Post your best intelligent black people stuff

post your best intelligent black people stuff

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The dumb nigger is just playing checkers with chess pieces

how do you know hes not setting up the board

The board is oriented wrong by 90 degrees.

He’s setting up the board. None of the pieces are in play. Kys.



wow a person plays chess, the real racists really are the ones who find this stuff amazing, as if black people normally aren't capable of performing mundane human activities.

It's like they view them as children or something.

A fearsome killing machine.

If he is, then he is also cheating because he is making his second move before his opponent has made his first.

He's playing with no king.
That's the joke.

Q predicted this

Perhaps they are washing the waste basket out?

Why is this “real racists” meme even a thing? It’s not even remotely insightful.

>this filename lol
look up what jenkem is

that is possible. all the pieces are on the same color.

>Washing a basket by putting one under a tap and then just squatting next to it while water pools underneath.

I know, but people post this sort of thing all the time, like people upload pics of a black dude reading a fucking book and think it's the most amazing thing ever with captions of "see black people are just as intelligent as white people"

It shows you who the real racists are


>post your best intelligent black people stuff
>intelligent black people
>intelligent black people

LOL, fucking leaf did it again.
Here take a look at this,

it's not a meme, it unironically happens all the time

he's playing checkers with a chess set. Sup Forums brainlets cannot tell the difference between chess and checkers set up.

Because it betrays the individual that he, subconsciously, expects the other person to really be tarded because of their race.


This is called "pretending to work" and it's rather common amongst their ranks.

Its just an arguing point.


seriously one of the funniest shits vids ive ever seen...

>White player gets to move twice in a row at the beginning of the game



Careful dis nigga packin some high capacity heat.


Is his helmet inspired by the japanese flag?

This is called "cargo cult"

this is so precious. kek

but anons please agree that this one is very very very special stupid. LOL

This. A white square should be at the players right side

That’s the word I was looking for. Look at them trying civilization .
Here ya go Op

not really

the stuff you're referring to is the nigger's pathetic attempt to replicate western technology. They do it because they want to be famous in their village, or are bored and have lots of time on their hands.

Your photo, and cargo cults, are the nigger's pathetic attempt to replicate western technology in the hopes that it will result in westerners returning with precious cargo.

Cargo cultists believe that by mimicking the air fields of WW2, the strange beings who once arrived with precious tools and materials will be summoned once again.

Not to mention the pieces arn't in the proper position for setting up a fresh game.


>pre-med student

remind me again why it's racist to request a non-nigger doctor?


Fuck man, I loved that book as a kid.

it's almost as if this is a joke that goes right over the average Sup Forums poster's head

the missile launchers are pointed right at the back of the cockpit kek

Remember the heart transplant recipient who was originally denied because he was non-compliant with his medications. Then his mom cries racism and he ends up crashing a stolen car into a sign and dying a few years later.

They tried to pull this with him to.

>They're just pretending to be retarted




What in the shit?

What I never understood is why didn't he just play a game with somebody and take a screenshot there instead of making a manufactured pic?

That knight on f1

>When the internet spreads to Africa

Its what it making them all migrate north.

this one is very strange actually.
if you look into the septic tank you will see that shit always floats on the top, so how come niggers drown in a swimming pool


>It shows you who the real racists are


To be fair, there's a pic like this out there with a white woman too.

shiiiieeeet niggers can play chess!!?? that makes him sucha goo boy I bet he gunna gradiate highschool in shiiieet.
I fucking hate niggers. shit like this my school was filled with the stupid savages trying to learn software engineering. All of the ones in my class failed or dropped out. But it barely costs the nigger a cent, where as we have to pay thousands for this hit because we are white.
I must note though, that as a gay man I must say niggers are not the most disgusting men, actually they are tied for last with Indians. Would you rather fuck a shit encrusted street shitter or an aids ridden ape?

Why not Excretia? Or Nosmo Kang?

Women aren't smart either.

isnt it possible he never used one nor seen someone use one?

FUCK user I have no energy to comment on this gem.
I'm depressed now. Niggers are truly cursed.LOL

Wow, it takes a lot for me to say this but I honestly think most black people are literally 60-70 IQ.



It looks like a man wearing a wig

maybe he dosent know how to unfold the ladder to use it? maybe it's jammed

thats his point dumbass
they are just niggers. Ants arent cursed for being unintelligent creatures, thats just what they are.

gays and niggers are the same useless turds
Shut your filthy mouth nigger gay.

Here's a good one. Try not to laugh.

>trust nobody, not even yourself



Well it worked. Maybe he is afraid of heights. But probably somebody said, "Take that ladder and get that rag down," checked up on him because it was taking so long and then started recording him.


fuck off you useless piece of human LGBT shit, nobody is interested in your fitly degenerate evil opinions.
nobody likes LGBT here. go and do pic related


>all pcs are in black
They're playing checkers. Just in case you're insinuating that since his King/"Kang" is already captured, the game should've been over. Don't set up arguments like a nigger; would have been a better example.
It's checkers, you brain cell deficient nigger.

The board is still oriented wrong and he is still cheating.

>just setting up
Very doubtful as niggers can't into chess.

normal gay guy
>has education and job
>independent from parents after they kicked him out learning he was gay
>hates leftists progressives more than average righty due to them using him as a pawn in their politics for decades
>no neighborhood destruction because he is neat and clean

>failed middle school no job just on gibs
>lives in house that his whole lineage has lived in since 1930 in the city
>votes lefty for that welfare
>crime an filth follow them whenever they move taking even whole cities down

At least it has 22 chromes bruh


>best intelligent black people stuff

>he is neat and clean
Don't you guys explore each other's rectums?

fucking kek

This must be some kind of meme that only blacks get? I've seen several different versions of this pic related.

actually lold


Niggers cheat. That's expected.

This is the proper use of ladders. I was doing it wrong the whole time.

Ahh...the quintessential nigress.
Love how she's a "lioness" for speaking out against white supremacy, whilst I'm branded as a neo-Nazi, a Hitlerite for wanting to live among whites and not niggers.

Hey retard, circling the king is irrelevant since the board state is impossible to reach during play.

He is playing checkers.