Could a united hispanic america be a rival to modern day USA? I can't help but think that all of us together could have actually survived and become a sucesfull state even if we still have a lot of povery to deal with.
Could a united hispanic america be a rival to modern day USA...
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probably but you have middle east tier tribalism
we would be like india that just because it has 2 billion people can buy french made weapons to "pretend" to deal with china
our culture is happy, naturally antiwar, but unfit to deal with the challenges of our world
the day us collapses we have a problem
not one latam country is ready for the challenge, just a bit more or less money but basically the same situation
the us should have let us war as we pleased, and dont intervene when inovative ideas were attempted, but since always their creed has been: subversion
No we are far too different
We must keep separated
low nigger tier iq says no not possible.
are you a latino or la creatura user?
considering every single latin american country is a shithole
>our culture is happy, naturally antiwar
Ok :c
Well nowadays your countries are Whiter than the US, so you would probably do better than that shithole to be honest
Pipe dream OP. Not going to happen any time soon. In fact, the only thing that will happen is the spics flooding the US will just drag it down to the state of the other hispanic countries.
>low nigger tier iq says no not possible.
>considering every single latin american country is a shithole
Low IQ spics can be my low wage employees.
Drug cartels and human trafficking aren't war, user, just part of the culture. No """"Latin"""" American countries could organize the lazy masses enough to do anything resembling war.
You know you could channel your energy into a real threat your people face right?
He was probably refering to most of south latin american countries, colombia has been dealing with a guerrilla war for more than 50 years and many countries of central america have been in wars too. Mexico is the worst in that regards anyways.
>La Cretura!
Swedecuck talking. lel. Isn't it time to prep Akbar? He'll rip into your asshole if you're late you know. Then again, you probably enjoy the rip don't you dirty little faggot?
>El Goblino
>Implying I want to associate with Guatamala or Honduras
>El Arcangelo de Los Mixtos
Well if there's one thing you guys all have in common it's a love for socialism and an indifference to corruption. A United Latin America would just result in more of you guys trying to sneak over here. Probably have a better chance of success too since the only border you'd have to cross would be the US border
Who pissed in your coffee this morning?
Ebin meme sven, you really showed him.
Are you retarded? There is an united portuguese america called brazil. If the hispanic america would be united, it would become just a spanish speaking brazil at best, or a giant venezuela at worst.
>rival US of A
Forcing memes on Sup Forums isn't going to help SD win brother
The only thing that matters in this world is getting pussy and eventually breeding, we're good at that. We literally just have to wait the anglos out, they're already cucking themselves at full speed
Yes, LatAm whose founding cultures were built on human sacrifice, slavery, endless warfare and cannibalism that only slowed when European imposed Christianity is such a peaceful place, Columbia having a murder rate mirroring that of ISIS; MX w/75,000 murders a year. Peaceful
We could have solved that problem with someone like pinotche, though he was a usa puppet.
>christianity unironically ruined the only chance we had to get fit for the global challenges i was talking about
we dont have geopolitical amitions burger, that was what i was refering with "naturally antiwar"
the only ones that ever atempted anything was argentina and cuba, and cuba because of selfsurvival needs
Are u the Swede that got btfo in another thread then got pissy and dumped 30 mutts
Probably. He's butthurt that his country is getting assblasted by filthy mudslimes. He's projecting is all.
>we dont have geopolitical ambitions
actually we do
Pic related doesn't exist
Traditional families are gone. This is out of your power
Mexico alone could if they could legislate for shit.
Bitch your cities are getting Blacker than ours,and ours are almost midnigth camouflage tier
not here
I know a kid at my school who looks exactly like row 3 column 3 face.
That's fucking scary
Indeed they are gone, this chick has only 16 years old an is already a whore.
AMLO will legalize all drugs, the profit motives will disappear, and it will spread across central america
Che Guevara tried with guns-failed
Only way is the GOSPEL-get rid of false religions and educating people.Pagan shit got to go.
Proverb 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
You have to go back Rodriguez. Sweden is for Somalian and Arab boys only.
jajajaj stfu nigger :^)
never gonna happen we all hate each other
Please do continue. I'm doing a study on erection strength when exposed to scantily clad spic women.
Don't you guys hate each other? They do in the US at least
I can help senpai
>grey skin complextion from trying to be as pale as possible
am I the only one that thinks this looks weird?
>Don't you guys hate each other?
the barbarian states of Honduras and El Salvador hate each other. Mexicans may hate Guats. Other than that I have no clue.
yes, with this trump thing mexican diaspora was pretty alone
This is just a meme. Traditional families are everywhere and white and millennial. These exceptions you guys keep saying are the norm are very uncommon outside of California and NYC.
As you wish my master.
christ her ass looks like its got skin cancer
It never worked with Bolivar, it wil never ever work.
At the moment there seems to be a strong correlation between scantily clad spic women and erections.
>These exceptions you guys keep saying are the norm are very uncommon outside of California and NYC.
They're pretty common among millennials who live in urban environments, but most people who live in the suburbs or the sticks think those kinds of lifestyles are just too much. Only TRVE VRBANITES are degraded to a point where their degeneracy is seen as "normal."
why does her ass look like it's been choked?
White people would accept any person so long as they didn't try to play the race card for gibs.
Unfortunately, all the races & whatever the jews are want white mans gibs and will play the race card and so we will war until the whites are no more, and thus will be blamed for their greatest act of racism ever, ceasing to exist to care for the colors. The jews will be swept beneath the tides of brown and black they fostered, and decry the white man for anti-semetism for not protecting them for their lack of being. And they will wail for someone to remember the 6 million, but there will be no one alive who does.
Q predicts this.
Yes it's kind of gross
stfu and gtfo kike, the nuclear family is the strongest link of developed modern society and established individual freedoms and autonomy of individuals from the larger societal group.
You cant even have niggers tyrone and strong wimmenz bullshit without it
>posts 15 year olds
Looks old enough to me...
She isn't nude dude, and she posted these images, anyways I doubt anyone here would find her.
are hispanics white?
Why do girls wear shit tier clothes like this?
It's this white enough for you?
castizas probably but not the others
Would girl in middle be considered white in your country?
i want to give her a green card.
her ass is an entirely different ethnicity.
No, we can differentiate between an actual white person and someone who isn't, that's why most of our polls always have low white percentage, that chick would be called a mulato here since she has black and white genes. Even pic related wouldn't be considere white here, though she is a goddes.
Are English speakers White?
the erection correlation seems to be continuing on just as strongly as it has been
The one on the right looks like a dude.
Whay does every faggot on here post this smelly looking Saudi-looking bitch on hispanic slide threads?
Who is she supposed to appeal to other than her uncle?
Tan lines of hope.
They look same.
That's good to hear user, keep working on it.
Beanerland has really lax cloning regulations I think. I think they were one of the first few girls to have been cloned.
>posts bleached women.
>perpetrators huwite men
this is a jew lmao
But yes, politically speaking, I am doubtful that any latinx countries will be able to get along with each other. Many of the more equatorial countries in the Americas are lucky to be as far removed from sacrificing people on pyramids as they are.
never use that term again
this specimen has gotten the most intense response in terms of erection intensity, but I don't think she's a spic. Looks more arab to me.
every single word in spanish is gendered, grow up
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I guess there are more rules to being white then I realized
Adding a bunch of shitty countries together doesn't make a good country.
sauce? thanks
She has a butt like a baboon or gorilla or some shit like that. Good looking face but I don't get why people like gorilla butt.
What should I call them? Countries de la raza?
If you put together 100 average IQ people then you can raise the average collective IQ by a standard deviation. Would this not be the same on an international scale?