The absolute state of christcucks

>Be christcuck
>Claim your religion is cultural ancor of whites
>See tolkien's work
>OMG this is true white culture
>Tolkien's works are based on paganism
>B-but m-muh christian cultural ancor

Other urls found in this thread:'–Byzantine_War_(941)

who cares memeflagger

>le memeflag xDDD

Enjoy your dead thread, memeflagger.

>be you
>see that the elites worship moloch
>attack the true god and white culture on the last bastion of hope for the bantz
satanic leaf knows

Can post it again anytime christcuck in denial

learn to sage, newfag

>>Tolkien's works are based on paganism

Thematically they are steeped in Catholicism, though they are Pagan in aesthetic and narrative. They are essentially a Christian and Heathen fusion.

>Satanism is paganism
Nice try christcuck

>t-they are thematically c-christian Im telling you
The absolute state of christcuck denial

fuck you faggot i've been here since t_d

Pagans BTFO!

>Live in heavily christian country and period
>But of course my work is christian teehee
>Shills for paganism endessly on the side

Paganism is superior to Catholicism

its not that insane. Byzantine nobles were all taught the Greek Classics, and about Greek Gods, but always separated them as just part of their mythic culture.

Where is he shilling for paganism? Your link show the inverse. Are you going to ignore the insane amount of biblical references in his works too?

Christians are broken. They fail all the sniff tests the Pharisees failed. They have chosen cuckoldry over Christ. If Jesus came and said gas the kikes they would call him intolerant and convert to Buddhism. Christian has been reduced to nothing but a label. I feel like an extinct species in two senses now, but maybe religion and race were always the same immutable thing anyway. On Earth as it is in heaven.

>live in victorian era
>outright advocate paganism and not get killed
Pick one

The mere positive talk about paganism under these conditions is a big fuck you christianity hail paganism

>Be Byzantine empire with mixed paganism/dominant christianity
>Most failed empire ever a total joke
>Be ancient greece in place under pure paganism
>Conquer everything and everyone during your lifespan

Who are you quoting?

The average white christcuck

Lord of the rings is DHARMIC

Nobody had nothing against paganism at the time and Tolkien was a very devoted catholic.
>be pagan
>rage wars against christians to protect Jews.'–Byzantine_War_(941)

Well said. I fear that white men will double and triple-down on Christianity as things get worse for whites and it will create a negative feedback loop of cowardice, apathy, and cuckoldry, leading to the total extermination of white people.

I haven't seen any evidence to lead me to any other conclusion. My only hope now is that East Asians can fill our place more successfully and eventually conquer the stars.

>[citation needed]
Even wikipedia asks for citation the absolute state of your sources.
Meanwhile there is no greek or jew in christian byzantium kek

Yea of course nobody had nothing against paganism lmao what is going to be your excuse now?

Not much, but after a few years the protectors of the jews became christianized, i wonder why. Meanwhile you give me one case vs all the cases of kike christianity, and this one questionable case is during the degenerate end cycle of the rus society before its reborn.

Paganism = white
Christianity = sandpeople


Why is it that you same few shitposters get so triggered over Christianity? I know it's mostly bait but some of it seems to be worryingly unironic

>Paganism is one religion and only white people practiced it
American education is horrible

I am so tired of cucktianity I am going to join them. I’ll keep mocking you for worshipping a kike. I’m tired of posting redpills and tearing my hair out trying to show you faggots who you really are. There’s no more pussyfooting around it anymore. You will now either accept the white race as the Biblical Israel it is and finally understand clearly what’s going in the larger scale, or you convert to some neopaganism or other bullshit. There’s no more Christlarping. This isn’t pastor Fred’s feel good and donate to the physical state of larpIsrael religion. This is Christianity, the religion with the white Jesus and the white Israel. If you don’t want that and would rather have some kosher replica of Christianity then enjoy it while you can. It’s dying because it’s fake and God is doing away with it.