There will be shit jobs in the ehtnostate. Is it better to have non-whites to do these jobs or create an underclass of whites who will do these jobs?
There will be shit jobs in the ehtnostate...
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I personally think we should have a controlled non-white servant class in order to avoid any real class conflicts among whites
Or we could just pay them a fair wage and have some reasonable social democratic policies instead of immediately revolving into nightmare dystopian class dichotomies
>class dichotomies
But there won't be many other dividing lines in an ethnically homogeneous nations. Shit jobs will still come with shit pay which would create a poverty class.
That's a good point. Thankfully I already handled that in my first post, here I said we'd pay them a fair wage and have reasonable social democratic policies.
Invent robots to do the jobs
>Shit jobs will still come with shit pay which would create a poverty class
You'd have to pay someone enough to do them.
>import shitskins because it worked miracles for us before
But it's not always fiscally viable to pay a higher wage for a job that produces no profit in any way. Sewer workers, for example, don't produce anything.
Sure, when we can
That isn't the case now where people do shit jobs for shit pay because they have no other choice
I just don't want to have some commie pov uprising after we've made the ethnostate
An ethnostate will simply have poor whites at the bottom and who will those poor whites have to blame now? Rich whites. It will create classism. Which is exactly what would normally happen if the top didn't point fingers at bogeymen.
lmao nice 1 OP nice 1
>It will create classism
That's why I say we should have a tightly controlled non-white population. Perhaps separate the sexes, immediate deportation for all pregnancies, and only accept trained workers who are, let's say, at least half white.
That's not so bad right?
Somebody's got to scrub the toilets. Might as well be anyone too retarded to do a more intellectual job.
> this is why I oppose aborting downies
I know you're on Sup Forums and expecting people to agree but that's completely fucked up and you should rethink your life choices. Just stop. Seriously.
>Sewer workers, for example, don't produce anything
Thankfully, with reasonable social democratic policies, we'll have a civic structure in place that adequately values the labor of people maintaining public utilities.
This. Obvious lefty bait is obvious.
what job would i have?
The ethnostate should have UBI. If you truly love your fellow white people, you wouldn't mind creating a nice social safety net for them.
Whatever job you want in the mestizo ethnostate, or in one of the separate multicultural polities
Just because it's an ethnostate doest mean that there won't be retards and people with no ambition. Your acting like there are no whites working at McDonald's at 30. For large projects that need a lot of unskilled workers we can always copy the Arabs and use other races but keep them separate and kick them out afterwards.
but ams puerto rican
>that's completely fucked up
How is it fucked up? If people who are about half white or more want to live in the ethnostate, under controlled conditions, then why not let them do the shit jobs? They would be compensated, it's not slavery.
We currently have waves of brown people coming here to do shit jobs for money. Why wouldn't that be the case in the ehtnostate?
But social programs require money and also don't contribute anything. The best they can contribute is redistribution of wealth into the economy. Paying people low wages AND gibs is how we got where we are.
nice try schlomo
It would depend on your skills, training, and interests. It's not slavery. In fact, it would be rather exclusive.
UBI would require an overly abundant economy to support it.
their will be conflict among whites regardless. refining the rules of purity, splitting into smaller and smaller factions. it's the logical path of ethnocentrism. you can already see it on this board.
>how is it fucked up?
If you need to ask this question then you need a therapist.
You're not even trying anymore
>retards and people with no ambition
Systematic genetic improvement would hopefully remove the problem of retardation. With an actual future and the ability to pursue it, young whites would naturally be ambitious. We are the most competitive race.
>not answering the question
So a well paying job in probably the safest place on earth, working for happy white people who tip, is somehow "fucked up" just because they can't get pregnant?
Out of arguments so soon Chaim?
The road you're going down is basically eugenics. Considering this board you either love that or love that. It's a terrible idea though and an affront to human decency. We're all fucked up individuals. None of us would be here if the Nazi's had won. Especially this site.
Are you not confident that a White Ethnostate would have an "overly abundant economy"?
>Sewer workers, for example, don't produce anything.
Sorry to say this user, but you are a class A moron.
Sewer workers create something very valuable, namelessly DISEASE REDUCTION. If you aren't aware that that is a commodity that is in high demand, even when there aren't 3rd world migrates driving down the wages of said sewage workers. Get rid of immigrants, demand for said product will remain high, because people don't like getting sick, and sewage workers will make good money because the supply of people willing to do that shitty job will be low.
Please learn some basic economics before wading into online discussions on the topid. It would save me a lot of typing.
>It's a terrible idea though and an affront to human decency.
What if I told you that if we continued down this current path of random genetic destiny it would lead to a continued rate of genetic aberrations that would progress to a point of total obliteration of the human race? Why would you continue to submit people to a lifetime of suffering from different defects when the science we have available RIGHT NOW could help us ensure that no one would ever be born with any painful or life altering defects.
What you're advocating is essentially "It's god's will if people suffer and we shouldn't interfere, even though we have the ability to do so."
We owe it to the human race to secure a future for our genetics for millennia, to spread it out among the stars.
so basically repeat what fucked us over today? uh no
LOL no I'm a realist first and foremost
I'm not arguing against a sewer worker's value to society. I'm just saying they produce no monetary value so from an economic standpoint it doesn't make sense to pay them more than a certain amount. Usually the bottom base pay is whatever a brown person will accept for doing the same job.
"X are not white" is just shills
Underrated post
That's what we're trying to establish right now but you right-wing retards are fighting against it.
Most shit-tier jobs will be automated within the next few decades and then non-whites will be on welfare for most of their lives.
the thing with eugenics and "getting rid of undesirable traits and people" is that it's all based upon an opinion of what we as society deem unworthy. You're never going to be free of problems because society will just deem something a standard and kill of everything lower than that
Most NatSoc faggots are thinking of eugenics in 20th century terms and not 21st century terms. A better solution is gene editing
Cut the welfare for non-whites and give that money to whites with many kids. That may actually make gibs people (refugees) do some good in our societies.
>What if I told you that if we continued down this current path of random genetic destiny it would lead to a continued rate of genetic aberrations that would progress to a point of total obliteration of the human race?
I would tell you that you're retarded and should be culled by your own measures you throw around. Aside from your own "points"
It's funny you say "among the stars" when nobody is doing that and we're stuck here on this rock. What is your fucking point? Especially not Trump who wants a fucking useless border wall. Also it's Jesus's will we help the sick and helpless. I know you forgot that somewhere where you weren't actually christian but trolling here.
Eugenics is the self-direct evolution of the human species toward higher levels of intelligence, health, strength, attractiveness, etc. Its not necessarily about eliminating undesirables, its more about promoting objectively good traits.
Society as a whole deems how much it values disease reduction by what votes they cast. They will "reveal their preferences" by voting for candidates who are willing to spend Y on sewage workers. Remember most white people won't want to do it, because it's shitty, they will have other options because of their average 100 iq, but they can be tempted to do it by high wages.
If you bring in a bunch of people who have average 80 iq, they will have far fewer options, so they will be willing to take the job at a lower wage.
Back to the politicians. Some candidates will fail because they are only willing to spend X, which is lower than Y, on sanitation, and that will cause disease, other candidates will want to spend Z, which is greater than Y, on sanitation and they will lose because they are being inefficient.
Of course this is all averages over time, no single election will hinge on this one subject unless disease is getting really bad.
But really, study some more econ before you go around trying to engineer hypothetical economies because this is pretty beginner stuff I'm explaining to you. You seem into the subject.
I think most contemporary NatSocs are beginning to recognize this
MFW this is just a Sargon thread in stealth mode.
>higher levels of Intelligence, health, strength, attractivness
do you not realize that these are subjective? at what point do we as a society say "okay this guy has reached the desired traits that we deem acceptable?" answer is we never will because we will just set a higher subjective standard everytime
Beyond gattaca.
It would be tightly controlled
The current servant class exists as a parasite on the economy, trapped in a perpetual state induced spiral of poverty and complete absence of applicable skills
>it's all based upon an opinion
Problems such as serious retardation, babies missing limbs, deafness, blindness, all of these are things that could be, if not eliminated, reduced to such a level that it is statistically insignificant. People like you would prefer to have others suffer
>you're retarded
Ad homs are a sign someone ran out of arguments
>nobody is doing that
The ethnostate will. Whites got us to the moon, it will get us to the stars. Perhaps we can just leave this planet to the muddled races one day
This. It's essentially an apotheosis
With the spics and niggers gone jobs like fast food can go back to being a jobs teenagers do and there’s no need for a “living wage” to flip burgers since everyone doing them will still be living with their parents
Adults work at mcdonalds in your country?
OP is a fucking shill trying too incept us.
>attack the one part where I call you right and proper and ignore the entirety of it
Neat. Glad to know I won the argument and you conceded.
The problem is the source of the money we pay them. Municipal services are paid from taxes. Paying sewer workers more money would raise the taxes. Or we could just have halfwhites do it for halfprice.
Entry level jobs will finally be ENTRY LEVEL and will be the beginning of your life in the economy. But by shitjobs I mean like shoveling out sewers.
Sadly yes, some for decades.
>no goyim you're the jew
>n-no I w-won
>charlie z
I know it sounds really weird, but there used to be a time when teenagers who weree just entering the workforce took shit jobs to build experience.
The babyboomers remember this time of legend, and speak of it often. Some even confuse today's world with that time and get confused about why it isn't the sam. You can ask a boomer if you want to learn more. But be warned, they will ramble non stop about boot straps and avocado toast.
> i won
>literally using that as you're rebuttal as you " ..I won"
Read HAC.
It will be our teenagers who do these jobs mandatory, rich or poor, able bodied, disabled, you must complete a certain number of volunteer hours for full citizenship rights.
Only Communism can make ethnostates work and kill the class divide.
I've been listening to boomers all my life and they're finally irrelevant
>unironically using "no you are"
>proving my point
>didn't lose
But having a constantly rotating workforce leads to a workforce lacking the skills and knowledge that come from years of experience. You're talking about the army reserve when we'll need actual grunts
>the Soc in NatSoc
The main reason I'm not NatSoc is I'm not a socialist in any way
The white underclass already exists. Currently they're jobless and addicted to opioids because their jobs were outsourced or given to spic slave labor.
I'll gladly pick strawberries in an all white country.
>everyone starves to death
>If people who are about half white or more want to live in the ethnostate, under controlled conditions, then why not let them do the shit jobs? They would be compensated, it's not slavery.
I know this is bait, but I'm responding anyways. I love that you actually said this. This is almost exactly what the white businessmen in South Africa did. And how did that work out?
>FACT: There were no blacks in SA when the Dutch colonized it.
>FACT: The white, male, business class of SA IMPORTED blacks to work on the farms and in the mines, and to perform menial labor.
>FACT: They paid blacks 1/12th the wage of whites.
>FACT: There were literally hundreds of thousands of whites who could do the jobs, but they didn't want to pay them fair wages and instead imported non-white cheap labor.
>FACT: Even after all of the white men stuffed their fat fucking faces for decades, it still wasn't enough. Instead of developing the weapons that would ensure their sovereignty, they sold all of their nuclear material to Israel so they could have even more money, ultimately leaving them defenseless against the Globalists.
White South Africans deserve everything they're getting. No country has been as poorly managed by white men as SA. None. Ever. Their collapse will be worse than Rome.
All divides are killed after everyone's starved to death.
>jobless and addicted to opioids
This would no longer be an issue. The purpose of the ethnostate would be to remove the white underclass by creating a situation where they would actually be able to thrive. Addicts of course would probably not be allowed in. People don't understand the ethnostate is exclusive for whites too. Coalburners, for example, can't come in.
>poorly managed by white men
>had a country
>handed it over to the dark masses
I would have to agree with you
What do you mean by shit jobs? I mean the work the beaners do in California, not skilled trades and professions.
Enslave the blacks again
>It would be tightly controlled
t. roman republic
>the work the beaners do
Exactly. Why would we go through the trouble of creating this ehtnostate only to use it to oppress whites when we can have muddled races or halfwhites do it?
The population would be strictly limited. Deportation for pregnancies. Genders separated. Controlled living areas. Keyless entry passes can be immediately revoked leaving the servant trapped and unable to open doors, work elevators etc
There won't be shit for jobs in any kind of state once the machines take over
you are a retarded 12 year old larping, kys
>intelligence, strength, and health are subjective
Kill yourself, faggot. The only thing that should be improved that is subjective, is beauty, and even that is only subjective to a point. Intelligence, strength, and health are all measurable, and all add value to individual and group prosperity.
they are subjective though, consider what if logic and memory are inextricably linked such that one alters the other, how do you define which is better for society or is having both or a gradient of phenotypes advantageous. Likewise with strength and health, or interactions between the three, what if you can make a stronger person at the cost of a higher risk of cancer?
Exactly so we won't even need non-whites for long.
>ad hom
>out of arguments already
both the US and rome ended up fucking themselves stupid on their slaves, the fact that you think a special lock on a door with prevent generational moral relativism shows you are retarded
>what if, what if, what if
What if going outside your home tomorrow results in you being hit by a truck? But you've got to do it, anyway because sitting where you are now, never moving, you will stagnate and die.
If you want the work done right, it has to be done by a white.
The only reason any jobs are shit is because of niggers.
Immediate deportations for all pregnant non-whites. Let the (((american social welfare system))) handle them.
Robots is my answer. Class society if that doesn't play out. Or what the heck, class society regardless.
My sister waitressed in her teens and my brother would shovel snow door to door for the neighbors to make money when he was a preteen. It's not necessarily abnormal
With any luck the service industry will largely die out as will most decadent and "convenient" retail locations who profit from exploitation and labor outsourcing.
I dont think you would make the cut for the intelligent people.
>ad hom
>no more arguments
class is a feature of the natural world, even within ethnicities
>explain argument wrong
>you repeat argument
So you dont understand what I said and instead of asking to clarify you just repeat yourself, this is an example of you being stupid.
You implied that whites in the ethnostate would be fucking the non-whites. Sex with the servant class would be illegal, punishable by deportation. Any pregnant non-white would be deported.
Your argument is invalid
Wow you completely missed my point, the fucking was the example I used to support my premise you idiot. You have a stupid fantasy and that is all.
Non-whites would eventually be replaced by robots, probably within the next 25 years.
You argument is still invalid
>ends with an ad hom
>mass slavery
>mass deportation/execution
>for 25 years
>until robots take over the work force
yeah that doesn't sound like a retarded fantasy at all man
you're retarded and a flaggot. and I should know, look at my flag. go away
>muh slavery
Just like mexicans in the US, they would be paid
>muh ethnic cleansing
Pregnancies and interracial deportations would hopefully be very rare
>muh forever time
It's not that long
>muh star wars
Robots are real bro
>3rd ad hom
>lost 3 times
>Is it better to have non-whites to do these jobs or create an underclass of whites who will do these jobs?
Neither. No genetic engineering necessary, just have regular whites do a shitty job in within a couple of years we will figure a way to automate it.
Serving and enriching your own people. They need you more than we do.
we'll let women do the immigrant work