What the fuck is Trump's ideology at this point?

What the fuck is Trump's ideology at this point?

Does he have a plan?

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Trump is like tofu, he takes on the flavor of what he is combined with, but has no substance of his own.

I feel like he believes in the last thing he hears someone say to him. Flip flops constantly. His plan is to probably not to die in office so he can hit the links and retire at mar-la-go.

to make america great again you tremendous faggot

the absolute and total destruction of the Democratic party

Kek. Thanks, frendo, I needed that.

Neo-Liberalism. Seriously you fags need to learn some shit.

He's improvising as he goes which is a bit worrisome because of We dont know what influence people around him will try and exert or push him towards, but I think generally he wants to complete his campaign promises and boast about how he did unlike other Presidents.

He has a strong moral compass that stems from growing up in the traditional United States during some of its most successful eras. He basically handle every different problem one at a time, as they come at him, and flies by the seat of his pants just following that compass until his handlers tell him "you can't say/do that, sir"
And we he gets into a situation where he disagrees he fights for whatever his gut tells him how it should be, and exaggerates the terms and conditions he wants and then tries to cut a deal

He just wins. Plain and simple.

You fell for the snake oil? Idiot.

>I feel like he believes in the last thing he hears someone say to him.
Op here.


The plan is to make America great again, and he's doing a pretty damn good job of it too.

golf and free directTV


>everyone needs an ideology!

>he's doing a pretty damn good job of it too

>What the fuck is Trump's ideology at this point?
Self-interest and being an attention whore. Also getting pleasure from manipulating stupid retards.

He's doing his best for the state of Israel, ok?


It’s almost like this supposed secret operative of ours needs to stay ambiguous to keep his enemies off balance. Friendly reminder that if his term ended today he’d be a better Republican President than most we’ve had thus far (including Reagan).


he's what he's always been since the 1980s. his platform is the exact same shit he's been saying for the last 30+ years. it's just america first, pro-american worker, pro middle class, etc. just basic centrist shit from 30 years ago.


I'd rather vote for someone whose policies I believe in and risk them being a snake oil salesman than vote for Hillary Clinton.

You voted for a flaming buffoon in the end, your politics are a joke

If you haven't figured out his 4D Chess plan then I'm afraid you've missed the point entirely. Trump has a plan.

In other words - if you don't get it; you weren't in on it from the beginning. You were a nail, not a hammer.

I cry every time i read this

Your president is married to a dried up old pussy. You should talk.

There's nothing wrong with nationalism. We can't raise wages and quality of life for average Americans AND have unrestricted immigration and trade. It's an impossibility.

Says the faggot that voted for a "anti-establishment" banker and also for a guy that thinks terrorism is ok.


Opportunism and nationalism.

Same as Mussolini.


Isn't that what Abe is as well?

better politics than you, muhammad

This. Libs don't understand the braggadocio aspect is exactly how he wants to play himself. Overstate your terms and your opponents will be willing to settle for what you really wanted.

Being a Jewish pawn.

>cut taxes
>increase spending
no problem there

>Does he have a plan?
Of course!

1. use office to get family richer
2. avoid perjury trap
3. keep his retard kike son and son in law out of prison

anyone who STILL thinks he gives a flying fuck about the country or flyover American plebs or anything else is a gullible fucking dummy

>Does he have a plan?

not like there were any other options. clinton and all the rinos (inc ted cruz and his goldman sachs wife) were all big business globalist shills. trump the retard has been cooped by paul ryan. he's a fucking buffoon -- maybe 10 years ago a trump potus would be different, but he's just too old, lost a step, going senile now, depends on kike idiot kids

had the dnc no rigged their primary, Bernie would have beaten him. bernie mania was bigger than trump. i assume bernie signature issues would have been medicare for all and zeroing out student loans?

Clinton destroyed Bernie yet lost to Trump, so your logic is that Bernie would have beaten Trump. Ok.

Remeber that Texas president with a funny sounding accent? Yup that’s trumps presidency. Just bush’s third term.

Ideologies are so last paradigm.

Trump's ideology if you want to call it that, it Peace and Prosperity.