Why are you against free migration, Sup Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP

Why are you against free migration, Sup Forums? According to economists, open borders would double the world's real GDP.

economists tally building a prison as same boost to economy as building a resort.

likewise, they view you driving to see you kid in the school play the same as some Wetbacks driving to see their kid in detention.

(((economists))) see you repairing a window broken by Wetbacks the same as your wife buying a new fancy flower vase.

OP how the fuck is that possible. You cant double the worlds GDP simply by moving niggers into rich countries.

That’s a man, baby

>Allow people who may have vastly different views on basic decency towards their fellow man, the law and how justice should be dispatched, and whether or not YOU should be alive

Fucking meme-caps.

more like double the government debt

Yes, every ethnic should be allowed 10 white women each to breed up and have sex with.

and then your pic related would go extinct and we do not want that

I don’t want to boost world gdp if my country’s gdp per capital goes down to do it. The us has grown by approximately 100 million plus since the late 60s with much of that from immigration yet real wages are down. The gdp increase benefits a very small percentage the us population and adversely effects most. Plus non economic factors like social cohesion, democracy and the environment are equally important.

Per capita.

do you even know what GDP is? at this point id say your country benefits from having lower GDP

even if GDP was an objective measurement of success and even if what you are saying is not complete horse shit, what the FUCK makes you think im against free migration? implications are not allowed, they are not fair

Give me one good reason why I should care about the world's GDP more than I care about the quality and characteristics of the people around me.

Would you cut out your eye and smash both your feet for double your net worth?

Good for you larper cunt, now go to fap to tranny porn

See what's happening in Germany?
DDoS of the court system, extreme strain on the welfare/social security system, crime rates up, culture destroyed further, no affordable/available housing (some is given to migrants rather than native Germans).
Immigrant criminals are being spared while native Germans are being hit with full force of the law, even if they don't pay money for the state's propaganda media.
All expenses paid by the German taxpayers who have to give away half of their wage to support this bullshit.
That's why.

And the best part is: You're, aside from being called a racist/nazi/etc., in danger of losing your job, being shunned and publicly shamed if you say anything against this.

And according to history, it would destroy the world

Hello, spaincuck.

I fucked a white spanish slut named monica when she was at my uni on the erasmus program hahaha. Amazing blue eyes and had nice tight hips.

She sucked my brown cock nice and good too, like the good little whitey she was, like her ancestors did to all the brown conqueres of iberia.


>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

Why do Communists faggots pretend they care about the “economic benefits” of open borders when all they really care about is white/Western genocide?

Only the stupid or politically motivated economists will buy into that. In a model with the assumption of rational behavior that could happen, but you'd have to be pretty fucking retarded to actually think this applies to the real world.

Guess you must be a billionaire capitalist then?......oh wait another wage slave bitch probably living paycheque to paycheque.

White girls are the birth right of all ethnics, deal with it cunt.

Because it would be to the benefit of others and no benefit to me. I already exist in an apex economy, why would I want to compete to sell my labor in a global economy?

Economists only see people as stats. F.ex.

>Stats say job market demands more colleage educated people as engineers
>Increase collage admittions.
>The number of liberal arts degrees and feminist queer dance theorists rise.
>no rise in STEM
>No new employes for markets
>More unemployeable feminists and nu-males demanding gibs me dats
>Problem still there so economists demand increase in collage admittions.
>Cycle continues

In regards to immigration:

>Economy needs more workers to replace those going for retirement
>Increase immigration
>Immigrants are unemployeable
>More taxes on natives
>Problem didn't go away
>Continue the cycle and turn your nation into a 3rd world shtihole filled with brown people.

Source it you fucking faggot

I always provide the sources when requested. Some of these papers are even available online for free.

I have no idea. I'm not a communist.

That is true in the case that credit artificially increases GDP and stupid niggers and other shitskins love getting into debt that they will be paying for the rest of their life and as soon as they die the bank collects whatever scrap the shitskins amassed during their short pathetic lives.

The big nosed freaks absolutely hate responsible whites that pay off debts on time and misuse their created system to increase wealth.

it makes rich people richer and bottom dwellers poorer since they have to care for the niggers that are going to cause human extinction.

when the first post is the best post.

not to mention that as the average goes up, the median income falls like a rock

See how they always say "immigration" and leave it at that. This is because in the past immigration was a positive where the best and brightest of shitholes would back up their bags and come to the west to work and increase our GDP. What these economic models don't seem to account for is the fact that the price of a plane tickets came down so that now not only the best and brightest doctors and engineers can afford them but also the dumbest goat herder can save for a ticket and retire at the age of 30 by boarding a plane, claiming asylum in the west and living off government gibs me dats.

all this indicates is that GDP is an abysmal way of measuring well being. Free migration is destroying the quality of life in west in numerous ways. An increase in GDP, most of it going straight into the pockets of the top 1% or less does not make up for the destruction of our once wonderful way of life. The greedy short sighted bastards who see life as nothing more than the mindless acquisition of shekels can go to hell.

i did a reverse image search but i can't find who she is... )-=

>open borders would double the world's real GDP.

>leech money from wealthier nations
>these nations are historically white
>most of world is pov shithole
>redistribution of white money leads to global poverty
>at least this poverty means some people are twice as less poor