There are roughly 50 million Muslim living in Europe
There are roughly 50 million Latinos living in the USA
Europe, would you trade all of your Muslims for America's Hispanics?
America, would you trade all of your Latinos for Europe's Muslims?
Deal or no deal?
It's time to play deal or no deal!
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I don't make "deals", I make solutions.
Kill them both.
Hell no
Most of our muslims are men, so yes I'd trade.
reee that's not how the game is played
I'll play your game.
I would trade all tacos for snackbars, and then implement solution as they're a lot easier to pick out from a crowd.
sweden will become better with us then.
No FUCKIN deal. Europe is fucked.
And Hispanics aren't near the problem in the U.S. that niggers are. Now if you want to make that deal... All our niggers for your Muslims?
There are only 37 million blacks in the USA though, you'd be taking on an extra 13 million people
Hispanic's not a race
Why do you "Race realist" think a geographical term is a race
It's stupid
If you think hispanic is a race, then you're a retard
But anyway op, what kind of hispanic? Criollo? Castizo? Mestizo? Pure spanish? Pure aztec?
>would you rather be forced to drink donkey piss or horse shit
Your muslim figure is too high by tens of millions idiot
You have to go back.
>In the late 20th and early 21st centuries substantial numbers of Muslims immigrated to Western Europe. By 2010 an estimated 44 million Muslims were living in Europe
Mayan Mestizo Mexican detected
Butthurt that the spanish man is waking up and doesn't wanna be blamed for your shit
LOL.... you obviously don't understand the force multiplier niggers apply to crime, welfare and degeneracy in this country.
No way, keep the Mexicans.
>using sodomite language while being the actual sodomite
Hell is for ever!
Mestizos and other Beaners, while violent, generally stick to killing their own. They're also pretty fucking dumb and largely unmotivated.
Muslims are religious zealots out to kill every non-Muslim, and unlike niggers and Spics, they're much more motivated to go out and kill others who aren't Muslims.
So, No. I'd rather just build the wall and deal with what we have.
I wouldn't trade our nogs either.
The US has never really been more than 13% nogs, even back when they were all still slaves, they were between 12-15% still.
Nogs do a pretty good job keeping their own numbers in check via crime and abortion.
You bring in a bunch of shitskin Muslims, who breed like fucking rabbits, you'd be overrun in a few generations.
hmmm... i do liek mediterranean food, and they often stay open all night, unlike those lazy mezzicans.
how about we castrate them all and swap?
Definitely not, at least most of the spics are hard working and stay out of trouble. Muslims are just completely useless.
Mexicans at least provide some hard labor and good food. So, FUCK. NO.
>America, would you trade all of your Latinos for Europe's Muslims?
Poor Sven may have a point though.
including 19 million (3.8% of the population) in the European Union.[36]
You triple turbo nigger dishonest cunt
But nogs are welfare leeches and are also key to Democratic voting
No fucking deal.
>russia is not part of europe
what did you mean by this?
I would deport every mestizo and replace them with muslims. Castizos are okay to stay.
Take the deal or I'm walking.
I choose the third way. Kill em all and Burn everything
#1. No. I am perfectly fine with legal hispanics.
#2. No. Because they are American citizens, and I will defend my countrymen to the death.
#3. No. Because they are American citizens, and are not to be treated as a commodity.
#4. No. Because fuck you for even asking.
As for illegals, they need to start doing things the right way or they can expect to be escorted out. I'm rather inflexible there and I can understand their plight, but they're in violation of our laws and are trespassing on our territory.
Do things the right way.
Lets seal this deal right now.
You americans complain about Mexicans... You have no idea what the muzziez are... They bring crime, terrorism, ghettos, they are the welfare masters (I bet they are waaaaaay better getting welfare than nigs and fucking mexican natives)...
Mexicans at least put some hard work, are proud catholics and have good food.
That you have shitty premises because a lot of the muslim parts in Russia are past the Ural so in Asia for one
And the ones you haven't mentioned are mostly in Bosnia and Bulgaria, they've been there for centuries and they aren't blowing up buildings or cutting throats
So suck a schlong moron
>America, would you trade all of your Latinos for Europe's Muslims?
Fuck no.
Meant this
For this guy
>t. reddit
Spics > Muslims
Mestizos are shit workers, they cut corners, stop working when the boss ain't looking and they worship a bizarre death cult version of catholicism. You Spaniards have nostalgia vision for your bastard children.
The Spanish are obviously better than Muslims.
Dude, nigs invented welfare as a profession. You are tripping. I'll trade the nigs for the muzzies, but no dice on our Mexicans. We keep them. They have potential for red pills.
Denzel Washington tho
Sup Forums isn't ready for this type of conversation. a little to intelligent for them.
>Make Mexico Spain again
No thanks.
The thing is, I (and any other male European) would take 2 mestizos before having a fucking muzzie here. They spread like rats, so at the end we would be even.
Muzziez here don't even work, they just stay at cafeterias drinking coffee from 9am to 7pm, taking advantage of the welfare. They breed like crazy (normal muzzie family here have at least 4 kids).
Please take the muzzie bunch. As I said before, mestizos 10000x better.
they're both caucasian in the end so who cares?
muslims problem is that they're muslim
latinos problem is that they live in literal shitholes
i don't see what the problem is if they come there and assimilate.
at least they're not african which is a completely different race.
Of course we'll keep the cream of the crop. But I'm thinking in all it's less than 500k.
I'll trade 1 for 1 on the rest.
Agaiin, we keep our Mexicans, Venezuelans, Argentine, etc
You get Dominicans and Haitians.
>and they worship a bizarre death cult version of catholicism
If they could cut the shit with the human sacrifices, there'd be no problem with that.
Russia is mostly on the Asian continent. Dickhoke. Hence the slavs=Mongols meme
Fuck you, leafy. Go jerk off with Maple syrup.
I say keep the Hispanics and Blacks.
Muslims will take over if brought here in numbers. Would rather deal with what we know as opposed to what we don't.
id rather live near spics than muslims
Checked and self kek'd
Fuck that. They can crash on the moon
depends on what your goal is. on the one hand muslims are more destructive. on the other hand mexicans are basically shabbos goys, and they only harm the jews indirectly, if at all.
on the other hand, re-evaluating, muslims are destructive, and the power-base of jewry is America, so bring all the Muslims you can get if you must, because there should be no going back if one's objective is the annihilation of the Jewish menace
He got BTFO and won't answer anymore
never. i like latinos and even whatever brazilians are, it's my government stealing my money to buy their votes with that i hate. i consider the americas to be one people who's shared goal should be bringing all american states under the constitution and purging all communists and their anti-social policies from our continent.
no deal ill keep the spics, atleast they dont blow shit up.. sure theres ms13 but we already have the bloods and crips
ya got muslim grooming gangs and you're police are to affraid to stop it
we have ICE
>There are roughly 50 million Muslim living in Europe
>There are roughly 50 million Latinos living in the USA
I would trade in a heartbeat. 56 millions of muslims can seriously damage the entire EU. Not to mention that 64 millions include mostly men, raised to kill infidels and spread this nonsense. So, I think that 78 millions of mostly muslim extremist for 50 million latinos, with some cute latino girls is a good deal.
>No thanks.
Take responsibility spain
Yeah, but fuck, if you have like 1 in 30 the one makes so much damn noise and racket it seems like 50%.
Beaners kill just as many Whites and you obviously have never lived around them. They breed like rats and invade White areas. In ways they are worst then muslims or niggers
Thanks, Achmed
thanks for proving my point, mutt
no fucking deal
never ever
this man speaks the truth
Send them all back
>They breed like crazy (normal muzzie family here have at least 4 kids).
Maybe you should go Vargpill user, unless Spain is into some zog adventures like most Western countries. I'm not going to do it, but my country being a zog vassal has alot to do with that.
>America, would you trade all of your Latinos for Europe's Muslims?
No way in hell.
The Mexican on my right rides the subway quietly and the nig on my left is beat, banging, and yelling.
The Mexican is wearing work clothes and the nig is wearing plastic red nikes with baggy pants and a shirt that says "Millinaire" but is begging for momey for a train ticket.
deal, we give you all our muslims in exchange all your latinos, at least them are christians
It's a good indication of race. Stop being so fucking literal.
Don't blame us.
Blame that C-ompany that are I-nvolved in A-ll kind of bad stuff that happens to the US citizen.
Before the drugs Latin America was a pretty decent place. When we left it, it was pretty comfy.
Nowadays everyone try to benefit from the drug dealing, and with the drug dealing comes all the death and bloodbath. The guerrillas, the contra guerrillas, the Company, the weapons manufacturers, the banks... All are financed by the drugs.
People don't realize what’s about to come.
The alt-lite is taking over, and this is our plan. Pic related.
To me it's Muslims being whiter than Latinos. Both groups race mix with white people, but Mexicans are 50% likely to, and their kids almost never look full white. A Muslim could have white looking grandchildren, an average Mexican doing the whole mejora la raza would still have brown eyed short grandchildren
cant we just ship them over at the same time and as they meet in the middle just nuke it?
Spain is full zog user, like the entire Western world.
no, it's just late here.
goodnight everyone
I mean, hispanic people are far more murderous and bloodthirsty than muslims, but the ideology they carry isn't as deadly as Islam, or as poisonous to civilization. It's still poisonous but not nearly as much.
>There are roughly 50 million Latinos living in the USA
>Europe, would you trade all of your Muslims for America's Hispanics?
As if the whole Mediterranean isn't full of Euro-Latinas already.
on a somewhat related note, how can we convince trump to loan mexico and colombia some angels of death to fight the cartels. we don't have enough videos of these in action yet.
>If you think hispanic is a race, then you're a retard
No one said it was one
>But anyway op, what kind of hispanic?
All of them, stupid
Italians are white and Spanish people are far more behaved then South Americans. They aren't really the same at all. Trust me I live in Southern California and there's a fuckload of hispanic people, they are really shitty to live around in large numbers.
Pic related is pakistani, not really relevant but shes hot
what's her name?
What am I looking at.
>Implying Spaniards are not whites while Italians are.
Can't understand the American hate about the Spaniards. Probably product of the Black Legend and the Spanish-American war propaganda against us.
We were the first global empire, the real empire were the sun never sets, the one who ruled Europe for almost 200 years.
Spaniards should be glorified in this board.
Wow she's beautiful. But it says on her profile she's Indian, not Pakistani.
They just really fuck with per capita crime since it takes 600,000 blacks to get 100,000 people.
Our future.
Fuck off
The cost to deport Hispanics is peanuts compared to Mudslimes.
If they want to come to America tell them start swimming.
>It's a good indication of race
for dummies
I really don't hate you at all I just don't think Spanish people are white. Italians hold up against genetic testing and Spanish people don't, all of of Spain was ruled by mena peeps for like 500 odd years. There's streets and towns with arab names there, among other things.
lol, i wouldn't expect most americans to even know about the spanish-american war, we completely suck at history here. nice move with the philippines by the way, it was pretty clever of spain to drop that ticking time bomb in our lap.
Shut up Mustafa
I'm pretty sure she said somewhere that she's pakistani indian but it doesn't make much difference to me, I just wanna give her a squeeze