70% of the population the a few years
I hate to burst your bubble, nah, I love bursting bubbles. She has Islet cell cancer, which is very treatable if caught early. Steve Jobs had the same type of cancer, but idiotically chose Chinese medicine over Western medicine and died. I wish RBG was as dumb as Jobs though.