Who is the best character and why it's Ranta?
Grimgar thread
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That answer is always Ranta.
Mary a shit and deserved to die like an animal.
Yume is still a retard and literal shit. Kuzaku is useless. Shihoru is a turbocunt with a shit magic list. Haru needs an ass-kicking and to stop sniffing panties like the beta bitch he is.
That should about cover it.
Actually according to spoilers she is still alive.
No, according to spoilers she's dead and Haru's going to try and rez her with some creepy dude's help. Never mind they've already said necromancy is a huge no-no and not a native magic to Grimgar.
Some spoilers from 2ch.
-Mary is alive.
-She resurrected thanks to Jessy who gave his life for her.
-There is something else that happened with Jessy after that.
-The spoilers said that Ranta is joining the others, but not now.
-Zodiac's evolution was amazing.
-BASED Takasagi.
-It seems that Mary gained the memories of Jessy and other people and now can use a stronger magic (this one needs confirmation)
dude you need to give a source for that shit.
I desperately want to believe what you're saying, but it could be just another cheap bait.
If you can read chink. Illustrations are up on the same site.
can you post link to the page with illustrations?
about the anime, is it fair to say that it's not a good way to sell the LN?
also yume's hips
>Mary is rez'd
>but based Manato is not
Yah seriously wtf
Ranta starts off super annoying but he grows on you.
ididint like the show when it first aired. But now i really want a season 2
>every shitty isekai has a manga
>this doesn't
But those spoilers seem to imply something is wrong with the resurrection and Mary is not the same. They also don't mention Ranta or Takasagi
It does have a manga.
It just stopped updating past chapter 4, and that was 2 years ago.
I don't know if it's still going in nipland though, It's not listed on MU.
I need more animated Ranta. The novel spoilers about him are interesting.
Probably better off waiting until the novel comes out on the 25th than trusting any spoiler before then.
Mary better isn't resurrected, that would kill the charm of the story. Turn her into a zombie.
There's a limit to how much the author can shit on Haruhiro's life.
Just make Haru to man up after putting zombie Mary down, gets serious, apologize to Ranta, make Shitwhoru win the Harubowl and we finally get a good party.
Because Ranta is the only one that takes his job seriously. The rest of the party sucks. Ranta and Mogzu were the real fighters.
Best boy.
He is next. Haruhiro is going to be rewarded for his undying boner for healers by getting both.
I hope not.
Mary is garbage
>Because Ranta is the only one that takes his job seriously.
> The same one who irritates the hell out of everyone in the party
> The same one who thinks it's okay to pick on the girls in the party and think they'll put up with his shit and still want to back him up when they battle
What fraught. I waited for that man to die all season. Fuck him for surviving and not Manato.
And fuck yeah to Mary for putting him in his place in the last episode.
Ranta is literally the only one in the party with an ounce of ambition. Not only that but Mary is a huge bitch who betrays Ranta after the lad goes out of his way to save her from getting literally raped by orcs
Shihoru and Mary pick on him. He only teases Yume
Animeonlyfag, in the LNs Shihoru insults Ranta at every opportunity, yet he doesn't insult her back. He only teases Yume because he has a crush on her, but he can't admit it.
>Shihoru insults Ranta at every opportunity
She has a personality? Holy crap.