Does anyone here on Sup Forums descend from royalty? What is your house? What do you think of Sup Forums?
Does anyone here on Sup Forums descend from royalty? What is your house? What do you think of Sup Forums?
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We wuz all royalty mah nigga
I'm descended from royalty. My lineage is too extensive to go into without becoming tedious. I like the concept of government based on geneological fitness to rule and feel /pol sees eye-to-eye with me on the issue, unlike a lot of the rest of the net. Having a bunch of old women and landwhales in charge has been the death of civilization.
Straight back to the Bathory line here...
One side of my family is Jewish so chances are I have some kind of power-wielding banker supervillain in my lineage.
one of the junior branches
My fathers side goes back to English aristocracy
My great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather was sir lancelot, but this guy....
My last name is Imperiale, does that mean anything?
We have an old ass crest that looks a lot like this with some really old curved swords my dad's side of the family. We are of Romanian descent but that is about all I know.
Yes, much of it comes from my relation to George Washington.
im related to the queen in an off branch that goes back to 1229 or something like that
my last name as a result is pretty bad ass royalty ish sadly our family got mixed with iberians slavs and caucus so its pretty much ruined
I come from amerindian nobility, that counts? i had an ancestor that was lesser nobility in Aztec empire
Yeah can I get 3 soft taco supremes?
Yes I'm descended from a feudal lord, but not royalty. My family was one step down from the king and worked directly for him.
Yeah. That you are the one destined to make tacos for life.
i want a taco please mr
a great great great great great nigga of mine was KNIGHTED and shiiiite
im unemployed btw
#5 with a dew baja blast and some of those fuckin' cinnamon twists, my good man.
The guy on the left is from a movie.
Tres tacos imperiale por favor
My great grandfather waz kang
Yeah, I would like an order of Taquitos de trompo, rapido wey tengo que regresar a la oficina pronto
Trompo is god tier shit Panfila.
Mom's maiden name Whaley dads last cardona
I come from a long line of Greek pirates who robbed roach ships
I have spanish conquista flowing through my veins and a bit of irish royalty. I won't say whom I descend from for it would be easy to find me.
Sayyid, so I'm a descendant of the Prophet pbuh
My ancestors used to be farmers for the english monarchy. Pretty sure they fucked some of us and we have royal blood.
Parents said I was heirloom for Cardona castle
ITT : mutts in denial
My ancestors were also french hugueonots
I am a descendant of Shaka Zulu. I am literally a king.
pic related speaks for itself
I'll have a crunchwrap supreme, 1 soft taco, a loaded potato grill-wait you're telling me you don't carry bacon anymore? Fuck you asshole *Throws drink at you and drives off*
Nicholas II was a very distant cousin, and on my grandfathers side we're related to Kaiser Wilhelm
My great grandfather was knighted. thats the closest I'll ever get.
Descended from the Plantagenets via one of John of Gaunt's daughters on my mother's side. We've been commoners since the 17th Century. Nothing special really, but I have as much claim to the throne of England as Tyrant Lizzie II, that German whore. The rightful King is the based Duke of Beaufort.
Sup Forums is great.
Would you like to try our new beef supreme chupachanga today?
There's like 3 pages on Wikipedia of people with my last name
House EĆ³ganachta
Kingdom of Munster in Ireland. Ireland was actually fine until the crumpets came in. We were kings.
We go way back and have had many appointments.
That's not on t- Sure, the chupachanga. Goddamned minimum wage slaves.
Im an remote descendant of a Spanish feudal lord too
Tamayo is the house
Yes. My mother's side has ancestors from two different Native American tribal chiefdoms in the East and Southeast USA some 7 generation back as well as the true Norman kings of Britain (not the fakers that are in their seats today) and the old Kings of what is not Scotland.
My father's family apparently had at least one castle some time in the late Middle Ages/Renaissance in Bavaria, but fucked their shit up and eventually fled their princedom West to Belgium and settled as farmers. From there, they traveled to the US in the mid 19th century and continued along as farmers (and soldiers when the need arose).
My Ancestry DNA came back as 99% European and >1% "MENA." This is likely due to the fact that Native Americans of the Eastern and Southeastern USA are genetically related to North Africans (there was a recent study on the subject). Other tests have show that ~1% as Native American (I assume they found a way to separately categorize them).
Checked for truth. You were all kings. Everyone. The word didn't mean anything to those anarchists before the English civilised them.
Barony of Blaney, descended from the Kingdom of Powyrs and thus the Roman Emperor Magnus Maximus. Through Maximus, I am also descended from Julius Caesar's cousin and thus the Kings of Rome, Aeneas, the Royal family of Troy, and the Goddess Venus
The House of Normandy went extinct in the male line. The Angevins are the true Kings of England.
No Royalty but i decend from British aristocrats.
My great great grandfather owned estates in Scotland but my bitch of a great great grandmother divorced him and took all of his shit.
A guy with my last name is married to someone who's british royalty
My great grandma had a very rich nobleman cheat with her while he was visiting this country (she was a poor baker). She got pregnant with his bastard and threatened to reveal him, so he basically upgraded her to upper middle class in exchange for her silence. I don't know the details, it's an uncomfortable family secret only discussed when the really old people get drunk.
Lichtenstein is literally BLACKED.
Top kek
Just descend from some portuguese guys, no royalty, Sup Forums is a place where you can have anonymous discussion about politics combined with insults and hatred, overrall I say it's pretty good.