Now I've Lost It
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now I'm going to watch DtB for the first time in like 6 years. Man, I didn't realize how much anime sucked recently. This was a solid 8 when I first watched it, but after suffering through the shit that's come out in recent years it feels like a masterpiece.
I should rewatch this sometime. It was genuinely entertaining
I really like the pv episode music at the end of each chapter.
Havoc a cute tho
Havoc best -dead- girl
How is the second season like? I've been avoiding it for years just in case if it was shit.
Same, but I really enjoyed season 1
it's rushed and completely disconnected from s2
She was good for what she was, a background character.
I'm doing the same, i'll probably never watch it.
What were her last words?
I dont even remember the plot other than electric chinese batman becomes a hobo
>How is the second season like
there is no second season.
Garbage-tier. Everything that was good in Season 1 is absent from Season 2. Yin is gone. There are no electric batman antics. Interaction with locals are at a minimum. The ending was completely retarded.
Sorry mates, I think Sup Forums is too autistic to do this successfully anymore
>it's enough
you mean not autistic enough to do it successfully
Coalgirls or thora?
I think I watched it with coal and it was pretty good.
Coalgirls is smaller even though it's 1080p so I was wondering if this meant thora was dual audio but coalgirls wasn't or thora had surround but coalgirls didn't or something. After the original nyaa went down the replacements don't have very good info.
I checked on AB, neither have dual audio.
Best thing to come out of Season 2.
If my fellow DTB fans are looking for something to watch this season, Princess Principal feels similar in some ways
It had the potential becoming a franchise like gits but cheesy second season killed it
the glowing effect maybe, i'm also going to check it out
Thanks. I just downloaded and coalgirls is 5.1 FLAC.
Doesn't seem to be a BDrip.
The only thing I remember is I really liked the cat and hated it when he was no longer a cat and I loved that old alcoholic guy with the hat.
we still got a good Sup Forums sings at least
>The ending was completely retarded.
He was asking about the second season.
I watched 5 mins of it.
>muh cute girls doing X things
people like you disgust me. moe is to be used carefully and not to overdose on it. you are now not allowed anymore to post in DtB threads.
um, no.
Listen PP is the type of mediocre shit I was talking about in this post Yes, I watched the first episode and unenthusiastically thought "this will be a fun show. Then I watched episode 2 and thought "this might be the best show of the season", and yet I can't be bothered to watch episode 3 (nor will I) when it comes out. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get into it, why I dropped every single show from last season. Why the last anime I finished was Konosuba season 2. It didn't really make sense to me until this thread and I started thinking about DtB
I'm now 7 episodes into it and wondering why they can't make anime on that level anymore. The fucking industry is trash right now. Reminder- DtB isn't even in my top 20 fav anime list. And right now, at episode 7 of the first time watching it in 6 years and It's reminding me of all the amazing shows in the mid 00s.
Anime died after 2011. We're just watching the corpse decompose now.
You couldn't finish a single anime since Konosuba S2? Sounds like a personal problem.
>Drops a show that's actually good
>Claims anime is dead
That's on you buddy.
You need to dig deeper, user. Or maybe you've grown out of anime. Last Spring was pretty lackluster.
Just rewatch code geass every year like I do.
S3 when?