post cringey shit modern women do that would've been unfathomable a few decades ago
Modern women are despicable
the virgin op vs the chad bogdanoff
I think chinese men have sensed the opportunity. ((Women)) like pic related are growing
My computer is full of digusting shit western women do
Don't worry, OP, you'll die just as alone and lonely as you've always secretly feared you would.
>alone and lonely
wow, amazing
women put buttholes on their heads
moms are sluts
too many women in the turtle club
women never say what he's saying
wamen demand respect and whine when they get it
they even make knots out of their bodies
like who does this
degenerates that's who
a 4th hole, amazing
women want to crush you with empathy
they want to do the opposing thing with empathy that it's supposed to do
I hear they also want to love you with a hammer
they like about their cunts
worst is they keep turning black
black black black
blech, I mean black
most women are basically this
holy shit I heard about it and thought it was a joke
some are ok though
iiiiiiiiit's real
they also fucked up the turtles' weapons and personalities and generally made the characters look like shit, esp splinter
women love boots
they starve, just for boots,
they love boots so much
jesus christ put down the booze
going from cute outfits to fucking yoga pants 24/7, when the bitches have never even done a single minute of proper yoga
If only she didn’t have those tattoos, but pretty gud
women like clowns
women are body positive
women have great personalities
>some are ok
Pick one.
shes eating the pain away
women even get stoned sometimes
Get her some updated appliances man
women are totally not down with whiteness in all its forms
The rearview mirror is wrong, it shouldn't be pointed out the back of the car, it should be tilted so she can stare at herself instead.
women are... never mind sorry
>implying the camera taking the photo is inside her eyes
Fucking mirrors, how do they work
oh wait you said the opposite thing
my bad, sorry
I'm a woman
nothing do to with women
just because
fuck off dude, Sup Forums is now a feminist board
Jesus, this is brilliant
some women are awesome
not even any tattoos
modern western women
bobs plz
Are you the same leaf making tradwhore threads?
You literally posted a 3/10 hag
That picture is from like 10 years ago
fucking kill yourself
T. 400 pound acne scarred 16 year old
Faggot mods prune tradwomen thread but don't get rid of this? Fucking faggots.
Just killed my wife. A.m.a
>turk roaches
That will never not be funny
That picture makes me feel so sad... liberals are not wrong, they are downright evil.
This cow has been posted before. She was an Italian nightclub goer who blimped up and died of a heart attack or something.
>Black polyurethane
Two hundred and fiddynine dollarydoos for faux leather (plastic) boots... That's the most disgusting thing in that pic.
Why women love shitty footwear that costs more than their dignity?
>costs more than their dignity?
Do they have a choice? No one's giving away free shoes/boots, user
>Tattoos on a woman
That’s a good leaf.
ah yes the mouth that has never known a smile.
Jesus Christ.
$200 should be enough for real leather.
But no.
Women choose to buy shoes that don't fit, look horrible, can't be cleaned, are made of inferior materials, break down after thousand feet and cost as much as quarter of price I paid for my car.
Faux leather is unethical. It doesn't reform in use so it will never have comfortable fit, it lasts only for short time and ends in landfill where it stays forever.
Real leather is eco friendly by product of meat industry that lasts for decades and is biodegradable and offers incomparable comfort.
now look at her makeup.
pure autism
she’s a dime
do you think this cute girls will end like roasties or crazy womens that live with cats? or they just join fenimism rallys to seek attention
Fuck where do you start?
They're fucking horrible.
Delete it all tonight and better your life
get beaten by men in women only sports competitions
Why would he do that to his face? It looks horrible