>grown men in their 30's reading shounenshit made for under 18's purely for non canon shipping
Grown men in their 30's reading shounenshit made for under 18's purely for non canon shipping
What's wrong with that?
user, it just get worse with age, not better
Fairy Tail?
Everyone grows old but not everyone grows up
Because at that age you shouldn't be fucking obsessed with fanfiction ships. There's people in this board that flip their shit over this crap like they're kids.
>Not exclusively reading the western canon.
You now remember the times unix timestamp filenames started with 14 and how it will never come back
That's pathetic, but still better than grown men in their 30's reading shounenshit made for under 18's for normal reasons.
I turned 28 yesterday and I enjoy stuff like this more than when I was a teen.
I'm pretty sure the shipping thing is only done by females
I've been posting here since like a month after hiro created the site
Tastes change. Anyone saying they have never changed on what they use to like is flat out lying
Females don't come here. The board is to rude for them. The only females on Sup Forums is on /adv/ for some fucking reason.
Don't forget /cgl/ and probably Sup Forums too.
>Females don't come here
Delusional. That said, shippingshit is pretty common among males too.
You talk like there isn't a lot of underage posters here. Even moot himself was underage when he created this site. Also, this: Look into the JJBA or SnK threads and tell me they're not infested with tumblrinas. There's plenty of women in this board, and many are extremely easy to spot.
But I'm 23.
because females aren't as rudes as much as males, amirite?
>look at JJBA threads
what did he mean by this?
Females are bitches. What we see as banter they take it to heart. That's why women can never be funny and why nichijou is trash.
Get a load of this normalfag
Watching anything for the shipping is autistic as fuck.
Remember when bleach ended and all those faggots burned their localised manga because of the rukia ship didn't work out? They were grown men. Even the kids that it's targeted to in japan probably never gave a fuck.
When I was under 18 I didn't care about shounen or anime/manga in general because I thought it wasn't mature enough for me.
I watch yurishit only to know who to ship to get a certain someone have an aneurysm.
> Females don't come here. The board is to rude for them.
Can confirm this. My ex-girlfriend wanted to try Sup Forums, but thought everyone here was an asshole (Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /r9k/). She liked /adv/ though and posted there a number of times.
Kids get more respectable stuff in anime and what not than the older otaku do.
Who do you think the "homos" are?
Well considering the state of the world now, could be actual homo's
Homos are like 5% max of males, but females are 50% of humanity.
How else would you explain this amount of gayposting? Do the math.
Said the guy posting on Sup Forums
Sounds kind of petty there, bud.
I need some way to keep myself entertained.
Shingeki no Kyojin thread in a nutshell. All they fucking talk about is shipping, it's annoying.
You could just watch anime or read manga. Those are wholesome activities no matter how degenerate they may appear to normalfags.
How's that any different than the people here who complain when their favorite girl doesn't win in haremshit?
>Homos are like 5% max of males, but females are 50% of humanity.
You're forgetting this is Sup Forums. Go look at /vg/ most of the people on that board are as gay as you can get. The lolg place takes about 15 seconds before it's I wana fuck X male in the ass
>reading shonnen past age 15
I do that too, but bullying a retard is different kind of amusing.
yeah im 28 too
i can say that anime sucks but i rather watch anime than american tv shows
i hate romance because i cringe at kisses and romance on screen
i like seinen but only when is simple and not romantic
hate everything else;sports,ecchi,harem,yurishit etc.
i like shounen the best
I'm planning on watching BLEACH anime. I stopped at it nearly 10 years ago because of fillers. Now I'll try to continue from start to finish.
Rukia X Ichigo made more sense as a child.
>Grown men in their 30's
>reading shounenshit made for under 18's
>purely for non canon shipping
Okay I'm safe
I am obsessed with shounenshit but SOL and moebleb makes me want to cut body parts off. But I did like LWA, Tenchi, Utena and Escaflowne too.
If you grow up you lose!
>How is reading a harem for the bowl different from reading a battle shounen for romance?
Are you retarded? One's the central focus, and the other is usually minor sideplot at best and completely nonexistent made-up shit at worst.
>started with 14
Kill yourself.
>makes me want to cut body parts off.
Nothing personel kid.
lolbabbies are just filthy degenerates, because all the real men play dota.
Except Lelouch, he lost to Sheever.
>turn 25
>can't get it up to my old hentai stashes
Shit was guaranteed boners every time too. Are my nuts broken?
No problemo but I hope you're aware that being a waifufag is literally shipping yourself with your waifu.
It's gross, dude. Anime is gay enough as is.
Females do come here, but they stay in the containment threads like SnK and Haikyuu (and I guess YoI too but I don't go there).
They are also easy to spot everytime someone makes a thread about that lesbian manga.
Have you found any ITT?
Romance is like the worst genre of all time
Blows my mind we not only have naruto threads but they are filled with shipping. At least with SNK threads you know they are filled with tumblr.
It's the beauty of being over 30.. you can do whatever the fuck you want without feeling constantly insecure, or self-conscious about what strangers who don't put a roof over your head or food on your plate have to say or think about your hobbies
>Enjoying the view of cute/sexy girls makes you gay.
>Real man only feel comfortable watching shirtless fit males.
Now that is gay. I don't like SOL either but mostly because is boring.
you first
not true, several people die instead
was it ever even proven that /d2g/ lelouch was the same as Sup Forums's?
started not giving a fuck at 19 now 26
but still can't ship characters i don't see them as real beings so i can't picture them being couples and shit.
one of the reasons i only watch/read fantasy stuff.
why would someone watch roamnce or some other shit when you can see tha on tv dramas or real life?
>why would someone watch roamnce or some other shit when you can see tha on tv dramas or real life?
Like whatever you want, but I don't understand this logic. What the fuck do TV dramas have to do with anything?
>why would someone watch roamnce or some other shit when you can see tha on tv dramas or real life?
Fuck off.
>whatever the fuck you want without feeling constantly insecure,
Yeah until you have an interview and have to put up an impression
Fuck off and kill yourself.
>one of the reasons i only watch/read fantasy stuff.
>why would someone watch roamnce or some other shit when you can see tha on tv dramas or real life?
So is your stance literally "anything that could happen in real life is a pointless story"?
You have to be 18 to post on this site.
He used to post with his trip on /d2g/, but took it off after everyone made fun of him for this game.
Shippers truly are the biggest pussy whipped faggots on earth. Spend hours fascinating over some ship that will never happen constantly arguing on Sup Forums about taking it seriously. Look at the boruto shit now, fags getting real cancerous over this shit lately
I'll never understand shippingfaggotry.
How can someone get so invested into a fictional romance? Enough to get mad when a character you don't like hooks up with the character you like?
Yeah man the 18+ rule on a board that consumes shounenshit content made for under 18's. That'll put them off right? They need to ban this shit on the board starting with boruto.
almost i mean i wouldn't say pointless but if it can happen and probably happens a lot of times(romance)
why watch two fictional characters going trough that?
It's a mental illness.
You have to be 18 to post on this site.
>tv dramas are real
That and fuck off with your normalfaggotry.
Then you better go off
This is just such a bizarre question I don't really know how to answer. Why do we have military stories? Why do we have stories about people dying? Why do we have stories about family troubles? Or any of the millions of other topics that are taken from real life? You come off like you've never been exposed to fiction before. Also, as said, live-action, books, etc. are just as fictional as anime/manga.
happens in tv dramas all the time but with better storytelling
most romance anime are shallow and weak plotwise it's basically how a kid thinks romantic relationships work
real life romance sucks, you get cheated on,you cheat,or you simply stop loving.
maybe it's the fantasy of the normalfags(or women) they can't get perfect relationships so they watch romantic cartoons hoping they find a boy like that irl.
for fantasy stuff you know that it will never happen so you stop thinking about romantic stuff or real life issues and you just enjoy the story
>romance only happens in tv dramas
Just look at this entire thread Sad fucks reading the whole series just to argue who's getting the MC's dick.
>Shippers are cancer
I want to agreed with you but.
>Powerlevelfags arguing about who is stronger.
>Anime/mangafags fighting to prove that the sorce material/adaptation is superior
>Waifu/best girl/boy wars
No one in here is sane because In the end is all about faggots expending hours arguing about Chinese cartoons.
>happens in tv dramas all the time but with better storytelling
There are barely any good TV romances.
>real life romance sucks, you get cheated on,you cheat,or you simply stop loving.
And? Even assuming that's universally true (it's not), wouldn't that just be a reason to have fictional stories about romance, rather than a reason not to have them?
>maybe it's the fantasy of the normalfags(or women) they can't get perfect relationships so they watch romantic cartoons hoping they find a boy like that irl.
I don't see what the fuck that has to do with normalfags/women.
>for fantasy stuff you know that it will never happen so you stop thinking about romantic stuff or real life issues and you just enjoy the story
This sounds like a personal issue. There's nothing preventing you from doing that for everything else (or not doing that for fantasy).
Learn how to read you retarded faggot.
I'm 30 years old, have a fulltime job and own my own house and I think Dog Days and Kemono Friends are the best animes ever made.
Only non-canon shipping I do is between me and the hot animalgirls.
Powerlevel shit only happens in battle series. Shipping cancer literally happens in any series with males and females.
that's why i watch anime?
>why do we have stories taken from real life?
besides real life based stories are almost all the time altered to appeal different audiences
what i said was
why watch that?
it already happened it was news etc. why watch a movie,book,cartoon etc.
right back at you
>tv dramas are real
>That and fuck off with your normalfaggotry.
when did i say they were real ?
>Shipping only happens if there is a male and a female.
You wish. If the cast as males, fujos take over, if there is just females, yurifags invade.
/y/ and /u/ have a sizeable few among the fag and tranny-in-denial majorities.
And I wish the Sup Forumsmblr name was just a meme.
I moved out of my mother's house two years ago and actually watch more anime than ever before. It's actually gotten to the point where I don't even want a comitted relationship because it means giving up on my beloved hobby.
Endgame right here lads.
>that's why i watch anime?
What is?
>besides real life based stories are almost all the time altered to appeal different audiences
This has literally nothing to do with the discussion at hand, because it applies equally to romances. You're saying that stories about things that could happen in real life - not necessarily did happen, but could - are pointless.
>why watch that?
Like you just said, they're not the same in fiction as reality. There's something called storytelling, which you may have heard of - watching the news, or seeing something in reality, is not the same as experiencing a story crafted about that same subject. This is such a simple and universally-understood concept, I can't believe I have to tell you this.
>It's actually gotten to the point where I don't even want a comitted relationship
You say that like it isn't the default status for Sup Forumsnons.
>Turn 25
>Can't even watch anime anymore just fuckboi japanese in colorful spandex fighting for justice.
>why watch that?
Because it stirs up emotions in us. Why do anything except to feel about it? Somehow I think you're the kind of guy to watch a book on the first page and then put it down instead of read it to the end.
>the kind of guy to watch a book on the first page
I think you fucked something up here.
It's a little autistic but it was a joke made on his inability to separate watching a movie, book, cartoon etc. into a coherent sentence.