This pic is the one that made me sympathetic if not supportive of White ethnostates. This pic have any significance for anyone else?
This pic is the one that made me sympathetic if not supportive of White ethnostates...
well, my skin is kind of olive( italian descendant), and my eyes are pretty dark, guess i'am not considered white
>tfw white and latina ex's mother would fawn over me because she wanted grandchildren with beautiful blue eyes
You're ok to me. Only Nordicists and their shills hate Meds.
all niggers look the same - shitskins
When you all realize what you're really are it's going to be hilarious.
To be fair, biologist suggests there's actually more genetic diversity in Africans than any other race in the world.
well they are the closest to apes desu
the pic is simply not correct, when will you brainlets learn that by trying to make others look worse, you won't gain anything
I have yet to meet any black person with natural light hair. the closest i have seen brown.
and i live in diversified canada
white people have naturally white hair when they are young and also have natural bright red hair??
also those green eyes look super natural
there is more diversity to humans than just colour and complexion , in fact complexion is the least important factor, as it can change the quickest
the premise of the argument is wrong, it shouldn't matter whether or not shitskins bring ni diversity or not , even if they did it wouldn't matter
I'm going to take up arms to aid in the formation of the ethnostate because my sister was murdered by a nigger because she wouldn't hand over her phone. I won't initiate violence against non-whites if they pack their shit and leave our territory in peace, but should they so much as look at me wrong, I will gut their children like fish or douse them in gasoline and warm my hands in the fire as I watch them burn to death. I've had enough.
You're more stupid
I win
Calling no stupid backs
Double safety infinite stupid block
You are officially the stupid, any arguments you would like to provide will be null and void
These are known as soft redpills. They are great to get some normie recruits in. Theses are meant to make the normies say
" hmm havent thought about it that way before"
Both very effective and true.
The thing about the Alt right is that we dont have to be deceptive like Leftists. All we have to do is show people the truth.
Italians are better than other humans.
i didn't call anybody stupid, you simply have no arguments and your ad hominems are just what you'd expect from a 56%er
race preservation is key to preserve these unique phenotypes.
you are just cherry picking white people here and trying to mix shitskins together that wouldn't be mixed together anyway
you lose all credibility and any aspirations to be taken seriously will never come true because you are essentially like a 5 year old looking only at the most superficial things
>Italian decent
We already know you're not white, Luigi
Fuck off, el atrocidad
What did he mean by this
A pointless statement. They arent unique on the phenotypical levels including their facial attributes.
Blond hair, red hair, brown hair, Straight hair, blue eyes, green eyes, hazel eyes, grey eyes, slender nose, high cheek bones.
spamming this one on facebook right now, good stuff
there is a lot of diversity in between negroid races , on a physical anthropological level and also on a genetic level (mtDNA)
when will you realize that shit talking others will not make yourself better?
>all that fucking make-up
so if you have dark hair and have olive skin you're not white?
Proud 56er here
Though I don't care about race so long as your not a Jew, Arab, African, Chinese, Peruvian, or Canadian
Nothing, just a meme flag poster.
That "genetic diversity" is you being facetious with a numbers game, you fucking obvious kike.
At the end of the day, they all look the same, have the same skin, hair eyes, immunological shortcomings, IQ and fucking temperament.
There's a reason Europe conquered the world.
brainlet = somebody who is small minded, unable to grasp the bigger picture
not necessarily somebody stupid
>Obvious nonwhite
White people are far more distinct from Asians blacks, and Indians. Of course we can categorically separate the white race from them.
You know the answer to that.
Diversity only exists in division, not intermixing.
it's not true, and statements like "they all look the same" are the reason why you will never be taken seriously because they don't
not in the mood to go and pick out nigger pics to prove my point but it's very easy to see if you aren't completely blind and blatantly biased by your racism
notice also i'm not saying
that's just wrong, if by indians you mean south asians they have exactly the same diversity racially as whites
and asians have more diversity than you would think
it's just very easy to see you are typical bruteforce stormweenies and your arguments aren't right, not only are they too generalized their intention is just to shit talk others
Don't listen to the shitposters mate. The whole concept of being in this 'white club' is pretty fucking retarded especially since there are people who think the Irish aren't white. If you're of complete indigenous European descent then you're fine.
of course you are not wh*TE
only skin cancer nordniggers are wh*Te
You are of the mediterranean master race. creators of all civilization, which includes the incredibly intelligent and strong peoples of Spain, Portugal, Italy, Southern France, Malta, Greece, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Slovenia, Serbia, Romania, Syria, Palestine, and Lebanon.
Levant and north african nigger trash shouldn't be lumped with Southern Europe.
>the pic is simply not correct
expand, or leave
nice. Share it everywhere
>all these nations are the same racial demographic
>e] [Auto] 3 new posts
nigger please
the pic is extremely low effort already, since the people on the left side could also be albino niggers
stop there, roach
Aaaaaand that's a wrap.
they're clearly not. pic is reduced in size for delivery purposes, but if you zoomed out it will be even more obvious
and the message remains: there's already plenty of diversity among whites
so, basically, you got no argument
this is also what made me really start to consider what was happening and it filled me with dread..
this is a very good red pill
you only see the eyes, how can they not have nigger features otherwise?
lmfao , you are actually retarded
races exist and so do differences in between them, but you know nothing about this and are actually just a shitstain trying to shit on others mindlessly like a 56%er angry mutt
I have a weird question. Do you happen to be mixed race?
nope, but i studied physical anthropology and shitters like OP ruined this field because of low effort shit posting
as i said many times, races exist, but the main differences are not found in complexion, they are found in differences between physiognomy (of which complexion is a part) and body types
If your skin is not white, then you're not white.
>italians and Greeks, upon which all of civilization was founded, are not white
All I think Medkit is trying to say is that the picture is disingenuous for looking only at eye and hair color when they still also have different skin tone, bone structure, and genetics.
>biologist suggests
This post suggests that you are an uneducated nigger.
Secondly, I suggest you kill yourself.
the largest dysgenic trend is not due to breeding between races, it's because low quality whites are outbreeding high quality whites , which are not breeding at all
>levant and north africa
>southern europe
Lmao whats the difference?
>b-but goy, don't you get that white people originated from the middle east? You must let refugees into your countries and mix with them because the balance of races is maintained that way.
kill yourself nigger
Take that flag off, nigger.
>So if I'm a nigger, I'm not considered white?!
That's obvious. They are euros, but they are not white. Being european doesnt necessarily makes you white.
Don't think I've ever seen a medbox that hated whites this much, are you a German on holiday?
stating that high quality whites are not breeding is hating on whites now? and that low quality whites exist triggers you because you are one i suppose , if that even counts for a 56%er mutt
i love having AMERICAns telling me im not white
people with brown eyes aren't fully white
nothing funnier than when a 97 ton amerimongrel with 25% spic and negro admixture spouts shit sbout meds being not ehite. give up on life and kill yourself nigger.
You aren't white. Your admixed w/ shitskins
i have blue eyes, blondish hair and very fair skin. i'm pretty damn white
Have it your way, mongrel. Italians aren't white. They're your superiors.
Swiss are Two Thirds germans.
I basically look like this w/ slightly lighter hair
Southern Italians are genetically really really close to Jews. Superior or not, they wouldn't get to live in my ideal ethnostate.
Take this for what it's worth.
also if your eyes are dark ... you probably aren't white
ad hom all you want but the shitskin admixture is very apparent
Why are medshits so in denial? You got MOORED, it's a historical fact.
Deal with it.
i guess gypsies who occasionally have blue eyes are also white
having light eyes is a necessary but not sufficient condition.
>from north Italy
>brown eyes
Guess I'm a moor then. Stop considering Italians white and watch half the white inventions disappear.
So if a nigger invents something I have to accept him as white.
GTFO this board med nigger.
Italian girls are beautiful. If they're mixed with niggers they would be fuck ugly.
Kill yourself Tyrone. You are pathetic.
call me a traitor but gypsie girls with blue eyes are hot as fuck
asian girls are fuckable too, but it doesn't make them white and i wouldn't marry one.
Same goes for pasta niggers
>brown eyes
Yes that means you have a considerable amount of mudblood in you.
>Mutt trying to educate others on what counts as white
That's too bad, ameriniggers have such impotent, pathetic rage toward Italians and their country is named after one.
Maybe when your nigger admixture drops below 20 percent you'll realize they're not all violent criminals like Hollywood wants you to think.
I'm not loyal to America. I'm loyal to my race. GTFO with your (((civic nationalist))) bullshit.
Holy Shit! This is where filipinas come from
So are the Italians and Irish white or not? If I'm wrong then why not educated a dumb burger?
>I'm loyal to my race
>greater Israel flag
If Italians aren't white you lose 60ish percent of the things whites have to be proud of.