Why does everyone love this anime so much?
It's shit after bake because no meme and the only times it's remotely good in the latter seasons is when kaiki is there. So to summarise, the males are the only good thing about the series.
You also posted the most boring girl in the show.
It's been like 4 seasons since bake, stop watching it if you don't like it
Who doesn't like atonal piano "music" played over minimal backgrounds while talking heads discuss matters that are apparently witty and thought-provoking to the japanese audience, but don't bridge the cultural gap all that well, much less in the form of subtitles.
I watched it because of Ononoki, it was alright.
>males are the only good thing
>Koyomi is the main character
What are you even bitching about, again?
I'm in it for the banter
Its a modern masterpiece that only experienced anime fans will enjoy. Too much for normalfag brains to handle the banter and the lolis and the lewd and the plots.
the girl to boy ratio is crazy high
Is Sodachi a good girl ?
based mc, cute girls, great banter and plot
I am but a simple man, I like cute girls and cheese pizza.
it's anime's French New Wave
Dropped it when he tried to save the monkey chick when she tried to kill him. Sick of "i must save everyone" type of faggots.
I'd try my hardest to save this ass too
thats the sound of the point sailing over your head btw :)
Take a good drama, then dress it up with monsters, cute anime girls, and jokes so it's not just people whining 24/7. Then you get Monogatari.
for a reason and whose who "hate it" love it too but feel good about posting hater comments, that about it
human mind is pleb mind but well what can you do
seeing this scene after kizu made my heart melt.
It's a fun character drama with a handful of rad dudes and a boatload of waifus, despite everone being written as an actual fucking person for a change.
Yeah, so am I.
There's no points in this show, only mediocre fan-service.
You need to pay more attention.
>top tier girls
>top tier banter
What else do you need?
PowerPoint + fanservice = Monogatari.
That's only true for the original release of Bakemonogatari.
My favorite kind of story in all mediums is "lots of talking interspersed by brief moments of especially good action"
I have never watched an episode of that anime
but i appreciate its existence because of the top tier hentai
To what, exactly? There's nothing much in the show, if you're above 16. Dialoges aren't entertaining, and their main purpose is to make pantsushots more relatable. What kind of point we're talking about in a show existing purely for fan-service?
Do you like this season's Re:Creators, user?
>despite everone being written as an actual fucking person for a change
If your definition of being an "actual fucking person" is talking in pretentious monologues 90% of the time, I don't even want to know what you don't consider a person.
Supreme taste indeed.
Yes, it's my favorite of last season. I think Princess Principal may be better, though
>everone being written as an actual fucking person for a change
But that's just horseshit. Nobody in the series acts like a real person would.
What point? Even the meme fag questioned him for it and he just does it because. MC's that always try save everyone are top tier garbage and have no identity for themselves.
Waifu faggotry. Same reason anything else is popular
Not entertaining is a valid criticism of Monogatari even though I disagree. They don't have a point is a retarded statement that makes me wonder if you were paying attention. If it's for 16 year olds (which is part of its primary demographic but not all of it) as you say the point should be obvious to you too.
bad taste
I like dialogue.
Especially Nisio's. His wordplay and ideas are very fun.
>only mediocre fan-service.
Oh man, that was funny thanks Sup Forumsnon.
Katanagatari was better. The other series with a blue haired chick looks trash though.
She is basically female koyomi, dangerously selfless but instead of supernatural issues she only tries to fix social issues while being socially retarded.
only brainlets don't understand the series
>It's shit after bake
Give examples of pretentious monologues.
kizu was the latest one right?
theres also a couple of movies ?
How is Sodachi selfless? She held a grudge for years because someone didn't realize she wanted help when she using them. She's a textbook normie woman: self-absorbed and self-centered. Just because she took care of her mother doesn't mean she's "selfless". She isn't socially retarded either, she's just a jerk.
Kizu are the movies. Three of them.
Zaregoto is leagues ahead of both Monogatari's but the adaption sucks.
it's overrated garbage.
You skip scenes or something user? it's every 2 minutes.
They're only 1 hour each though, they're more like specials more than movies. The three together are movie length
o ye
nise was the last series, right?
Three and a half hours is a long fuckin' movie.
>it's every 2 minutes
nah if you take out the previews and credits from the first two movies and edited them together they'd make a movie just under 3 hours, which is a long but normal length
Nice, rather than having a constructive argument to back your claim, you hit me with the word "retard."
I would disagree to a certain extent, Zaregoto's main plot only gets good by vol4, vol1 was pretty good with a couple of asspulls at the end, vol2 was a clusterfuck and vol3 was barely a murder mystery. Monogatari plot has an entirely different focus, but I think it has better and more entertaining characters save for greengreengreen the madman, zigzag, aikawa and miss fortune teller. I still think Nisio is a pretty amazing writer but honestly for the most part Monogatari clicks with me more.
You are retarded. Every 2 minutes makes zero sense for the powerpoint part and it's untrue for fanservice.
Vol 1 had no asspulls though and vol 2 is still the best thing nisio has written.
You're on delusional Sup Forumsustist. I cannot feed you anymore.
Yes, now go kill yourself.
>goes back to her family to try to save it
>helps a little boy in trouble in the simple hope he would help her
>becomes a class president to fix the problems with her classroom, including helping Senjougahara due to her "illness"
>tries to find the cheater in her classroom
>fixes the bullying issue in her later school as well
>fixes Araragi's relationship and continue providing support later
>helps Nadeko
>Works helping little kids with family problems like she had.
That cover all her parts in the story besides when she gave up during owari and zokuowari. She is pretty much always helping someone or solve some injustice but most of the time causing undesirable damage to other people and mostly herself.
Nise is the second series.
Bake > Nise > Neko:Kuro > Second Season > Hana > Tsuki > Owari > Koyomi
Hope I didn't miss any. Owari 2 soon.
I respectfully disagree, vol2 was bullshit in its most pure form, x over y shit is still one of the most infuriating things I ever pondered over, and it turned out to be a fucking nothing.
Kizu goes between Owari and Koyomi but I'm assuming you didn't include them intentionally. Kizu can be watched at almost any point in the series anyway
I stayed for the spook. Even so, I was put off from watching it due to the first crab arc. Twice.
I didn't include them because I was unsure, actually, but thanks for clearing it up.
Also, it's hard to think she isn't socially retarded if you read Fiasco. People say something to her, she spends 3 pages thinking what was said, then 3 pages deciding how to react and counter measures to anything retarded she could do, still misreact after all her planning and then rationalize that at least she didn't had a fit and stripped herself naked.
>goes back to her family because her psychological issues cause her to reject the "wrong" Araragi family
>uses a little boy in the only way she can manipulate him (math) hoping he develops telepathy
>becomes a class president to exert control over others because she's a control-freak, including helping those below her to feel better about her misery
>tries to find the cheater in her classroom so that people will admire her
>gets on other's people's business out of self-righteous self-satisfaction
I don't know about "fixing ragi's relationship" nor "helping Nadeko" so can't reply to those points.
Except in Fiasco she was popular for a while and decided to throw away to help someone. And in that we had her thought process, unlike how you're make assumptions. Though it does show how Nisio does it right, only a couple of her classmates in Naoetsu thought of her differently from what you assumed according to the commentaries.
is math your waifu or something?
monkey > bat > crab > cat (human) > spook > cat (neko) > math > doll > snek
She is my favorite character, not my "waifu".
above shinobu?
Snail was my favorite before, only then Bat. And Math is tied with Kunagisa Tomo including all Nisio works.
bat a shit A SHIT
Bat > Doll > Crab > Monkey > Snail > Cat > Bee > Math > Cap > Bird > Mama > Fist > Devil > Spook > Snake
Ragi > Meme > Seishirou > Kaiki > Tadatsuru > Sode > Drama > Giro
Fair enough. I haven't read the LNs, so what do I know.
yaaaaaayyy piss piss
Hanekawa's arcs are shit tier
It's embarrassing that this is the one show where the Sup Forums consensus is completely wrong. Pic extremely related. I can only hope that people here one day begin breaking the conditioning.
Tiger is the best written arc in the series besides Fiasco.
Medusa is the best written arc
so do you have a waifu or husbando?
I like that one too.
The only embarassment was gorespammer. He must have had a nervous breakdown with Monogatari still going.
I was the one who made the initial post, btw. Not the user that called you a retard.
I would say the worst written is probably Phoenix. I like Tsuhiki don't get me wrong, but that arc's focus was all over the place.
To be fair, she did think she would be popular after succeeding with the class trial. She also didn't think her "plan" would backfire that hard in Fiasco. So selfless might not be very accurate, impulsively self-loathing justice obsessed might have been better, she just puts other people over herself because she puts herself rock bottom.
I would say so, I even made a fairly sophisticated AI using her in the prototype for a graduation project (not unlike many anons working in engineering and computer science). She is obviously not from Monogatari and this is the last blogging I'll do in this thread.
Nise in general was terribly written.
It did have the two best OPs of the franchise though, so I forgive it
I can agree with this. I like Tsukihi too, and was really looking forward to the arc, but it fell a bit short.
Uh, when did that happen? I don't recall watching that.
Those were from Sodachi Lost commentaries fansub.
If this was spread around before the afterword, I wonder how many would think he was forced to write the sequels instead of writing it as a joke instead.
I wish Araragi would drop crab and get with math. They would be a perfect couple. Sodachi is the best.
I miss Hachikuji. Araragi's conversations with her and Kanbaru were the best by far.
Owari 2 spoilersSnail is coming back
I agree, their conversations are great.
Read the novels if you haven't for more and better conversations.