You have watched at least 1000 animes, right?

You have watched at least 1000 animes, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

back when i was a newfag

How would I know? I lost count.
Probably something like 25, that's a lot already.

There once was a poll on Sup Forums in regards to this and the highest percentage was


>There once was a poll on Sup Forums in regards to this and the highest percentage was

not him but he's right, I remember it too

Fuck off.



It looks like I'm at 1090-ish. I can talk about anime!

I am almost at 200



I'm almost sure ive watched more than 300 but i dont count them or use mal so i dont fucking know
Am i the only one?

>giving money/credit info to hiro


I haven't counted how many anime I watched.
I'm very picky though. I try to go quality over quantity. If I watch the first episode of an anime, and I can tell that it's shit, I won't continue to watch it, even if fuckers say "it gets better", but it never does. I fell for the "it gets better" meme once with Katekyo Hitman Reborn. The entire series is shit, from beginning to end.

god damn right I have

>the highest percentage was

I stopped counting once I hit a hundred.

Currently at 600~ shows, started back in 2010 with Haruhi.
I still can't believe I unironically liked haremshit back then.

I've watched less than 100

No, what are you gonna do about it OP?

564 so far, so halfway there.

nah only about 200, im not a nerd

>le oldfags getting triggered by one singular letter

I'm at like 40 currently desu

I stopped keeping track a long time ago, but I'd guess somewhere from 500-600?

underrated show desu

The overwhelming majority of posters on Sup Forums are fairly average people who happen to enjoy some Japanese animation. Were you under the impression that everyone here was a weeb or something?

It should be around 350~400 now. Even if an anime has multiple seasons I only count it as one, so it should be a lot more if I used MAL standards.

You'd be surprised by the amount of people found in YGO! threads who state that apart from DB Super and LWA, there are no good anime this year.

Not to mention whenever there's a thread on rating seasonal anime, most people go for the same kind of inflated ratings MAL uses. And then there's the MAL profiles of Sup Forumsnons themselves. They don't really differ from the average anime fan at all.

Quite frankly, Sup Forums is nowhere near muh underground sekrit club-tier as it would like you to believe.

Is that Honya-san? I've been meaning to watch it.

>implying anything under 300 is anything but normalfag tier.

This is Sup Forums, nigger. Not r/Anime.


Yes, and like I said most people on Sup Forums are pretty normal people. You know this is the 211th most visited site on the internet right? This is not exactly an obscure hideaway.

I can find you one faggot that has not OP

>1000 anime
>Watching whatever garbage is thrown at you makes you an expert.

Quality over Quantity. I have 271 shows under my belt and I enjoyed most of them.

>dumb mobileposter
>people posting with under 300 completed

>implying the majority aren't normalfag lurkers.
This board would be WAAAAY faster if everyone who came here actually participated in the community.

Friendly reminder 300 completed is the absolute minimum required for posting on Sup Forums. Ironic weeb retards fuck off back to your containment website.

I feel like you've somehow tricked yourself into thinking you disagree with me user. I'm saying it is not remotely surprising that most people on here have watched

You obviously have a low powerlevel.
Which is okay, but Sup Forums is pretty elitist, and rightfully so. People are threatened to post here as we actually ridicule idiots and pathetic weeaboos.

I'm quite normal myself. I simply secretly enjoy CGDCT and like talking with others like me on the internet. Believe me, Sup Forums is far from "normal".

Where did you get that number?

People come here to discuss an anime series they've watched, it doesn't matter if it's your 1st or 1000th.

>YGO! threads
Nah, that shouldn't be surprising to anyone.

>Sup Forums is a place where newfags are welcome!
Hi newfag.

It's insanely easy to get over 300 completed if you actually watch anime. It takes less than 2 hours a night to watch every show that airs each season and still have time for backlog, which is almost 50 shows. It's been 300 for at least 3 years.

Unspoken rules which goes in hand with not posting if you don't know anything a.k.a. FUCKING LURK MOAR

Do you even come to Sup Forums much?
This isn't the Sup Forums I know and love.

50% is a pass right?

It's a garbage show, some of the characters are cute but the "romance" is heavy handed and ultimate ruins the show. The weak comedy isn't enough to make up for it

If you think this is some kind of sacred form of writing, then you're wrong. Lurk more, retard.

lurk moar, normalfag

Lurk the fuck more

That's insane, I've only been watching anime for 9 years, and I tend to watch shows that are longer (~50 episodes) but I've still watched over 200.

It wasn't always like this.

Bretty gud. Thank you for taking the Sup Forums pill and not remaining a normalfag.

like dis if u cyr everytim ;-;


And I don't know why people say this as if we should tolerate it and let them shit up the board. It's not like there's a better place to run off to, other chans are even worse.

>we actually ridicule weeaboos
Objectively false, this thread is in fact the first time I have used the term on Sup Forums and not had a bunch of people bandwagon to REEEE at me for the slightest implication that being a weeaboo is a bad thing.


W-what if we made our own chan?

I haven't even watched 50. I think maybe around ~30 at best. I only watch absolute normalfag tier anime and don't even look at seasonal one.

Ban Sup Forums-posting on sight and I might consider migrating.


543, It's alright.

Man I hope not. At an average of 20 min an EP, and 12 eps (MINIMUM) a show, that's at least

20 min × 12 eps = 4 hours
4 hours × 1,000 shows = 4,000 hours
4,000 hours / 24 hours per day = 166.67 days

That's a half a year of non stop anime watching. You could be really talented in something if you spent time with that instead

>what has this board come to
We made that word up to describe what we weren't. Why do I even still come here.

It wouldn't be easy to convince people to jump ship, especially with how unstable new sites are with admins who don't know what they're getting into.

These are hilariously outdated.


Lmao senpai

633, feels newfag man.

I actually originally hail from Sup Forums. I don't go there anymore, as it's now r/technology fisting r/programming, with pajeets lurking at every turn.

However, I am a backend engineer by trade and have been working on an imageboard as a pet project for some time now.

Sup Forums AND /leftypol/ positing would be b& on sight, boards that are not Sup Forums are meant to discuss the topic of the board, not fucking politics. First rule right there.

I don't know what else I'd bother doing. I might put it online soon as a couple friends have asked me to, but I doubt I'd see much traffic.

around 200-300 because I haven't completely given up on life yet

This is what people say who don't really have any hobbies or anything they're passionate about.
"You could spend that time doing something productive (ie. spending your time doing things you don't enjoy so you can make yourself look profitable to employers and work at a job you hate for the rest of your life)
In other words, normalfag logic.

Nice plebbit spacing. You should go back.

>(Hint: /rs/)

Rip in piece. There was some good shit on there.

>watching anime


I'd somehow transparently display that no data mining or logging of personal data is taking place. I think that would convince some people, as hiro fucked 2ch pretty hard in the ass with a similar issue.

I actually just have OCD when it comes to lines. Comes from being a programmer. Ever read code that was all smashed together? It's a nightmare.

I'll keep an eye out for it.

The reason to watch so many shows is to get taste. You will soon realize that the most popular shows aren't very good and there are several hidden gems out there that will make you happy you found them. Another reason is so you don't get spoiled here which is not a fun thing. 1000 is a little much but the usual is 300 to post here. Not just for our sake but for yours.

Being a code monkey and being a poster on our imageboard are two different things.

I would sanitize multiple newlines on my Sup Forums just for you, user.


Hey now, code monkeys have feelings too. I've been here probably as long as you have, I'm just as much of an elitist jerk as you. Sorry to trigger you over "Reddit" spacing, I wasn't even aware that was a thing. Just goes to show how little I know about this website you claim I frequent.

I lost count. Someday I tried to list it on MAL and gave up after 200

Most anime is shit though, so why bother watching most of what's airing? Why force yourself through the crap?


Yes. It's good, but the manga is better. Highly recommended.
New translations never ever.

Sup Forums has tried and failed, multiple times

You're retarded if you think that. Hobbies are enjoyable, I'm just saying g I'd rather spend that 6 months on a hobbies other than anime. Not to say I don't enjoy it too

Is it worth it keeping track of your all your anime on MAL?

My only hobbies are anime, VNs and grand strategy. Time for you to go to a club to slay some pussy, normalfag. Don't return here.

That's up to you to decide. I do it to organize my thoughts and so I can give easy recommendations.


>give easy recommendations
Not here I hope.
