All the American right wing needs is another leader like this great man to take them to glory.
Will someone like him ever come to us again?
All the American right wing needs is another leader like this great man to take them to glory
What America needs is a man like this to speed up its destruction
literally a faggot
Him too. He is a faggot that promotes degeneracy.
We need someone who has a lot of prestige to come speak for us. Rockwell was a navy commander with two wars under his belt. Mosley was a soldier and member of parliament. Adolf served in the great war, Etc.
It can't be someone like Spencer who is a trust fund kid or even Heimbach who is obese and has no prestige. I don't think our leader will come like in Fascism 1.0. He will make himself known during the crisis.
No. The American Alt Right is growing because we don't have a single, central leader.
We need to attack on multiple fronts with multiple groups, and it is working to erode the Jewish control of the hearts and minds of this country.
I'm posting here right now
It's time to give it a rest already white boy. White nationalist movements of the past had strict standards of who they let join their movement. White nationalism today is so unpopular that white nationalists are accepting anyone that they can get. That's why the "alt-right" is full of half-breeds, felons, self-hating jews and homosexuals. Do you actually expect anything to come of this nonsense? Face it, your children will be BLACKED and BEANED and the sooner you come to terms with that the happier you will be.
this thread is for humans only no chimps please
Haha, good one. Do you now what's funnier though? That your grandchildren and the rest of your bloodline will be what you call "chimps".
>poo poo monkey trying to talk to humans
it's cute but please go to one of your own threads
>y-your n-not a human!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The absolute state of white nationalists these days! I find it laughable how meek you people really are.
I don't read ebonics does anyone mind translating this post?
Why do you need ANOTHER leader? The far right has NEVER listened to any of the long line of leaders who've come along and attempted to help them. They have been ignored because white men don't want to put in the work, and instead, want to endlessly seek comfort, engage in pointless hobbies and frivolous entertainment, while occasionally LARPing in public and on the internet while accomplishing absolutely nothing.
We got some
what actual leaders are you talking about?
people like Spencer who cuck out on the JQ?
>We need someone who has a lot of prestige to come speak for us.
what about someone who is complete scum and villainy?
Once I get older, I'll become the next george lincoln rockwell. Don't worry, lads.
Rockwell was not controlled opposition. He named the Jew.
We already have a leader who can take down any opponent in a debate
If this autist didn't decide to LARP as a Nazi in a country where 20 years before most adult men fought war against Nazis we'd be much better off. The masses would never accept an ideology that shot at them, it's a shame because even early civil rights legislation could have been pushed back with the bussing controversies.
>civic nationalist
fuck off
Have you even read Locke?
>written in a time when niggers were farm equipment
this is relevant to the current situation how?
>hasn't read Locke
Dr. William Pierce is at the top of the list. G.L. Rockwell, Evola, Hitler, and Marcus Aurelius are also on there.
They have told white men countless times what to do and what NOT to do and white men never listen. Most especially white men do not have the work ethic, or tolerance for risk necessary to retake control of their nations. The only thing that drives white men is the pursuit of wealth so they can buy more trinkets and have more time for hobbies and entertainment. That's it.
Sargon would honestly beat them easily. He's BTFO the alt right every time so far
Why does everyone celebrate GLR so much? Like, what did he actually accomplish? What meaningful impact did he have? Normies don't even know who he was. Dude's a literal nobody who accomplished nothing.
>people won't abandon material comfort and a safe and secure existence for the sake of ideology
why is this such a shocking revelation?
>how right he was