>some people have gotten their hands on the OVA in Japan
>no S3 news
It's over, there was no announcement.
Some people have gotten their hands on the OVA in Japan
Other urls found in this thread:
>no Megumeme season
All is good.
Thanks god. Enough with this rеddit shit
The stuff after vol 4 is shit anyways, it's when the haremshit starts. The anime ended at a good place.
>it's when the haremshit starts
Not really, I'd place it at volume 7. 5 and 6 are probably the most enjoyable volumes, and would benefit from an adaptation more than volumes 3 and 4 that were rather mediocre to begin with.
That made me realize that Aqua would be a great gf.
Don't fuck with us, Japan. Season 3 fucking where!
Jesus, those designs just get worse and worse. Who could even stomach to look at those things?
wut, giant robots?
>make publishers a lot of money for a shit budget anime series
>not make new season
What are they doing there?
It doesn't look like a bad episode at all, but somehow I'm not very happy.
Volume 5 is so good that it could be considered a proper end point for the anime. But the point of LN adaptations is to promote the LN by making the viewers yearn for more, so they won't adapt it.
I haven't read the LNs.
What's so good about volume 5?
It's the best written volume by far, it gives sensible development to some characters with very touching scenes while keeping the things that make Konosuba good. Also has a great boss fight.
Crimson demons, cute Megumin, cute Yunyun, hilarious setting and demon army boss
It's just very good
Time to move on, I guess.
How would you even know reddit likes it without going there to see what they say about it yourself? I've found you out you fucking hypocrites.
>t-takes one to know one!
You can do better than that, user.
When did they announce S2? Also, isn't it possible that they witheld the announcement from the advance copies of the OVA, as to not spoil it?
At the end of the last episode of s1.
Press F to pay respects.
It's unlikely. Vol 12 has already been almost completely leaked, so people have probably already watched the OVA too.
You know there will be VN game in September, right?
>You can do better than that, user.
You're right, I can. Because there are at least 2 logical ways you know.
1. You parrot whatever some other user says without knowing the facts for sure.
2. You fucking visit reddit.
>reddit spacing
>Megumin's hair got longer
Konosuba is slowly nearing its end and I don't like it.
>expecting a S3 announcement at the end of a fucking OVA
I know the western fanbase is completely detached from the anime industry, but a OVA bundled with the newest LN volume is not an "extra chapter", it's just fanservice for novel readers. It's like people complaining about Yunyun introduction in the first one. The fact that anime pirates watch the OVA as an extra episode doesn't mean it is meant to be that at all.
>You know there will be VN game in September, right?
To bad Re:zero already did that, and much better as well.
Every time I'm told this, I end up having the exact opposite reaction of what you guys says.
Very, very cute.
Look up its score and the amount of members on MAL. It's not rocket science.
What's the purpose though? To feel better when you like something that's not popular? Why care at all?
He's right though.
>Am I fitting now guys?
Better than artificially stretching the series indefinitely
>Look up its score and the amount of members on MAL.
I don't know what is worse Re:ditors or Malfags like you.
The chances of having an announcement in the OVA itself were always low. If there's an announcement it will be during July 28th special broadcast. Although, is likely they'll announce Vol 12 date.
If season 3 happens, they will probably announce it in a random moment during somewhere in between the next 2 years.
Look at what happened to AoT...
the author himself said that a 3rd season was up to Kadokawa. His exact wording was "If it makes enough money, Kadokawa will greenlight a 3rd or even 4th season. But there is no plans at this time for one."
I just want to hear Aqua suffering more.
I doubt it will get a 3rd season. No Game No Life sold like fucking gangbusters and the only we get is a movie.
>No Game No Life sold like fucking gangbusters
so did konosuba.
I know Kadokawa does greenlight more seasons of stuff from time to time, I just don't know what their standard is because it doesn't make a lot of sense what does and doesn't get greenlit.
>so did konosuba
I know it did, and that's why i'm comparing it to NGNL. Just be happy you guys got a second season.
>Just be happy you guys got a second season.
This, s2 was a miracle already.
>People shitposting about Iris
Yeah right.
Aqua is THICC!
>reddit spacing
call others redditors, act like one
S1 did unexpectedly well so they had to jump on the train quick to push out an s2. I guess now all the hype has died down.
>Cringeworthy shitty romance out of nowhere.
>Even the author apologized for his shit writing.
>>The best written volume
You sound buttblasted.
>Hurr you don't think like me
>Y-you're le buttblasted xd
Here is your (you)
The fucking state of megutards
Ova sub when?
>claims that the romance is cringeworthy without explaining why
>uses the fact that the author apologizes in every volume's afterwords as an argument
>expects to be taken seriously
I'd give it a week.
You seem unfamiliar with kadokawa 10 episode LN adverts. S2 was a miracle.
>Kazuma acts like an unhinged horny virgin around random girls
Alpha male! Our guy! Not all LN main characters!
>Kazuma tries to do that but acts like an awkward virgin around a girl he is close to and flirts back
Boo! Shoehorned romance! Author sold out to popularity polls!
>He didn't write a wall text.
>He isn't talking seriously.
Just search on the archives, me and other guys have explained this to you before. Or even better, just read this (not me though)
The author never apologized for bad romance writing before vol 5.
He apologised for other things.
Why would he apologise for the romance before it started?
The author has always apologized for his inexperience and inability as a writer. Understand that this is nothing more than a form of Japanese politeness and it doesn't help your argument at all.
Also, repeating "volume 5 started Konosuba's downhill trend" over and over without anything to back it up won't make it come true.
Don't subestimate butthurt self-insert waifufags. Everytime this happens myriads of "neutral readers" suddenly appear complaining about minute shit and claim the series is ruined, that the trend was there all along. Every new chapter/volume they come back to "laugh" at how shit everything became, secretly hoping their waifu gets a bit of attention.
I can't find the word anywhere on the Internet, but it makes sense grammatically so it might as well be a neologism.
Sorry, I meant underestimate of course.
The only people still enjoying the series are the self-insert waifufags though.
>Kazuma isn't generic
Good LN.
>Kazuma is other generic MC
Literally shit.
Is this just too hard to get?
Of course, my fellow neutral. I also stopped reading because of the odd fragment each volume that deals with a romance I'm not invested in and definitely not butthurt about.
Good job, you've successfully turned "generic" into a buzzword for "character that isn't acting like I want him to".
>generic means bad
My favourite meme. I love me some bleeding heart hipsters.
Read more manga, watch more anime.
You sure read me like a book.
Because I am the only one who says this, right?
You should be a bit more open to criticism and understand to Konosuba has slowly declining over the time.
>Muh waifu wars
The fucking state of you.
Well, we are not like those peasants that project their own insecurities into fictional characters and feel betrayed when they don't conform to our own values. I'm just glad to see one of my kin, that is all.
Don't you guys think that LN industry is slowly kiling anime industry? Each year we are getting more of LN anime adaptation that usually end on 1 max 2 seasons.
Any other illustrations?
>Konosuba has slowly declining over the time.
What universe are you from?
The only reason there's more than one of you is because you spread that misconception like a meme.
Good, hopefully this mediocre shit will die already. I would like to see a Yuusha ga Shinda adaption however.
I don't see how that is a problem. There are good LN adaptions and bad LN adaptions, as with any other anime. I would say that Konosuba was good.
I am talking about writing not popularity, Einstein.
People don't give a shit about the LN, though.
Not bringing waifu wars this time?
People who legitimately dislike Konosuba for a variety of legitimate reasons just don't post in Konosuba threads. You can tell nearly all the detractors in this thread are shitposters who have something against things that are popular, isekai, or liked by people they don't like. They most likely haven't read the light novels and perhaps haven't even seen the anime.
You should stop replying to them.
Well, LN adaptations definitely started a trend of annoyingly short anime. Advertising has always been a thing in anime, but Kadokawa's ways are more frustrating than Bandai's, for example.
>Not bringing waifu wars this time?
You're talking to two different people;
>Y-you only think it's shit because you haven't read t-the light novels!!
Every time, I swear to god.
>no Megumeme season
>Explosioooon scenes over and over
>she faints
Why would anyone want this?
>Because I am the only one who says this, right?
Of course not, betrayed shippers are a loud bunch.
There has been a lot of legitimate criticism, volume 7 and 10 getting the most of the heat. I agree with some of that. But when the first complaint someone has is muh romance it's clear where they are coming from, specially if you are dissing fucking volume 5 which was always held to be the best volume until anime only fags came with ridiculous expectations
If you can't take criticism then you should probably go back, my friend.
You calling us shipperfags over and over won't make it true.
Not everyone reads the series for the same reasons you do, buddy.
>You can't complain about nothing
The fucking state of your democracy
Yes, of course nobody gives a shit about the LN in a post chain about the LN going to shit after volume 5. Good job.
Her arc isn't about explosion memes. It explores her character and her securities and establishes her as one of the best written characters in the novel.
>the state of your argument
Is this a fresh pol meme or what? Can you articulate anything else?
Flew too close to the popularity sun and now there's no need to advertise the series through anime adaptations.