How do they know he was black?

I don't get it. How can they possibly know he was black if they only found his skeleton?

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Credit score.

Genetic information can easily tell you where he came from what race he was and even what he fed on for most of his life but hell you could even tell based off bone structure as all races have eeeeeextremely small differences in them based of where they came from and what race they are

How many rock wheels did he have in the bank?

But I thought human races don't exist and that they've been debunked thousands of times?

Bucket of KFC next to his skeleton.

The media has to keep up a charade.
They were trying to kill white people.
They're still trying to kill white people.
Don't let this fool you.
They're trying to make it logical to race mix, because, "It's clear that we were already black, nothing can go wrong."

Analyzing genes related to melanin production


Everyone on this board is secretly a with it.

That's just political but having a slight;y flatter forehead or a slightly rounder eye cavity wouldn't affect much

All races have a slightly different thing about them but not even a few missing IQ points will affect much

>extremely small
No, it takes one second of looking at the skull

You can tell Negroids, Caucasoids and Mongoloids apart from bones.

Otherwise, not much else can be shown.

DNA can show the darkness of the Caucasoid.

they dont
they just made it up

No father skeleton was found at the scene

I mean you're probably right I doubt most of these 'sudden' findings nowadays with how politics are right now

>a few
Nice try nog

Well yes but it's not like a horse to a cat skull

Look of cranial capacity by race. It's not slight

>a few missing IQ points
I wouldn't call 30-35 a few. Difference between normal intelligence and mild retardation.

You're measuring off the outcome and as we can all tell Africans usually don't have the best respect of knowledge in their culture


But white or black with enough work you can be intelligent

Obviously as an untrained eye can spot the difference. A trained anthropologist can clearly determine it, just as your average layman can't determine male/female based on skeleton but a doctor can. I wouldn't call male vs. female a slight difference.

But I'm a mayonnaise boi

This cheddar man was designed by "dutch" artists, I am sure they had their own artistic input on this, nothing actually grounded in scientific fact or definitive genetic makeup. Brown like a pajeet with blue eyes and a nose that doesn't make sense, straight hair, it's like someone had too much fun in fo4's carachter creator.

But I'm not a doctor and I know it's the pelvis

they dont know to what shade belong ,they only know that wasnt sweeden white but that doent mean that were african black tier,i absolutely dishonest .
And more important that the skin color is the the reconstruction of the scull ,look at the nose the eyes formation is amorph bullshit
pic unrelated

>I don't get it. How can they possibly know he was black if they only found his skeleton?
Because of science, obviously, and techniques that you don't understand. How mad does it make you to know that Britain is traditionally a black island and is the rightful home of black people? How made are you / 10?

You're thinking of the Yap Islanders!
>This ain't your daddy's Bitcoin

I honestly thought the stone wheel currency was a joke

Cultures don't just materialize. They don't respect knowledge because they're innately dumber. IQ isn't based on knowledge either. It's based on pattern recognition, like determining that babies come from sex

Not saying I'm some expert or anything but we're taught in school the reason why black people have developed dark skin in Africa was to protect themselves from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Now they're saying we've always had black skin, I don't get it?

To be honest I am quite happy that we now know who the niggers of Europe are.

With about a minute of listing to the current popular music for them it's kinda clear that most of them enjoy ignorance but plenty of them are intelligent

If Britians are black then they can't be racist.

Good to know that i am not wh*Te anglo.

His skeleton was black.

>If Britians are black then they can't be racist.
White Britons can be. Fortunately they're being bred out and will soon be extinct so that black Britons can reclaim what was always rightly theirs. Who has some good black Briton memes?

Drop the shit "techniques that you don't understand" THIS is not acceptable as a come back "Oooohhh it's too far for you to understand" Xddd me not need to link proof cuz ur dumb


>establishing the genetic identity of britians oldest skeleton enabled the team to find out whether it and therefore we were related to earlier fragments of bone thought to belong to cannibal.
>however, no dna link was found.
that doesn't say they made up the skin color.

>artistic impression
theyve done this multiple times already. read the article. The narrative is designed to make immigrants feel british instead of it being about "white people". they literally tell you that in the articles.
Look at the hair. Realise that if they could tell with any degree of certainty form you blood or dna the exact pigmentation of your ski then it would certainly make catching criminals a lot easier wouldnt it? i wonder why they don't use it?
They know the shape of the skull so they can mould clay onto it and make an aproximation of what they MAY have looked like, but when theyve done them on living people they never look exact, but theyr'e pretty good. They cant tell skin pigment though theyve already admitted that the previous times theyve done this, and it literally comes down to the artists intuition. In this case the artist has a declared vested interest.
>african nostrils
probably unlikely for a being that lives in freezing temperatures, inhaling that much freezing air would be inefficient surely?

It only states that they have no idea on what it was


I have an interesting theory for all of you. What if every time we mysterious find a new skeleton it's because we don't actually know how old humans are? I mean we constantly keep finding earlier and earlier proof of humans

Pretty much this.
This stupid fucking Cheddar man is like we're being brazenly trolled on one hand, which, who cares? But I've been thinking about that row PJ Watson got into over a BBC piece that showed what "daily family life" in ancient England was like and there were Black dudes walking around. He called them out and was responded to but was by no means btfo'd.
Then yesterday I'm watching x-flies and it was all about government induced false memories and they quoted orwell "those who control the past control the future".

These people really appear to be ALL In on the white genocide thing. Wiping out the history, the religion, critical thinking, gender. Fuck.


yeah but original op asked how do they know he was black. not if he was related to actual british.


>,they only know that wasnt sweeden white
swedes aren't especially light skinned for europeans dude. They're more tanned in complexion then british islanders, french, slavs and central europeans.

Blond hair and blue eyes =/= whiter skin then someone without blond hair and blue eyes. In fact blondes tend to have a richer and fuller colour to their complexion then most dark haired whites and they tan more easily and more well

It's just political man all of this is and all we can do is hope it dies down so people can start to calm it and fix what damage is done during this time

Are they sure they aren’t getting that thing mixed up with an ancestor of an aboriginal?

Without DNA they can't know what his skin color was.

They can tho thanks to his bone structure

Well IF his skeleton is mostly intact

No they can't. They can only guess.

This is supposed to be a WHG? Hadn't they already mixed with Neanderthals at this point?

Yes they can. Bones look different off race you god dam troglodyte. Not to mention his DNA should still be mostly intact

No they can not. Modern skeletal morphology and associated racial genetic loci don't necessarily correspond to ancient skeletal morphology.

I thought so too. People closest to the equator tend to only have one type of season, which is copious amounts of sun, all year long.

My guess on that assumption is that people who live in regions with big fluctuations in climate conditions are generally paler. Weather conditions vary quite a lot as the location is farther away from the equator, and it can shield from the sun as well. Add in the fall and winter seasons where the sun may not come out for a while, and there's not much selective pressure for heavy melanin concentrations straight out of the factory.

There was no DNA recovered.

He would have never been depicted as brown 20 years ago. You fucking know why.
I'm in the middle of packing for moving so this is just a front page result but this shows that they can indeed get a veeeeeeery good image on what race they where

Wow people had darker skin in a time when hats and sunscreen didn't exist. I'm in awe

you're reading this wrong, what they found is no DNA link between Cheddar Man and older (like 4000 years) skeleton fragments found in the area

You're not wrong but the skeleton shouldn't be that different from what they look like now

Maybe the first brit took a plane directly from sub saharan africa to the UK. Did you think about that? huh?

Really now? Well I guess that's unfortunate

And the boob bones

they cant know his skin colour even WITH dna user.
They can guess. Its not like if they have your blood they know what you look like is it. They only know what he looked like because of his skull shape. This is the trick. They make you think the dna tells the everything.
The dna shows you links to populations, so the DNA link they are talking about is probably that they had african dna, which we all do. The they can tell a bit from bone structure, but nothing definitive, different people vary after all.. dna can even tell what colour your eyes were...but it cant give you a colour chart of your skin. This is left to the intuition of the artist based on all available evidence...and in this case he has a propaganda missive.

>Boob bones
That killed me for some reason


So you're saying that Africans were WRIGHT BROTHERS AND SHIIIEEEEEET?

This is CLEARLY propaganda and should be taken with a grain of salt

except there's no sun in the UK and I doubt it was much different in cheddar man's time. I'm fair skinned and I don't go dark from the australian climate, most brits I see aren't even as light skinned as me. The idea that white people can tan to any colour is bullshit, its your genetics, and you see it work differently across different gene pools. For example a lot of people from the UK and ireland cannot tan as well as germans and scandinavians and their default complexions without sun tanning are fairer then continental germanics

Why the fuck would the inhabitants be brown 10,000 years ago and then suddenly become white in tandem with all other europeans on the continent? Or are they saying all Europeans were brown like this Cheddar faggot 10,000 years ago? Or mainland Europe was white and just Britain was brown, but then magically Britain turned white as well. Doesn't make any fucking sense.

The argument that Cheddar Man is black is based on his lacking two genes correlated with pale skin in Europeans;SLC24A5 and SLC45A2

Except Asians also lack these specific gene variants, and they aren't black.

In conclusion, pic related is black. You're welcome.

cheddar man represents one of the proto-european populations; specifically the western hunter-gatherer type. the alleles for white skin probably came from another proto-european population, the eastern neolithic farmers who developed it as an adaptation to an agricultural lifestyle

I mean given this was true the dark skinned population would have been out bred or just left so only technically the first even tho they didn't actually 'settle' the area



I'd believe Asians where there FAR before anyone else thanks to the fact we can even find proof they came out to America as well I mean most likey not on purpose they just got unlucky and ended up here

In other words, these "original inhabitants" were so thoroughly BTFO that their genetic lineage no longer exists in any meaningful sense.

random insightful posts like this are why I surf this board

Being outbred doesn't mean you got 'wrecked" you god dam savage. It just means they got along well enough with the others to become one with them


It's just proofless propaganda from the british regime.

Western Hunter-Gatherers are claimed to have been "black", but the people with the highest proportion of WHG genes are blond-haired, blue eyed Norwegians and Estonians.

The Brit government thinks that this will make the migrants they've imported to 'prop up their unsustainable welfare state through debt slavery' will view them less adversarially. All it will do will be to increase their sense of entitlement. Sad!

I think it'll look much more natural whiter

not quite. all modern europeans have a blend of western hunter gatherer, eastern neolithic farmer, and proto-indo european steppe people

there's this thing called DNA

Yes yes we all know it's (Propaganda) to further their agenda even an infant could tell you this

It's almost like humans tend to melt together at all times

No mutt, R1b-L21 Aryans BTFO Cheddar Man's faggot weak genome so hard upon 2300BC Bronze Agent that their race became extinct with zero genetic representation in the modern day.

But the roughly 12,000 humans in Britain at the time of Cheddar Man thrived and their DNA now comprises roughly 10 per cent of the genetic make-up of most white people currently living in the UK.

Light eyes dark skin? Sounds like a mexican to me

>arceologist find skeleton of man
>man was taken as a slave by romans
>britons were black yo

> t. unironic cuck

>Starts off with an insult
Ya know this is why people don't like us and are you actually implying that you're some kinda one hundred percent pure bred human? You do realize pure breeding actually leads to massive problems genetically? I mean in all honesty with how humans work we should just bred how ever we please it's actual effects on offspring aren't that note worthy

Plus the hair
>pic related

Nah cucking isn't my kinda thing in the bedroom